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WSOP 2009 Sched?
  k2o4, Mar 28 2009

It seems they haven't released this yet but I feel like it's coming up soon. I looked at 2008 and it looks as if things started at the end of May. I just talked with my fiance about it and I'm definitely going to come out for at least a week, maybe 2. She's gonna try to get off of work and come for as much as she can. So the sooner I know the schedule the sooner we can start planning for it.

Any suggestions on hotels? I probably won't be any sort of real baller at that time so a less expensive hotel is definitely ideal for me. I've never been to vegas before so I have no idea how it all works. I've always heard about comps and special deals and so on but have no clue how to utilize that shit. Also since I'll be coming with my lady I'd rather have a hotel room that we can use as our own place rather than crashing on someones couch.

I definitely wanna try and meet up with as many vegas dwelling LP guys as possible. Hopeful to meet up with milkman (finally) and sakisaki if he's there. I'd love to meet myth and the rest of the LP vegas locals too. I figure during the WSOP there's going to be a LOT of LP guys so it should be like a mob walking down the street when we all get together. Sounds like fun.

So any suggestions on a place to get a room and any info on the schedule would be much appreciated. And if you're planning to be there too post a comment so I know to try and find you when I'm there =)

I gotta try and play some live poker btwn now and then cause I suck at live right now. Can't catch any tells and get totally confused about wtf is going on. I also suck at figuring out the pot size and how big peoples stacks are and so on. I need to practice some live so that when I get to vegas I'm not a total live fish who spends the entire time making adjustments from my online game to a live style.

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Old WCG Pics
  k2o4, Mar 27 2009

I was going through some old folders today and found a few really old old old pics from WCG and my BW days. God those were very good times but they feel like ages ago. After looking at those pics again it makes me badly want to go to another WCG event and see all those guys (and gals) again. I went to the WCG USA finals in NYC and the WCG USA Open in Hollywood back when I was in my prime BW days. I wasn't there as a gamer, just as a reporter for Here are some of the fun pics:

Me and MNM... lol I look so young and feel so old now

A blurry picture of Day getting his big first place check

Tasteless and Veg (back in the days of the blue hair)

MNM and Nero

Tasteless pretending the token hot girl is his GF. She was kind to pose for this pic =)

Dino the infamous hacker and PT3 scammer

Tasteless on stage with the crazy girl from Rescue Me. I think this is when they were doing competeitions for cameras or something... he had to do pushups or pretend he was a zergling or some shit, can't quite remember. This was also the first time he shoutcasted a BW game and look where he is now!

Dinner at a Korean BBQ. From right to left it's Tasteless, Wisdom, Nyoken, Aeterna, and I can't remember the other guys names.

The second table. From right to left it's slog, dino, mnm, dunno, smuft, sarah, froz.

The first pics are from NYC and the last ones are from Hollywood. Most of us ended up crashing on Froz's floor after that dinner and a long night of drinking. Those were both really fun trips.

Ok, enough memories for now =)

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Macs Suck Right?
  k2o4, Mar 23 2009

Or wrong?

Or right?

Got into a "macs suck" argument tonight and had my friend read this article to prove why macs suck:

I have my reasons why I don't like macs - god, a long list of em. But what I realized is that I have no idea why people think macs are better. Usually the reasons I hear are that macs are cool and fancy. That may be how some people see them and while I do agree that macs kinda look cool from the outside, that is like the least important thing to me about a computer.

I remember in the late 90's / early 2000's all my friends who were into photography and video editing were getting macs. They told me that macs were better for stuff that had to do with visual things. They never said why and I never asked cause I don't do lots of photo editing or video editing, so I never cared. If those were the only reasons to get a mac, then I sure as hell don't need a mac. In recent years I've heard less of this argument and my best friend in the film industry uses a PC and doesn't like macs, so this may not apply anymore.

The only other argument I ever hear is that macs don't get viruses and that they don't crash. Well I have vista and I don't get viruses and my computer never crashes, so yeah, what's the big deal? I don't have any anti-virus software (fuck you norton) cause it just causes more problems than it fixes. I don't get viruses cause I don't do stupid things with my computer. I realize that if I was an idiot it would be better to have a mac in this case, cause virus creators aim to infect PC's since there's more PC's than Macs, so macs don't have any need to worry about viruses (or something along those lines). But I'm not an idiot, so a mac isn't better for me. As for crashing, that's just not a problem that I ever have to deal with. Again I guess I'm just not an idiot.

So here's the question that I've been working towards - what is the reason a mac is better than a PC? I have never been told one real reason with a solid explanation behind it. Besides it being "trendy" and "fancy", what does it offer? What is so good that it makes up for all the annoyances that come with having a mac? Can anyone tell me? My guess is that the few things that ARE good about a mac are things that I would never use anyway and don't even come close to making up for the downfalls of having a mac. But I may be wrong, so let's hear it mac lovers, what have you got?

