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Poker EV Software
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 15 2007

EDIT: The website now makes you email the dude for a password to work the software. This is bullshit, so if you want to installer just give me a PM on LP or IM me on AIM or MSN.

Wowowowow, so my mind has expanded so much. It's amazing how much you can learn about this game each day. So I downloaded that Poker EV software that tallies up your Sklansky dollers earned compared to your total winnings. Lets get right to my graph:

Here is a graph of my last 36,000 hands (about 2-3 weeks worth of playing for me). So let's translate this baby: The teal line is the Equity Adjusted to Total Winnings, which is basically Sklansky bucks (true equity) adjusted with the pots won/lost that did not go to showdown. Basically, this means it's what I should have won if my luck is breaking perfectly even. As you can see, the green line is my total winnings which = $7,835.25 at 6.4 Big Bets / 100 Hands and is running above the teal line. Conclusion: I run infinitly good, but we've already been over that.

The blue line is what I've won at Showdowns only. While the Red Line is the Sklansky bucks that are calculated straight from showdowns. Again, as you can see with the blue line being over the red, I run good.

Now my questions are... Is the gap between my value won at Showdowns and my Total Winnings suppose to be that wide? Or is this showing a leak in my game where I might not be playing as good in pots uncontested. I've been looking at this thing all day, and asking questions, but the program seems to be so new that people dont really know what the hell things mean on it.

Anyways, today's games were sick easy. The NL200 on PokerStars is just so juicy on weekends. I woke up and made $1200 in about 1000 hands, it was like Christmas all over again. <-- The top pair donk. These type of creatures only come out of hiding on the weekends. <-- I'm not really sure what to say about this one. O RLY...? <-- Maybe I shouldn't be double barreling these types of fish. They just never fold.

Unfortunately, I logged back on at 10pm tonight and gave about $700 of it back to the tables. Couldn't pick up anything, and was playing pretty bad. Oh well. Anyways, I'm going to be playing the Sunday Million tomorrow... Someone shoot me plz. I hate playing that tournament, but there is just so much dead money in it. Atleast I can play cash games to kill the boredom.

Corona anyone? Cheers~!!

*****1 votes

Comments (13)

Converting my PT to PostgreSQL
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 14 2007

Woooot! So at my home game last weekend Pavel and Lyric were telling me about converting my PokerTracker database to this PostgreSQL format shit so it wont freeze everytime it imports hands. Like wtf... why dont people tell me these things exsist earlier! So I have about 330,000 hands in my database right now, so I'm waiting for all this shit to get converted.

Anyways, after doing that, Lyric has shown me to this new software that apparently calculates your EV on your database and can pretty much show you how good/bad your running over a sample of hands. Unfortunately the site is down at the moment, but I'm def. gonna jump on it when it gets back and running. The program is only in it's beta version, so dont expect too much yet.


Also, another thing to give you guys a heads-up about is the PokerStars Buddy List Program created by the good semi-hard working but mostly half-assed people at Definitly an awesome program for tracking your fish(the only good thing to come from that website). You can find that here:


As for in general, DO NOT SIGN UP FOR IT! It's a total scam, they barely have any hands on anyone. It's a total garbage website trying to rip players off for $50 at a time. The makers of that website are as gay as my friend's smile in this picture --->

Pretty fuckin gay eh?

*****1 votes

Comments (6)

I <3 Twin-Caracas
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 12 2007

WARNING: This is old news~ I'm pretty sure most of you guys saw the first picture of Me & twin from the Bahamas, but most of you have not seen the 2nd. After a long night of drinking and hanging out on the beach after the bars, we go back into the hotel around 5am and guess who I see!! TWIN-CARACAS and all his glory again. And since I told twin I was his #1 fan, I had to take another picture.

I dedicate this to FrinkX who just loves to see my smile. :D Enjoy~

EDIT: Yikes! Fixed the name! How dare I spell the great one's name wrong! Zomg

*****2 votes

Comments (11)

Starcraft > Poker?
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 11 2007

So the past couple days I haven't really been playing. Mainly because I've been talking to a few NL200 regs and we've realized that Mondays and Tuesdays just aren't optimal at the tables since every table is infested with regulars. So, to pass the time I've been playing some Starcraft!! Fun stuff eh? I found this new Abyss Server thing, and have been playing the ladder to kill time. I'm so sick rusty it's pretty sad.

Just played RaiNKhaN 3 games of Zerg vs Protoss and got my ass swept. This picture pretty much sums it up:

Yeah I ate shit... So I'm going to be back at the tables tomorrow morning and hope that the games are better.

