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Why i keep being a donk ?

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Sheitan   Canada. Apr 19 2007 10:36. Posts 4217
Dunno wtf is going on with my game, i play good for like 1H then i start the crazyness, throwing my money out of the window or going all-in with speculative hands. It's just like someone else takes my place and while he's spewing my hard earned money, im looking him from the INSIDE.

I fucking need an exorcist or sumething WTF im so pissed right now, i ve been dropping 7 buy ins in about 2 days. My BR is in danger, no doubt about it i need to stop playing like shit or the end is near...

Amusing part is that im not even tilting, i m like chip leader at the final table then a good hand come, and i play it the worst possible way against a deep stack and put myself on danger. 2,3 or 4 overcards no matter what i fucking shove after c/r him WTF he FUCKING CALLED MY RAISE YOU RE BEAT FAGGOT JUST FOLD U FUCKING SOB.

This is like the 10th MTT sng that im playing where i get kicked on the top 20 positions while im deep stacked. Dunno wtf is wrong with me. I need to work hard on that now or i can say goodbye to my BR.

I'll keep doing some cash games max 6 and if i can't fix that major leak i'll have to go down to full ring for grinding back my BR.Oh man, you guys say Poker is ez, i say it's tough, at least for me !

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Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

lil.sis   China. Apr 19 2007 10:42. Posts 1343

poker is tough

my winnings graph looks like a sine curve

hang in there

[x] Kill self 

ConquistadoR   Germany. Apr 19 2007 11:15. Posts 1952

i have/had the same problem.

just try to focus on everyhand, try to think a lot about what you do, CONTROL it and try to not go crazy! i know this is soooo hard sometimes, but somehow you must try to fight it.



Sheitan   Canada. Apr 19 2007 11:32. Posts 4217

ty guys i ll work on that, one solution i was thinking about is to count up to 10 or 20 secs before clicking when there's action, forcing me to actually think before shoving like a retard. My donkattitude clicks faster than my brain to think when i have pressure.

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

hansen jr.   Sweden. Apr 19 2007 13:06. Posts 3735

play shorter sessions...

ToT)MidiaN(    United Kingdom. Apr 19 2007 15:40. Posts 5070

it's cause you're a retard

One day good. One day bad. And some days, even hope 


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