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Disoriented + BW + Other

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RiKD    United States. Jan 14 2017 03:10. Posts 8864
So, I am back home. I was out of town for about a month. Good times. I am still feeling a little disoriented being back home. For the last month I was around people and pretty active doing a lot of things. Now, some of my days have felt like pulling teeth. I realize this is my fault. I feel a bit disjointed with some of my friends. I have to be consistent with keeping up my relationships. Today, I meant to call a friend that we usually hang out and catch dinner but instead I got caught watching ASL. Now, I am at home on a Friday night (although I can still go out later). Again, I have to figure out how I am going to make money. It is a necessity and it is something that would occupy some of this pulling teeth time. Hopefully, less pulling teeth than pulling teeth time. But, I have written plenty on that so:

Brood war. I have really been enjoying these ASL matches. I more or less missed out on BW. I remember my brother playing it a lot. I did not end up playing it for whatever reason. I did get big into Warcraft 3. If I were to guess it was because I was obsessed with lacrosse in high school and then I did not have lacrosse. Getting better at Warcraft 3 I realized that a lot of people came from BW and many liked BW more. I remember watching Boxer replays and being like holy shit. I messed around with it but always came back to Warcraft 3. It was my goal to go pro. I got close in some WCG stuff but never close to pro whatsoever but it was through Warcraft 3 I heard about poker. It was through my forays into BW that I knew about Team Liquid and I lucked out on timing and got some corroboration. I first heard that Tillerman was doing well in poker and then team liquid were many more cases. That sparked the inspiration that it could be done. I was on Liquid Poker since day 1. Putzed around with $25 on Party Poker. Decided to get serious with $150 on Stars. Those were some good times. Findagrind times. What a time times. I was so lucky but it was also not a question that that is how I was going to make some money.

I am flashbacking a lot on all sorts of stuff. I have urges to hook up the ole desktop and find a good mouse and dick around with some BW again. It would be ugly but it may be crackalicious. It is just nice to watch the ASL and the level of skill there. I remember thinking that the best BW players may be better than anyone at their craft. They spend more intense time than anyone? I guess poker players spend a lot of time playing as well. A 50 yr old surgeon has to be pretty boss at what they do. A 60 yr old consultant who has spent 40 years in the field and still has energy has to be a beast.

That was kind of weird how I just started getting flashbacks on random things regarding Warcraft 3, BW, and poker. There were times I was absolutely loving life playing Warcraft 3 like 12+ hours a day and that game sucks comparatively to BW. I remember some of my roommates had an intervention on me with my poker playing. It probably was not a bad idea with the amount I was playing but I remember I was murdering $1/2 at the time and it really felt like I was rich. $400/hr over some samples is pretty damn rich, damn. I remember the jolt in confidence that was. Now, I just want to be decent at BW and play some BW games and watch ASL. All these years later and I am still looking for the unconventional way to make some money. Besides a stint at a large corporation (which did not go well) unconventional is all I know. Yet, it just feels like those wells have dried up. All the wells have dried up. The walls are closing in sometimes and I just do not know what to do. I am looking for escape. Escape that will likely not bring me closer to where I want to be. But, I do not know if where I want to be is the place for me. There is a saying, "I am exactly where I am supposed to be." I just don't think God has a plan for me. Shit happens and then you die. Well, I don't want shit and I don't want to die. Where is inspiration? Where is motivation? Where is peace?

Ahhh, a bundle of Monet lily pads. That calms me down. But, then I think about the $400 in painting supplies I spent to paint a fourth of a painting. I need first person VODs people. How does Flash do it?

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Baalim   Mexico. Jan 14 2017 05:17. Posts 34260

You mention a surgeon or a consultant and I think most people in most fields cruise their jobs, of course they are pretty competent but since there is no direct competition they rarely enter this patern of super hard concentration and trying to improve each time that is mostly done only in top level sports, games etc

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

RiKD    United States. Jan 14 2017 18:47. Posts 8864

Yeah, I was just throwing some other stuff out there. I know a consultant that went pretty HAM his whole career. A lot of consistently focused hours for 40+ years leads to monsterdom. I have spent time with bricklayers that have worked a lot of overtime their whole career and they can do impressive work. They certainly did not have that intensity and attitude of sports and games. I think what edges out the gamers to the sports is many sports can only be practiced for a given amount of time and overuse and injuries are still going to happen. What the gaming lacks against some contenders is longevity. Brood War has been around for 20 years but I do not think even FlaSh has been playing it that intently for that long. Like you said in another thread there is Counterstrike and then there is nothing that has been that big. Phil Ivey might be in the running for most skilled.

RiKD    United States. Jan 14 2017 21:02. Posts 8864

One thing about the sports players is that many sports can start at age 3. Many do get to pretty amazing peaks. First that comes to mind is Federer in his prime.


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