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Newblish   Canada. Sep 30 2009 19:51. Posts 560
Going to write this real quick, dont have much time,

I'm up 7.1k this month. Best month I've ever had. Played about 50-60 hours total.. so im really happy with my results.

I hate university atm and cant wait to get the fuck out of it. It's so tiring and boring at this point(im in my final semester in a 4 year program) and i despise it more than anything. Kind of sick of how little time i have to play poker now, especially considering my results have improved tremendously and that i have the potential to go much further. Lot's of shit to decide once university is finally over for good this december -> break from studies/work/poker/vacation etc etc.
Honestly can NOT wait for december though.

Lastly for reference to any future blog posts - I'm currently a 400NL heads up player. Hope that moves up in the coming months if i have the time to play.


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