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Meh FML?

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Motiva   United States. Jan 15 2009 08:34. Posts 104
I've been running alright. There is something about cake poker. I like playing there because noone has HUDs and once my PT3 trial runs out I won't have one anyway and I don't wanna dish the money out. I also figure it's better to master what I can without training wheels...

Top pair seems to be such a money loser to me, if I could somehow not lose the money I lose from my top pairs... November was pretty much my first "winning" month even though I think I only won something like $5 on microstakes. December was pretty bad for me overall though I didn't get to play a whole lot due to the holidays and such. I had deposited ~30 on cake poker to check it out and lost that.

I got my $1.75 rakebake from cake and I had turned that into a decent NL10 roll until about 15 minutes ago. At the same time though I took a pretty bad downswing on pokerstars and I'm currently playing NL2 on there off and on when I don't feel like playing on Cake.

About 15 minutes ago I just went on horrendous tilt and tilted off 1/2 my roll, So I'm moving down to NL4 on Cake until I can get my motherfucking mind correct. So I figured it was time to make a blog and vent alittle. lol. FML I'M FUCKING RETARDED!!!!!!

Anyway Stats and shit:
I've been running 19/10/3.5 over the past 20k hands or so. Vast improvements over what I was only just a few months ago...

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Meh I wish Cake would/could retrict my limits and shit cause that helps a lot on PS for me. So fucking discouraged after that last god damned massive gutfuck. Can't be results oriented, need to stay within my roll more strictly, and FML i need to stop losing so much money on TP+FD hands.

Any comments, feedback ect ect let me know cause shit I feel like I really need some help or somesort of focus or something... I DUNNO FML OK

EDIT2: EV Graph even though I dunno what it means.
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The hand that I fucked myself on was I had AQc (on the button) and the board came Qs7c4c (we're both ~90bb deep) after I raised pf to 4bb. The leads out 2/3pot sized bet I reraise 3x his bet, he shoves, I call. he shows AA and my draw doesn't complete. Misplayed horribly?

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 Last edit: 15/01/2009 09:04

KwarK   United Kingdom. Jan 15 2009 09:23. Posts 1019

TPTK + nutflush draw vs preflop caller with aces is pure cooler. No worries.

hansen jr.   Sweden. Jan 15 2009 12:40. Posts 3735

lol @ stop loosing money w/ TP+FD hands
thats one easy ship it holla im allin

Uptown   . Jan 16 2009 01:26. Posts 3557

what is your BR management scheme like?

Half Pot! 


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