*****2 votes

Comments (13)

Smooth Sailing
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 08 2007

Today was a pretty good day. Started off at NL200 this morning while I was waking up and played semi-okay for the most part. Played in both the events to try and get my ladder points up, but seannolan butt raped me with a flopped two pair w/ AK and I turned two pair w/ KJ. Lame! But I got sweet revenge on him in the heads up tournament where I drew him first round. I proceeded to run like a god and sucked out multiple times to apesmash nolan to oblivion. Unfortunately RaSZi raped me the very next round so I was out of that pretty quickly.

So I grabbed some lunch, and decided to suck it up and play the Sunday Million. Why do I do this to myself? So an hour and 45 minutes later I'm suffering on a short stack, and finally picked up AQ and jam it into KK. Woot! Atleast I made $800ish at NL400 while playing the tournament. I'm running at a "staggering" 8.5 ptbb/100hands at NL400 since I've semi-moved up (I still play a lot of NL200 so, I wont say I've moved up until I start playing NL400 full-time).

Here are some hands: <- K? Moron. <- There is still a lot of dead money at NL400. My boy actionDJ stacked him about 30 mins after I did, and the guy left the table and went on lift tilt at NL1000 full ring. LOL... <- Kind of a thin-ish value bet on the river that was right on the border line. I haven't missed a value bet in 2 months btw <- Flopped quads, but I think I could have played this better. The guy was very aggressive thou and insta-folded when I jammed in. I was hoping he might have caught some peice of that board.

Here is my weekend at NL400:

*****2 votes

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Pretty Decent Day
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 07 2007

I'm honestly thinking that the weekends are just too +EV for playing poker. Tonight I went out to dinner with Lyric, Mango, and their ridiculously super hot super model friend Mogen (like omg omg omg?) So we went to some ghetto place in Oakland to get some Mexican which was really good and while drinking a Corona, it hit me and I told Lyric "God damn, this is soooo -EV eating dinner with you, like wtf, the games are just too juicy." Came up $1200~ Here are some hands from my session this afternoon: - Pretty standard snap call on this aggro donk. - Poor sooon2b was just getting molested with such bad luck at all my tables, he seemed a little tilted while making this call. - It's fun to play against people who constantly make bluffs that make no sense. Thanks for the moneys AA-pete-AA! - I run infinitly good against sooon2b. I totally 2 outted him on the turn, but was unable to extract max value. I love his turn check here. - This guy is buddy list material. Thanks for the moneys you station!

Had a couple tough hands as well... - I probably deserve this. - I still suspect a little robbery since this guy was a very aggro player. But I can't do much about it.

Here's a random pic for you guys, you could say I've been knocked off my feet?

*****2 votes

Comments (7)

DF_Newb's Balls of Steal
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 06 2007

Ok so maybe I'm not nearly as good as I think I am. Today I started off my session pretty late into the afternoon because I got caught up doing a lot of other things during the day. The tables weren't as juicy as I would have hoped, but whatever, there were still some fish in the sea. I then proceeded to play the following hand vs DF_Newb:

Submitted by : JonnyCosMo

PokerStars Game #9288346314: Hold'em No Limit ($1/$2) - 2007/04/06 - 20:14:52 (ET)
Table 'Sabine' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 2: Biden4prez08 ($220.85 in chips)
Seat 4: DF_Newb ($210.70 in chips)
Seat 5: JonnyCosMo ($214.75 in chips)
Seat 6: alexandrecc ($264.55 in chips)
alexandrecc: posts small blind $1
Biden4prez08: posts big blind $2

Dealt to JonnyCosMo 8h9h
DF_Newb: raises $5 to $7
JonnyCosMo: calls $7
alexandrecc: folds
Biden4prez08: folds

Flop (Pot : $17)

DF_Newb: bets $12
JonnyCosMo: calls $12

Turn (Pot : $41)

skoalboy50 joins the table at seat #3
DF_Newb: bets $32
JonnyCosMo: calls $32

River (Pot : $105)

DF_Newb: checks
JonnyCosMo: bets $163.75 and is all-in
DF_Newb said, "yo what"
DF_Newb: calls $159.70 and is all-in

JonnyCosMo: shows 8h9h (a pair of Sixes)
DF_Newb: shows KdJd (a pair of Sixes - Ace+King kicker)
DF_Newb collected $422.40 from pot

Total pot $424.40 | Rake $2
Board  7c6sAcQh6h
Seat 2: Biden4prez08 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: DF_Newb showed KdJd and won ($422.40) with a pair of Sixes
Seat 5: JonnyCosMo (button) showed 8h9h and lost with a pair of Sixes
Seat 6: alexandrecc (small blind) folded before Flop

