Episode 1 of season two up on pokertube. Both Jeans from 2+2 (jeans89 or something on prima among other nicks?) and LostLucky (also highish stakes player on prima) along with a couple of more familiar names such as Eric Liu, that tall Norwegian from HSP, recent nutcase Andy black and Leo Margret also plays.
50/100€ blinds so that's fun. Havn't watched it all yet but I'm sure it'll be fun enough.
So in a week it's time for the next UFC event, UFC 112: Invincible, in Abu Dhabi. Obviously the fights for various titles (lightweight and light heavyweight) will be interesting but both Maia and Edgar would have to pull off a huge upset to be anywhere near winning. If Maia gets it to the ground he has a good chance but I have no idea how he'll do it.
There's a few cool fights at the under card and I'd recommend people to check out Phil Davis vs the Swedish fighter Alexander "The Mauler" Gustafsson. The American freestyle wrestler was really impressive in his last fight when he destroyed Brian Stann in a fairly entertaining fight which he dominated for 3 rounds. He's also a favoured at the book makers with a line set at about -500 while Gustafsson is about +350. In "The Mauler's" last fight he knocked out Jarad Hamman in just 41 secounds which I at that time just figured had a lot to due with the other guy having a weak chin and crappy boxing, but after watching Hamman fight a war (and winning!) against Rodney Wallace at UFC 111 I'm convinced that the power of Gustafsson's hands should not be taken lightly.
I guess the most likely outcome is that the Sweede will spend a few rounds on his back due to the, in all probability, superior wrestling of Davis but with a little luck this fight will be really intense and if the Swedish fighter can get a few minutes standing up it'll be really exciting.
But fighters are undefeated, young and with a ton of potential and my guess is that the winner of this fight will get some kind of lower level gatekeeper in their next fight.
A couple of really interesting video blogs about how Gustafsson prepares for this fight can be found (in Swedish) over at http://www.kimura.se/. They'll follow him all the way up to his fight and even though the guy initially struck me as someone with a fair bit more muscles then brain he's really growing on you when you listen to him and he seems really down to earth and overall a good guy.
So I'm breakeven in cash games and donkaments this month, which is fairly annoying but whatever. Shit happens and I haven't played well. Fairly sure I qualified for Unibet Open Bulgaria though so that's nice and I guess I'll end the month up a little bit due to rakeback.
Figured out a bunch of leaks to, mostly having to do with being a spewtard in different ways and I also feel that I'm very unbalanced in a bunch of situations.
Got starcraft 2 beta key from gogoogroggagarog or whatever his name is so I guess I'll try that for the rest of the month, then I'll watch a bunch of movies or something and get a fresh start in April. Won't even put up a monetary goal but rather just aim to get better and spend a lot of time figuring stuff out rather then 10tabling stuff like a retard.
So I got home to my parents last Friday and when my father came in through the door he said; "You've lost weight!", which is true as I'm about 6kg lighter then last I saw him, and I told him that; "well, yes I have!" feeling happy with myself. "You look skinny", he replied and started to tell me to eat more.
Time to hit the gym I guess. Probably just as well, this damn diet has left me without much energy anyway.
yey! I can play higher again. Although, I'll probably try to win 10 or 20k more before playing 10/20 again unless the games are really good. It's so nice to play in soft games to relax from time to time.
SO some guy convinced me that I'd rather buy Grant's instead of Jamesons as "drinking whiskey" for dinner before we try to more expensive kinds. Is this in fact enough grounds to kill him or do I need to determine that his choice of Schottish > Irish is in fact grounded in some kind of immoral belief that something could be better then that Irish guy in the wire?
fiwiwwwi it doesn't taste that bad, the only difference except some taste issues are that I can't seem to feel good about sitting around waiting for guests,d rinking whisekeyey and singing along iwth the dublinners in "Hwhiskey in the jar".
Got choked by two different black belts today. First my roomie tried to do what I think was supposed to be a Cross Choke on me. Since we're both fairly new and I'm fairly good at pressing my head against my chest he didn't really get much done, in fact I was kind comfortable down on the floor chillin' while he was trying different things that didn't work much. The main instructor then decided to show how it was done, but since the main thing about this coke is that you'll have to apply a fair bit of pressure to make it work and he's a nice guy while I obviously fought like crazy not to give him any room it took him a good 20 secounds or so to apply it in such a way that I couldn't get air and had to tap. He'd probably do it in 5 or so if he just put some weight behind it, but whatever.
Then a guest coach came over, apparently decided that he couldn't have a white belt surviving that long against a black belt and choked me 3 times. My best time from him gripping my gi to me not getting any air was probably about 3 sec. He's apperently a BB under Murilo Bustamante since like 13 years and he was a really cool dude so it was a lot of fun. He kept repeating that "Some guys never taps to this choke. Jacare never taps to this choke. But that's a bad example, Jacare never taps to anything".
cliff notes: Got choked by two different black belts in one day. I thought it was really cool and really fun.
The month is just 5 hours old and I'm already down 13k€. Sweet! (NOT!)
Anyway, can't ruin the mood for my birthfay in a few weeks so I've decided to chill and play 5/10 and lower for the rest of the month since it's easier on my fragile soul. Unfortunatly high stakes are tempting!
Basically another on of those "catch me play higher and I give to charity" thingys. So; the rules:
- If anyone catches me playing higher then 5/10€ NL or PLO for the rest of this month I'll give 10.000 SEK [~1k€) to a charity picked by the first guy who posts about it here or on my blog in Swedish (linked a few posts back).
Additional rules:
- Anyone who wants to claim this must be able to provide proof in form of a screen shot or something similar.
- The incident must involved playing for at least a small number of hands. Happening to sit down at the wrong table and autopost blinds won't count unless I actually keep playing for such a number of hands that I noticed or should have noticed what table I'm sitting on.
- The bet/offer/whatever you want to call it is null and void (ie: I can play higher again) 00:00 april first (Swedish time, GMT+1), or if I post a sceensshot from HEM proving that I've made 20k € since posting this playing lower stakes cash game, rakeback excluded.
- I can cancel or change this bet at any time if someone finds some way to abuse it; however, if at least 3 somewhat regarded LP-ers and/or friends (ie: guy who knows me, talk to me semi-regulary, anyone who has been active in the community for a decent amount of time without being to much of a douche etc) claims that I'm a bitch for invoking this, I'll still have to give 1k€ to charity. "Bitch-rule"
- The Charity has to be somewhat organized, something that won't get my asset frozen (ie: not Hamas...), easy to give money to and not something that makes me feel to bad about helping. I'd be nice about it, but nothing to damn weird/against the principles of "live and let live" (obviously fuzzy lines, but if you can make a decent case for it I'll probably be ok with it.)