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New here, introduction and some words about myself

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Gonki   Czech Republic. Mar 21 2016 01:32. Posts 22
Hey guys and girls playing poker, my online name is Gonki, however in real life I go with Thomas, since otherwise would look awkward. Currently I live in capital city of Czech Republic and right now I am on a night shift reading Liquidpoker. And hey, my english is bad so every correction is welcome. :-)

First of I would like to say that I am regular visitor of lp for some time already, however I have never created account before, until today, so, here I am, yeeey. For that time being I've realized that this little group of people is different than for example 2+2 which, for some reason I don't like much and when I feel much more comfortable on lp, why don't have an account with a blog here? Arghh blog...well, I am not sure about that one yet, but having a place where I can share my ideas, thoughts and situations I need help with, well it does not sound that bad, does it? If I will decide to write something it won't be regurarly but when I will want to write something I just will, I am kind a rebel am I not? :-D

I know poker for some years (8+) and I always liked it, but thinking about learning it and maybe even become profitable player it started like six months ago. I was still living in my old apartment working more than 230 hours a month heading really nowhere with my life, my GF left me, not gonna lie she left me I am a man enaugh to admit it. I really did not have a reason to live in a town with like 200 people where closest civilization was like 30km away anymore. So I quit a job, found a new one and move to Prague not really knowing what am I gonna do, however change was a need and living in a city can move me only forward, right? Oh hell, how I miss a fresh air and family obviously. Don't get me wrong, working 160 hours a month with a better salary and more options is a dream. I started play volleyball and football again (I had not really time for it after school) + I can play and learn poker which, how I realized I like a lot. So I started learning poker in November of 2015, playing just occasionally. I've been moving in the end of December and had everything at place in the end of January.

The real grind started in February. I've read a lot so I did not try anything fancy and started NL2 on regular tables, hunting worse players than myself (I am not gonna use fish very often because I don't like the word) and I was doing really well. I played 50k hands in January with total profit of $202 20.2BB/100 without rakeback (which was I believe $20 on stars for starcoints). I could have had even higher winrate but everytime when my aces got shrekt I was tilting so much that I managed to lose even 20BI in 3 hours session. The end of a month came and I went to a party with some friends, don't remember if my room mate was there but if so I blame him! We did what you are supposed to do on parties and I got insanly drunk, which is rare in my case since I did not touch an alcohol for 2 years before this night (I just don't like it very much). I came home, could not sleep and went on pokerstars casino for blackjack, what a smart idea eh? :D Well, long story short I've seen good looking guy(yes guy, I didn't have bankroll for higher stakes where beautiful women are) and lost everything there. Yes, now it is official. My name is Thomas and I am the biggest idiot of all times, the first of his name. And this is the reason why you should not take drugs and drink alcohol, JK drugs are fine just don't drink. Anyway it's not devastating for my financial situation so there was no harm done, but it took me f*cking month to grind my way so I could play NL5.

At the start of this month I have had about 20$ left. So far I managed to grind my way up to 80 only to hit insane downswing. currently I am $50 under EV and I am tilting even worse than I used to last month, however I will tell you guys about this if I ever decide to write some more.

Now the whole reason I wanted to register here. As I said before I've read a lot, books, lp, 2+2, pokerstrategy, watched training videos and tried to analyze my hands in pokertracker. How should I study more? I feel like I am not doing enaugh, or better said I could do much more, could anyone give me some tips how to analyze my game? I even feel that I dont even know what exactly to look for in pokertracker. How your daily rutine works? Just basic ideas would do the trick, all I need is a push and some ideas from more experienced players.

If you somehow finished reading here I want to thank you and if you throw some tips down below on your way out? Oh man we can go play blackjack together or something. I am really good at it. :-)

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Quotes are BS, live how the fuck you want.Last edit: 21/03/2016 01:39

Santafairy   Korea (South). Mar 21 2016 01:56. Posts 2232

first tip is stop saying "grind" you're not "grinding" NL2 you're learning

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Gonki   Czech Republic. Mar 21 2016 02:17. Posts 22

  On March 21 2016 00:56 Santafairy wrote:
first tip is stop saying "grind" you're not "grinding" NL2 you're learning

Tip taken, thank you buddy for your comment :-)

Quotes are BS, live how the fuck you want. 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 21 2016 03:04. Posts 15163

lol douche Santafairy :D

Welcome vid kamo

93% Sure!  

Gonki   Czech Republic. Mar 21 2016 03:27. Posts 22

I take his comment as long as it is correct, which in this case seems to be.

Díky za p?ivítání :-)

Quotes are BS, live how the fuck you want. 

