Critterer, Sep 24 2007
My avatar works now so avril is looking over me on my tables, and i think my favourite canadian brought me some good luck too.
Started off great, then went shit, then recovered and then some, to end up +2 buyins over 1k hand. Pretty happy in general. Had a few puke hands, made a few bad plays but thats okay since im still trying to learn to play a more loose aggressive style of poker.
Atm i feel im having difficulty with the raising standards preflop in order to achieve around 25/22 stats, i dont get how i can do it without raising marginal hands OOP, or raising absolute junk like 82o on the button. Every hand that i can remotely play from button/cutoff im usually raising up if folded round to me ( any suited connectors/aces/suited one gappers pairs and high cards (TK+). I also worry about my aggression factor but the guys i play are just so aggressive i can check and let them bluff at me quite often.
I played football for like 5 hours yesterday so im totally exhausted, my legs ache like fuck since i havnt played all summer which meant that a marathon footy session was a bad idea but hey it was fun.
Anyway heres my stats for today and GL at the tables all.
I do complain a lot
Critterer, Sep 17 2007
| but SERIOUSLY how does this keep happening im too pissed off to even write i shud be DOMINATING this stake like i did before but nonono DOOMSWITCH YO ofc it comes always fucking comes uash32723hy7237237h23
everytime hands like retarded shit runner runner overhouse runner runner flush runner runner straight this is just getting too stupid down so much cos of BULLSHIT omgiurjer7uer87er8e8re8r
plz ignore this post its for my venting purposes only |
now thats out the way i did run sick sick bad today but oh well thats life.
Heres the session in pictures/numbers:
Back to nl25
Critterer, Sep 16 2007
And its always nice to hit a heater when u move up
Running hot, playing well, all good. I'm happy now, i was so tilted a few days ago chatting abuse to random observers on tables and everything for no reason. Ah well.
Also won my biggest pot ever, and i sucked out in it woot
dont think im ever folding that anyway so shipship
Going back to uni 2morro as well so this is nice.
Stats belowz:
Ive noticed my turn/river aggression factors are really low, should i be two/three barreling more? or is this okay?
Hope u all running as well as i have been~~
Pokerev sayz
Critterer, Sep 14 2007
That i run bad
down 1 buyin at nl10 over 700 hands (how the fuckz do i manage to lose money at nl10 wtfz)
but its okaaayyyy pokerev says i shud be up 2 buyins instead, so thats ok!
Bullshit Session
Critterer, Sep 13 2007
Sigh down like half a buyin at nl10 over 1.2k hands
Busted outta my tournament with two sick sick shit hands in a row. Firstly overs+flush draw vs bottom pair on flop, no help for me, half stack gone. Then i pick up kings, allinpreflop vs 77 and he gets a set, busto. Great stuff.
Cash games was equally awful, so sick session, just nothing worked, the 80/4/6 donk set me up for 2 buyins, im never ever folding to him. Got into mass cooler situations, lost just about every 70/30 i got into and got backdoor straighted backdoor flushed u name it.
I think i played really well, with the exception of a couple of setups i got my money in way ahead each time so thats good.
Made a couple spews but its more minor shit, shame its set my BR back to $460, i was at $490 at one point in the session but nevermind, thats pokerrr
Pokerev says i ran 6bb/100 below what i shuda but fuck pokerev
Nl25 im coming back soon.
Nearly there
Critterer, Sep 12 2007
Nearly back to nl25, prolly wud be there if i didnt keep doing donkaments.
I'll move back up at 500.
Nl10 is really soft my vpip is insanely high cos i keep finding myself in 4-5 way pots with a suited connector, apart from that im enjoying playing a wider range of hands and ill keep playing something like 22/19 at nl25 when i get there and see how that works out (was palying like 18/13 before)
2k hands
Critterer, Sep 11 2007
rebuilding at nl10
Ran superbad at first, got into a lot of shit situations, tbh i feel i ran badly overall but the players are just so soft. My vpip was really really high since i often found myself with a suited connector vs a 5 way flop in position.
