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Worst month ever

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Exhilarate   United States. Jan 25 2009 23:22. Posts 5453

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 Last edit: 18/07/2012 19:15

Fox   . Jan 25 2009 23:27. Posts 3110

maybe go back to 1-2 for a bit? get some more sweat sessiosn with other good players then return to 2/4?

Fox   . Jan 25 2009 23:27. Posts 3110

rebuild confidence/etc.

shaneomac   United States. Jan 25 2009 23:28. Posts 4245

this is what drove me to quit fullring. losing all those hands to shortstacks/feeling how u feel. altho im relatively certain ur far better than i am. gl with w/e u do man!!

Timonga   United States. Jan 25 2009 23:45. Posts 1074

LOL, we both started out at the same time and you hit your wall at 2/4, I hit mine at .25/.50

You'll be fine man, remember all those crazy downswings you had before? Just try to keep plugging leaks, not tilting/spewing, etc. I mean, you've come a long ways, don't quit now. Granted, losing $6K in a month is no joke and I'm sure you're stressed as hell, but if this is what you want to do as a main source of income, then I guess you have no choice but to be able to mentally/emotionally handle these downswings.

And if you decide to seriously quit for good, then that's fine too. You're still young and smart, so you'll be alright no matter what path you take. GL

acdawg712   United States. Jan 26 2009 00:03. Posts 2639

take advantage of that SNE imo, how long do you keep that for?

phil hellmuth is genuinely a stupid person and he does not understand poker very well at all - [vital]myth 

Exhilarate   United States. Jan 26 2009 00:12. Posts 5453

i keep sne until july. probably saving fpps for a car or something, i don't know
i don't feel like going down to 1/2, i think 2/4 is just as easy and im super overolled already (50k br atm)
just sick of losing almost every hand, and yeah im just really stressed out from this
i'll probably just win 2-3 bi at 2/4 everyday and try to keep the losses to a minimum, hopefully
ugh, i really hate poker sometimes.

and tim i'm sure you can be a 1/2 or 2/4 reg as long as you put in the time.

Maynard!   United States. Jan 26 2009 00:36. Posts 4453

FWIW the best thing I did for my game was moving from FR to SH and throwing in some HU.

Now I really am a busto. Thanks FTP. 

sirracksalot   United States. Jan 26 2009 00:47. Posts 2299

keep at it man... dont get discouraged, even if a few douchebags call three bets oop w 43s lol...

haters gonna hate 

Fayth    Canada. Jan 26 2009 01:03. Posts 10085

i think you should actually just try to improve ur game

aka not play tons of tables mindlessly

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

phexac   United States. Jan 26 2009 02:32. Posts 2563

Also the red line does not necessarily mean you have leaks.

Nitting it up since 2006 

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Jan 26 2009 02:36. Posts 5108

im having a bad month too, -10.000$. Hang in there !


flounder44   United States. Jan 26 2009 03:24. Posts 916

looks sooo identical to ym graph wow


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