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My ex died last night..

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Exhilarate   United States. Jun 29 2008 23:28. Posts 5453

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 Last edit: 18/07/2012 19:21

Moffa   United States. Jun 29 2008 23:34. Posts 617

My condolences, sir.

Dangerous, but worth the risk. 

iop   Sweden. Jun 29 2008 23:35. Posts 4951

Sorry to hear that, my condolences as well!

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

mikyor   United States. Jun 29 2008 23:39. Posts 590

wow must be a very tough time for you. stay strong sir

traxamillion   United States. Jun 29 2008 23:40. Posts 10468

rest in peace

one of my ex girls overdosed in New York last month

shits fucked up

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 29 2008 23:40. Posts 34260

u still loved her? damn

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Exhilarate   United States. Jun 29 2008 23:42. Posts 5453

though we didnt end on that great terms we still became good friends a while afterwards.
we still talked online and on the phone and hung out from time to time.
i was going to watch the movie wanted with her today, but then my friend messaged me outta nowhere saying she died.
rip messages all over her facebook, im pretty torn up right now.

thanks for the warm replies

vegable   United States. Jun 29 2008 23:45. Posts 2453

When stuff like this happens, it really puts life into perspective. I hope all liquidpoker posters do everything in their power to stop anyone, including yourself, from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.

This is not a lesson that needs to be learned over, and over again. I wish you well. RIP

Stir fry Normandy 

Logiabs~   Colombia. Jun 29 2008 23:47. Posts 9133

my condolences sir   Canada. Jun 29 2008 23:49. Posts 3069

sorry for your loss. Not going to say "my condolences" because %95 of ppl who say it don't know what it means.

===== ===== 

sOah   United Kingdom. Jun 30 2008 00:03. Posts 4527

  On June 29 2008 22:49 wrote:
sorry for your loss. Not going to say "my condolences" because %95 of ppl who say it don't know what it means.

I think I have some idea

my deepest condolences

not all who wander are lost 

Breeze   Bulgaria. Jun 30 2008 00:05. Posts 802

sorry to hear that

My work is of high quality, cheap and fast. Pick only two of those though. 

donjuako   Benin. Jun 30 2008 00:15. Posts 211

holy shit man thats pretty crazy. I think i ball my eyes out if my ex died.

sorry for u lost

Cro)Deadman   Croatia. Jun 30 2008 00:19. Posts 3943

Sorry to hear it man...

Metagame Purposes. 

gawdawaful   Canada. Jun 30 2008 00:19. Posts 9012

and as usual, the asshole who drank and drove walked away without a scratch

Im only good at poker when I run good 

PokerDoc88   Australia. Jun 30 2008 00:23. Posts 3527

wtf this sucks...

sorry to hear this

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 30 2008 00:23. Posts 9634

sorry for ur loss man i can only imagine how u feel right now

Floofy   Canada. Jun 30 2008 00:28. Posts 8708

people who drive drunk sucks
but i somewhat did it once

it was at karine's party....
after seeing her dance with the other dude i left (i was pumped and wasnt thinking). i had drank 3 beers very quickly. i was suposed to leave much later than that

mix of lil drunk, crying , and being pumped. not good

anyways my condolences

james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;( 

Logiabs~   Colombia. Jun 30 2008 00:34. Posts 9133

i havent ever ever driven drunk yet and i plan not doing it, it scares the hell out of me getting crashed or something worse

Logiabs~   Colombia. Jun 30 2008 00:35. Posts 9133

floofy shut the fuck up, nobody cares about your life

im sorry for your loss bro


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