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FTP FOR PS Transfer Please
  NewBornBaby, Aug 18 2008

Looking for $1K PS FOR $1K FTP. Will send first. PM me if you can help out. I have plenty of references. Thanks.


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Borgata this Weekend
  NewBornBaby, Aug 08 2008

Hey all-

Me, Nutshot,and BJL are heading to Borgata for the weekend. Just wondering if any other LP'ers are going to be around Atlantic City this weekend for the $2k Deep Stack tourney or just to play some cash games there.

Hope the weekend is a success.

Later all


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Vegas Trip
  NewBornBaby, Jul 10 2008

Hey all-

I'm heading into Vegas today from Jersey for my flight at 8:44 pm. I'm going to meet up with Steve (PoorUser) and I expect nothing but good times this weekend. Hopefully jet lag won't seriously fuck my sleep up. I'm sure I'll be ok with all the oxygen they pump in the casinos. Looking to crush some PLO when I'm there and tourney here and there possibly. Looking forward to meeting his house as well.

See you all soon!


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E-Check Resolution
  NewBornBaby, May 12 2008

Dear All,

Received this e-mail from Pokerstars today. Should clarify any problems anyone had with E-Checks. Frustrating yes but hey SHIP THAT 20% Frustration BONUS.

"Hello Gerard,

Thank you for contacting us.

Yes, it is correct. We understand that the delay with your eCheck cashout
has been frustrating. Whilst there have been issues with the processor we
accept full responsibility for this. We have been working hard with
the processor to resolve this situation and cashouts should start
hitting players’ bank accounts today, or at the very latest tomorrow.
Please note that we are processing the oldest cashouts first so it is
likely to take the next 5–10 business days for us to clear the backlog.

If we do not receive confirmation that the first batches of processed
cashouts are reaching players by end of business, Tuesday May 13 we
will cancel all processed cashouts and re-credit player accounts. You
will then be able to cash out via other methods, including paper
checks. We assure you that you will be able to receive your cashout
and that your funds are safe with us.

As recognition of the inconvenience which you have experienced
PokerStars will credit you with a 20% bonus. The amount will be 20% of
your delayed eCheck cashout and this will be credited to your account
by end of business Monday May 12. There are no conditions attached to
this bonus and you are free to do what you like with the funds,
including cashing them out.

Please accept our sincerest apologies for this delay and rest assured
that we will resolve this matter so that you can receive your money.

Let us know in case you need further assistance.

Best regards,

PokerStars Support Team"


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Help Please
  NewBornBaby, May 08 2008

I recently cashed out via EChecks and PS said that the expected cashout time was 5-10 days of approval. Its reached that 10 day period and still no money in my account. They said to e-mail May 12 if the money has not yet cleared. Has anyone had this problem/has anyone cashed out via EChecks? EChecks are still valid cashouts?

If anyone can clarify these questions, please let me know! Thanks!


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FTP for Stars Trade
  NewBornBaby, Mar 26 2008

Hey all-

Looking to make another trade of $450 on FTP for Stars money. Again, as stated before, I have references with nutshot, PoorUser, and thewh00sel. Please PM me or IM me on rardo19 if you can help out.



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St. Thomas \'08. LP Pride
  NewBornBaby, Mar 10 2008

Hey all-

Back at school at Fairfield University after a my last spring break trip at St. Thomas with Steve(PoorUser) and Andrew (Whackums) . It was a great time if you're into snorkeling, beaches, etc. There was a fair share of elder people so if you're looking to find a boat of ladies you may be up a creek. =/ We visited Magie's Bay, Koki Beach, and Trump Bay (@ St. John's). Transportation is expensive and food is a bit pricey as well but oh well. Balled out the last night at some Sushi Bar by a Yacht Club and had lots of Saki. If you're looking to visit bars there I would suggest Greenhouse, Duffy's, Offshore (Kinda sketchy), and Fat Turtle. There was no internet access at the Timeshare we stayed at all week so the fiend in us was struggling .
Here are some pics for everyone. We left some LP pride at the beach.


Peter, Me (NBB), PU, and Whackums

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FTP for Star $$
  NewBornBaby, Feb 28 2008

Looking to trade $300 on FTP to Stars. Have valid references with PoorUser and nutshot. Please PM me to make a deal.

Thanks all.


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NewBornBaby is Back!
  NewBornBaby, Dec 20 2007

Hey LP Lovers --

Just wanted to welcome everyone back to the NBB blog house. It has been quite a while since I've blogged but Fall semester has finally ended at school. I have been really busy putting together papers, studying for finals, and hoping to pass school in general. I have no updated in a while so I will give updates to all aspects of my life.

So....3 weeks back my boy nutshot and I did a degen move and went to Atlantic City on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving for anyone that is oblivious to life). Me, being a broke NIT was staked by nutshot since he is a great guy and we headed to the Borgata to ball out. We ate at the Borgata cafeteria there which had great pizza, burgers, philly cheese steaks, and it was only an escalator away from the poker room. We did not book a room and did the degen move and slept in my car which was freshly furnished with a pillow and blanket which I had put in the car. My car (Acura TSX) isn't all bad since it has Seat warmers and we slept comfortably for the 2 hours that we slept. So we played 1/2 when we got there and I just nitted and was up about $800 or so by that time and we both did the 11 am $340 mtt. Nutshot had the early departure (sorry bud) but I battled hard and cashed. Got 13th I believe for a payout of about $940 which sucked since I lost in miserable fashion.

