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PowerHausAA grinding PLO

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more of the same
  PowerHausAA, Feb 26 2009

14k vpp to go to aside from running like complete crap again my internet is giving me a serious atitude

i should've been + a gajillion buys today but instead im down 2 which isnt bad considering how i ran

this hand is straight out of casino royale...... not so much probably more like this....
-wish i hit one of these one day
-totally wouldn't of hit if hands interchanged
-ironic how bad i get it in here and actually miracle hit
-AHHHHH are u serious?!?!
-i suck.....
-i just dont win these anymore
-or these
-and these.....just shoot me
-this sucked thought i played it perfectly

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  PowerHausAA, Feb 25 2009

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  PowerHausAA, Feb 25 2009

just when i gain some faith in PLO 100 i lose most of my winnings .......went 20 buys up and lost 17 of it back BAHHHHH
-classic river straight flush
-SETUP BIG TIME.......pull trigger
-is this a reasonable line for the villain........this is just happening all the time at PLO100
-and so is this crap!

..........then again cant feel too bad especially after seeing mr dwan lose close to a mil to ivey

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  PowerHausAA, Feb 24 2009

so i didnt read this fine print......

.....but i still want a freebee month for later so still gonna try to get to 50k vpp(at 25k now)

so shortstack buying for 60 usually and so inevitably racing with aces a bunch........
-just the way i like it
-aces nightmare starts here.......gotta love the double suited 4's
-sets are just not working out for me these days
-i suck and so does my luck
-i win one! of course had to sweat some outs
-yuppppppp saga continues.......
-board pairs on command
-finallllly i hit one of these
-not so much this time
-river call is kind of eh by villain but shouldve known better since he did overcall a queen high FD
-another one bites the dust
-and another one
-and another ...slightly more depressing
-once again
-only pairs when its for nothing

overall not doing as terrible as i thought but i cant wait to get outta PLO100 hell

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PLO100 rollercoaster
  PowerHausAA, Feb 22 2009

17.5k vpp this month and i need to get to 50k vpp to maintain supernova elite status........why do i do this to myself!

PLO100 = all call no fold

so i released the 4k bonus but withdrew it cuz i need money to buy more booze and subway footlongs, but i got another bonus pending so no biggie.

basically i surrendered all thoughts of making real money and am just focusing on hitting my VPP mark for this month.....cuz PLO 100 is CRAZzzzzy. so with a non optimal bank roll ive been buying in with varying amounts to maximize # of hands. ive been super loose and calling down way more than usual cuz too many people overvalue there hands.

went 20 buys up 25 down 10 up ect ect

all sorts of hands.......
-set over set shouldve lost minimal but got greedy and got real stupid
-set against naked flush and top two shoot me....
-banging my head on the wall
-16 dollars!! i still want it
-ugh ugh ugh
-just keep lining em up
-way too common at 100
-i rarely boat my sets........but others do!
-and the times i do boat......
-further proof
-this guy won like 10 straight hands before this
-set over set
-just dont understand........

PLO100 is damn tricky ......everyone is everywhere with all kinds of ranges. wish my comp didnt crash cuz i had about 20-30 more hands that were really good from the end of my session last nite.

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back in action
  PowerHausAA, Feb 18 2009

UGHHHHHH rewriting this entry cuz i accidentally clicked a link!!

basically i haven't played in close to a month nor have i done anything that remotely resembles any kind of productivity.
here is why.......superbowl and my birthday (my 26th, still in mid 20's thank god) are always few days apart. so i threw a joint birthday slash superbowl party this year........problem is that i didnt stop partying until 3 days ago. it's bad when your drinking just to get rid of hangovers. so monday i did some serious detox and cleaned my apartment to a standard human level.

january was not so good.......bottom line im cutting down to 16 tables so i can tweak my game out. in the green for jan with bonuses but after a big withdrawal bankroll definitely took a blow.

so started the month with 1200 friggin dollars, still shaking my head........i have a 4k bonus pending so not overly worried, dropping down to plo100 until i get situated again. ON TOP OF THAT.........ive only accrued 6k vpp this month and if i dont make 50k vpp by end of this month, supernova elite expires.....WACK! guess im gonna have to put in some serious hours.

last two days which is also all of feb lol

few hands from session.....
-i really wish i could have this one back........knowing the villain im pretty sure he would raise the 5 on flop. he plays pretty badly and he couldve easily had ANY pair in his hand. he runs WAY too many bluffs but he got lucky cuz i had my attention somewhere in my ass when this hand was played out.
-gotta love the preflop call ::HEAD BANG::

sb pics......i managed to stop my excessive picture taking, thank god
coin flip

BACON EXPLOSION-so disgustingly delicious and really easy to make


side notes:
daytona 500 was terrible (yes, i'm nascar fan) and dale jr DID NOT cause the wreck
A-Rod.....the price of your enormous baseball talent is balanced out by your general douchebag demeanor, hahaha ill still root for u though

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ski trip
  PowerHausAA, Jan 27 2009

so i finally tried skiing (usually we go on these trips and i just stay in and get drunk all day) buddies thought itd be funny to put me on the intermediate course.