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Finally Checked the BR
  k2o4, Mar 23 2009

So from monday the 16th till today, monday the 23rd I played without checking my BR. Today I checked it and the result over that time period is that.... I BROKE EVEN!!! lolz

I ran pretty bad in quite a few spots but I also started spewing a bit on saturday and sunday. So if I'd eliminated my spewy moments I'd probably be up like 5 buyins for the week.

Still up for the month though and the BR is still very healthy. I was actually expecting to be very down on money but that wasn't the case at all. I was worried I'd have lost like 10 buyins so I'm really happy to be at even.

I did have an upswing in the middle of the week and I played 3k hands that day, by far the most I played the entire week which was my goal: play a lot while winnning and a little while losing. My upswing brought me a 2k winning day but then I kept having lots of 300-500 losing days so it all evened out in the end.

I think this has been helpful. I played nearly 10k hands this week which was a great improvement. I was much less tilty in day to day stuff and was able to get over a bad session much quicker and go on and have fun in the rest of my life. I also did a much better job of quitting while losing and playing more while winning. Overall I'd say this little experiment has been a success.

My focus right now is on getting myself back to a peak mental state. I think a poker break is in order so that I can get back to playing with an eagerness to play perfectly, not just an eagerness to play lots.

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Lost The Brakes
  k2o4, Mar 23 2009

Well I've realized today that my biggest leak has returned. The one thing that I changed in my game which made a huge difference was my ability to turn on the brakes when a situation turned shitty. I learned how to listen to that little voice in my head which would say "shit, you're probably beat here". I had a problem with overplaying hands, especially when I wasn't sure what to do. I had top pair top kicker vs a check-raise on the turn in a spot where it wasn't a clear fold and since I wasn't sure what to do, I'd just jam which was usually the worst choice available.

That leak has returned. I didn't realize it till today cause I thought I was just hitting tough spots and running bad when I had to get it in. But today I pushed Kh9h vs a min-check raise from a fish on a KQJ 2 heart board. On face value top pair + a gutshot + a flush draw is pretty awesome. But to jam over a min-check raise from a guy who's either bluffing or got it is such horrible spew. That pretty hand suddenly became a shitty hand and my reaction to that change was to overplay it and push all bluffs out and get called by all the better hands in a spot where lots of my outs weren't clean anymore. Horrible.

I think I'm on a slight tilt. Like I don't feel horrible but I don't have the patience to apply the breaks so I keep throwing away money where I used to save it. I need to stop playing till I get that even level headed play back. So I'm going to focus this week on my other job which I've neglected a bit due to the downswing. I've played poker every day for a long while now and a break really is in order. So I'm going to take time off till at least friday. That way I can spend Mon-Thurs really getting work done on a project for my job, and then if I feel that desire to play good level headed poker on Friday I can get back into the swing of things. Having a productive week doing non-poker stuff will do a lot to get me back to normal.

Still haven't checked the BR and definitely not checking it tonight. I want to go to bed happy and if I check and see a bigger lose than expected I will have a shitty night =) But I will probably check it sometime this week before Friday so I can see where I'm at.

Alright, break starts now. No poker till Friday. Gonna be nice.

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FarCry 2 Pwnz
  k2o4, Mar 22 2009

By far the best game I've played in a while. I love the huge world and total freedom, but it's done as an FPS instead of an RPG. You can still upgrade in RPG-esque fashion though, and it's all about missions.

I had a shitty session and decided to try farcry2 out to untilt and suddenly it's 2am. Time for bed.

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6 days no BR Check
  k2o4, Mar 21 2009

Well I'm really into this "don't look at monetary results" kick. Thursday I started running good and played like 3k hands. Yesterday I started off very up and down breakevenish, then started to get raped by beats so I quit. Came back a few hours later and played again and went straight into the KK vs AK loses and was about to keep playing and remembered that my goal is to stop when running bad. So I quit for the day as I'd had 2 sessions of being shit on with horrible luck, and bad luck just can't be defeated.

Today I started off breakevenish and I was contemplating quitting when I hit a bit of a card rush. So I kept playing and got a 1,600 hand session in. Just took a bit of a beat vs a fish and yelled at the computer so I promptly shut down PS and decided to blog a bit.

I have no idea where I'm at with my BR. I'm guessing anywhere btwn 6k and 10k, but probably right in the middle. I think I might check results Sunday night once I'm done playing for the day, or Monday morning. Definitely not till then.

Gonna try and do another session in a few hours. Gotta remember that if I run bad or get frustrated to quit asaply, if I run good and feel good to just grind grind grind!

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Done With Taxes
  k2o4, Mar 19 2009

Finally got that shit over with. Turbotax is fail. They always want you to pay money after every step you take. It's tilting. It took me like 3 weeks to get the taxes done. Not all turbotax's fault, but they didn't help by constantly trying to charge me. My GF found some place called which let me do everything for free and was much quicker than turbotax.