Environment prior to me losing: I'm stacking about 146K in chips, 4k/8k blinds, nutshot is playing a $215 sng and watching me from afar. I had made a play the hand before and folded which was w/e. Next hand I get AA UTG (GREAT TIMING) and everyone gets their cards and stares at me to get a "read"....yeah OK. I make the sickest move and look at my cards, almost muck my cards but take them back and say "Make it 20K" this bitch girl looks at me and thinks and goes....I'm ALL-IN....140K stack. I'm thinking...$$$$$$$$$$$$...SB thinks for a little bit and folds as well as the BB. I Phil Hellmuth call her as fast as I can and she goes...."you got it huh?" OBVIOUSLY. I slam the Aces down and she shows 77. Flop......Door card 7....x x ..x over and misery. After she beat me she said...."you made a really great play, I thought you were making a move cause you looked like you were gonna fold." Great to know........oh well. I ended up + Money for our trip and nutshot and I split profits which was great. All in all, I had a great time and got to see nutshot play Montell Williams in a 500 sng . They did the degen move and 4 players in the sng put $100 each on a last man standing bet. Nutshot got the boot when his 55 lost to A5 which was annoying.

The weeks after AC I have been playing hardcore on PS despite major finals and what not. I have finally battled all the endeavors and gotten myself in a positive direction. I didn't want to blog up until I knew I was getting my life in order. I have since paid back a loan I had owed to PU (who I owe my life too in many ways for all the fuck ups I've made). I am comfortably playing 1/2 6-max, full ring, and PLO. I have gotten a feel for the 3 games and feel I am improving day by day with many of he regulars, especially with the coaching and advice of PU. Nutshot has also been helpful as usual in my MTT endeavors as I have battling for a big MTT win.

If anyone has any good articles on PLO strategies that would be greatly appreciated. I have learned the game pretty well but am always looking to improve my skills on a daily basis. I always feel that my game has room for improvement.

Otherwise, expect session screenshots and blog posts in the upcoming days as I leave for the Phillippines on December 24th. I will be gone for 3 weeks to meet up with family and getting shitfaced with cousins. It should be a great trip and a way for me to relax from poker for a little while. I expect to come back in full LP gear and make you all proud.

Hope everyone has a great holiday season! Hope you enjoyed the read.


Always gotta have an image...
Who is a better fit for Tony Romo?

Carrie Underwood

Jessica Simpson

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A Week's Recap
  NewBornBaby, Nov 10 2007

Hey all-

WARNING: Long blog. So unless you're intrested in personal stories with PU, Daut, and Myth continue reading, otherwise not too much ps updates in this blog.

I just wanted to recap my week since getting the chance to meet Daut and Myth. The first night we kinda just chilled out drank up a little and I got to talk and get to know to the two NITS <3. Stevie and Daut had endless convos about SC strategy and I just listened in and tried to understand it. Daut and Stevie were also working on a Rubix cube which Daut completely mastered. I suggested he give coaching lessons on Rubix cube but I'm not sure if he was receptive . Any takers for Rubix cube coaching?!?

Anyhow, Daut left a day early to head back to his home town but Myth stayed with us one extra night to party it up.....and it was WORTH IT (right Myth?) We headed to our bar about 2 minutes away called The Grape. It was a Thursday night of just BALLING. Nice crowd and Stevie balled out HARD as usual buying 8 shots for 5 people like 3 times. We ended up giving extra shots to random people haha. It was a great time and we all got quite drunk...DRUNK is an understatement. We headed back and had a nice afterparty at our beach house and just chilled out. We had some ladies over and this is where it got messy...

We are all drinking and hanging around the dinner table and this girl challenges Myth into drinking a straight shot (possibly Patron ) She bets him that he doesn't.....BETS...please don't challenge LP NITS we will take your challenge. So bet was if he took the shot she would kiss his ASS bareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So Myth being the LP NIT takes the shot and proceed to unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants. I'm thinking to myself...NO WAYYYYY <><><>.....She does it and bet has been WON. GREAT SUCCESS!!!!!!!! GG MYTH

It was really a great time to meet Daut and Myth as they are always welcome at Fairfield. -_-

Lastly, to cap off my week I went to NYC with my buddy nutshot. MTT conossieur and friend, nutshot, had an extra ticket to the New York Knicks game and could I say no? The environment was great, crowd was pumped, but the Knicks lost =/ Had a lot of good poker talks and we expect to dominate the Borgata scene in a couple of weeks. LP meetup!?!!??? Anyhow, nutshot had a bet on our Knicks and since we lost we decided on untilting him and balled out at CHAMPS sports. He bought some new Shox and 2 Beanie hats (Knicks and Rangers) and so after balling out he felt better again. Good times nutshot...

Got home from the game and began to hate girls once again because they play complete mind fuck games. But other than that expect PS updates in the upcoming days.

Thanks for reading everyone!


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