.........not too sure which one of these death valleys i rolled down cuz i was eating snow 90 percent of the way down
but sweet revenge........ one of them severed his elbow snowboarding, i feel no pity.

it took me close to 2 hours to make it down the first time.........eventually i got the hang of it and ended up really enjoying myself. by far the best experience of skiing..........

....deep fried waffles, so ridiculously greasy and good!

where women should be......

usually my friend amanda and I are in charge of food(mostly her as i am not even close to her cooking abilities). every time our group of friends go on big trips we cook up a fabulous gourmet meal. this year we ended up doing the obama inauguration duck course, steaks, and all kinds of goodies. everything turned out fantastic! between you and i, i think the secret to making food taste good is to get everyone drunk on cheap wine before food is served(never fails!).

for the most part this weekend was mostly drinking, eating, hot tubbing, little skiing, and more drinking. there are stories from this trip i wish i could share, unfortunately im being carefully observed by a little birdie and cannot divulge such information at this time.

played 0 poker up until yesterday. played around 600 hands of PLO100 and i'm starting to rediscover a lot of things i stopped doing that used to yield huge profits for me last year. im constantly forgetting the downside of megatabling and im thinking about writing out post-its of rules when playing more than 16 tables on my desk.
-obviously on turn we can eliminate all sets, top 2 or two pair is very unlikely as both sets and two pair are going to play it aggressive on flop(i just cant see lune calling flop with those hands). i check turn cuz lune's range could be q,j,9,x also with sucker hearts and theres a pretty big likelihood that he has nut hearts too. he has the potential of betting pot without nut hearts on the river so im calling this quite often.

wut if i bet like 20-40 on turn.......i might be paying off or i might be saving myself a little money
since im not really all that scared of board pairing.......i check since if he does make straight i can value on a straight or lesser flush(via either him trying to value his small flush or bluff).

as u can see i pay off nut hearts which made complete sense of the flop flat call. this happens quite often in omaha, but i made the call on river cuz im beating ever hand except 1 and also it was a judgment call based on all the previous bluffs he's tried to pull on me that i've pwned him on. would appreciate input on different lines you would take here......

this weekend was shit load of fun and definitely not looking forward to playing this week as i'm still tired and mobility in the lower portion of my body is limited. sunday is superbowl and im having a little party and also my birthday so i really don't feel like putting in hardcore sessions til then but think ive given myself way too much time off so im going to make a conscious effort to put in some real sessions.

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dont drink and walk..........
  PowerHausAA, Jan 22 2009

been pretty damn lazy all week.........played about 3 hours today and that was about it. i didn't really feel like getting a full 20+ table session going so i settled for 4 x PLO100. i was actually playing a bunch of PLO200 then thought better of it. bankroll got punked last week and im gonna have to grind a day or two of PLO100 to get my 4k bonus released. it'd be pretty stupid to play 16 x PLO200 with absolutely nothing to back it up with. then i opened up 4 x roommate has been grinding out NL10 for like 3 years (not as a living), and every time he plays NL25 he just gets i had to see for myself and i gotta say, NL25 is an absolute joke. if i could do like 50 tables of NL25 i think i can bang out like at least 500bux/day. im going to show him the way so he can do nothing all day just like me.

so quick story from yesterday........every year we do a ski trip to windham(upstate NY) to one of my buddies time share. usually my friend amanda and i are in charge of food for the weekend. she is an amazing cook and i just pretend i know what im doing. we decided that we were going to cook the duck dish from obama's inaugural brunch. so on to the duck bartender says "oh hey i know a specialty store that might have it". so we go out during the day, grab some lunch and ended up not finding it. so instead we stop in at a bar and drank all day. she had been searching for an apartment and received a call for one, so we go and look it. she insists on having a champagne toast (although we shoulda quit hours ago)..........we go to a nearby champagne, replace champagne with yager.............BOOOOOOOOM SWITCH! it's now rush hour and people are getting off left and right from the subway, and i'm basically carrying her back (a 2 minute walk turned into 15 min). we're about 10 feet away from her apartment and WHAM! she falls with full momentum into the bottom of a light pole (a girl walking by almost had a heart attack when she saw, but quickly walked away). i totally freak thinking she had a concussion or was bleeding, but she maintains consciousness(barely, and mostly alcohol induced). a guy helps me pick up her gloves and goes "good luck man". so i finally manage to get her upstairs where she insta-passes out and i get some ice on her head and wait at the bar downstairs for her brother to come back. for the first time in a very long time i was genuinely scared for there physical health and it was quite scary as i feared that she could've had internal bleeding or something crazy. she finally woke up at like 3pm today and i found out she was ok, thankfully! she apologized, lol, god only knows how many times ive been carried home so it's all good, but the moral of the story............

