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NL2 + Bankroll Building

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Motiva   United States. Aug 26 2008 15:01. Posts 104
Sup LP

I'm fresh from, I've been playing poker casually for a couple of years now at bars and with friends. I used to also play a good number of micro tourney's on PS with mediocre results. Losing more than winning, but winning enough to play for quite some time even without -any- bankroll management. About 3 months ago I decided to make the switch to cash games.

I've been reading up on poker. I just started Theory of Poker, so I'm hoping that will help me out a little with my game. I've read the Harrington tourny series and a few others. After ToP I'm thinking I'll move on to the Harrington Cash game series, and possibly some books on the Psychology of poker. Any suggestions?

Since starting with cash games my results were pretty atrocious to start. After some adjustments I made a fairly decent run at NL25 with a $50 deposit. I don't know how bad I was tilted towards the end, but it seems pretty bad IMO. + Show Spoiler +

After that run I realized how important bank roll really is. So I've made another $50 deposit and I've start at .1/.2NL and I've had mediocre results. I've been playing 1k-2k hands a day for the past few days. I tried to switch to .2/.5 when I hit 75 (buying in at $3) and I lost money there so I'm dropping down to .1/.2 again.

Current Results:
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I don't really know anyone else that plays poker. Most of the people I talk to think I'm wasting my time AND money. I feel really confident though, and am willing to invest a lot of time. So, since the Liquid Poker people who I don't know are the only people I know in the poker scene, here I am. Any Advice, Suggestions, Obvious problems with my stats?

I also mainly 6 max 6tables .1/.2.. I've been thinking about switching it up to 9max. I've also been fairly break even in 2-10$ heads up. Does it really just depend on your style or is there a particular method for building bank roll that is the most efficient?


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chris   United States. Aug 26 2008 15:11. Posts 5503

go to 'poker articles' tab, then look under the section 'articles for beginners.' after you have read them, try to develop a consistent 'standard' of play for the games, stick to full ring. be patient and learn to multi table efficiently and do not rush, move at a pace that keeps you focused and comfortable, i would suggest 4 to start. try to find someone from LP to review hands or hand histories with you, maybe sweat you for a session to cement the basics into your game.

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

killThemDonks   Canada. Aug 26 2008 15:11. Posts 2681

1) play less tables
2) read and improve your game
3) profit!

check out the beginner articles in this forum.

good luck

/ oh..btw. u limp too much.

NighTLesS15   United States. Aug 26 2008 15:47. Posts 241

Learn 9-max first, it's easier, and then also word from the big stakes players, it's easier to switch from 9max to 6max then it is other way around, i'm 25nl grinder still in 9max haha

Frinkx: 1k on mario cart? PoorUser: Snap call  

lachlan   Australia. Aug 26 2008 16:38. Posts 6991

see sig

full ring 

Roto   United States. Aug 26 2008 17:37. Posts 264

.01/.02 ****

AKA Rotodyne on Teamliquid 

Shad   United Kingdom. Aug 26 2008 17:58. Posts 866

Play two tables of 6 max to start with. Start off by playing a very tight style and loosen up later when you learn more. Seems like you are playing too many hands and limping/calling too often at the moment. Gl

Naolan wrote: for $25 i will make a new account. Liquid`Meat: for $0,- i ban your account. 

Motiva   United States. Aug 26 2008 18:20. Posts 104

Thanks for the feedback.

I've read a large chunk of the poker articles here on as I've been lurking in the shadows for a few good months now. I started playing two tables of 6max, but then found I had the same results with 4 and 6 tables. I seem to have good results and then somehow talk myself into rationalizing a call with top 2 pair when I strongly feel like the guy has a set, and he always does. There goes my stack.

I'm going to start playing 9max and raise more call less, and really i need to learn to fold when I'm beat. And yes, I'm eager to get out .1/.2 but I think it's more important that I maintain discipline with my bankroll as I've struggled with this previously.

EDIT: Also, I hear a lot about table selection online, yet I don't really know what to look for. I'd assume you want a high average $ in the pot, but what else?

 Last edit: 26/08/2008 18:33

lachlan   Australia. Aug 26 2008 18:26. Posts 6991

no need for discipline

just play the highest stakes u can afford and play conservatively

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full ringLast edit: 26/08/2008 18:27


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