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  k2o4, Sep 09 2008

Bumpity Bump Bump Bump - (too busy at work to make a new post and wanna share this old one a bit more)

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Original Maverickz?!?!?
  k2o4, Sep 08 2008

ROFL McCain / Palin R da origeenal mavericks who bring CHANGE? Whatever happened to that experience shit? Oh it wasn't working so now you steal the other guys platform - cool. Kinda silly considering that you're saying you will change YOUR party that YOU supported 90% of the time and share nearly all of your policy positions with...

What's Obama gotz to say about dat?

As far as I'M CONCERNED, this is the the one and only original Maverick, back off McSame!

EDIT: gotta add this cause it's one of the things I love about Obama - his ability to lay out the truth and casually deal with lies and BS, but be funny about it too:

  FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. -- A fired-up Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., took on his opponents -- "these people," he said incredulously, in a familiar refrain -- for shamelessness and dishonesty.

"I have said repeatedly that there should be no contradiction between keeping America safe and secure and respecting our Constitution," Obama said. "During the Republican convention, you remember during the Republican convention, one of them, I don’t know if it was Rudy or Palin ... they said, ‘Well, ya know, Sen. Obama is less interested in protecting you from terrorists than ... reading them their rights.’"

(It was Palin, who said "Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America -- he's worried that someone won't read them their rights?")

"Now, let me say this," Obama continued, "first of all, you don’t even get to read them their rights until you catch them. So, I don’t know what, they should spend more time trying to catch Osama bin Laden and we can worry about the next steps later. Hah! I mean, seriously! These folks.

"Catch ‘em first!"

Obama said his position on this "has always been clear. It has always been clear. If you’ve got a terrorist, take ‘em out. Take ‘em out. Anybody who was involved in 9/11 –- take ‘em out."

But, the former constitutional law professor argued, "What I have also said is this: that when you suspend habeas corpus -- which has been a principle, dating before even our country, it’s the foundation of Anglo-American law -- which says, very simply, if the government grabs you, then you have the right to at least ask, 'Why was I grabbed?' and say, 'Maybe you’ve got the wrong person.'

"The reason you have that safeguard," he said, "is because we don't always have the right person. We don’t always catch the right person. We may think this is Mohammed the terrorist, it might be Mohammed the cab driver. You may think it’s Barack the bomb thrower, but it might be Barack the guy running for president.

"The reason that you have this principle is not to be soft on terrorism, it’s because that’s who we are," Obama said as the crowd rose to its feet, applauding. "That’s what we’re protecting. Don’t mock the Constitution! Don’t make fun of it! Don’t suggest that it’s un-American to abide by what the founding fathers set up! It’s worked pretty well for over 200 years!

"These people!" Obama said.

Obama also mocked the new TV ad put out by the McCain campaign claiming that Gov. Sarah Palin "stopped the Bridge to Nowhere."

"I gotta admit these folks are shameless," Obama said, "because the record is indisputable," he said, describing how Palin had originally supported the project.

"I wouldn’t do that," Obama said. "I mean, I'm not perfect --"

"Yes, you are!" shouted a woman in the crowd.

"No, no, no, no," Obama said. "Talk to Michelle, she’ll tell you. But what I'm not going to do, I'm not going to describe in an ad that I did something that is opposite of what I did."

Original Article.

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  k2o4, Sep 08 2008

I'm in Los Angeles for work - gonna be crazy busy till next week. Hopefully nothing big happens in the political world cause then I'd totally miss it.

Feeling hectic and can't wait till this is over. Doing a huge conference and have spent the entire day back and forth to the airport picking up international attendees, heh.

Got a vacation scheduled for me and the GF when we get home so I'm excited for that. I also bought one of those 5 hour energy shots and figure I'll see if it's any good - I could definitely use the boost.