.......dont drink less but dont drink and walk!
dancing is non inclusive in the dont drink and walk campaign as drinking only enhances dancing.......

nor is walking up to a girl at a bar for it also enhances your sauveness.......

riccccccccccoooooooo, saaaaaaaauve

quick thought on inauguration........i supported mccain but i am overjoyed for everyone whom it meant so much for obama to be president. michelle and barack's dance to beyonce's at last was a real classy and historical moment that brought full circle to all those people that made this country what it is........never forget/take for granted the price people have paid in the past for the freedoms we enjoy now.

im still very immature and found this to be outlandishly hilarious (0:10)............

ahhhhahahahhahahahah i cant stop laughing

i guess im just going to give myself the rest of the week/weekend off as far as poker goes........should have some fun/drunk pics from ski trip over weekend. i'm off to karaoke night(which should get ugly).......oh and for all the NYC LPer's, i would love to grab drinks/get crazy/debaucherous/break shit/douche it up/lower women's self esteem ect........

i also read that [vital]myth is quite a about a IRON DEGENERATE CHEF SHOWDOWN?

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snowing in the big apple
  PowerHausAA, Jan 19 2009

arizona is in the superbowl......whata joke! spent most of sunday drinking/eating watching football with a few friends. had a small sunday dinner party (little tradition we have), jill made a terrific chicken and she kept making me get out of the command center (using simple trickery like "yo i need you're help for a second", god i'm a simpleton) to show me "lemon anal" scenes........then proceeded to say "god this is making me horny, ok get out i have work to do"

congrats jill on 25 years of maturity. i think she wants to volunteer herself for a boob shot but im not sure if im cruel enough to subject viewers to that type of torture.......hahahha (jk she really does have quite a rack)

after that i assed out for 12 hours straight. soon as i woke up i helped myself to two serving of leftovers and proceeded to watch 5 hours of starcraft replays from blizcon. easy life....then got up and got myself some street meat (one of the best in NY!). i am preparing to go to the bar as we speak and do this all night......

........which only adds to the hilarity that is my so called life (this thing is awesome, depending on time of day they have trivia, blackjack, countdown ect......). if they have this at your bar don't bother looking for me cuz i am NEVER EVER on the leader board for any game(including poker)! actually funny cuz the last thing i wanna do at a bar is play NO FOLDEM with the locals to follow up on a 14 hour session, but tonight is an exception since i did no such thing during the day.

i'll resume poker playing tomorrow cuz i am actually tired from sleeping too much(it happens). plus its MLK day and holidays=drinking days.
check 2:12 this is hilarious.......

VPP update 60k/2 million

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  PowerHausAA, Jan 18 2009

she wont let me take pics, which means i'm gonna try twice as hard to sneak attack pics of her boobs. deployment of method suggestions welcome........

she did send me these two shots to shut me up for the time being. i was up at 9:30 am and she was still awake(her shift doesnt end til 4am)...........every time i get overboard drunk and come into the bar she's always trying to pull a fast one on me. ie......
-omg you remember last night you made out with that fat chick
-yo dude you didn't pay your tab last night, don't worry i paid it for you
-dude we had to throw you out cuz you were stripping on the bar
-you made out with a guy and went to the bathroom with him for 2 hours
-do you remember last night?
.......and i have to somewhat consider if it's true or not (minus 4th one), i am such a perfect candidate for this type of trickery. although one time i convinced jenn(old roomate) that she got so drunk and stripped in front of our friends and her cousin. we kept it going for like a whole weekend, she was so embarrassed she packed a bag and left town for a few days. now folks that is what legends are made of. bundy would be proud...

they're way better than those pics show! im going to wear a stealth suit next time i go in.

i would also appreciate some input on something..........
do you guys tell your personal friends about your blog?
i've told people that i've been writing one but i havent really shown anyone. with all our financials from our daily sessions and personal stuff.... i don't know if i'm all that comfortable showing it without a little anonymity. but the more i think of it i'm leaning towards leaving it out in the open, i mean who am i to think that people think so importantly of me anyway? one of the main benefits of letting others into my life would be to bridge the gap between normal people with normal jobs(100 percent of the people i know) and me. i hate explaining myself, some people get it somewhat and others are like ........derp. i might just be over thinking this a bit but would hate to see negative backlash from this. so any input from all you bloggers out there would be fantastic.

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