so i just woke up a few hours ago, just in time for the bruins to sweep les lâches in the NHL playoffs.
anyways, last night I realized I play too much poker because I had a bizarro dream about Nazgul and Raszi, whom I don't even know whatsoever in real life. It was one of those things where I don't even know what they look like but I know it was them in the dream because of context etc.
I rarely remember dreams too so when I do remember one it freaks me out. Anyways, so check this dream out.
I get off a plane in some middle-eastern city, like, Beirut or Baghdad or something. I show up at some car auto-body shop and Raszi shows up and is like "yo me and nazgul borrowed 120k from you man" and I was like "dude come on! you can't just do that!" and they were like "nah it's cool we'll pay you back."
So I went to a computer and checked and it said like "120k loaned to Raszi and Nazgul" and I was all bummed out about it because they didn't ask they just borrowed it without letting me know until I got off the plane in the middle east. So then I go back to the auto body shop and find Raszi again and I'm like "yo Raz, what the hell did you need the 120k for anyways" since I cooled off a little bit. He was like "you really want to know?!?!" and got all excited and pulled back this curtain in the auto body shop and behind it was like a massive spaceship looking thing. Nazgul popped out of the drivers seat of it and is like "yo nolan! this shit gets 25 trillion horse power! sick right!!! we'll pay you back soon!"
I shook my head, walked down some middle-eastern street, and woke up.
Weird, huh.
p.s. i went through HEM and looked at my last 25 flips (AK vs QQ JJ TT etc and vice versa) that were all in preflop at 3/6 6m and 9m, and I'm 2 for 25. I don't think I've flipped worse than that in my life, and would be surprised if it ever happened again. Good news is I'm still somehow slightly in the positive. Anyone check out their longest flip cold streak? Bet there's some way better than mine.
if you call a corporation's customer service number which is based out of your home country, how long does it take you to begin speaking with a human who is actually from the country in which said corporation is based?
It's a 10k on Thursday. I'm not 100% I'm going to play it, going to see how much action I can sell. If I can't sell 50% I'll probably just play live cash or something.
So I don't watch much TV but do like to get myself a DVD series when I hear about something good.
I'm sure many of you have watched the Wire, and I'd imagine if you're an American, you probably liked it (and even if you aren't you probably still liked it). I was surprised when a friend informed me that The Wire was actually heavily based off of an HBO Original Mini-Series from 2000 titled "The Corner", based off of this book:
Of course, Reading books is sooo 1980's so I didn't bother with that and ordered the DVD.
It came in last night and I watched the first episode just a few hours ago. Judging from the first episode, I would highly recommend checking out this series. I went over to some websites and people are pretty torn over whether or not they like The Wire or The Corner better. I think The Corner is a lot more involved of a story, as they basically crammed everything going on in The Wire into six one-hour episodes, and due to this intensity I think I slightly favour it thus far. It's production style is definitely very 90's-ish which is really the only negative I can draw out at this time (and maybe some iffy acting, but not horrible by any means).
If you were a fan of the wire, I'd highly recommend checking this DVD out, got if for $18 on Amazon.