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Sheitan   Canada. Jan 24 2008 09:39. Posts 4217
Okayy so i couldn't help myself, i had to go to the casino and see the new electronic table of poker. I had a plan: use a solid br management, so i bought in for half a bi at nl200.

First, lemme say that room kicks ass, never seen any other poker room, but this one was awesome. Yesterday we went with my lady and i just wanted to see what live looks like, and god is it soft.

Everything is electronic so i had to make a card and swap it so i could line up for the table, i waited like 10 minutes when i could see my name flashing on the screen, table 4 seat 5. I took my place and i really have to say i love it, seriously. I find it better than online, you can talk to the people at the table, have fun and really think about every hand, it's loooooooonnng but very fun. Or maybe it's because it's my first time ?

Anyway i bought for 100$ and the table was sick soft, i have 1 decent player on my right and 1 aggressive obv internet young player on my left, rest of the table is a mix of weak passive stations and donks.

So the first orbits i try to get used to the screen, you have to confirm every move, this is not a bad thing and avoid "misclick", funny part is you have an all-in button and you can use it to scare the shit out of people. I checked/raised all-in and tried to catch some reaction in many occasions.

Sooo, my plan was to play very TAG, with only half a bi i'd not make any move at all, don't abuse position and hope i hit a good run of card.

After a dozen of hands i fold i get AJs on position, already 3 limpers in the hand, i raise it to 14$, 1 fold, 1 call, 1 fold. Board came QT5 rainbow, he checked i cbet for 20$, he goes all-in. I fold after taking some time, he showed 44.

Nothing exciting happened before this hand, im utg+1 and i get dealt AKdd, loose player utg raised to 8$, i repop him to 24$, everybody folds and he called me. At this point i have like 50 bucks behind and he has 500$. Flop came ATJ with no flush, he tank for a while and checked, i bet 30 and by doing so im pot committed obviously. He started talking to me on what kind of hand i have and why i reraised him pre and maybe i had pocket aces then suddenly goes all-in.

In my mind it was obvious i was beat here, but this was also an automatic call, i only had 20 bucks left and i do hit the board, even if it was ugly and i was 110% beat it was a crying call. I called.

He showed JJ and i was already packing, turn is a Q. GG suckout, he tilted hard and berating me for calling such a board and i didn't even bother explaining i was pot committed and he should have front bet if he wanted me to fold and not check/raise me ai because if i bet, i have to call my last 20$. SOoooo im up to 150$.

This guy was tilting and it affected his play, he later gets involved in a pot with a donkey who was running like Jesus Christ wearing Reeboks air max Jordan, action was he raise pre and got called by donk, flop came TJ5, he checked the flop, donkey bet, he called, turn is an A, he pot the turn, donkey insta-shoved and he called, they were both 2 bis deep. Donkey showed KQo, he had TT, he stand up calmly and said something like "Fucking card rakes sob" very low and thrown his chair back in position.

He was playing so bad and he didnt even realized it, even if he play the hand good against me, checking the flop against this guy then calling an ai was so stupid. I keep folding hands and get used to the screen. Nothing noticable except some people just run good at this game and i wish i had a rush like them sometimes.

Donkey who stacked that guy in the previous hand is involved with an other donkey at the table, he stacked him also with KK , the other fish who was an old guy had TT and went broke on a K high board -_- for 200bb.

I was stunned, they were playing so so bad and i praised Lee and god for a good hand. And that's when i got QQ in EP, i raised it, got 2 callers + 1 caller from the SB who was a very decent player (he had 500$ and was doing chips trick so i assumed he was very good). Flop went A-8-Q, poker pro checked i bet 2/3 of the pot, fold, fold, back to him he insta called. I was like hu-ho, he's drawing to a str8 since there was no flush on board and i highly doubt he was slowplaying aces. I really hope he had bot set but i really put him on a draw. Turn is a brick, he checked and i bet 100$ in the 125$ pot. i sensed he was staring at me trying to get a read or whatever, he spoke to me but i didn t answered, i never answer i just stare at my screen with my cap covering my eyes and i just never answer.

My heart was accelereating so fast, it was a big pot and even if i knew i was ahead i could not stop the stress. He tank for a long long time (there are no timers) and said something like "Give me my out plz !" and called. Was he using reverse psychology ? maybe he was trapping me with aces but i was 99.9999% sure he wasn't. Maybe he was trying to get a cheap showdown and had top pair with a bad kicker but again, i didn't think so.

River is a 9, completing a str8, he immediately checked and a 9 could definitly be one of his out. Pot was like 325$ and i checked behind, he mucked and i raked the pot. Dunno if my check was correct but i've been thinking about it and came to the conclusion it was pretty bad, i should have bet like 1/3-1/2 of the pot to extract value from Top pair, 2 pairs or bot set, he really talked me out of a vbet on river.

Anyway i 4x my initial bi and was pretty satisfied with that, i asked some guy on my left if you had to buy in for the same amount when you leave a table, he told me no and i should exploit it giving a look at my stack, he said "I will abuse it too, you should leave and buy in for 200". I left the table and went to dinner with my wife, she spent like 100$ in the damn machines (mental note:don't bring her with me next time).

I registered again for nl200 and had to wait like an hour it was 8 pm and the room was starting to get very populated. I got assigned the same table but nothing happened for 4 hours, i kept folding rags, got AJ/AQ and raked the pot with a cbet on flop, stacked 2 shortstacks with pocket 9s and flopped top two. minus rake minus blinds i broke even for the second session.

One guy on the table went nut because he got sucked out on and started to threat the other guy and i don't know if you guys played world of warcraft but what followed reminded me the Stormwind guards when you're Horde and get deep into the city... A bus of security guards came out of nowhere to surround the old fat tilting monkey and they got him out of the room. It was midnight and time to go back home with a nice 400$ profit.

I'll maybe go back today since it was really fun and i really want to go there during week ends, games are soft during the week, i can't imagine during week end and when the gamblers are out.

Peace out.

****1 votes
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Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

SolarMusic   Germany. Jan 24 2008 11:33. Posts 1218

interesting story, you write very nice
i don't really get what screens you mean...
do you get dealt real cards and push on a touch screen in the middle of the table when you fold call bet or raise?...

 Last edit: 24/01/2008 11:34

BenGb   Canada. Jan 24 2008 11:46. Posts 421

nice read, was interesting


Sheitan   Canada. Jan 24 2008 12:01. Posts 4217

Nope you have a screen in front where u can see your hole cards and a giant screen in the middle where the flop is displayed, your bet and even a percentage of winning the hand once u get ai.

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

Highcard   Canada. Feb 03 2008 21:35. Posts 5428

i wish they did not say your percentage

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 


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