Had $94 on one table at a point that waz cool
Anyway im on $445 or so on stars ill move back up to nl25 soon i shud rly stop playing donkaments i keep losing them and getting annoyed.
Quick update
Critterer, Sep 10 2007
Beat: I've been running sick bad recently and not motivated to play and my confidence has been low.
I've been playing some MTT's and some nl10 cos i feel i can absolutely crush the game, ive basically just been funding my MTT busting with the nl10. Getting really fed up with tournaments ive busted the last like 10 without making the money once, and not one time has it been a situation where im not a) coolered to fuck or b) suckouted on massively (one that springs to mind is the AA vs k4o allinpreflop near the bubble, that was special).
Oh well maybe my luck with change and ill win a tournament someday but until then ill continue spewing and trying to improve my tournament game. After running bad and cashing out and shit my BR on stars is at a low point of around $400 which is pretty shit, ive got about $150 combined on other sites but its still low. Since im super-unconfident atm i will probably play nl10 for a bit more my edge is huge at this game i dont know why, i can sustain 10bb/100 at nl10 but then i move to nl25 and it all goes to shit, maybe its a mental thing, i dont even think its scared money though since ive racked up like 100k hands there. Sigh.
Brag: Life is otherwise good though, starting university again on the 22nd, have spent way too much money going out and shit but i did manage to pull 4 different girls in about 1 hour at some random club on saturday which was cool.
Variance: I was too drunk to really remember what any of them look like but i think they were alrite! And i didnt get to go back with any of them, and since i was crashing on a mate's floor i cudnt take any of them back with me. Also had an arguement with some random girl that taking a picture of me kissing her would be fine she thought it was not cool so i was like stfu bitch im sustaining 10bb/100 at nl10 can u do that? no. To be fair to her i did ask this as pretty much the first thing i said, i still think shes obv an uptight womans rights bitch.
However In one of the photos (all my mates are absolute facebook whores who take 100000 pictures every night its like wtf) from the night theres a well random guy in the background who looks like hes alone in the corner and has pissed himself which is quite funny i thought. (im the one in the front)
Dunno why i did the brag beat variance thing i dont even like it but i did it so there we go.
Also thanks to kevin (gawdawaful) for tha free poker lesson, even though i managed to run awfully bad, it did mean i got into some really interesting spots so the advice was awesome and definitely worth what i lost in the session.
Probably wont play all that much since i got freshers week coming up which is awesome, even tho this will be my 4th freshers week when really i shuda graduated last year (LOL). Fuck real life im gunna grind university and poker forever.
New computer!
Critterer, Aug 16 2007
Brag: My new PC arrived, played with it for about an hour everything looks so sweet on a 22" monitor.
Beat: Less than one hour after setting it up, i was setting up the dual display for my TV (I use my TV to watch films from my pc) and BOOM. Screen went completely white, and completely unresponsive. So i turn off the PC...
Now its just fucked. It sorta starts turning on, like the powers on and everything, it starts making that whirring noise that computers make when u start them up...
and yea.. thats about as far as it gets. Nothing happens. The power is on, i can open and close the CD tray and thats literally as far as my new pc gets.
I'm running good in poker and in life :-):-):-)
Sick 1k Session
Critterer, Aug 08 2007
1k hands, down 3 buyins mostly due to the following hands: nice start can i put him on quadz?! standard stuff unsure about flop size bet, but still really standard bullshit here. ya nutflush no good set under set vs aggro K4 nearly crablar
2 other hands that i lost, my AQ vs 44 vs a $5 stack, his held, and i got AKs for a full buyin vs a mega loose aggro in preflop, ofc he had kings when its me in the pot with him.
So all in all a great day of poker fun was had by all.
I think i played my A game except the AKs right at the end, which maybe was a fold, but tbh i think id still push AKs vs that player since like his range is so so wide.
Any advice on above hands is cool.
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