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Zero Consistency
  k2o4, Sep 04 2008

First Obama's lack of experience means he's not "ready to lead" and be our president, but Sarah Palin's lack of experience is "a breathe of fresh air" and she's totally ready. WTF is that? And I think this election we should be taking VERY deep looks at both VP's, cause they probably have the highest chance of becoming President out of any VP in the last 30 years or more. On one side we have the first black president who people will obviously try and kill, on the other we have a very old white man whose had several bouts of cancer and has been really shady with letting us see his medical records. So I think that makes it important to look at the VP's as if they are going to be our President, which in my mind totally kills the "But McCain is the top of the ticket" arguments for why Palin can have no experience while Obama has to have it.

Then you've got this constant preaching about how all human life is precious, which they imply that Obama/Biden don't get cause they are ok with abortion. What drives me crazy here is that these fuckers are totally ok with killing thousands of Iraqi civilians, but "every human life is precious". I call BULLSHIT. I guess every human life is precious as long as it isn't an rag head?

I'll let George Carlin point out more contradictions for me - funny that this clip is nearly 20 years old and it still applies 100%:

The other thing that drove me crazy about the RNC last night is how they bashed the shit out of community organizers... but at the same time hate big government. Don't they realize that community organizers are solving problems in their neighborhoods WITHOUT government bureaucracies? That's the solution we need - Churches, youth groups, community centers, all putting together people who want to spend their time helping each other instead of sitting back and waiting for the govt to do it. The fact that Obama spent time as a community organizer working with churches to help people who'd lost their jobs when steel mills closed is a GOOD THING cause it means he totally understands how to fix these problems without creating more Government programs, which is something Republicans are SUPPOSED TO LIKE. Wtf.

  But after tonight, it appears all but certain that there is one group of people who McCain truly will chase all the way to the Gates of Hell: community organizers.

That's right. Tonight at the RNC, the McCain campaign made their feelings about community organizers abundantly clear. Defeated primary opponents spit on their name. Conventioneers loudly mocked their existence. Sarah Palin told not one, but two jokes about them, which is certainly a comedy foul, because everyone knows you are supposed to use the Rule Of Three.

Tonight, community organizers were made to feel the brunt of the Republicans' smarmy derision. And for what? You know, one overworked conservative trope from tonight was that the American people should not expect the government to solve all of their problems. You know who would agree with that? Community organizers. These men and women serve a public duty, taking care of those who do fall through the cracks of government largesse, motivating citizens to give their time and sweat to serve society's needs without making an unnecessary dip in the taxpayer till.

Community organizers mobilize volunteers that are young and old. They work from churches and community centers. They go to work in small towns and big cities. They assist people of all ages, and all walks of life. They tutor children, care for the infirm, spend time with the elderly, get food to the hungry, clothes to the needy. They expand opportunities and improve lives.

Why, if I'm not mistaken, they even make sure that voters can get to the polls on those odd Tuesdays in November.

It was a little surprising to see the good work of community organizers subjected to such jeers tonight. Was I dreaming when I saw all those people in the hall holding placards that read, "Service?" No, they were in fact carrying such signs, but they were doing so Tuesday, when there was a possibility that a hurricane in the Gulf Coast mattered, and when Hookers And Blow weren't playing the big lobbyist bacchanal. Tonight, they were carrying signs that read "Prosperity," which I suppose is shorthand for, "Don't hope for a better tomorrow, let Cindy McCain buy it for you wholesale."

Original Article.

I've watched every night of the RNC so far cause I feel like I'd be a hypocrite to bash them without actually watching the speeches and so on. I tell myself "listen to this as if you were completely objective and down the middle", but it's fucking hard. I start yelling at the TV every time they contradict themselves (a lot) or when they lie about Obama (even more) and then my GF says "why the hell are you watching this if it makes you so angry, let's change the channel".

I'm going to try and focus on posting about these contradictions which are driving me crazy over the next few days. Maybe I should just record myself watching the RNC on C-span and screaming at the TV... hehe.

(Oh yeah I also wanted to link this hilarious fake voicemail of McCain on Palin's machine that MaidenFan posted in the comments of my last blog)

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Good Satire
  k2o4, Sep 03 2008

Sorry, too much interesting stuff about Palin lately, can't stop posting...