ZAAAAP!!! Ok so let me take you through my thought process on this hand. I have 98 suited preflop, DF_Newb raises, I call, standard. I believe he precieves me as a tight/solid player incapable of making moves because in all honesty, I try to avoid making moves vs fellow LPer's / friends. So I flop an open-ended straight draw on a ace-high flop but there is a flush draw which I dont have also present, so he does a very standard c-bet and I dont take much time and call. This is where it gets interesting... because from my time playing with DF_Newb I know he doesn't back down when he thinks he's getting floated light so I suspected there was a good chance he'd double barrel with air a high % of the time. I dont really want to go into why I had this other read, because he probably will be reading this, but let's say I know that his range here on the turn is this: 66, 77, A7s, A6s, AQ, AK, or absolute air. I say this is air more than 60% of the time easily (at the time I was feeling that 3 out of 4 times this is air). The general idea is that I dont think he likes to put himself into a spot to bet/fold a marginal hand on this turn (such as AJ or weaker) and I suspect he check-calls this turn more than he bet/folds it.

This is where I feel I made a mistake, if I know there is a high chance he has absolute crap when he leads this turn, then I should have just raised him and pot committed myself. At the time, I know that a good portion of the deck is a scare card, because I planned on bluffing the clubs as well if they hit (assuming he checks to me, or attempts some sort of blocker bet I have fold equity to smash). To make a long story short, I decided to take the safe route and call, just to see what he does on the river. I wasn't exactly sure if he was crazy enough to triple barrel with air, but I was kinda hoping that he wasn't that suicidal and that he'd just give up at this point with a bluff.

River came a 6 pairing the bottom card. I know he thinks thats a terrible card to bluff. I hope he knows that I know that the 6 is a terrible card to bluff as well. He checks to me... which immediately tells me the following things: He doesn't have a hand he thinks he can value bet. It's possible that he could have been checking a monster, having me read on a draw that just missed in hopes I bluff the river. But that makes little sense to me since as I stated above, I believe he views me as a tight/solid player incapable of making moves AND I believe he knows that I know how bad of a card that river is to bluff at. It makes no sense that he'd check a hand to me here, and since I had him on a fairly narrow range of hands on the turn, I believe he now has air, unfortunately 9-high doesn't have showdown value vs air...

So I brainlessly forgetting to think about the following things: What could I be representing here? I'm capable of real thin value bets / value shoves, but I'm not sure he's seen any of them yet. Like, there is a fair size range of hands I will play this exact line with: AK, AQ, 6Xs w/ flush draw on the flop, or sometimes even any ace thinking I can steal a chop. Sadly, I dont really have a reason to think he knows this about me unless he's seen some of my hh's I've posted in the past month on LP (which I shouldn't really expect him to stalk me on this or anything). Thinking back on it, I think a bet of $85 would have done an excellent job on this river. The shove just looks too much like I want a fold here, and was a dead give away.

So after getting the wind knocked out of my sails from this hand, I decided to take a break. I might get on and play later tonight, but right now I just want to review my session. I was up 3 buyins at one point during my session, but only ended up $80 when I quit. My hats off to you DF_Newb, you got some balls sir. I feel totally owned right now.

*****2 votes

Comments (10)

It's All Coming Back To Me
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 05 2007

So I started my session today right where I left off yesterday. I sat down at 8 tables, my AA got cracked by KQ in my $20+2 freezeout tourney, and I proceeded to lose 3 full buy-ins in my first 150 hands, all to bad beats or coolers. Shit was sick. So I thought about just stopping playing for the day after my first 400ish hands, then things started to get better... The clouds over my head parted... The sun came out and was shining bright once again. My iTunes randomly selected that song 'It's All Coming Back to Me Now' by Celine Dion. It was truely beautiful... I started to own bitches again.

See that guy on the motorcycle at the begining of this video? Yea that was me... So I played about 1500 hands straight at 1/2 this morning and here are some of the highlights: - This one could have gotten ugly if I didn't resuck out on him. - Kinda thin, nothing too impressive. Took a gamble on the flop by flatting this guy's donk lead with a player behind me. Not really sure if that's totally the smartest way to play it, but whatever it worked. - How to kill an aggro donk 101. - It's Christmas... - How did I know this fish was going to call this shove? LOL Max Value baby - Semi-coolered TwistedEcho, AKs vs my AA.

