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Lastnight + Pictures

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SeanBam   . Oct 27 2007 11:10. Posts 953
Lastnight I went to the gym at 6:30pm started my leg routine, and quickly got a call from my friend Bobby saying that he's picking up a pool table for his apartment and could use some lifters. So, I finish my up my leg routine at around 7:30 (skip out on calves) and jump in a car with 4 other of my friends. We drive the car + a Uhaul truck to Rockland County about 20 minutes away, over the Tappan Zee Bridge. We get to the ladies house and this pool table is sick. It's regulation size something like 9 feet by 4 1/2 feet and weighs over 1k lbs. We have 5 guys and 2 dolly's, so our plumber friend ratches off the nuts on the legs. We finally get this thing up and into the uhaul truck. Before we leave, the lady was like oh, do you guys want a full keg + a tap? And we were just like hellllllz yeah! so we picked that up as well, now all we need to do is fill the keg whenever we want, and two of our friends who helped move it, work at a bar soo niiiice.

So, we finally got the damn pool table in the house, and used a torpedo level to make the table all even. We called a few more people over and tapped the keg and got more beer, played pool all night and Madden. I finally got home at 2am and wasn't too tired nor too drunk, so decided to play a little poker. After my trips on the flop (allin) got sucked out by top pair + flush draw and another hand where all in on flop my trip 6's got busted by a turned straight i was down 25 bucks. Sweeet end!!! Played a little this morning and made about 30 bucks.. so I'm content.

Anyway, enough about that, here are some pictures of myself.. Speedo pictures only upon request, although iD.Insky you can have them anytime you want sexy


Picture taken about 3 months ago visiting my old college for a Toga party. p.s Pink Toga is pimp.

Senior Year of College during swim season.. actually in shape

My room in College naked men + alcohol + paint + a white wall = not a good situation.

me sporting a huge pimple + my ex girlfriend (bitch)

That's all for now.. off to the gym late yo.

*1 votes
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 Last edit: 27/10/2007 11:13

iD.iNsky   United States. Oct 27 2007 11:28. Posts 910

haha thanks bro

nolan   Ireland. Oct 27 2007 12:04. Posts 6205

put a shirt on

On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid 

pushing4anal   Australia. Oct 27 2007 12:59. Posts 665


Muhweli   Finland. Oct 27 2007 16:48. Posts 10663

That's a lot of gay for one blog post. Perhaps a bit too much.

Floofy says: my dick is easily bigger than 90% of guys i checked it on the net | Floofy says: i im also doing movements  


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