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Anyone willing to buy PT3
  Into Infinity, Jan 25 2009

i'll sell you my code for 50 on stars. PM if interested.

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oh wow!!!!!!!!
  Into Infinity, Jan 24 2009

thought this was pretty cool

hrap =

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  Into Infinity, Jan 21 2009

i need some. Post your setup didn't help me, neither did the most baller setup thread on 2+2.

seriously i just haven't felt like playing at all. i tried playing nl5 to cool down and i didn't know what the hell was going on lololols


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  Into Infinity, Jan 20 2009

last 3 sessions, i'm down about 10 buy ins at nl25 so all that fucking grinding on nl10 was a waste. i dunno if it's tilt, bad play, or people fucking going into 3 bet pots with retarded shit and hitting every time

WHINE POSTttttttttttttttttttttttttttt more plz

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move up imo + other stuff
  Into Infinity, Jan 16 2009

still playing super tight for 6max, PT says i'm running 15/12. most of my big loses comes from my inability to fold AKs preflop because i'm usually up against KK or AA. i'm also surprized i'm in the positive for my Big blind, although i doubt it's gonna stay like that

still hoping to hit 1k by the end of the month. actually i WOULD be at 1k since i made a bunch at the casino the other day, and since my BR is 650 it'd boost my BR to about 1020 or so.

now that i think about it, i'm probably gonna deposit some of those winnings so i can move up to nl50 faster, although i think i should play 20k hands at nl25 first.

ALSO, got this unballer leather office chair for $60. not much but it was like half off and i dont need a 500 dollar chair o_O;;

ONE LAST THING - with the release of Street fighter IV coming out next month, i'm thinking of building another stick:

heres my first one:

it's for PS2 and since i ps3 can't use ps2 controllers, i need to make a whole new one. but the one i'm thinking of will be a japanese style stick (pictures above is the american style) and will probably look sorta like this:

clear buttons, white box, bubbletop. the difference between the japanese and american sticks is that the balltop sticks are smaller compared to the baseball bat style american sticks, also the buttons look and feel a shitload better.

enough of the non poker stuff though - here's since the next year:

i AM working on making the red line straighter, but i obv suck at poker

and something to make this blog less boring:

i'm in love with this woman

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1/2 is eaaaaazzzzzz
  Into Infinity, Jan 15 2009

live 1/2 that is. seriously they suck. i lost two big hands (AJ v KK on AJx flop, i raise from the button and old lady 3 bets me to 25, i call, i do near PSB, she calls and binks a K...then i misplayed this hand after i checked the turn, asking myself what i beat now but i suck at poker and shove over her half pot river bet) and then losing a flip vs 10s. but in the end i still won +339, which is sick.

then i lost $20 in roullete/slots

one of my favorite hands of the day was me having QJ in the BB with like 3 limpers. i check. flop 44Q. check check check check. turn Q. i bet like 4 into an 8 dollar pot, SB calls. river A, he open shoves for like $90 more and i'm like lolwut. snap call and he tables AK like it's the nuts, fucking idiot.

online poker is alright, i've been losing a few dollars here and there in SNGS but i'm still crushing NL10 for 10BB/100 over 17.7k hands.

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I suck at NL25
  Into Infinity, Jan 09 2009


forgot how everyone is like 10x more aggresive then at NL10, well at least i'm not down but i did horribly bad.

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whine post
  Into Infinity, Jan 07 2009

my last session...really retarded i think - AK v AJ - butchered preflop (time banking on tables), 2 outered on perfect flop - AK v AJ - standard 3 outer from idiot villian doing a brilliant flop call - AK v QQ - losing my only coin flip of the night - J9 - AJ - standard button raise, standard 2nd nuts v nuts, standard FML etc - KJ v AA - i probably should've bet/folded flop or something, villian has been 3 betting me constantly and AA was the last hand i put him on (i put him on AK to be honest). - AQ v T9 - top pair vs pair + straight draw - JQ v AQ - top pair + FD v TPTK, aka i suck ass at value betting rivers - KK v AQ - why are you floating my cbets so often! - Q9 v TJ - horrible turn call probably because i like variance - AA v JJ - standart

super disappointed in this session to be honest, hoping tomorrow will be better.
official stats are +230,59 after 10,529 hands, running 10.93BB/100 since the first of jan.

also i'm playing an incredible crappy 15/11/1.77 (lolololol) until i getback to nl25.

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  Into Infinity, Jan 06 2009

2nd non poker related post, but i just watched twilight...

and i liked it


anyways i'm 5 buy ins away from moving back up to nl25, steam rolling through nl10 6max, 16+ tabling and playing horribly (14/11 i think) but robo-nitting works at micros (12bb/100 over 10k hands, running horrible actually, so yeayuhhhh), so whatever. i already know i can run 5-6 bb/100 on nl25 so i'm just trying to get my roll back for now. hoping to hit nl50 again by the end of the month. that is, if i stop playing DotAAAAAA

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  Into Infinity, Jan 05 2009

except poker, seriously ez game

but I HATE LOSING at things that i know i can win...tonight i played in a little home game and won $120 (/brag)

one of my friends lost like 20 dollars and he was like..."let's play street fighter, first to 8, you start at 5, for $20", i'm thinking ez money

he wins first 3, i win 2...making it 3-7...and he wins 5 games in a row...seriously, what the fuck is this garbage

ugh i wanted to throw my damn arcade stick across the street


FUuuuuuuuuuuuuck my life

the $20 i don't really care about, but it's just fucking disappointing and humiliating to lose at such an easy bet

anyways, if anyone is down for dota, PM me! i just got into it and i'm addicted.

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