Original article.

  Sarah Palin (sp?) has ignited the presidential race and fired up the GOP -- as evidenced by three women at the RNC who took the time to print the words "We," "Love," and "Sarah" on pieces of paper and tape them to the backs of their t-shirts. Sarah's even won the backing of the level-headed Rep. Michele Bachmann (R- MN) -- not exactly known for toeing the party line. Clearly, the liberal left realizes that it can't match this kind of unbridled enthusiasm for its candidate. So what are they doing? Attacking her character. Questioning her qualifications. Imagine a political group attacking an opponent because it can't win on the issues or the record. It's disgusting.

So let's set the record straight. Sarah Pahlen (sp?) is not only more qualified for the Oval Office than Barack Obama -- she might just be the most qualified political candidate in our nation's history:

1. Putting Country First - Her membership in the Alaska Independence Party proves that she's exactly the kind of leader America needs: the kind that will always put country first -- even if that country happens to be The Republic of Alaska. Obama claims he loves America -- but has he ever loved it enough to favor seceding from it? It's called tough love, Senator. Look into it.

2. Independence - Sarah hates indicted Senator Ted Stevens, but raised money for him. She hates the "bridge to nowhere," but supported it. She wants to shatter Hillary's glass ceiling, but wears t-shirts touting the size of her boobs. We're dealing with an innovative politician; one who refuses to be categorized. Obama may call himself the candidate of "change," but Sarah Pailen's (sp?) entire political life has been about saying one thing, and then doing another. Now that's "change we can believe in."

3. Family Values - This is someone who's not afraid to preach abstinence for your daughter, even though her own unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. This is someone who's not afraid to hop on a plane from Texas to Alaska while she's in premature labor. This is someone who's not afraid to hit the campaign trail with a 5-month-old special needs baby. That's what I call dedication to family. Obama, on the other hand? A Muslim.

4. Intellect - Yes, Sarah recently admitted that she didn't know exactly what it was the Vice President did. Yes, she wants creationism taught in public schools. Yes, she doesn't believe global warming is manmade. But I'd like to point out the fact that she wears glasses -- and that's not something dumb people generally do. Obama? No glasses.
Story continues below

5. Military Affairs - As Governor, Pollen (sp?) is authorized to deploy Alaska's National Guard in times of emergency. And while the Guard's Adjunct General admits that she plays no role in national defense, and isn't briefed on military exercises, the fact is -- she's been photographed holding a machine gun, while Obama has yet to wield so much as a .38 for the cameras. When it comes to keeping me safe, that's all I need to know.

6. Foreign Affairs - While Obama likes to take Middle East tours, meet with Europe's leaders, and brag about his running mate being the foreign policy voice of the Senate, he can't hold a candle to Palenn's (sp?) understanding of today's complex, dangerous world. Yes, Sarah admitted that she hadn't paid much attention to the war in Iraq, but she knew enough to rightly call it a "task from God." Yes, she's only left North America once in her life, but her experience as a local sportscaster gave her the ability to follow events as they unfold at lightning speed. And as Cindy McCain pointed out, while Barack Obama was sipping lattes in Cambridge Square, Sarah Pinkston (sp?) was staring down the barrel of Putin's Kalashnikov -- a one woman wall keeping America safe from invasion.

7. Restoring America's Image - Who better than a former beauty queen to add some new luster to America's battered image? Paylen (sp?) will take a proverbial can of Aqua Net to our nation's unruly hair, and apply liberal (no pun intended) amounts of blush to Lady Liberty's cheekbones. In a word, she'll dazzle the world with her charm and style. Even the most anti-Western extremists will melt when they see the People and Vanity Fair spreads of Sarah warming her fur-lined extremities over burning science textbooks. And how would Obama restore our leadership in the world? The question we should be asking is: why does he only have two children, while Sarah has at least twice that number? What does Senator Obama have against America's children?

