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ok i fucking hate this game. - Page 2

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OpWestAcct   United States. Oct 07 2009 02:53. Posts 640

  On October 07 2009 01:32 requiem wrote:
you sound like a lil bitch imo


Fuck me 

thumbz555   United States. Oct 07 2009 03:12. Posts 3281


I click buttons. 

Newblish   Canada. Oct 07 2009 09:52. Posts 560

  On October 07 2009 01:32 requiem wrote:
you sound like a lil bitch imo

yeah? well "imo" you need to stop wasting time reading shit if you dont have anything useful to say. Do you just read blogs and post little 4-5 word sentences like this all the time?

I love it how there are so many idiots in here who at one point or another probably went through a similar experience yet are posting in here like its unnatural to have a bad session. I mean at any time i can look left at the blogs and always see someone complain about running bad/poker not going well.

Fucking idiots.. :[

Chewits   United Kingdom. Oct 07 2009 13:35. Posts 2539

This saddens me. I wanted to see the bitch rant, but it has been deleted.

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

Newblish   Canada. Oct 07 2009 14:59. Posts 560

  On October 07 2009 12:35 Chewits wrote:
This saddens me. I wanted to see the bitch rant, but it has been deleted.

You know what would sadden you even more? If i was standing right in front of you and asked you to say that shit to my face.
You'd have left our little altercation with a few teeth left and possibly a broken skull. I love how you stupid internet pussies say shit like this behind your computer screens but wouldnt dare try in person. I challenge any of you spamming idiots with nothing better to do with your time to come say that directly to my face if you ever visit my town - I promise it would never happen.

Sanai   United States. Oct 07 2009 16:29. Posts 643

  On October 07 2009 12:35 Chewits wrote:
This saddens me. I wanted to see the bitch rant, but it has been deleted.

Chewits   United Kingdom. Oct 07 2009 16:52. Posts 2539

  On October 07 2009 13:59 Newblish wrote:
Show nested quote +

You know what would sadden you even more? If i was standing right in front of you and asked you to say that shit to my face.
You'd have left our little altercation with a few teeth left and possibly a broken skull. I love how you stupid internet pussies say shit like this behind your computer screens but wouldnt dare try in person. I challenge any of you spamming idiots with nothing better to do with your time to come say that directly to my face if you ever visit my town - I promise it would never happen.

You have no idea man. No idea. LOL. You berate me for spending all of 15 seconds typing a response to YOUR blog, where YOU spent a whole heap of time writing a load of shit, which you then deleted because YOU couldn't handle the responses. YOU are the one "with nothing better to do with your time". Why even post on here.

Seriously wind your neck in.

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

Bejamin1   Canada. Oct 07 2009 17:40. Posts 7042

  On October 06 2009 22:34 Loco wrote:
uh.. what? i read from your previous blog post that you were currently a 400NL HU regular. now you say you have never had a losing day of 1.2k ... something is not quite right here.

i lost 10 buy ins earlier at 2/4... pretty fucking standard stuff i'd say. didn't bother me one bit.

your rant about god was awesome. keep up the good humor at least!

edit: lol previous poster thought the same apparently!

He has just established himself at 2/4. That would make him a regular there with a short history - hence no other big losing days to this point.

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

Bejamin1   Canada. Oct 07 2009 17:52. Posts 7042

I find LP is kind of hilarious. The entire community is basically a bunch of people who wait for the opportunity to shit on someone when they have a bad day. Not only that but 95% of the people posting in response to this blog are just making bold assumptions or stupid statements because apparently that's the cool thing to do around here. Did I mention most of those players don't even play 2/4 or higher? Did any of you consider that maybe Newblish is new to 2/4 and thus new to these kind of large swings? It can be a bit of an emotional adjustment to get used to losing 1k in a single day and not being bothered by it. Just because most of us LP trolls don't post whine blogs when we are in a bad mood doesn't mean we aren't feeling the same way at times. I completely sympathize with Newblish considering I've witnessed first hand how frequently he runs like utter garbage. In fact I can remember a few similar outbursts by very very good players such as the ones starring in 2M2MM hell they have a freaking tilt room specially designed for when they get in a mood like this. It happens to the best of us.

At least Newblish has the courage to post blogs when he's running terrible and reacting emotionally in a way that he is well aware isn't a positive for his game or his mindset. Most of the players commenting on here are afraid to post things when they have negative results because they fear the exact same judgment they are currently throwing at him. Oh by the way I bitch and moan very frequently in my hand history posts because I enjoy the cathartic release. I'm not ashamed of it. When I run like shit it frustrates me and I need a release somewhere so that it doesn't come into my actual game-play. It's also just funny how improbably bad you can run sometimes. That's my way of letting off steam. Maybe this is his. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to stick your nose in and make a bunch of bullshit assumptions about Newblish or what games he plays. Like you know a fucking thing about it unless you are a close personal friend of his?

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

Newblish   Canada. Oct 07 2009 19:06. Posts 560

  On October 07 2009 15:52 Chewits wrote:
Show nested quote +

You have no idea man. No idea. LOL. You berate me for spending all of 15 seconds typing a response to YOUR blog, where YOU spent a whole heap of time writing a load of shit, which you then deleted because YOU couldn't handle the responses. YOU are the one "with nothing better to do with your time". Why even post on here.

Seriously wind your neck in.

lol cant handle the responses? I dont give a flying fuck what you or any other dumbfuck(you know who you are) says. That's why i would love to give anyone the opportunity to try doing that in person if they had the chance. I guarantee you that nobody would do it. I removed the content because none of you idiots seem to have anything half important to say. This is my blog, i can write whatever the fuck i want in it. Blogs are like diaries, you can see where you were at in certain points of time and how you adapted/played/thought at each particular time/how you did monthly/ etc. The difference between what i type and what you type is that i actually can look back and relate to it while the shit you write is purely a waste of time and ultimately just shows a lack of character. It in no way is constructive and just leads both you and i nowhere.

There will be things i can take out of this, how i can learn from my experience, how i can learn from my frustration and most importantly how i can improve my game based on this. It was completely novel to me to lose 1.2k in one hour and it was a shock. But ill be able to learn from it, thats whats most important.

I'm wondering whether this message will be clear to some random idiot like you, so maybe i shouldnt have even replied. Either way, I was able to move on from the emotional swing it caused and i dont care anymore.

If you care to write more useless shit in someone elses blog, go right ahead, i get a good laugh from it.

 Last edit: 07/10/2009 23:13

Chewits   United Kingdom. Oct 08 2009 05:12. Posts 2539

You are being ignorant, self-centered, and really childish. If this is how you deal with your problems, I can't see how you can last long in Poker.

If you do not want people to write useless shit, as you call it, then don't make your blog viewable to the public, if you see it as a diary. You got some issues and you need to deal with it. Moaning like a little girl is not going to help you or move you in the right direction.

Sooner you realize that, probably the better.

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

Newblish   Canada. Oct 08 2009 19:55. Posts 560

  On October 08 2009 04:12 Chewits wrote:
You are being ignorant, self-centered, and really childish. If this is how you deal with your problems, I can't see how you can last long in Poker.

If you do not want people to write useless shit, as you call it, then don't make your blog viewable to the public, if you see it as a diary. You got some issues and you need to deal with it. Moaning like a little girl is not going to help you or move you in the right direction.

Sooner you realize that, probably the better.

Im not going to rebuttle and make you try to understand anything anymore. Stop coming back here and responding, jesus christ. Move the fuck on.


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