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PowerHausAA grinding PLO

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Monte Carlo Full Report
  PowerHausAA, May 07 2009

Monte Carlo
Day 1: We leave JFK (New York) close to midnight Sunday. We arrive in Paris at some point and wait 3 hours for connect flight to Nice. We get to Nice around 5PM and I get conned into taking public transportation. Bad move as it was pouring and a lot less convenient than I thought it’d be. The view is absolutely gorgeous as well as the resort. As we’re checking in all I see is extremely young faces. Nothing exciting, we unpack go down to the bar have few drinks and some snacks then I head to bed. A bottled water is like 7 Euros lol.

Day 2: Unfortunately i wasn’t able to switch to day 1b so I’m playing on Tuesday. I get there early to check out room temperature and snack situation as I didn’t have time or thought to pack food. I’m the first one at the table I make some chit chat with the dealer and the seats start filling up. To my right is younger lad from Texas, very nice kid, from what I remember he won the supernova elite tournament which meant that he got supernova elite status with almost no work? To my left is Entropyxx and we have a kind of awkward moment when we realize who each other are as we played tons of hands with each other and plo200. Seats 1-4 were all Stars regulars. Day 1 I really didn’t get dealt anything. I remember getting kings twice one flopped an ace and second one I missed a huge value river bet. I thought the whole day I earned most my chips. At one point I was down to 17kish when I called on the button with J 10 Clubs and flopped trips and turned quads to double up against seat 9’s kings. Seat 8 was pretty much trying to steal every time and two times I actually did call him down he managed to catch backdoor flushes. Pretty much he would call in position with nothing on flop and try to out play turn and river. If it weren’t for him I think I’d easily be over 70k chips for the day. Day 1 ends with 41k.

Day 3: (Wed) the other day 1 is going so I have the whole day to venture. Amanda(My girlfriend couldn’t come so she got a bit lucky and called me at the exactly right time and went with me) and I went to the beach grab some unbelievable food. It was unreal how fresh the food was, but I guess that’s what a 70 euro lunch buys. I tried to keep the day short as I still had 3k vpp to go for the 50k vpp minimum for the month. Procrastination is my specialty; it’s funny because Entropy was in the same exact spot as me. So I return to the hotel room and setup my internet (20 euros/day) and of course the mouse I got at the airport only works when its right next to the USB thingy so now I have to cross my hand to the left side of the computer to play. UGH!#@!@! MrBIond and I have been planning to meet up the whole time and we finally do. I was scared he was going to be a total tool but he ended up being really cool and he gave me the best advice ever, to Email scotty from stars about my situation.

Day 4: So I wake up really early on Thursday for day 2 (this whole trip I barely slept). I start going at it cross handed multitabling and I just give up and email scotty. He hooked it up and gave me the 3kvpp I needed. On to day 2 of the main event. I end up at an awesome table, I actually had a lot of chips compared to most of the players at my table and the biggest stack was about 70kish. First hour I get up 80k, im getting dealt beautifully and im running over the table. DOOMSWITCH, table got broken up and of course I take the last table assignment card on the table. I get moved to the heaviest table in the tournament. Lee Nelson had about 330k and of course Entropy is to my right with over 100k, Eric Qu is to my left with over a 120k (who ended up final tabling). Pretty much every other seat has a good stack size. Every other hand I come into the pot I get 3-betted. So I adjust my range to JJ+AK+. I’m pretty stagnant the whole time lingering around 60k. The only hand I showed down was Kings and that was when button shoved and I wake up with kings in BB. I am in the second dinner break and I’m starving. First group is in the middle of dinner break and were just about to take ours when middle position opens for 6500 (1200/2400 blinds) I have about 65kish left and I have A 10 H. I think about squeezing but decided that I can outplay him on flop. Flop comes K Q 4 two clubs. Check check Turn is 5 spades. I lead out for 11k he calls. He called pretty quick but I’m pretty much putting him on jack’s /tens as I’m pretty sure he would’ve lead out A Q here. River is 2 clubs. I realize that at best he might be on a weak q here or some lower pair. I put 23k in on the river. I’m representing pretty much K Q here or A,J, or A,10 clubs. In retrospect I should’ve definitely put like 7-8k on turn and valued bluff 10k on river. He tanks for about 6-8 minutes ( I don’t call clock as I want to miss the blinds before dinner break), he finally declares a call and flips over 9’s. at first I was baffled but made more sense that I have monster or nothing there and im definitely kicking myself for not value bluffing river. I have about 19k left next hand I get dealt 9’s. Entropy makes standard raise one off button and I shove. BB doesn’t see that I shove (I don’t know how) and tries to call just the 6500, the tournament director comes over and has to tell him that his options are fold or call leaving the 6500 he put in there already. So he opts to call. Flop is a 10 4 turn q river blank. BB has K,j entropy had k 10 I would’ve lost either way. I was somewhere in the 180-220th place range as I just picked up and left.

