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Owned this fish so bad

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Exhilarate   United States. Mar 04 2008 04:18. Posts 5453

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 Last edit: 18/07/2012 19:31

Stygg   Sweden. Mar 04 2008 04:55. Posts 2347

i have excellent flame detection skills and my flame detector is beeping loudly, i think this means some random LPer is gonna flame you for whatever reason..

Moffa   United States. Mar 04 2008 05:05. Posts 617


Dangerous, but worth the risk. 

cariadon   Estonia. Mar 04 2008 05:12. Posts 4019

this kind of attitude will lose you money in the future.
you were underroleld, behind and laughed when sucked out.
learn some manners

Exhilarate   United States. Mar 04 2008 05:21. Posts 5453

don't worry i keep my emotions in check. and i'm never going to go underrolled and chase someone like this again. i suppose i got lucky, but eh, things turned out well.

 Last edit: 04/03/2008 05:23

Stygg   Sweden. Mar 04 2008 05:23. Posts 2347

  On March 04 2008 03:18 Exhilarate wrote:
He was pissing me off, sucking me out in 5NL

  On March 04 2008 04:21 Exhilarate wrote:
don't worry i keep my emotions in check.

Exhilarate   United States. Mar 04 2008 05:24. Posts 5453

  On March 04 2008 04:23 Stygg wrote:
Show nested quote +

  On March 04 2008 04:21 Exhilarate wrote:
don't worry i keep my emotions in check.

Lol, for the most part I do, but this was a rare case.

lachlan   Australia. Mar 04 2008 05:29. Posts 6991

lol, this is pretty funny, nice work. what was ur bankroll when u joined the 25NL table?

full ring 

Loco   Canada. Mar 04 2008 05:29. Posts 20967

that must be why two people mentioned you keep whining at the tables whenever you lose a hand in your previous blog post

by the way nobody gives a shit why would u ever make a blog post about a fucking stupid coin flip pre flop at micro stakes?

a general rule of thumb when u come to a new forum is lurking the forum a bit before signing up, this way u avoid coming off as a huge retard

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 04/03/2008 05:34

lachlan   Australia. Mar 04 2008 05:31. Posts 6991

cos ur not a full stack in the hand history im just wondering if that was ur entire BR there

full ring 

Loco   Canada. Mar 04 2008 05:33. Posts 20967

and dont tell me "its my blog i can post whatever the fuck I want in it, no one forces you to read it"

because that is utter bullshit. the blogs are made public for a reason, so people can read them and help each others or entertain each others. posting absolutely retarded "bragging" hands that should never be bragged about because u play microstakes is not a good reason for a blog post

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Exhilarate   United States. Mar 04 2008 05:35. Posts 5453

Oh yeah not fullstack, i just bought in for $20 cause he was $20 when I sat down.
And nah it wasn't my entire bankroll. I follow bankroll management pretty well, so I have at least 30x buyins for 5NL.

And yes I've been lurking for quite some time.
And I don't whine, I consider it trash talking, and trash talking is part of all internet games, or else chat would be pretty boring.

But I'm glad some people thought this was amusing, which I was trying to aim for.

And no Loco I'm not bragging, I was just trying to entertain. Some people thought it was funny.

 Last edit: 04/03/2008 05:36

Bejamin1   Canada. Mar 04 2008 05:51. Posts 7042


Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

Stygg   Sweden. Mar 04 2008 05:56. Posts 2347

i even had a feeling the flamer would be Loco, im so good

PplusAD   Germany. Mar 04 2008 05:59. Posts 7180

  On March 04 2008 04:29 Loco wrote:

why would u ever make a blog post about a fucking stupid coin flip pre flop at micro stakes?

FPQFT ( fixed post)

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

lachlan   Australia. Mar 04 2008 06:05. Posts 6991

lol loco easy tiger

full ring 

devon06atX   Canada. Mar 04 2008 06:33. Posts 5459

--- Nuked ---

SemPeR   Canada. Mar 04 2008 07:09. Posts 2288

I think you need to be playing another game if you're getting excited about coinflipping for chunks of your roll at a stake you don't play at, especially because of a "rivalry" (I chuckle at calling it that >.>. This kind of attitude will cost you a ton in the long run, among other things. Stick it out, you'll be playing 25nl in no time..

Exhilarate   United States. Mar 04 2008 09:21. Posts 5453

Nah I wasn't excited. I was actually pretty worried but I got lucky.
Anyways, I just sought this as an opportunity to add to my bankroll, and it worked.
The kid was like 97/76 stats.


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