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JonnyCosMo's Blog

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Back From Vegas!
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 28 2007

Boy was that a freakin blast. So basically Vegas is just so awesome and I can't wait to get back there for the summer (or even sooner). Here are some of the most memorable times of the trip:

- Nazgul at the Spearmint Rhino, after I got hustled in the backroom by a talking stripper, I come back and get talking to Nazgul, teddy wong, and bet2win about random shit. Then Nazgul asks: So which girl is Lyric's girlfriend? And so I was like Mango. Then he asks what about the other girl? So I was like... uh that's like Mango's girlfriend. So Nazgul was like... uuh wait, so doesn't Mango go out with Lyric? I'm like yes. Then he's like, but that other girl is with both of them? I'm like yes. He asks if they are Mormon, I say no. He asks if this is normal in America, I'm like not really Lyric just runs really good at life. He's still confused lol~

- Each Day, I pretty much slept til 2:00pm. Daut, on the other hand, woke up around 11:00am to play the noon tournaments at Ceasars. I found it entertaining when he was going busto before I woke up. LOL... ok I know that's not that funny.

- On Thursday I played $2-5NL at the Bellagio w/ Lyric til like 4:00am in the morning. Then his $25-$50 seat opened up so I decided to just go to sleep. I wake up at 3:30pm in the afternoon to my cell phone ringing. It was Mango. "Hey Jonny, are you with Lyric or is he still playing poker?" Uhhh... he was still playing poker.

- So after I got hustled at the Spearmint Rhino, we went to Treasures the last night (which is such an underrated joint, I was really diggin it). So this stripper chick comes over and she was mos definitly a talker. Mango read through this bitch's game and totally saved my ass from another re-hustle. The girl had some bangin ass body, but apparently I was too drunk to notice that she was ugly in the face. Oops.

- Daut's hot mom friend who we spotted playing $5-10 at the Bellagio was totally cool. She was telling us of this hand she played where she got in like 20bb's preflop w/ KK and some guy happened to get it in with her w/ 86s and flopped a straight or something and she was asking if it was bad. No, it was totally standard. But some donk was being totally result oriented and trying to tell her to play the hand differently. Tard, you're making the poor lady dumber. Oh, and Daut's hot mom friend found out about Daut's other ID: BigBalls! LMAO, I'm sure she's curious as to how he got that name!

- Pretty much every trip we go on, we see Ann, the live poker pro from the east coast. I dont believe she is from the east coast, caz she is litterally always in Vegas. I dont know her last name, or any other nick name, and the name 'Ann' seems too short to use so I've pretty much dubbed her 'Poker Pro Ann'. Poker Pro Ann plays 50 hour poker session regularly. What RaSZi?

Mogen, Lyric, Poker Pro Ann, Mango, and Daut

Nazgul and in the middle of their hustle at bowling

Daut's face says it all... we are sooo getting hustled.

I might put up more pics later. Hope you enjoy these.

*****2 votes

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  JonnyCosMo, Apr 24 2007

LOLOL First I will start this blog by saying that Myth you fucking missed an excellent night of drunken fun yo~ I hope it was worth getting pwned at Live Donkaments. So we went bowling after dinner at some Mexican place ( I lost the credit card roulette, soooo standard, Lyric runs like God, more on this later). So we go to bowling, and I'm like obv the best bowler there, all these euro noobs are bowling straight at the pins and I'm like LOL? Your gonna get owned boys! Wait.... So I bowl my first frame and realize ZOMG the ball doesn't curve!?! There is just so my oil and slickness on the ball that I can put infinite amounts of spin on it and it just doesnt curve!!! OMG BAD BEATS MAN!

So somehow I bowl the lowest score out of anyone the first game, trying to figure out how to shoot straight down the middle because it litterally is a fucking bad beat in the asshole parts (Yes that means Daut and his noob ass bending over and closing his eyes beats me, and Lyric's luck sacked broken thumb beats me). Team California + PCA Winner is down -$100 each after Round 1. We play a $50 per player game and Team California + PCA Winner starts running like GOD the first 5 frames. LIKE OMG LYRIC RUNS SO GOOD, HE ROLLS THE BALL AT 1MPH AND KNOCKS EM ALL DOWN YO. But in the shadows Nazgul somehow whips out his best game ever or some shit and bowls a 185 (Newb shit yo~~ see this is me on a semi-decent day in California

Ship that shit Naz and Mig, YOU SEE THAT PWNAGE?

