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Sheitan   Canada. Jan 26 2008 08:49. Posts 4217
On thursday, i could not go to the casino due to an accident where my car slided and collided front to front with an other car. Nobody was injured and even tho i have some back pain now i don't think it's related to the accident whatsoever.

So i decided to go after work on friday, figured out friday would be more fishy, like saturday and sunday (and caturday too obv). I jumped into my car and drove to the casino, i waited for like 20 mn then i got affected to a table.

I bought in for 100$ since i really wanted to diminish variance, i only have like 500$ live br and i wouldn't want to go busto on a bad run. The table was once again a mix of stations and 2 decent players who i always identify asap, both were on my right and i had position on them, will serve me a lot in the next hours. One of them is pretty lag while the other other is a complete nit, the lag guy has 1k$ stack, the nit 500$.

An old guy has 600$ish and the rest are 100-200 regular stacks. The first orbits i keep folding my rags and pay attention on how they're playing, like usual the old guy is very bad, overbet the flop in many occasion and run bad bluffs... but he also ran so hot he was near spontaneous combustion. He flopped 3 boats and 1 nut flush in like 100 hands, he was VERY confident and really thought he'd win all his hands.

I didn't know yet but he also never raise preflop, like ... never. Nada. 0% pfr. This hand made me realize how dangerous this guy was and how ridiculously hot he was running: i get AQo LP and i raise it to 12$ because of the two limpers, old guy called along with the lag player, last limper folded. Flop came TK5 with two spades, old guy checked, lag player checked i cbet for 25$, old guy insta called, lag folded. Turn is the 7s, old guy bet 55$ and i tank for a while, he was such a station and so bad but this was the first time he bet so weak, i just gave him credit for this one and when i folded he showed me AKss.

I was hummm, ok he just limp with AKs -_- i was happy no ace would come on the board or this retard would have taken all my stack. I really hate people limping with premium hands, they are like u-boat you don't realize what's going on before you're sinking.

Later he limped with aces in a 7 way pot and hit a boat, his stack went up to 1k$ i was amazed by his bad play and how lucky can people be at this game, this is disgusting.

A few orbits later came my first big pot, i grinded my way winning small pots to 180$, i had AKs on the button and raised it, SB called me along with 2 other people, flop went TJ5 rainbow. They all check i cbet, SB raised, others folded. I tank for a while and tried to get a read on him but i couldn't figure out how strong he was, raising me with 2 other guy in the hand i assumed he has at least TP, if not a set. I called, Turn is a Q, i hit the nuts. He checked, i bet 1/2 the pot to give him room for a bluff and a big raise if he actually had something, he raised me all-in i insta-called and he showed QJo. River bricked and i rake the pot.

My other big pot was i get KK LP and repop some guy who was saying to the whole table he was very good and commented everyone's plays and criticize and that he was a professional dealer for 3 years. Flop came Q85 rainbow he front push ai, i turbo-snap-720 degrees called and took his 200$, he reloaded to 100$ and didn't say a word for the next hour and left the table, ship it Mr pro.

I played for 9 hours str8 with no pause and result is a 550$ benefit. Won some small pots, made good calls, made good folds. Once again live is incredibly soft in Montreal casino, this is like taking 100$ bills from a kid. These guys don't have a fucking clue on what's going on and they have a ton of money and are happy to give it to you. Im going back today, i start to love it.

Take care guys, Sheitan.

****1 votes
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Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

newbie.cjb   United States. Jan 26 2008 09:07. Posts 3096


my lose is a win. my wins are nothing. 

HilaryMcDuff   Korea (South). Jan 26 2008 09:55. Posts 601

Just to give you a fun lil happy fact...
Just last week, I had bottom two on K45 and won a 8 buy in pot vs KQ playing 1/2 live.
He called so fast on the turn... then he was shattered.

- L O L 

MayZerG   United Kingdom. Jan 26 2008 10:05. Posts 2123

nice reports sheitan, keep them coming PLZ

I like to hold all the nuts - CrownRoyal 

TripSearchin   United States. Jan 26 2008 12:44. Posts 1058

You are losing so much value as a competent player by buying in short at a live game

god damn Rabinowitz luck... 

Sheitan   Canada. Jan 26 2008 18:40. Posts 4217

I seriously don't consider myself a competent player, i know the basics, i will almost never get out of line cuz i don't have the skill to do so. 100$ reduces my variance and keep the pots small, if i double up then fine i'll go on from here.

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

MayZerG   United Kingdom. Jan 27 2008 11:26. Posts 2123

  On January 26 2008 11:44 TripSearchin wrote:
You are losing so much value as a competent player by buying in short at a live game

His playing safe and i highly doubt buying in for $100 less for the game changes the outcome of his EV

I like to hold all the nuts - CrownRoyal 


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