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Tere Here's Poker Journey

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Moving Down ----> Would Appreciate Help
  tere here, Apr 06 2007

So I was at 4450 yesterday and now Im at 2500...

Standard minus 2000$ day...I lost about 5 buyins to shitty tilt...The other 1000$ I lost because I just cant seem to beat NL200.

I hit a point where I was hovering around 3500$ and this was before I went crazy and tilted everythign away...

As I was losing I posted every bit pot that I won or lost...

here it is...
it feels like my entire session was filled with 'coolers' before I tilted everything away...
I'm going to count all the Dollars I lost on couldnt fold situations....

1TT vs flopped 88 set vs shortstack I think this is standard agaisnt short stack but on second thought maybe I should start folding these....(45$ after flop bet)

2Standard couldnt fold situation... This is situation # 1 and it cost me 40$ (only countin river bet cause I think cbet is okay)

3Bluff gone right... this is probably a spew but it felt like the guy was weak this time and it looked to me like I was chasing a flush draw

4couldnt lay down 88 to over pair on low flop Situation #2. -150$

5 standard BB flops 2 pair vs some guy with overpair only to see turn and river pair board Cooler #1

6 99 vs shortack but EASILY shoulda folded... Situation #3 -81$

7 Flopped straight played bad luckily didnt lose any money *didnt even see flush on river..

8KK vs TT finally winnin back some money...

9 AK vs QQ all in preflop vs shorty Standard cooler??? cooler situation #2???

10 Ak on KQx flop all in vs short stack who has KJ this was 3 almost 4 bet...i wonder if it was okay to call this in long run vs short stacks

11 AJ vs short stack on T23 flop, he calls my c bet and turn brings jack so i push him all in

12 I dont know why I called this on flop ...Would like feedback on this one I cant really say what I was thinking here...A lot of the times I will call 1 bet to see if the guy has AK or will slow down...I wonder if this is a good idea...FEEDback pls

13 flopped 2 pair vs a chaser he hits straight on river and I cant fold....though he made it relatively cheap... CAnt get away situation # 4 Minus 40$

14 TT vs AA He 3bets pre and I still call his flop all in...sigh........Cant get away situation #5 -230$

15 BB flush draw and pair....flush hits on river...somebody has higher flush Cooler situation #3

15 AcJc on 7c5c4 flop, somebody has top set, somebody else puts in alot of action, I am yet to act, and I still push flush draw... <-feedback please, Cant get away situation #6 -200

15 KK vs lower pair and I scare him away on turn <--Feedback please, should I check turn?

16 TT vs a guy with straight Cant get away situation # 7 -125$

17 BB Two pair situation

18 Raised preflop, get called on cbet, now holding 2nd nuts Unfortunately I bet him out on turn...Similiar to situation 15 where my KK bets out the guy on turn...Should I check in these situations?? Will I gain more value by checking turn?

19 22 hits set on turn after somebody calls my cbet Instead of bettin turn I try checking it...(unlike situations 18 and 15)...Instead he checks it...I lose all value as flush comes and he puts me on flush

20 AK vs who knows what Cant get away situation #8 -136

21 KK on AK8 flop... FEEDBACK PLEASE... On this hand I didnt want to 4 bet cause i thought that would scare away action...when he checked flop I thought he had QQ then when he pushed river I thought he wud never put me on jacks and I called...instead he had a straight...How would you guys play this differently, what do you guys put him on?

Cudnt get away situation #9 though I didnt even think I had to get away from this sitaution... -$204

22 KK vs AQ on AKQ flop... It seems the only way I make money is when coolers happen except in my favour...

23 A6 on A7h5hJ5 board...he made turn cheap so i called...river seems like suspicious overbet...fold is clearly okay right?

24 Flop 2 pair chaser hits flush Standard cooler #4

25 Ak vs QQ all in preflop lose another race Standard cooler # 5

26 Flop nut overcard flush draw... finally get someone to pay me off...

27 AQ vs full stack who mini raises on turn...Who folds turn?

28 TT flopped set vs probably higher overcards... similiar to situation 18 and 15...I scare player away with bet on turn

29 TT on 892 flop and short stack pushes standard

30 88 vs short stack on 643 flop...I'm wondering if I should fold this in future??? he had 77 and turned a 5...I dont know if this is a "cant get away situation or cooler" I think it leans towards cant get away...