As for poker the downswing continued all week long. Just ran horribly bad. Today I sat down thinking that I was about to end the downswing and I was right and ran quite well. I still have no clue how I'm doing this week money wise. I haven't checked my cashier or my session winnings/losses since my last blog post where I came up with that strategy. It's helping me to focus strictly on my game much more. I re-organized my HEM reports tab so that I could only see my stats, not my winnings/losses.

I think I lost every session till today (that's my guess and considering how bad I ran I would be blown away if I was winning all week). It was easy to avoid checking the results because I'd already trained myself not to. The real test was whether I could be winning and A) keep playing and B) not check the results. I achieved both of those goals so far today. I started running hot and put in a 3k hand session. Woot. Hope it translated into big wins! But by not checking the results I've actually got a lot more desire to keep playing and I plan to do another session tonight before bed. If I start running bad then I'll stop, but if I keep running good then I'll just mass grind. Working to retrain myself to do that and I think I'm on the right track.

Right now I think that I will wait till the end of the month to check my cashier. My BR was at 8.5k when I started this little experiment so I should have enough to play NL100 / NL200 as I please. I doubt I'll drop low enough to need to move to NL50, and I doubt I'll win enough to move to NL400. So I will just grind away till the month is over and then see how I did =)

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VPP to FPP Question
  k2o4, Mar 19 2009

This is probably pretty stupid and I think I know, but I wanna confirm.

As supernova we get a 3.5x FPP multiplier. I understand this to mean that if I earn 1 vpp, I will get 3.5 FPP. Right?

So if I make 10k VPP, I should also have earned 35k FPP, right?

Or have I read the Pokerstars page completely wrong?

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Limbaugh Defends AIG
  k2o4, Mar 18 2009

Jesus, this guy is a real douche. He is actually defending AIG and trying to twist shit around. If you didn't know already, AIG was bailed out by the Govt at the end of Bush's 2nd term. They then took their executives to some fancy spa on a really expensive retreat. People got pissed cause these guys are supposedly bankrupt and taxpayer money is being used to save them, and now they're using company money to give executives a fancy vacation. Fast forward to about 10 days ago and AIG is again on the verge of collapse and gets MORE bailout money. They promptly go and dump out over $100 million in bonuses to top executives, including people who don't even WORK FOR AIG ANYMORE! Now pretty much everyone is mad, republicans, democrats, regular joe schmo citizens. Obama expresses outrage and orders that everything be done to get the bonus money back, and what do we get from Rush Limbaugh? A bunch of BS:

  "A lynch mob is expanding: the peasants with their pitchforks surrounding the corporate headquarters of AIG, demanding heads. Death threats are pouring in. All of this being ginned up by the Obama administration."

When one of his own callers said he agreed with President Obama on this one, Limbaugh replied: "Let me ask you a question. ... You have a company -- let's take AIG out of this 'cause they're so emotionally charged. Let's say that the company being bailed out is the XYZ Widget Company. ... We need them to manufacture widgets and sell widgets and so forth. So why in the world -- or how do you get to the point where you're going to bail out the company, but you don't want the employees to get paid?"

The caller protested that the AIG employees were already getting paid plenty, and Limbaugh responded that the only thing stopping him from making just as much was himself:

Show nested quote +


Jesus Rush, no one is saying that we shouldn't pay employees, people are pissed that a company that is in such dire financial straits that they need a fucking bailout is giving ANY BONUSES AT ALL! That's like me being on the verge of bankruptcy and getting a loan to survive, and then taking that money and blowing it on 1 night of clubbing instead of using it to cover my necessary expenses for the next few months while I get back on my feet. Plus, if these fuckers ran the company into the ground so much that it needed a bailout, why would they deserve a goddamned bonus? WHERE IS THE FUCKING LOGIC!?!??!!?

Olbermann mentioned this on his show when he named Rush the worst person in the world (a regular occurrence):

Also, details on the money that AIG paid, according to the NYC Attorney General:

  • The top recipient received more than $6.4 million;
• The top seven bonus recipients received more than $4 million each;
• The top ten bonus recipients received a combined $42 million;
• 22 individuals received bonuses of $2 million or more, and combined they
received more than $72 million;
• 73 individuals received bonuses of $1 million or more; and
• Eleven of the individuals who received "retention" bonuses of $1 million
or more are no longer working at AIG, including one who received $4.6

Again, these payments were all made to individuals in the subsidiary whose performance
led to crushing losses and the near failure of AIG. Thus, last week, AIG made more than 73
millionaires in the unit which lost so much money that it brought the firm to its knees, forcing taxpayer bailout. Something is deeply wrong with this outcome. I hope the Committee will
address it head on.

We have also now obtained the contracts under which AIG decided to make these
payments. The contracts shockingly contain a provision that required most individuals' bonuses to be 100% of their 2007 bonuses. Thus, in the Spring of last year, AIG chose to lock in bonuses for 2008 at 2007 levels despite obvious signs that 2008 performance would be disastrous in comparison to the year before. My Office has thus begun to closely examine the circumstances under which the plan was created.

More here.

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