Overall I felt good about the whole tournament. Played well in my opinion minus few hiccups when I didn’t declare raise a few times. Anyways started instadrinking and went to an awesome dinner and ate a risotto that I’ll never forget. It was by far the best thing I had there.

Rest of my stay there was relaxing got pretty trashed Friday night, paid 80 euros for 4 beers and Nelly the rapper and his entourage were few feet from where we were all dancing. Actually I may as well tell you about my NELLY experience in Monte Carlo.
So Amanda and I are walking through the hotel lobby and I do a double take on Nelly. I turn to Amanda and I was like “yo I think that’s nelly.” She thought it looked like him but was like nah it can’t be. As we’re walking back up to the events center we see him taking pictures and what not. So of course I can’t miss this opportunity lol to meet nelly. So I give him one of the most touristy “HELLO” I’ve ever given. Of course his bouncer his setting me to the side asking him to give him a minute. So finally he agrees to snap a few pics. At first he got a little ticked about Amanda’s lens cap being on still, but nonetheless I got a picture with him. Later on the week I found him playing battleships poker with some kid and his bouncer brings him this big bag of mcdonalds and he pulls out a filet o fish box. Only a millionaire rapper named nelly would get a filet o fish in gorgeous Monte Carlo, one of the most exclusive places in the world. The story doesn’t end there. Friday night we go to Jimmy’z, (the 20 euro/beer place). Of course nelly is there with his entourage. Every so often he would get champagne with fireworks type of candles in the ice bucket (lol it was totally announcing that he got more champagne). It was kind of crazy, he was surrounded by bouncers and bitches, quite a scene. So I’m pretty smashed at this point and I’m sick of paying 20 euro beers so I go back to get a 24 euro room service cheeseburger. Amanda told me that when nelly was leaving that his bitches were having a squabble/serious discussion over who’s going back with nelly. Only adds to the hilarity of the filet o fish. So that’s my Nelly story.

My monte carlo in general was amazing. Got to meet house_advantage, mrblond, entropyxx,bfl4me as well as a bunch of other players. I met a guy named Ted and his wife who I found out was Poker snoopy. It was definitely nice to meet others in person that do this for a living too. Somewhat of a redeeming trip for me as far as my poker career goes.

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just busted
  PowerHausAA, Apr 30 2009

my first table was amazing........first hour i moved up over 80k then our table got broken up. unfortunately, it got broken up and i got moved to the chip leader/the heaviest chip table. i ended up being on the left of entropyxx lol. so table is pretty bad for me. im around 45-70k for 3-4 level of blinds there and the dinner break is coming around. seat two makes standard raise i and i make call in sb with a 10 hearts. flop comes k q 4 clubs. check check, turn is a 2 i put about 11k into a 15k pot, he calls. river comes 5. i bet 24k leaving me with 19kish. it goes about 7-9 minutes for him to call and i show nothing and he shows 9's. i feel pretty pwned. i mean is that line terrible ive showed down 1 hand in 4 hours of play which was kings.

next hand i have 9's and entropy raises to 6500, i raise all in for 19k and bb calls but doesnt mean to and the director had to be called and what not but he calls anyway flop A 10 4 turn Q river has kj entropy k10 doesnt matter im out. vacation starts tonite

came in like 220ish over all i feel good about my play. i did have some blunders but no regrets.