31 flopp full house nothing special

32 flop top set vs over pair nothing special...

33 flop 2 pair vs AQ who cant lay down one of the few hands that doesnt feel like a set up...

34 Top set vs AK who short stack who has nothing but chases anyways nothing special just a bigger donk than myself

35 AQ on Q56 flop facing raise...and strong turn bet Folded this...

36AQ on AK9T board Couldnt get away here but I got respect and the guy folded....Because he laid down I can suspect he didnt have AT AK ...I must have been ahead, but I dont know the best way to have play this so I appreciate feedback..

37 Cant get away situation # 10...TT vs JJ shoulda folded river - 45$

38 pushing 99 vs short stack...I get lucky and hit straight on river... How would you play this differently?

39 AQ river 2 pair bet it too strong...

40AA on KTXQ <--Q on turn scares me and I check..river is 9 and he has QJ Cant get away situation 11 -45$

41 77 vs 89 on 765 flop Cooler situation - 350$


That was my the first half of my session. After that I proceeded to tilt away another 1000$ which I think shouldnt be reviewed. I surprised myself cause I played so hard and tried to play so well and yet I still lost SO MUCH money and played so bad...

I'm now gonna add up the total $ I lost in cooler and 'couldnt get away situations'....

I will edit this post to enter the total

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Down 10 buyins ...7000+ hands ...time to analyze
  tere here, Apr 06 2007

This is the type of player I am. I play and bluff like crazy....Super Agro Donk is a perfect title for me...
Take a look at these hands and please give me some advice on how to control myself...

Check out some of

the rediculous plays:

5c4c Reraised preflop on AQJT7

AA on a 4 cards to a straight board and I STILL call
I remember pushing call SO QUICK on this hand I didnt even think about stupid...

Playing AA too passively
In this hand I did the stupid thing of thinking, if I push flop I let my opponent play perfectly...So instead I wanted to push turn,,,but when opponent bet so weak something in my head said dont push turn...I'm absolutely retarded...and instead I just called and ended up calling an all in on river...HORRIBLE call...

QQ calling almost buyin on Axx flop One of my problems I have noticed is that I cant let go of hands... I just call down like an idiot sometimes...Not often, but that 1 time you do it, is more than enough to cost you a whole buyin, which is a lot...

AK all in on a KT8 all hearts flopTo be fair this hand felt like I had a read...felt like I knew he was on draw and if he was on draw ie the Ah draw, then I had his heart outs and most likely he was drawin to 9 outs...Turns out this guy had the 2nd nut flush draw...which really pisses me off because if he just considered I might have the flush draw then he has only 3 outs...In any case thats a bitch....I'd like to know what ppl think about this hand...

AK on A74 flop vs a set... This hand is sad because it felt like he had a set. and much like the QQ hand I have a major problem of not being able to get away when I'm beat. I actually sat there during the flop and said to myself 'whenever I get raised on the flop I am beat...I should just fold now.' Instead I opted to call 'just in case' he had AQ. When he bet so weak on the turn I still didnt trust my instincts and just control...

AK vs set on KsTs8 flop I think Ldonnie played this great. of course to be fair I could have folded...but I rationalized to myself he has a flush draw ...and i couldnt get away...

The theme is very reoccurring...

88 on TcTs3c flop Reraised pot...going all in This hand is pathetic...The fact the guy had AcQc makes it just look like my call was good. When I got pushed I just said to myself theres no way the flop improved him otherwise he wudnt be pushin all I called. I think I called thinking I was beat and I STILL CALLED....'I cant get away from hands...'

AQ calling a river bet with nothing... This is so bad its sad...

Calling an All in on turn with 9 outs So bad

Flush vs higherflush I didnt even consider the guy having a higher flush...

I have TT idiotically pushing turn even though A is on flop and guy called flop bet

Two pair, guy is clearly chasing flush draw...shud I be callin river???

KK all in on river despite an ace coming out, a flush coming out...and the guy obviously stronger than 1 pair

JJ reraised opt... still going to the felt <-- Here I actually FEEL like I am beat but I just want to SEE it...That 'cant let go theme is so friggin prevailent...its a huge problem in my game...Its such an ego thing...