After my 1/2 session I got some coffee and breakfast then Steve (PoorUser) was nice enough to sit down with me and give me his guidance through a 2/4 session. Here are some interesting hands from that: - Orgasm anyone? - PoorUser's idea not mine! - Alotofdonk gets pwned. - Again, PoorUser's magic hard at work. Dont ask.

Here is the graph of my April so far:

Atleast I'm back to almost even! Yeah baby~!!

*****3 votes

Comments (6)

LOL @ The Tourney Donk
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 04 2007

What a moron... I figured he was as dumb as he sounded.

****4 votes

Comments (3)

Tournament Player Logic LOL...
  JonnyCosMo, Apr 04 2007

"LOL Donkaments" ... the phrase just says it all. I have respect for tournaments players (for the most part) as what they do can be extremely stressful at times. With that said, it's time to rip on this one moron. May I direct your attention to Team USA's captain AppSt2004. Oh? You didn't know he was the captain of Team USA? And the #6 ranked tournament player in 2005 on all of PokerStars? Let's take a closer look:

AppSt2004 (Captain) - USA Team Captain, Joe Harwell, has run his own real estate business since leaving college. Joe's only been playing 4 years but has plenty of live tournament experience, playing 3 events of last year's WSOP. Joe is one of the top US players in PokerStars TLB rankings, rated the 4th best US player for 2005, and 6th placed in the world.

Ok so I'm playing my 1/2 session this morning, running like total shit (I'll probably post another list of hands in the Hand Discussion later for people to look over), and Mr. Harwell is sitting to my right at one of my tables. Getting right to the point, this happens to me:

Submitted by : JonnyCosMo

POKERSTARS GAME #9249272538: HOLD'EM NO LIMIT ($1/$2) - 2007/04/04 - 14:44:41 (ET)
Table 'Dido III' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: TaTaTunes ($189 in chips)
Seat 2: xEDGEKIDx ($100 in chips)
Seat 3: solo_kh ($287.60 in chips)
Seat 4: AppSt2004 ($200 in chips)
Seat 5: Mir1000 ($31 in chips)
Seat 6: JonnyCosMo ($223.05 in chips)
xEDGEKIDx: posts small blind $1
solo_kh: posts big blind $2

Dealt to JonnyCosMo 3h3c
AppSt2004: raises $4 to $6
Mir1000: calls $6
JonnyCosMo: calls $6
TaTaTunes: folds
xEDGEKIDx: calls $5
solo_kh: folds

Flop (Pot : $26)

xEDGEKIDx: checks
AppSt2004: bets $4
Mir1000: calls $4
JonnyCosMo: raises $20 to $24
xEDGEKIDx: folds
AppSt2004: raises $20 to $44
Mir1000: folds
JonnyCosMo: calls $20

Turn (Pot : $118)

AppSt2004: bets $50
JonnyCosMo: raises $123.05 to $173.05 and is all-in
AppSt2004: calls $100 and is all-in

River (Pot : $464.1)


AppSt2004: shows JdJs (three of a kind, Jacks)
JonnyCosMo: mucks hand
AppSt2004 collected $415 from pot

Total pot $418 | Rake $3
Board  2dJc3dQh8c
Seat 1: TaTaTunes (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: xEDGEKIDx (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: solo_kh (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: AppSt2004 showed JdJs and won ($415) with three of a kind, Jacks
Seat 5: Mir1000 folded on the Flop
Seat 6: JonnyCosMo mucked 3h3c

Having no previous information on this player, I thought stacking off with a set of 3's was alright. Am I wrong to think so? If you think I am you can start playing tournaments with this moron too. So I get stacked, reload, play on, whatever. Then this idiot says the following:

AppSt2004: 33 no good obv
JonnyCosMo: ???
AppSt2004: treys are into the muck, gg
JonnyCosMo: are you kidding?
AppSt2004: thanks for the coin.
JonnyCosMo: rofl fish, i hope your not serious...
AppSt2004: obv 33 no good
JonnyCosMo: obv your a card rack
AppSt2004: you just called team usa's captain a fish, your funny.

He then proceeds to think that he owned me? He goes off for 30 minutes on why I play bad, and how he's god's gift to the game. Like... wtf? So what moron, you stacked me once on a total cooler and you think you're good!?! Like, the only way he gets any money into that pot is if I have a set of 3's or 2's. He played that hand like your standard tournament fish, minrais, minraise, minraise. I feel like I got dumber from reading what this moron had to say to me. Ok sorry, had to vent that... very frustrating after being up 3 buy-ins and ending your session down 2.5 buyins. Seriously, I'm not smiling

EDIT: Ok I'm smiling again

*****3 votes

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