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I suck
  Venrae, Feb 19 2011

at NL50

I dunno what happened today, shit just didn't work. Stars hated me and I played pretty fucking bad.

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Need 300 paypal plz
  Venrae, Feb 14 2011

need this asap please <3

I have stars and will obv send first to reputable members.

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Need 300 paypal asap
  Venrae, Feb 13 2011

I have stars money and need ~300 paypal tomorrow. Forgot to pay rent LOL.

I'll obv send first to reputable members. Much love for whoever can hook me up <3

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Mid month, still fucked
  Venrae, Jan 18 2011

still havin a rough time. I'm getting decent volume in for once but it doesn't seem to matter.

graph this time =] (this is all from friends laptop and pretty much all friday-sunday 6 tabling)

Gotta keep playin. I played like shit a few sessions and it shows =[

Obviously this isn't a huge downswing, but this is what pretty much every session looks like :<

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Horrible year
  Venrae, Jan 13 2011

This is the worst start to a year I can remember. It's pretty much all poker though because I'm too broke to go out and do shit.

Basically I started downswinging mid december and it hasn't stopped. I'm not motivated because every time I play I lose money. When I do play I play like shit because I hate it. Constantly running into the nuts is stupidly annoying =[.

So bad run and bad play with low volume is destroying my roll.

Then last weekend my mom calls and tells me she's going down to new hampshire for the weekend and needs me to watch the house. What ever, good with me. I pack up my computer head down and I'm ready to house sit and make some money for once. Turns out between shutting my computer off on friday, packing it up, setting it up and turning it on on saturday something broke. Either the wiring in her house fucked up my power supply or something else happened, but my computer will not turn on. So I'm stuck at home with no money and no computer. Luckily my roommate plays poker so I can use his laptop to put some hands it, but it's had to focus between the downswing, stress, and how different it feels not playing at my computer. My roommate has a case and power supply in storage that I can use, so once he gets that I can rebuild my computer in that and hopefully be back up and running.

I dunno, it's rambling but all the shit thats going on is just ridiculous and I hate it. I want something to go right I don't care what it is. No year has started out this bad that I can remember.

I don't want this to be a whine blog so no graphs, no hands, no numbers. Just need to vent somewhere and figured this was as good a place as any. I hope you guys have had a btter start to this year than me

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Sweat Swap & New Avatar
  Venrae, Nov 30 2010

So I'm not confident in my game at all right now. Any nl25/nl50 players want to swap some sweat sessions? If you do, post or PM me.

I also got a new Stars avatar

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Day 5
  Venrae, Oct 03 2010

Ugh. I watched SC2 until like 7 pm. Made dinner, went to town to grab some energy drinks cause it's gonna be a grind night.

Fucking crushed to start it, felt so good. Fucking EZ game.

This was my week:

Then I hopped on to keep going: + Show Spoiler +

I'm in the process of taking a break on the regrind. Current progress: + Show Spoiler +

Gonna go for probably another hour, then a couple hours of sleep, then back to the grind. gotta make the most of the weekends.

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Days 3-4
  Venrae, Oct 01 2010

Day 3 I did nothing, slept a bunch. today was day 4. I got up late (aka 12:30ish gotta get up earlier). I did a bunch of stuff around the house, went into town and got groceries, cooked meals, blah blah blah. Was pretty productive except on the poker front. I don't know where the time goes but I only got 3 hours in today.

I played pretty much everything, 100bb max/250bb max 6max/FR NL25 and some 50bb max 6max NL50 which is suuuuuuuuuuuuper fishy but I felt a bit uncomfortable playing it.

Some cool hands:

Awesome hold + Show Spoiler +

Back to Back same table + Show Spoiler +

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Day 2
  Venrae, Sep 30 2010

Yesterday was fucked up. Actually the day was pretty fine, I got up after noon which sucked but whatever it's all good. I played a bit of poker, went and go groceries made dinner, it was all good. ~10 pm I decided to try working out again because fuck it I'm getting out of shape. Turns out that is a horrible idea after having a shitty diet forever. It also doesn't help that I'm really good at pushing myself as hard as possible. I got the puking sensation so I head to the bathroom and sit down in front of the toilet, figure I'll just get this out grab some water and back at it as long as I'm not all light headed and shit. So I'm sitting there, waiting to puke but I'm really fucking tired for some reason. I actually fall asleep sitting on the bathroom floor. I wake up freaking out because I've never been this exhausted before. Sitting up straight actually made me dizzy and start throwing up. So I decide hauling my ass to the shower is the best idea because I figured that is the safest place to pass-out in my current state. I was there for about ten minutes because as soon as I feel semi-ok I try to stand up which was a horrible Idea. Back to the toilet for me. I spend the next hour just trying to sit up straight without puking. Eventually I get so I can sit up and I crawl my ass out to the living room to grab my water, which brings me back to puke mode so I run my ass back to the bathroom. I did get water though so I was victorious. I have no idea how long I sat on the toilet trying to move but I'm freezing at this point and I just want to go to sleep so bad. Somehow I got myself to the couch safely and lay down around 2:30am. Probably the shittiest and scariest night I've had in a long time.

And now for something completely different:

I'm gonna be taking today slowly obviously. I woke up around 12:30 but I still feel like shit. Gonna make sure I eat a lot of good stuff today.

Gl all

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Day 1
  Venrae, Sep 28 2010

Not much happened today. Got up at 11am, packed, left home ~12:30, got here around 1:30. Spent the next 2 hours getting set up and getting the run down on what needs to be done. I got about an hour and a half of poker in. Kind of shitty, but it's day1 I'm not too worried. Tomorrow will be better =]

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