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summer's end and back to school

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Newblish   Canada. Sep 05 2009 00:23. Posts 560
Well the summer once again nears its end. The summer was for the most part boring, though it had its moments.

This is the first summer in four years that i didnt have a summer job. I planned to only find a job in my field if anything and refused to work any $10/hr/minimum wage jobs that require no skill or brainpower. It didnt work out however, the federal govt offered me a position and then withdrew it after realizing they didnt have the proper funding to employ enough people to meet the job requirement standards over the summer.

Laziness took over with regard to the job search. My parents bitched at me constantly to get a job(even a shitty one) because otherwise i was doing "nothing" with my time. I eventually got an interview with farm boy.. and though i was quite sure i nailed it and couldnt have done a better job i ended up not getting a phone call back.

However, this deep down made me happy. I didnt want to waste my time with that shit. Why? Because poker over this summer has been more than i had hoped for. I am both very happy with my results and proud of myself for the work i put into grinding. I made more than i ever would with a shitty $10/hr job.

Here are my results over the 4 months since i got HEM(mid May to now).

My laptop broke in the middle of august, so it doesnt include around 1k of winnings. So im up roughly 11k over these four months. Poker has paid for both school and will most likely buy me a new computer soon. Very very happy with my progess thus far since starting a little over a year ago with a $50 bankroll on cake(not including random sng micro donkaments on PS before that ;o).

Used to be very results oriented in the past and always bitched about how bad i used to run. Some days i still try to fight the urge to bitch because i have some pretty shitty days, but its really nothing more than part of the game and i have no right to complain.

May this final semester at University not derail me completely from poker as i intend to play nl400 once my roll reaches 15k again(previously was 17k but i had to cash out 4k for school :[ ).


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terrybunny19240   United States. Sep 05 2009 00:31. Posts 13829

nice ^^

Bejamin1   Canada. Sep 05 2009 00:34. Posts 7042

gj gj

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

lazymej   Canada. Sep 05 2009 00:49. Posts 2897

very nice

joLin   United States. Sep 05 2009 01:51. Posts 3818

super awesome, im jealous!

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TL 

Loco   Canada. Sep 05 2009 10:07. Posts 20967


fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 


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