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$764 in 760 Tounaments
  Gadget, Feb 12 2011

This week I've played the most volume of my life. I switched to 90 man KO's and have been 16 tabling them, with 2 MTT's mixed in. Apparently this is the maximum at FTP? Has anyone gotten them to increase it past 16+2?

I've been having some confidence issues lately, so I decided to start at the bottom and work my way up. My plan was to play the $3.30's until I made 200 BI's. Then I would move up to the next limit and repeat the process. Out of the 8 days I played so far I've only had 1 losing day. I've won around 235 BI's so far. I'm currently mixing in some $6.50's. GRAPH!!!!

Also, the way FTP calculates TLB points makes it possible to be competitive even with micro BI's. The top 200 get entered in a 12k package freeroll.

Let me know if its possible to play more than 18 tables at FTP. Thanks.

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Make a Dollar Fast
  Gadget, Feb 02 2011

Send Me $5 on Pokerstars and I'll send you $6 on full tilt. I'll send first if your reputable.

TheReUp3 on pokerstars
TheRelapse on FTP

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2011 Goals
  Gadget, Feb 02 2011

Since my last blog post I have been tirelessly grinding MTT's. I've had like 3 +$200 days and 3 -$200 days, which means I haven't increased my BR very much since then. I've been thinking about some goals that I would like to achieve this year in poker and I'm going to write them in here so I can look back on them.

1. Play 4,000 tournaments this year.(I would like feedback from people who have done this.)
2. Have over 15k in profits this year.
3. Make atleast 5 good poker friends to discuss MTT's with.(PM me if you want to be one of these 5)

Non-Poker Goals
1. Lose 10 lbs (I'm 6'3" 215 right now)
2. Eat Healthier
3. Sleep for a minimum of 6 hours per night.(At least 6 days a week)
4. 15% ROI in the stock market this year.

Instead of playing a bunch of the $1 - $5 multi entry tournaments I'm going to replace them with $3.30 90 mans for the time being. Small sample but heres my graph from $3.30's last night. 3 wins in 34 tournies, I ran really good heads up.

I still have a 750k ticket that I'll probably be using this weekend. I decided not to use it this past sunday since it was multi entry. Thanks for reading.

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Help Me Please
  Gadget, Jan 26 2011

Ahmed has decided to go on a trip this summer and he will need money for travel expenses for May, June and July of this year. He will need the money at the end of each of these 3 months. He will borrow these monthly amounts from his savings account and then repay money into the account with monthly payments at the end of the following 9 months: August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, and April. The account has an interest rate of 0.15% per month, compounded monthly. How much can he spend at the end of each of the 3 months of this summer vacation if he will deposit $538.99 per month for the following 9 months?

Assume that he will withdraw a uniform amount from this account at the end of May, June, and July (3 months) of this summer. He will then deposit $538.99 per month at the end of August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, and April (9 months).

Can't get the right answer for this, I've tried everything. Any help would be great, thanks.

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And It Don't Stop
  Gadget, Jan 23 2011

Back to back winning days at the micro MTT's. I can't be sure about this, but I would say these multi entry MTT's on FTP cut down on variance big time. Made my third final table in the last 2 days with another 5th or 6th place finish(can't remember) to go with a 5th and a 6th from yesterday.

Double guarantee weeks starts tomorrow so that should be good. I heard every tourny will be multi entry, although that may have been a joke/rumor.

I was down to 60 chips in the 1000FTP black card Satty to 750k with K7 in the big blind and ended up winning a seat. That was pretty sick. These satties are so deceiving, I was in 11th out of 40 with the top 36 getting a seat, and thought I could easily fold my way to a seat. It ended up working but I was 35th out of 36 when the tourny ended. This may have just been due to the fact that some guy went all in every hand with like 200BB when everyone else had 2-6 BB.


$235.70 in Buy Ins
$381.47 in Cashes
$216 Ticket
$361.77 Profit

Not sure if they changed this or it only applies to the blackcard sattelites or something. I have to play in the 750k? I can't sell it for tourny dollars. Ive won a bunch of these and was never given a ticket, I was always automatically registered, and then I could unregister for T$.

Thanks for reading, let me know if this post was boring and what I could do to make it better.

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MTT Grind
  Gadget, Jan 22 2011

I've been playing 25nl rush poker for the last 6 days or and with rakeback I'm up like 2 BI. The good news is I have black card status now, the bad news is that I didn't make much money. I've decided to go back to MTT's once and for all. My plan was always to go back to MTT's after I grinded up my BR a bit with cash games, but I've decided its easier to make money at micro MTT's than it is at micro cash games.

I also installed the 30 day trial of table ninja and it is amazing. I went from playing 8 tables max to playing 12-16 tables routinely now. I've also played a bunch of multi entry tournaments today and they are a great addition by FTP. Heres my results for today. I'm going to post results daily if possible, weekly if I get lazy.

$126.7 in entries/rebuys/add ons
$915.44 in cashes/knockouts
788.75 profit

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Holiday Giveaway
  Gadget, Jan 12 2011

What is this holiday giveaway tournament ticket I have in my FTP cashier???

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  Gadget, Dec 18 2010

I'm probably going to get a netbook since I'm on the road for like 10 weeks a year for basketball. Would a $200-$300 netbook be able to single table full tilt poker? I basically just want to be able to play big tournies like FTOPS and stuff while I'm on the road, I don't need to be able to multi table grind.


Also, if anyone can recommend a good one for under $300 that would be great.

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Stake Me in miniFTOPS #22 tonight
  Gadget, Dec 15 2010

I got 19th in the miniFTOPS last night and I'm ready to do it again. I know its kind of last minute but I would like to get staked for 50-75% of my action in this event. Its a $30 rebuy. I'm not 100% sure how you operate a stake for a rebuy but I'm just going to go off of a base of $153. That would be 4 buyins and an add on.

6 max tournies are my specialty and you can look up my opr @ TheRelapse on FTP. I have a win in the $109 6-max on full tilt a while back and about 5 wins in the 6-max 5r on FTP. 10% mark-up so here's the breakdown.

5% = $8.42
10% = $16.83
25% = $42.08

75% is the cap, anything over 50% and I will play it. Thanks everyone.

Also, I have a bunch of previous stakes that show my trustworthiness.

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  Gadget, Dec 08 2010

I've been looking forward to the miniFTOPS for like a month now, basically since the FTOPS started running and I didnt have enough of a BR to play. So I'm getting ready to 1 table event 1 all night while working on some homework, and my computer starts flickering and shuts down. This is at about 3pm EST. I try everything to get it to work for the next 3 hours, I open it up and everything and nothing works. I go to my schools computer lab and try to install FTP and it wont let me install anything. Now its 10 mins before the tourny begins and I had to pay one of my basketball teammates $10 to deliver me his laptop so I can play. Do you think they will make a movie about this when i win?

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