So we end up losing $150 each, whatever... CosMo is now down -$350 on the night before Spearmint Rhino... oh no. We get to the Rhino after a round of drinks at the bar, and we meet Daut's friend Martine23. Total baller yo~ so we get a private seating area in the back and get mad liqours and get totally taken to value city by their waiters. Then some asian chick comes over and sits on my lap. Tells me I'm cute and she likes my smile. Thanks babe, FrinkX says the same thing. But she has boobs and an ass like you wouldn't believe, and like whispered in my ear to come in the VIP back room with her. So I was like sure, lets go, then the VIP guy was like $400 bucks for an hour yo~ so I'm like uh sure yo~, and we went to a couch yo~, and she danced for like 5 mins, and then she gave me a massage for like 5 mins, then we talked for like an hour and I found out WE WENT TO THE SAME FUCKING SKOOL MAN! Now I'm not sure if this was a total hustle or what, she might really study her geography well, but fuck man, she knew everything in the Bay Area. Like, I got sooooo check-raised value stacked all-in by this chick. It was sick. So I got out of that room dropping like a lil over $450ish LMAO I'm such a fuckin fish.

Want to know my conversation with the stripper?

Stripper: "Hey your cute, I'm a stripper!"
CosMo: "Hey you look like my sister, I'm a poker player!"
Stripper: "Oh cool, how do you like poker?"
CosMo: "It's cool, how do you like getting max value from me in this back room"
Stripper: "It's totally cool dude, I like check-raised you all-in with the nuts because I know your some aggro donk that value bets any river if you think you have anywhere close to the best hand"
CosMo: "Good read, I'm so owned "

6:00am bitches, I'm writing this shit. Dedication to you LPers. Myth just came in the room and got hustled worse than I did! LOL MYTH'S LAST BLOG POST IS FUCKING HILARIOUS. Ok Goodnight ladies. GG me

*****1 votes

Comments (17)

Vegas Day 2
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 23 2007

So I woke up on Day 2 super hung over at 4pm. My sleep is totally screwed now. So after I wake up and take a shower me and Myth went to Ceasars Palace to play some 1-3 NL (they have a good game with a $500 max buyin). So I decide not to sit at Myth's table, and found my own table which was just loaded with weak/tight total passive nits. It was terrible... probably the most boring 5 hours of poker ever? It was very variance free session for the most part, as I played one big $200 pot w/ AK vs JJ. Everything else was just small pots chipping up. At the end of the session I was up $405.

Daut, Lyric, and Myth

So later that night we met up with Daut to goto PF Chang's. He was down to 28k in chips after Day 1 of the tournament. We ate lots of good chinese food, and basically decided to take a chill night as we went back to the hotel and crashed. I woke up today at 1pm as Daut came back up to the room and told me he went busto to Kido Pham when Pham woke up with QQ on the button and Daut had AQs in the big blind. BodogAri just came in here and informed us he was at 85k in chips, but is at a tough table with David Grey, two other tough pros, and ZeeJustin who is just a total monster.

Ok, going out to get something to eat. Will update more later.

*****1 votes

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Vegas Day 1
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 22 2007

Oh baby... so I arrived in Vegas at around 8:30 last night, and immediate was shipped to Nobu where we ate a lot of fancy Japanese food at a ridiculously expensive price. Daut lost the credit card roulette for that bill, so gg him. Then we went to get some more booz, then we drank, and before you knew it we were in the Sapphire strip club looking at semi-attractive strippers that were getting hotter and hotter as the night wore on.

[vital]myth, Mango, Daut, Mogen, and Lyric

So after the strip club we find our way to the Wynn thanks to Daut being the only one sober enough to drive Lyric's new car and while walking to get some breakfast some drunk guys came up to Daut, Myth and myself and were like "Dude you guys, I'll give you 20 to 1 to go up there and slap those girl's asses!" as he points ahead to Mango and Mogen. In my drunken state I blurted out "Dude we know those girls!" then I realized how fucking retarded I was because that would have been the easiest hustle of all time. Daut and Myth were like WTF CosMo you are tarded, and insta-banned me from social conversation. I'm such a moron.

So breakfast was pretty much spent talking about mid-stakes regulars on pokerstars. We've come to the conclusion that pretty much everyone sucks except for the good LP regs at these levels. Word. I didn't take that many pics last night but I will def take more. Daut and BodogAri just came in here a few mins ago for their 15 min break and informed us that they are killing their table (they are at the same table). Hopefully they'll get far. I haven't met Nazgul yet! My life is yet to be complete.

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Going to Vegas!
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 21 2007

That's right boys and girls, leaving tonight at 7:00pm for Vegas. Daut called me last night and informed me that he was with twin-caracas and got me all excited. He's playing the $25,000 event on Sunday so that should be fun to rail. I mainly can't wait for the food at Nobu. Like zomg, Nobu has the best rock shrimp ever. Too bad that place can burn a hole through your wallet. So for the most part today I'm just going to be packing for the trip, maybe get a hair cut, clean up my room, etc...