8. Her Soul - In one 15-minute meeting, and one follow-up phone call, John McCain was able to determine that Sarah was more than his running mate -- she was his "soul mate." Not only that, but that she was more qualified to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office than any Republican on earth. Yes, this is a testament to the power and quickness of McCain's decision making. But it's also a testament to the power of Sarah Payton's (sp?) soul. As a Muslim, it's not even clear that Obama has a soul.

So is Sarah Pillston (sp?) qualified to be Vice President? To be one bad biopsy away from being the most powerful human being on earth? To lead America back to prominence and prosperity, while keeping us safe from a world of ever-changing threats?

In her own words: "Yup...yup."

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  k2o4, Sep 02 2008

Again, a semi-bump - please check the post below cause that got knocked off the front page super fast. But I also wanna share this video clip with everyone where the McCain campaign had trouble explaining what experience Sarah Palin actually has... plus McCain was so upset about the "out of bounds" attack journalism (hahah omg cry more about NOTHING) that he CANCELED his appearance on Larry King Live in retaliation! LOLZ!!!

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Country First!
  k2o4, Sep 01 2008

A scandal a day keeps the doctor away... wait... that's not how the saying goes... But if it did, Sarah Palin would be healthy as they come! By my count it's been 4 days and we've had 5 scandals. Babygate plus the 4 listed in this great article below which I think you should definitely read. To me McCain's pick of Sarah Palin as VP adds up to putting country dead last, and political stunts to win elections first.

Link to original article

  It's becoming abundantly clear that John McCain didn't bother to take a look into Sarah Palin before naming her his Vice Presidential pick. Reported here on Huffington, and backed up elsewhere, McCain's people are actually vetting the pick now, after the decision has been made.

Joe Klein is right, that this is the McCain temperament at its absolute worst. This is his shoot first, ask questions later personality, which even McCain admits gets him into trouble. The problem, of course, is that this time it could get America in trouble - very, very deep trouble.

Everyday, more comes out about Sarah Palin, which shows that not only is she completely unprepared for the presidency, but has displayed decision-making that is rash, spoiled, too personal, too petty, and detrimental to the people she's supposed to be working for. In short, she's shown herself to be completely drunk with her ability to sack people at her whim.

Once is a fluke...

First, and almost immediately revealed, was "Troopergate" - Palin's attempt to pressure the Public Safety Commissioner to fire her ex-brother-in-law as a state trooper, lying about it, and then firing Walt Monegan, the Commissioner, when he tried to explain there was nothing he could do. Then, Palin replaced Mongegan (who had a very good record on the job) with someone who had to resign after two weeks, because he had sexual harassment problems in the past, which Palin was aware of when she appointed him.

Now Palin is under investigation for Abuse of Power (an investigation that is due to offer up a report just days before the election, by the way).
Story continues below

Two is a coincidence...

Next, we found out as Mayor of Wasilla, Palin canned the Police Chief and the Library Director for not supporting her campaign for Mayor. Palin never contended that these people weren't doing a good job. To her credit, I guess, she was up front that these good public servants were on the chopping block because they wouldn't support her campaign.

Palin faced a recall effort because of her decision, and eventually had to reinstate the Library Director, and came to an out of court settlement (a tacit admission of wrongdoing) with the Police Chief, basically paying him to go away.

Three is a pattern...

Today, I discovered that Todd Palin, Sarah's husband, also had a say in hiring and firing decisions. A long-time aide to Sarah Palin, John Bitney, who was a childhood friend of hers, was unceremoniously dumped from his job. Apparently, he found out he was fired when his Blackberry stopped working, and when he called to see what the problem was, discovered he was no longer on state payroll.

His mistake? Bitney was dating the soon-to-be ex-wife of a friend of Todd Palin's. Todd Palin didn't like that insult to his pal, so he had Sarah fire her old friend, and long-time aide. Again, Sarah Palin never even tried to contend that Bitney was doing a bad job, and no one had charged that he was doing a bad job. He simply pissed off Todd Palin's friend, and his head rolled.

