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My ex died last night.. - Page 2

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KeyleK_uk   United Kingdom. Jun 30 2008 00:43. Posts 1687

fuck that man i can't begin to understand how you feel atm

all condolances

poker is soooo much easier when you flop sets 

Stim_Abuser   United States. Jun 30 2008 01:03. Posts 7499

driving drunk is so selfish. sorry for your lose man.

Hey Im slinging mad volume and fat stackin benjies I dont got time for spellin n shit - skinny pete 

Ezekiell   Hungary. Jun 30 2008 01:10. Posts 718

stay strong man! sorry for your loss

u got someone to call u with second top pair in headsup?  

BigRed0000    United States. Jun 30 2008 02:04. Posts 3554

v. sorry for your loss man, my heart felt condolences to you and her family.

Day[9]   United States. Jun 30 2008 02:14. Posts 3447

if there's anything the LP community can do, let us know!! <3333

much love and support

my heart goes out to you and her family

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Jun 30 2008 02:24. Posts 14026

sad news

  my heart goes out to you and her family

lostaccount   Canada. Jun 30 2008 02:30. Posts 6126

this is a fuck up world. I swear there should be a law that invovles capital punishment for this kind of activity.... driving drunk with a suspended license.
The world is so unjust, the faggot is safe while innocents are injure/dead.
Sad news but best wishes to you and the victims family.

duo xie merci ty :) gracais obrigado danke xie xie 

whamm!   Albania. Jun 30 2008 02:36. Posts 11625

hang in there bud. im really sorry to hear about this. my deepest condolences.

gymnast   Mexico. Jun 30 2008 03:02. Posts 704

life stinguish in a second, man I'm really sorry to hear this, and I'm really sorry that we can't say anything to make you feel better. Man, I dunno what do you believe, but I think she is in a better place.

Club NL10 ballers 

lachlan   Australia. Jun 30 2008 03:11. Posts 6991

thats devastating news =[

full ring 

Twisted    Netherlands. Jun 30 2008 04:11. Posts 10422

Hope that guy gets imprisoned for a while. What a fucking drunk douchebag ='[[[

I read the entire newspost and it really got me a little sad. I wish you a lot of strength in the upcoming days/weeks/months.

Exhilarate   United States. Jun 30 2008 04:32. Posts 5453

thanks everyone... much love for LP

still can't believe she's gone...

thestoryteller   Singapore. Jun 30 2008 06:30. Posts 319

My condolences.

Stygg   Sweden. Jun 30 2008 06:34. Posts 2347

oh man, that's really sad.. my condolences hang in there..   Canada. Jun 30 2008 06:47. Posts 3069

  On June 29 2008 23:28 Floofy wrote:
people who drive drunk sucks
but i somewhat did it once

it was at karine's party....
after seeing her dance with the other dude i left (i was pumped and wasnt thinking). i had drank 3 beers very quickly. i was suposed to leave much later than that

mix of lil drunk, crying , and being pumped. not good

anyways my condolences

you are a pathetic excuse of a man, no one cares about your emo stories. and you wonder why females think your a loser, you can only fake something for so long before the loser within shines and scares them off.

BTW Exhilarate, again sorry for your loss, especially b/c she was so young, i think its always a little harder when it a younger person close to you.

===== =====Last edit: 30/06/2008 06:57

AcroN   Norway. Jun 30 2008 07:20. Posts 568

Wish you the best of luck with all this in the near future. Hope you'll manage alright.

SirBlotto   Germany. Jun 30 2008 08:58. Posts 1270

sorry for your loss
my condolences sir

SakiSaki    Sweden. Jun 30 2008 10:00. Posts 9685

sorry for your loss man.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

the cleaner   Germany. Jun 30 2008 10:25. Posts 3014

My condolences.

there are no facts only interpretations 

popoHaeJo   Canada. Jun 30 2008 11:36. Posts 50

sorry for your loss, my condolences


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