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on break
  GameOverNoob, Aug 21 2008

school starts Monday. Poker's on hold until further notice

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  GameOverNoob, Aug 15 2008

looking to sell up to 2k for cash in the Montreal area.
Must be by 4pm today.

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im still a fish
  GameOverNoob, Aug 13 2008

played the final table poorly but a very nice place

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im such a fish grapgh
  GameOverNoob, Aug 12 2008

im a fish right?

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less ranting, more Gogogo
  GameOverNoob, Aug 02 2008

I swear that beneath all the stress I've brought upon myself from playing poker I do love it with a passion. It's simply why i continue to live this lifestyle, although there are many times I can't cope. If i'm running bad online, i can only deal with it for a time period before i start tilting and then playing badly and running badly. During this time i just about always bring my table attitude into my real life and then I don't feel like doing anything. I'm assuming this is something everyone deals with, not only in the poker community but everywhere only I happen to throw away thousands when it happens. At my level, winning and losing thousands / week is normal, and I've become very comfortable with it although im crossing my fingers I'll be a more level headed when school starts. I don't think (unless traveling the globe playing everywhere) that my current twelve hours sleep, 6hours poker, 6hours of nothing is very good for me. Mentally and of course physically too. That being said, I'm a happy camper 80% of the time doing what I do. July was a so-so month, profiting roughly 3k which could have been 5k+ if it were not for my drunken stupidities.

I'm going to work on keeping my cool in August, getting out a bit more and getting ready for my first time back in school since I graduated high school.

This post is less of a rant and more of self inspiration cause what it all comes down to is loving what you do.

Hope August brings alot of monies for everyone, and i'll be sure to post again soon.



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  GameOverNoob, Jul 29 2008

My past 72hrs as a poker player have really shown me how scary this lifestyle can be. I guess everything starts off with a girl. I went out this weekend with someone I've become infatuated with for the past few years. We had a rough falling out and she recently moved back to continue her schooling here and after 2 months we arranged a time to go for coffee. I'm sure I made a massive idiot out of myself while we were together, slurring words n forming incompetent sentences but I really couldn't help myself. She's aside from being one of the most beautiful girls i know, one of the smartest. Back to poker, I was running really terribly the past little bit and since I was in such a good mood after seeing her i decided to go for another session. My session went just as bad and now all i can think of is her and i'm really playing poorly! So i go out that evning with a friend and we get hammered at some desert bar and I come home and i insta log on to pokerstars. I'm drunk, very drunk and now im slightly depressed over thinking way too much about the past week. I dump 6buyins at HUNL50, 1buyin @ NL400, 2buyins at NL200 and a bunch of HHSNG's trying to chase back my losses now (still so drunk its slightly scary) HH's are a joke. I drop ~2k of my 3.5k roll... and now im really depressed!(24hr self ban) I spent over 24hrs in bed and today I decided I can't take it anymore. I sit down, with lots of coffee, and a good mentality to play, and my session starts TERRIBLY, i get involved in sick cooler's and i lose 4buyins. I take a small break, i get back... I run like ELECTRIC JESUS and I make 1100$ (?)buyins @ NL50 /NL100 w/ some good table selection. My roll takes a nice boost and I'm ready to get back.


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Comments (8)

  GameOverNoob, Jul 26 2008

im pretty sucking plastered....about to lay a session...this isto reminf myself tomorrow how stupoid i am...

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Comments (6)

  GameOverNoob, Jul 25 2008

My game is off... I really don't know what happened over the past few days, but my game flow isn't like it was... I'm 3betting less, and I seem to be getting caught up in awful situations all the time. So i just played another session, and was playing a little more TAG'ish then usual and the same shitty results... I just kept showing up with the worse hand, iono... could be just running bad... my confidence is off, which doesn't help... I might move down and play NL25 for a couple sessions even though I'm insanely over rolled for it and wont make very much money I hope to regain my "cocky im the best soul reading mother fucker" attitude.

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Deepstack 2/4 FTW
  GameOverNoob, Jul 25 2008

Past 36hrs; I run on ice in my normal games breaking even over a bunch of sessions then run like electric jesus in a document and take it down for some profits. I continue to run bad and now my game's being effected by the lack of confidence and i feel as though I can't play anymore. I dump all kinds and give up, and sweat my buddies 2/4 session. I notice some spaz fish is going insane and see a waiting list start to fill up quickly so i add my name out of curiosity. My seat comes and i sit with the min when i notice there's 11 people waiting after me. I double through the spaz all in pre with AQ and he snap calls from the blinds with K3s. Then I lose my stack to him when i raise AK from the puck, flop tptk and get it all in vs his gutshot with 33 on a A25 board. I reload 100$. My 100 skyrockets to 1150 over 3hrs thanks to papabear (the spaz fish) who limps or min raises everyhand and calls anything on everystreet till he fold on the river. Game breaks within ONE HAND when papabear gets up with just over 2k.

Stacks at table were:

Avg pot: 290$
I'm stocked and ready to get back to playing again. Bankroll boostaments!!
(my buddy offered me a partial stake 15 min in but i didn't accept)

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and then there was 1
  GameOverNoob, Jul 22 2008

luckboxed myself to a victory

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