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CarpeNoctum   Cyprus. Jan 28 2011 23:57. Posts 170
I realize I haven't done an intro blog even though I meant too months ago. Just never got around too it after I got sick. Long story short, I've been playing poker the last 2-3 years and although I started playing strictly 12-tabling 6-max tables I now gravitate between 50/100/200 NL HU cash games and MTTs when I have a chance. I've lurked the site for the last two years and decided maybe I should give it a shot. Basically do cash on FT and MTTs on both when I have time.

Today has actually been the first good day I've had this week. I managed to get 14th in the $8.8 25K 2xTurbo on Stars, which actually got me incredibly pissed of as I managed to make Final 2 tables yesterday prior to meeting the Doom Switch. Luckily today I managed to place 5th in 11:00 AM $75 $35,000 KO on Full Tilt for a $2,275 take. At first I was upset I didn't make it higher obviously, but the irony of it all is that I should have came in 9th as I came in as the small stack.

About 5 minutes after the Final Table started, I had a serious case of the runs [wtf!] and literally had to bust out my best road-runner impersonation as I went to pay homage to the porcelain Gods. At any rate, I come back and hover over my folded hole cards [TT] and do my best "WHAT THE FUCK!" face. However, as I immediately see 2 separate players move all in with AA and AK respectively, I realized that maybe luck wason my side today. The rest was history.

The weeks been rather testing but I'm glad I'm logging time again. I've been able to log 48, 40, 60, and 51 tournaments each of the last four days [TY FT for Multi-entriments], which was more than I ever did which was around 30 on average whenever I had a chance.

Alright I'm exhausted gl hf and peace out.


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Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds that Darkness is always there first, waiting for it.Last edit: 28/01/2011 23:59

hallizh   Iceland. Jan 29 2011 06:48. Posts 110


Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live his whole life believing that it is stupid. -Albert Einstein 


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