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i run so good(bad) it scares me

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Newblish   Canada. Mar 24 2009 10:10. Posts 560
So for the last 3 months ive been a HU regular and am now currently playing nl100. And man do i ever bitch alot, but wow, once again - i have no choice but to get this shit off my back. I doubt ive ever seen anyone run as bad as i do at this limit or at nl50, but enlighten me if i do. This blog again has no real importance other than for me to vent..

hmmm, ok so all the images i have dont upload because they are too big :[

oh well, ill post the top 3 that are linkable -

(according to pokerstove i have 98% equity on the flop..)

eh, some others -

- idiot shoves 82o preflop(no joke), i snap with AK, flop comes two 8's ($200 pot)

- i flop top two, idiot shoves oop, shows bottom pair no kicker, hits back door flush ($200)

- guy no joke flops royal flush. check check, turn gives me 3 of a kind, wasnt a huge pot but this shit adds up

- have a5, flop 558, i bet he calls, turn blank, i bet he shoves i call he shows JJ, river J $200 pot

- 150 BB deep, i open JJ he 3bets, i 4bet, he shoves i snap, he shows 44, flop 4. $300 pot

- i open KQ, he flats, flop KQx, he checks, i bet, he raises big, i shove he calls, he shows A10, turn 10, river 10 ($150 pot)

- I open AJ, he calls, flop AJQ one spade, he bets, i raise, he shoves, i snap, he shows Qs2s, turn spade river spade ($100 pot)

- guy complete button, i raise 4x BB with AJ. Flop A67. i bet he calls, turn 2. I bet 3.5/4 pot he calls, river 2. I bet 2.75/4 pot or so he shoves rest, which was double my river bet, so i obv snap call. He shows k2o. $100 (should i have pot controlled? no - he was a station that never folded EVER).

- ok there are like 20 more hands that i was gonna post, but forget it.. i feel better after getting some of this shit off my back.

On a more serious note - my roll is 5.5kish and soon maybe ill try nl200 shots, though i feel i should have been there ages ago T_T

Peace out

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 Last edit: 24/03/2009 10:28

boblion   Andorra. Mar 24 2009 10:23. Posts 354

Some people here think that 99,5% vs 0,5% is standart.
I doubt a 98% vs 2% means a lot for them.

I worship variance but she is a bitch. 

domyouji   Zimbabwe. Mar 24 2009 11:17. Posts 435

yea i've been on a similar streak like you lately just gotta play through it...

to live the dream you gotta play the game 


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