77 trying to push 2 pair off

77 just goint all in like an idiot

AQ cant let go of it in reraised pot on flop that missed facing all in

AQ played attrociously then pushin all in when im beat

retarded preflop raise wars with JT

JT open ended straight draw, chance to check...instead i am agro donk

The rediculous bluffs:

AJ allin on 822 flop opponent has 88 Dont ask. I was just so stupid this hand...

AQ vs AA trying to bluff I don't know what goes through my mind...when he checked it I thought it was a chance to take it down...

Bad bad bluff in a reraised pot I dont know why but it felt like the guy wasnt gonna fold and I still pushed it...

----the bad beat section----
AA vs 78 all in preflop flop = 788 GG AA

KQ Q652 pushing all in against a guy with 47...he hits the 3

TT flops top set vs some guy who has KK and calls only to hit on turn

Set on 3 spade flush overpair obv hits flush

[url=] 2 pair ....guy hits an openended straight on turn...

[url=] 2 pair, guy flopped bottom set...

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An Introduction to Tere Here
  tere here, Apr 06 2007

Welcome Since this is the first post for my blog I'll introduce myself a bit and how I got into poker.

My name is Tere Here. I started playing poker with my friends in grade 9 to 12. Funny thing was I hated poker. I really hated how long it took and how we would do it instead of going and looking for girls. The weekend would roll around and instead of doing something in the world, we would be cooped up in a friends house playing poker.

Plus I hated the fact that I would lose money. Even though I hated poker, and I never got good at it, I learned something about it. I learned that I could win whenever I really wanted to. With the right amount of patience, and simple knowledge of ABC poker, you could outlast your opponents who would make mistakes because of their lack of patience / discipline. The problem was, because I hated poker so much I never really wanted to stay around long enough to win. I won here and there, and although it felt easy enough, I never actually could sit down and do it.

Fast forward to summer 2006. In summer 2006 I met AntonChan who introduced me to Talentedtom. I moved away from tourny poker and went into cash games.

In september 2006 I had about 1000$ in my bankroll which I built it up from messing around at sit n goes from the summer. With that 1000$ I played 50NL until I hit around 2500 and moved up to 100NL. I stayed at 100NL from October to December until my bankroll reached 5500. I then moved up to 200NL. From December to near the end of January, I had a good enough system that made me win at 200NL.

My bankroll at this time had reached 9700. Close to the 5 digit number but not quite.

Then something bad happened. I believe it just had somethign to do with life tilt. On Jan 27th 2007 my bankroll fell from 9700 to 1500 as I lost 2700 at 200NL and isntead of quitting moved up to NL400 where I proceeded to lose another 4000. I moved down to NL100 and continued to lose.

In the end I was at 1500.

In February I gathered myself together and grinded NL50 till I was at 2000. I grinded NL100 till I was at 4000 and moved to NL200.

Yesterday, my bankroll was at 6800. Today it is back down to 4300.

A look at my graphs (50NL-200NL) are usually a straight diagonal up and to the right except at the beggining. It's like I learn how to play after the beginning and I start winning. That is, until Jan 27th. Since that day, my play has been attrocious. And I dont even know how before that date how I was capable of winning money at 200NL.

I am making this blog because I would love help from fellow 1/2 NL players or higher. I just don't understand the leaks in my game.

When I win it seems like I have to play short sessions around 500-1000 hands.

But if I were to lose a buyin within the first 500 hands, I'll stay there, making the session longer than my short sessions...But then instead of gettin back to break even and over, I will tend to get close to break even, fall back down and then hover down 3 buyins, back to break even, back down maybe even 5 buyins, back to break even,
but never over...then I will end up givin up, either down 10 buyins or more or I will luckily have hit break even...

In other words, if I lose a buyin early, I will just lose and play really long until I give up down 10+ buyins...

But if I win a buyin early, I don't play any longer. If I do, I end up losin that buyin and end up in one of my long losing sessions...

What makes no sense to me is that I saw one of Capaeno's graphs at NL200 and for 3000+ hands he just steadily rose.

Where as I can only steadily rise for 500-1000 hands. Any more and You have a graph going everywhere...

Capano's graph tells me its not bad luck that is owning me, its actually my play...

This is my first post and immiediately after this one I will analyze my most recent session which saw me going from 6800 to 4300...

Below I've attached my NL200 graph to give you an idea of how I run at NL 200...

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