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New setup
  Cooper83, Jul 26 2009

The camping trip went well and the move is pretty much all done. Now I just need to get back grinding out some hands before the month ends. I really don't think I will meet my monthly goals, but I'm def happy with how I've been playing recently and if I can continue that trend and carry it into the coming months I should see some really nice results. Still no word on the job thing which is pretty retarded, I've now been told by two companies that I'm overall qualified, however, I'm underqualified for everything else. What a great position right lol.......oh well if I can keep grinding it out maybe I won't have to worry about that by years end.

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Looking for some input
  Cooper83, Jul 23 2009

The last couple days I've been logging a lot of hands and working on playing a bit more laggy which is actually improving my game immensely. It's also put me in a couple rather tough spots that I'm not sure how standard/spewy they are. In the two pots I have in mind I'm playing against a villian somewhere in the
35-40/27-30/15-18% 3bet range.

The first hand I raised mp with A/Qo got 3bet and flatted flop came Q/2/2 rainbow, villian bets $7 into $14.25 I raise to $24 and he flats. Turn brings 8 still rainbow he checks I jam he calls flips over Q/Q GG me. Now is this standard or spewy, if I'm calling a 3bet this is pretty much a dream flop. Should I slow down the turn when he flats the flop and re-val the river although I don't see how I can fold to a jam?

2nd hand I 4bet A/J in position board came J high he checked I checked back, turn didn't change anything he checked I jammed he called with K/K and I stacked off. This is a bit more spewy although the error was preflop, post I think it's standard. Not really if I should play this any different post flop or not? Your thoughts?

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Last night and the following morning....
  Cooper83, Jul 16 2009

My best friend came to town and we went out last night. Did the whole bar hopping thing got way to drunk etc. Naturally he thought it was a good idea to drive and I was to drunk to think it was a bad idea. On the way to a bar in the busy area known as the square where there's always a ton of cops I decide I need to puke and force him to pull over into a parking lot. Were parked(very poorly) and I'm puking by the bumper when the cop pulls up and asks me how it's going. I say fine, just not feeling so well. They ask if I'm driving I say no, at this point my friend decides moving his car anywhere would be a bad idea as they would be watching us. I agree so we walk to a bar and grab a drink no big deal I've left my car parked there before when I was to drunk to drive. After the drink at the bar we call it a night and walk the 4 miles home staggering drunk. On the way we naturally walk through the Taco Bell drive through for food where we order 20 tacos for the two of us. We finally get back and we grab a couple beers and just relax. Eventually we passed out, pretty normal night out when we get together. We woke up this morning around 11am and I take him to go get his car only to find out that there is some festival going on downtown so his car got towed. At this point the rage starts to set in, he has quite a temper which was honestly hard to keep a straight face. You have to realize things like this just happen to him, he is literally a shit magnet, bad things that rarely happen to any normal person always happen to him. So we go to get his car and he finds out it's gonna cost $170 to get it out. I'm splitting it with him, but yeah outside of the money it's fricken hilarious cause it's him.

Another example of the random bad things that happen to him, were at a nice restaurant where he knows one of the waitresses. We finish eating and he has to drop a deuce and because he's dating the waitress he doesn't want to at the nice restaurant(he's an idiot). So we leave the restaurant and go across the street to McDonalds where he proceeds to relieve himself. He was in such a hurry to get into the stall he didn't really investigate much which was mistake number 2. So he comes back out to the car and I smell something awful, we start investigating to find out the source only to realize that his pants are covered in someone elses shit from the bathroom floor and it's all over him. Needless to say it was insanely hilarious but another one of those only him moments which bring such joy to everyone else.

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Golad update inspired by nloser60
  Cooper83, Jul 15 2009

[]not run like shit

...........only 18 buyins under expected this month great start.

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Mass Grind Day
  Cooper83, Jun 30 2009

Well I decided yesterday that I wanted to try and get Platinum star for next month and get enough FPP's for the $160 instant bonus. Due to obligations I was no where near either of these so I sat down for a 16 hr 19,000 hand grind session that went very well. Here's how it ended up......I'm extremely happy with how it went, now I'm going to go get some sleep. I'll update my month later.

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Good day
  Cooper83, Jun 26 2009

1)It's finally starting to cool down outside from this 95 degrees with 90%+ humidity, having swamp nuts from sitting in a chair is just not pleasant.
2)GF is coming for the weekend woohoo.
3)Played 3 sessions today, first two I started out well and missed a couple combo draws late to finish up about 1/2 a buyin in 2k hands which isn't bad I'll take it. The 3rd session however, went extremely well. I won every single big pot I was involved in 2 of which were flips when it went in. It feels really really well to be on this side of things, overall +6 buyin session which I'm really happy about.

On that note I need to go shower my GF should be here soon. Hope this heater continues

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Comments (3)

  Cooper83, Jun 25 2009

Move up and get shit on...........getting old fast.

Here's my two favorites.......

+ Show Spoiler +

and then there's this dandy.

+ Show Spoiler +

Ran 3 buyin under expected, overall I've taken 3 shots at 50nl this month and all total I'm running 9.5 buyins under expected. I understand variance happens, it just sucks that it happens during every attempt to move up I make.

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Run goooooooooooood one timeeeeeee
  Cooper83, Jun 23 2009

Just got a callback on the application I sent in. It's a really good company to work for sick sick benefits, but there looking for someone with more experience. I do however know a couple people that have some pull there so you never know. The HR rep also mentioned they weren't having a lot of luck finding someone with more experience so hopefully I run good one time and get the job because that would be awesome. On the poker side of things I was mid session when she called so had to close it down, it was going pretty well, no big hands to post. Reverted back to what was profitable which is basically just abuse the idiots at the table and stop getting cute and trying to outplay people. The adjustment was needed and while it's a bit nittier then I will need to play at higher limits it crushes 25nl because they just call call call regardless of image. Anyway I'll probably play another session later and if I have some big losers that aren't total setups or suckouts I'll be sure to post for some criticism.

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yeahhhhhh I suck
  Cooper83, Jun 22 2009

Running into some setups which in turn leads to me playing like a monkey. I'm going to start posting my biggest losing hands here for you guys to take a look at starting at my next session. I'm hoping this will help re-focus and stop with the random spew crap. Any moved back down to 25nl for the time being.

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Comments (2)

  Cooper83, Jun 20 2009

Week long vacation with the GF went well. My bros wedding last Saturday was a great time, finally got back to the tables and was on pace for an epic +9buyin session when I lost a 6 buyin flip vs some monkey who called top pair trash kicker and held. Still up a little over 3 buyins so I can't complain. Other then that everything else is going good, so far it's been a pretty good month back.

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