Four is an effin' disaster for America...

Another scandal involving Sarah Palin's tenure as Governor is Dairygate (I know, I'm sick of the 'gates' too, but that's what they call it up there).

As Palin came into office, the state Creamery Board, after years of study, concluded that state-run Matanuska Maid Dairy was beyond saving, after years in the red despite heavy taxpayer subsidies. It recommended that the dairy be privatized, as the only way of rescuing the dairy, and saving Alaskans from giving tax dollars to a failing business that inflated dairy costs.

You would think that Palin, the so-called maverick cost cutter, would be thrilled. Nope. Instead, Palin fired the entire Board of Agriculture and Conservation, and replaced them with loyalists, who in turn installed themselves as the new Creamery Board. Palin contended that Mat Maid Dairy just needed better management, and these guys would do it. In short, like another person I know (hmmm...) Palin didn't like the expert's answers, so instead of dealing with the facts, she fired the experts to find "new facts."

Except not so much. Nearly $1 million in subsidies later, including $200,000 in Alaska tax dollars paid to farmers to dump raw milk into the ground, this new Creamery Board came to the same exact conclusion as the old one - Matanuska Maid Dairy was a failure and a drain on the state. Oh, and the kicker is now the dairy has been reborn, and subsidized with Federal tax dollars, otherwise known as "pork."

This would all be funny Northern Exposure politics, if John McCain didn't impulsively choose to put Palin one heart-beat away from the Presidency. One heart beat away from managing the Federal government, and picking who would run departments. One heart beat from hiring and firing security agency heads. One heart beat away from the Red Button. One heart beat away from managing two wars (and maybe more if McCain has his way).

But, this is not a joke. This is the future of this country. If John McCain is serious about "Country First," if he really cares about the future well-being of Americans, he will come to his senses and ask Sarah Palin to leave the ticket. Now.

It would be a disastrous political move for him, for sure. But, if John McCain is who he says he is, and values this nation above all else - even more than his own political career - he will not allow Sarah Palin anywhere near the Oval Office. And, if he doesn't admit his dangerous mistake, he's as bad of a political hack as George W Bush is, and as she is. Nothing more.

Btw, probably later tonight or tomorrow I will upload pics of Mile High stadium... just been lazy and spent all my free time reading up on Palin.

Oh, and one last thing - about Babygate, I find it funny that the right wing bashes the shit outta Jamie Lynne Spears's mom when she shows up pregnant @ 16, but rally behind Sarah Palin despite the fact that she pulled her daughter out of school to hide her pregnant belly away from the world and was on track to hiding it and lying about it until some bloggers caught wind of something suspicious going on. I guess it's because Sarah believes in abstinence only education while the spears family didn't, and if abstinence only education fails it ain't no biggie, the mom did all she could, while if anything else fails the mother is a horrible person. Ok, that's not totally fair, I dunno that to be the reason for sure, but god it feels that way.

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What a VP Pick
  k2o4, Aug 30 2008

To me McCain's VP pick screams desperation, is an insult to woman's intelligence assuming that they will vote for him cause there's a vagina and a pair of tits on his ticket, and shows the way he makes decisions is all about his gut and gambling. I'd rather not have a president who's willing to gamble our countries future on a political stunt, picking the least qualified/experienced VP in history, a woman who makes Obama look like a political veteran, a woman who doesn't believe in global warming and is staunchly anti-abortion (even in cases of rape).

I don't get it - according to Republicans Obama was too inexperienced to be president and was not ready to lead, but Palin (who is younger and has a shorter record than Obama) is a-ok? And considering how old McCain is and that he's had past health issues, his VP has a high chance of becoming president. Now I am not saying that she gets an auto thumbs down cause she has less experience - I don't believe in that. But it's so weird that republicans will bitch and moan about not enough experience from Obama therefore he can't be prez, but it doesn't bug em to have a VP with even less experience. Maybe the argument is that "it's VP, not the Prez, so it's different" but I feel that with a prez who has such a high chance of not finishing his full term that the VP is VERY important.