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MC report
  PowerHausAA, Apr 29 2009

ok so had a pretty decent table draw yesterday. started tournament at 30k and blinds at 50/100. insane amount of chips. to my left is entropyxx, it was really cool meeting him and two my right are two other star guys. direct right was pretty nitty who i squeezed a bunch of times and to his right was a nl400 regular who squeezed more than anyone at the table. i was seat 3 the guy at seat 8 was trying to outplay everyone, which he did. the few times i did call him down he ended up hitting backdoor flushes so whatever i just shrugged and took it in the ass for a while knowing that i had way too many chips to be doing crazy things on day 1. went as high as 45k and as low as 16k. i really didnt get dealt very well and when i did nothing much happened. i was earning most my pots except when i had 16k i called raise on button with j 10s flopped trips turned quads and original raiser ended up having kings.

i gotta say that live poker is so grueling i was exhausted by the end i just wanted to leave early. i ended with 41,400 in chips and blinds are going to be 500/1000 100 antes tomorrow. im really happy to even have that many chips right now as i made some errors with tournament protocols as far as raising. im very optimistic for day 2, i cant really be dealt much worse day 2. and few double ups can let me seriously contend.

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Comments (3)

monte carlo is stunning
  PowerHausAA, Apr 27 2009

it really is amazing here the weather is shitty but nothing beats the Mediterranean sea view

anyways im room 419 if ur here holler

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off to monte carlo
  PowerHausAA, Apr 26 2009

getting in tomorrow holler at me lpers!


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vegas for wsop
  PowerHausAA, Apr 22 2009

ok so im looking into places my plan is to get there 5/28 for start of wsop, then through out the month eventually find a permanent fixture.

is anyones down to get a place for a month does anyone in that neighborhood want to house me (i will pay of course) any ideas or interest please let me know !


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moving to vegas
  PowerHausAA, Apr 21 2009

end of may planning on moving............anyone interested in coming along? if you do im very serious, im a smoker so keep that in mind. looking for someone whos looking to really get serious about poker. age doesnt matter just be responsible,mature, and accountable (crap this is sounding like craiglist posting)!!!!

but im really making the next big step so id be way happier to have someone else to do it with.

looking for a place on the strip or stone's throw away from it..........any suggestions ??!??!?! help never even been there

im planning to focus on poker career looking for a place from 0-1500.

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Comments (3)

  PowerHausAA, Apr 20 2009

end of may im definately out of my current place.......anyone with crazy ambition to move somewhere like vegas, miami, san diego????

im a 100 percent serious, so anyone that wants to toy with the idea let me know

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  PowerHausAA, Apr 04 2009

so this is how i get eliminated

UTG jacks raise get squeezed i shove he calls a 9d great flop for him

i thought for a while about folding ..........but i'm 90 percent sure i have him dominated my only thought here is that he's crazy enough to call with ak/aq, he had been in every other pot so if he had q's hats off to him but i cant even come close to putting him even on that as he wouldve played aa kk hell of a lot more coy.

had a gajillion bb's i cant believe he calls with a 9

but thats what i get for having high expecation of a low buy in tourney

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waiting for shootout
  PowerHausAA, Apr 04 2009

my best friends bday is today and im still waiting for scoops 16.50 quad shootout round 3 its almost 11pm

cant complain though happy with results so far
first two tables were pretty good to me my sitngo days are really paying off just treating it as a winner take all satellite

hope i win!

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