As for the poker... Wow. Maybe I suck. lol. This month has been pretty brutal, as I was down $2000 to start, then I recovered and was up like $1500, and now I'm down like $3000ish. That's a $4500 downswing just in the past 6 days between NL400 (-$2100) and NL200 (-$2400). It feels kinda sick, nothing is going my way. I posted a list of tough hands in the Hand Discussion for review if you guys wanna check those out. I went through my PT database for the past couple days and I do see some leaks I need to fix. I found some tilt calls, stupid bluffs, and spew plays that have tallied up to around $1500 worth of mistakes that can be worked on, but I'm pretty sure I gotta chalk up the rest to piss poor luck. Hopefully this week at Vegas will clear my mind.

Ok gotta prep myself for the partieessss~ I'll be taking mad pics in Vegas so look out for those~!


*****1 votes

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San Pablo BBV!
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 20 2007

So I went to San Pablo Casino last night to hone my live poker game at their NL$500 buyin (The game is $5-$5 blinds, but you must open the pot for $10, so it plays like a $5/$10 game) game that they only have on tuesdays and thursdays. My friend Tyler and RaiNKhaN also came with me, althought my friend Tyler only played the NL$100. Ok now for the brags, beats, and variance.

Brag: I sucked out on RaiNKhaN and stacked him with a poorly played AK. Get it in when his 43o hits 2 pair on the turn vs my flopped TPTK, river Ace, ship it.

Beat: RaiNKhaN totally (and mostly single-handedly) apesmashes the biggest gambling donkey at our table.

Brag: I met a cute asian girl who loves poker as much as me! So we talked poker strategy for like 2-3 hours at which point I realize she was a total donkey at the game. LOL.

Beat: I get stacked by this same cute asian bitch after she called my raise with JT and the flop came Q-9-8 vs my AA.

Variance: Casino poker... lol

Came up $320, after being up like $700 at one point. Got there at 10:00pm and played til 3:30am, so not that long of a session. Good practice for Vegas thou. I'm like soooo totally amped because I'm leaving for Vegas on Saturday in the afternoon, and the first thing I'm going to try to do is meet Nazgul, yes that's right, Nazgul himself. When I meet Nazgul, I'm pretty sure my life will be complete. Here is for all you guys in Ventrilo who wondered what Jimbo looks like:

*****4 votes

Comments (7)

Little Kassie Kicks Monsters Ass
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 19 2007

I dont know why this is so funny to me but ROFL~

*****3 votes

Comments (10)

Bad Day of Bad Beats
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 18 2007

I'm usually not the type to be complaining about bad beats... so I just won't. I got pretty much destroyed today and lost a quick $800 in less than 1000 hands. Fun fun fun...

Hand of the day:

Submitted by : JonnyCosMo

PokerStars Game #9472434669: Hold'em No Limit ($1/$2) - 2007/04/17 - 16:57:06 (ET)
Table 'Janacek II' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: JonnyCosMo ($200.10 in chips)
Seat 2: buchdogg ($164.60 in chips)
Seat 3: CLONEHEAD ($224.80 in chips)
Seat 5: lrpoker ($184 in chips)
Seat 6: powerpill ($208 in chips)
JonnyCosMo : posts small blind $1
buchdogg: posts big blind $2

Dealt to JonnyCosMo AhAs
lrpoker: folds
powerpill: folds
JonnyCosMo : raises $6 to $8
buchdogg: raises $14 to $22
JonnyCosMo : calls $14

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $44)

JonnyCosMo : checks
buchdogg: checks

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $44)

JonnyCosMo : checks
buchdogg: checks

River (Pot : $44)

JonnyCosMo said, "i swear i run worse"
JonnyCosMo said, "than everyone"
JonnyCosMo said, "in the world today"
JonnyCosMo : bets $178.10 and is all-in
buchdogg said, "haha"
buchdogg said, "AA?"
buchdogg: calls $142.60 and is all-in

JonnyCosMo : shows AhAs (four of a kind, Queens)
buchdogg: shows JsJc (four of a kind, Queens)
JonnyCosMo collected $163.60 from pot
buchdogg collected $163.60 from pot

Total pot $329.20 | Rake $2
Board  AcQcQdQhQs
Seat 1: JonnyCosMo (small blind) showed AhAs and won ($163.60) with four of a kind, Queens
Seat 2: buchdogg (big blind) showed JsJc and won ($163.60) with four of a kind, Queens
Seat 3: CLONEHEAD folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: lrpoker folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: powerpill (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Atleast my river shove gave me that misclick fold equity, or that donkey doesn't know what hand he now has so he folds equity. On the up side, I hear donating more rake to PokerStars will turn off your doomswitch! So go me!

*****2 votes

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Memento = Wow
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 16 2007

Ok so I watched Memento last night and wow was that a total mind fuck. The movie was put together really well for being totally backwards. Yeah, the movie is basically played with the ending in the opening scene. Weird huh?