I believe that experience is not as important as good judgment, sound decision making, and the ability to hear all sides of an issue and come to an informed decision which respects all parties involved. I believe Obama has all those qualities and is smart enough to surround himself with very experienced people from both sides of the aisles and then take in all of their advice and reach smart conclusions. I also believe Obama has the ability to inspire people to take action and love their country even more than they do right now, to come together and work for a greater future for the entire USA. For me those things make up for the lack of experience. Plus, I do feel like he's had a decent amount of experience (8 years in State Senate, 4 years in the US senate, and time as a community organizer), though obviously not as long as many other politicians.

In comparison I think Palin has much less experience, to the point where I'm thinking "errr, this is pretty thin". I also don't see that same judgment. She doesn't believe in global warming. That's scary to me. She's very anti-abortion and is against exemptions for rape. She's also wrapped up in an investigation about her abuse of power, and after Cheney I've had enough power abusing VP shit to last me a life time.

Anyway, here's my little fact list I've been able to put together so far:

Former Beauty Queen
Star point guard
Sports reporter
Married HS sweetheart
5 kids
Oldest son heading to iraq on 9/11
Youngest son bon premature with down syndrome
Started in PTA
elected to city council
Mayor of small home town (8,471)
Govenor 2 years
Pro-Drilling in ANWAR
Pro-taking polar bears off endangered species list
Does not believe global warming is man made
Pro-Senator Ted Stevens bridge to nowhere before she was against it
Being investigated for abuse of power
Most popular governor in country (over 90% approval rating in alaska)
Enjoys moose as favorite meat
Husband is part eskimo (cool)
Called hillary clinton a "whiner"
rabid conservative

This was an interesting article from on what McCain's decision says about who he is and what kind of leader he will be:

  1. He’s desperate. Let’s stop pretending this race is as close as national polling suggests. The truth is McCain is essentially tied or trailing in every swing state that matters — and too close for comfort in several states like Indiana and Montana the GOP usually wins pretty easily in presidential races. On top of that, voters seem very inclined to elect Democrats in general this election — and very sick of the Bush years.

McCain could easily lose in an electoral landslide. That is the private view of Democrats and Republicans alike.

McCain’s pick shows he is not pretending. Politicians, even “mavericks” like McCain, play it safe when they think they are winning — or see an easy path to winning. They roll the dice only when they know that the risks of conventionality are greater than the risks of boldness.

The Republican brand is a mess. McCain is reasonably concluding that it won’t work to replicate George W. Bush and Karl Rove’s electoral formula, based around national security and a big advantage among Y chromosomes, from 2004.

“She’s a fresh new face in a party that’s dying for one — the antidote to boring white men,” a campaign official said.

Palin, the logic goes, will prompt voters to give him a second look — especially women who have watched Democrats reject Hillary Rodham Clinton for Barack Obama.

The risks of a backlash from choosing someone so unknown and so untested are obvious. In one swift stroke, McCain demolished what had been one of his main arguments against Obama.

“I think we’re going to have to examine our tag line, ‘dangerously inexperienced,’” a top McCain official said wryly.

2. He’s willing to gamble — bigtime. Let’s face it: This is not the pick of a self-confident candidate. It is the political equivalent of a trick play or, as some Democrats called it, a Hail Mary pass in football. McCain talks incessantly about experience, and then goes and selects a woman he hardly knows, who hardly knows foreign policy and who can hardly be seen as instantly ready for the presidency.

He is smart enough to know it could work, at least politically. Many Republicans see this pick as a brilliant stroke because it will be difficult for Democrats to run hard against a woman in the wake of the Hillary Clinton drama. Will this push those disgruntled Hillary voters McCain’s way? Perhaps. But this is hardly aimed at them: It is directed at the huge bloc of independent women — especially those who do not see abortion as a make-or-break issue — who could decide this election.