PuertoRican   United States. Mar 21 2016 05:49. Posts 13095

Welcome to LP~

Don't forget to follow the weekly MMA threads in the Sports and Betting forum.

Rekrul is a newb 

Trav94   Canada. Mar 21 2016 05:50. Posts 1787

I'd recommend you put a few hundred euros on a soft euro site and just forget about stars.

Gonki   Czech Republic. Mar 21 2016 08:10. Posts 22

  On March 21 2016 04:50 Trav94 wrote:
I'd recommend you put a few hundred euros on a soft euro site and just forget about stars.

Thanks and do you have any example of sites like that?

Quotes are BS, live how the fuck you want. 

Gonki   Czech Republic. Mar 21 2016 08:11. Posts 22

  On March 21 2016 04:49 PuertoRican wrote:
Welcome to LP~

Don't forget to follow the weekly MMA threads in the Sports and Betting forum.

I am good at loosing money in blackjack :-) But thank you.

Quotes are BS, live how the fuck you want. 

KeyleK_uk   United Kingdom. Mar 21 2016 15:19. Posts 1687

  On March 21 2016 04:50 Trav94 wrote:
I'd recommend you put a few hundred euros on a soft euro site and just forget about stars.

yea, or learn to beat the stars games then crush every other site.

I enjoyed the read Thomas, keep posting there's alot of friendly and good players on lp and the site is pretty dead.

poker is soooo much easier when you flop sets 

JohnnyBologna   United States. Mar 21 2016 16:55. Posts 1401

Talking is good. You will learn at least 2x as fast if not more if you are part of a community and regularly be a part of discussions vs doing everything on your own.

Its good to see you come out of lurking. Once you realize people are harmless and just like you and me, you can have fun and thats when you really start to grow as an individual.

Gl on your journey.

Just do whats right 

Gonki   Czech Republic. Mar 22 2016 05:15. Posts 22

  On March 21 2016 14:19 KeyleK_uk wrote:
Show nested quote +

yea, or learn to beat the stars games then crush every other site.

I enjoyed the read Thomas, keep posting there's alot of friendly and good players on lp and the site is pretty dead.

Thank you so much, always feels great to hear kind words :-)

Quotes are BS, live how the fuck you want. 

Gonki   Czech Republic. Mar 22 2016 05:16. Posts 22

  On March 21 2016 15:55 JohnnyBologna wrote:
Talking is good. You will learn at least 2x as fast if not more if you are part of a community and regularly be a part of discussions vs doing everything on your own.

Its good to see you come out of lurking. Once you realize people are harmless and just like you and me, you can have fun and thats when you really start to grow as an individual.

Gl on your journey.

Thanks mate :-) Yes I was "lurking" for several months and it feels awesome to be out of the hole back in light ^^

Quotes are BS, live how the fuck you want. 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 22 2016 10:12. Posts 9634

Hey, welcome

LP s pretty bad if you are looking to learn poker, but quite nice when it comes to political discussions and MMA threads !

lebowski   Greece. Mar 22 2016 21:38. Posts 9205

  On March 22 2016 09:12 Spitfiree wrote:
but quite nice when it comes to political discussions

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

hiems   United States. Mar 23 2016 00:26. Posts 2979

+1 to being a good read. welcome to the forums.

As a gambler i think it is very important to maintain discipline with women. it's very common for males to experience something negative with a woman, breakup, etc and it fuels something inside them to do like to play poker. You can let that happen once imo it's probably pretty normal / can be a very good thing. I think how you handle that experience is going to be really important to being successful.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 23/03/2016 00:38

Gonki   Czech Republic. Mar 23 2016 00:41. Posts 22

  On March 22 2016 09:12 Spitfiree wrote:
Hey, welcome

LP s pretty bad if you are looking to learn poker, but quite nice when it comes to political discussions and MMA threads !

Thank you good sir,
yes I found many threads about MMA and to be 100% honest I found them interesting, what I liked a lot was the craft maga thread which sounds really awesome. I even found that I can pracitce it here, in Prague and there is a lot of pro trainers for a good price, so who knows, maybe one day

Quotes are BS, live how the fuck you want. 

Gonki   Czech Republic. Mar 23 2016 00:42. Posts 22

  On March 22 2016 23:26 hiems wrote:
+1 to being a good read. welcome to the forums.

As a gambler i think it is very important to maintain discipline with women. it's very common for males to experience something negative with a woman, breakup, etc and it fuels something inside them to do like to play poker. You can let that happen once imo it's probably pretty normal / can be a very good thing. I think how you handle that experience is going to be really important to being successful.

Thanks mate for your kind words.
I could not agree more with what you said about negative experiences. As for now I like to believe that I am on a good side of an negative outcome so far

Quotes are BS, live how the fuck you want. 


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