Anyways, here is some of the pics of the house we are trying to move into for the summer in Vegas:

Mini ballers fighting? Gogo!

*****3 votes

Comments (28)

actionDJ Rocks House!
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 16 2007

So today I started off playing my session at around 11:00am, and used up 5400 fpp's to win a $215 seat to the Sunday Million. Nolan is right, those things are cheese cake to win. So the Sunday Million was once again a total failure. I searched all morning for people to swap 5% with me in it, but apparently most people are starting to become aware of my less than stellar recording in cashing in tournaments. The only person to swap 5% with me was my boy actionDJ (more on this later). I went out rather quick as it basically went like this: I raise, donkey calls me, I c-bet the flop, donk jams, I fold, and repeat x10 til all my chips were gone. God I hate that tournament so much... Out in 6421st place! I'm so talented yo~

To make matters worse, I was getting destroyed at my NL400 tables at the same time. Nothing was going right for me, it was just sick. I ran QQ into KK preflop twice (although one was vs Weak Tite and I am pretty sure that it was probably a bad shove on my part considering his 3 betting range is much tighter). Made a very marginally thin value bet vs a donkey who happened to have it. Got abused by Daut for about an hour (why the fuck is he playing 2/4 today?) And to top it all off, my boy actionDJ who is very tight/solid for the most part decides that he wants to donate some moneys to me, but ends up running godly and totally owning me in this hand:

Submitted by : JonnyCosMo

POKERSTARS GAME #9440296563: HOLD'EM NO LIMIT ($2/$4) - 2007/04/15 - 18:11:31 (ET)
Table 'Burgundia II' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: cariadon ($526 in chips)
Seat 2: wader ($320 in chips)
Seat 3: actionDJ ($433 in chips)
Seat 4: JonnyCosMo ($1040.45 in chips)
Seat 5: LukeTheFOrce ($532.70 in chips)
Seat 6: Suck My Ace ($406 in chips)
JonnyCosMo : posts small blind $2
LukeTheFOrce: posts big blind $4

Dealt to JonnyCosMo AdAh
Suck My Ace: folds
cariadon: folds
wader: folds
actionDJ: raises $10 to $14
JonnyCosMo : raises $32 to $46
LukeTheFOrce: folds
actionDJ: calls $32

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $96)

JonnyCosMo : bets $72
actionDJ: calls $72

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $240)

JonnyCosMo : checks
actionDJ: checks

River (Pot : $240)

JonnyCosMo : bets $160
actionDJ: raises $155 to $315 and is all-in
JonnyCosMo : calls $155

actionDJ: shows 7sTs (a full house, Sevens full of Tens)
JonnyCosMo : mucks hand
actionDJ collected $867 from pot

Total pot $870 | Rake $3
Board  Td6d2d7d7c
Seat 1: cariadon folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: wader folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: actionDJ (button) showed 7sTs and won ($867) with a full house, Sevens full of Tens
Seat 4: JonnyCosMo (small blind) mucked AdAh
Seat 5: LukeTheFOrce (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: Suck My Ace folded before Flop (didn't bet)

No justice at all. So I stopped my session today down about $1225 and decided to watch the movie 'Original Sin'. God damn there is a lot of sex, nudity, sex, rape, sex in that movie! But overall it was a pretty excellent movie. So after I close down the movie I log back onto Ventrilo and hear the amazing news: With 300 players left, actionDJ was 45th in chips in the Sunday Million! Boy he runs like god... But wait! I then realized I still had 5% of his action! Wooot! For the next 2 and a half hours we had about 10 people in our ventrilo channel railing actionDJ's exciting run deep into the Sunday Million. RaiNKhaN was helping actionDJ in almost every move, as we were all listening in. With 85 players left, actionDJ was 12th in chips and I was already garenteed $92 bucks! This is when RaiNKhaN seemed to be desperate for a piece of the pie. He offered me $800 first, but after 5 mins I got him to buy the 5% for $1000 flat. SHIP THAT SHIT!!!!! (You guys can figure out the math on that, but I'm pretty sure it was a good deal on my part) So actionDJ's good run happened to carry over to my good fortunte as well! Yeahhh baby~!! Eventually we got down to less than 40 players and actionDJ was an average stack and jammed with 88, ran into AK. The flop came: 7-8-Q!! Woooooot! Turn T, river J! Everyone in ventrilo went crazy at the rigged nature of tournament poker. I guess this is what happens when people that infinitly good collide at the end of a tournament. Kaaaboooooom!! Anyways, I was playing some NL200 while watching the tournament and ended up nickle and diming my way to $200ish profit. So add that with actionDJ's $1000 profit for me and we got a break even day! Ship it crucial~!!

One of these days... I will run like god too... and you will see... You will all see! Mark my words!

*****1 votes

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