McCain has a history of taking dares. Palin represents his biggest one yet.

Click the link up top for the rest of it, he makes like 6 points. Lastly, here's what the Center for American Progress says:

  With the choice of Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) as his running mate, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is not backing down from oil drilling. Palin is a champion for drilling, the Bush-Cheney approach to energy policy that brought us $4.00-per-gallon gasoline and the rising threat of global warming.

Like McCain, Palin believes that oil drilling is the only solution to our energy problems. "I beg to disagree with any candidate who would say we can't drill our way out of our problem," she says. She supports more drilling in protected areas of the Outer Continental Shelf and the Alaska Natural Wildlife Refuge, once attacking McCain for his "close-mindedness on ANWR."

But the Department of Energy believes that offshore drilling "would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices before 2030." Moreover, about three-quarters of all the oil in public lands in the continental U.S. are already open to drilling - and yet only one quarter of this oil is under production. Opening the Arctic Refuge would cut gasoline prices by two cents in 17 years. For that, Palin would destroy the home of America's native polar bears. Not even T. Boone Pickens still thinks we can drill our way out of this crisis.

Palin rejects clean renewable energy that is an alternative to oil. Earlier this month, she claimed that "alternative-energy solutions are far from imminent and would require more than 10 years to develop."

Alaska has become the "poster state" for the threat of global warming as the climate gets hotter and dryer and sea levels rise. More than 100 towns are vulnerable due to eroding sea lines. Polar bears are threatened by the melting ice floats, and this month bears were spotted swimming as much as 50 miles offshore.

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DNC Highlights
  k2o4, Aug 29 2008

At least 38 million people watched Obama's speech on Thursday night to make it the most watched political convention in history. Pretty crazy. They had more people watching "than watched the Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing, the final "American Idol" or the Academy Awards this year". Insane. I can't believe I was there!

For my own record and for anyone who missed it all, I decided to put together a highlight thread of my favorite parts of the DNC.

First let's start with my favorite speeches by people who aren't major celebs in the party:

John Kerry's Speech (I know he's famous but I liked it a lot so it is gonna be up top):

Kucinich Speech:

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer Speech:

Bill Richardson:

And of course we can't miss Obama's amazing acceptance speech on Thursday night which got so many views:

Introduction Biography Video:

Barack Obama's Speech:

And to save space I'm going to put Bill and Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Al Gore, and Ted Kennedy into a spoiler:

+ Show Spoiler +

Music (Jennifer Hudson,, John Legend)
+ Show Spoiler +

And for good measure, Obama and McCain 2004 convention speeches:

+ Show Spoiler +

Hope you enjoyed =)

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Comments (23)

Platinum Star Baby
  k2o4, Aug 28 2008

Well I ended up watching the DNC on Tuesday night and playing poker while drinking beer. Was on NL100 and played 3k hands while watching and lost 3 buy-ins... but I cruised on VPP! I checked afterwards and it if I subtracted the few spews I had I was on track for a break even night, so I didn't feel too bad about the loss, and the fact that at the end of the night I only needed another 140 VPP to make Platinum was a comfort.

But the loss was enough to make me feel like playing NL50 again. I played last night while watching the DNC and got about 2k hands @ NL50 for a 4 buyin win and PLATINUM STAR! Woot! Nice to be back up to this level where FPP come quicker and I can buy the $600 bonus. Plus I only need 21,600 VPP to make supernova now, and I have 4 months to do it! So I feel very on track. Basically 90k hands away from it if I played NL50 the entire time. I think I'll make supernova by the end of November at the latest, which will totally pwn.

So I'm sitting @ $2,700 in the BR and gonna play NL50 unless I see juicy NL100 tables, which will probably happen tomorrow since it's Friday. If I can be over 3k by the end of the month I will be very happy cause I'll feel solidly into NL100, which was my goal.

Oh, and I have tickets to Invesco tonight so I get to go watch Obama speak live! Hells yeah!

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