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Ten Miles Back

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  Venrae, Apr 17 2008

Fuck, I start off this by forgetting how many hands I played and I don't know how to use PT to just the last session I played >.<. Either way it was like 1.5-2k hands 12 tabling nl2. I played much better than I feel I have before. I made a couple dumb spews but realized that I was spewing and fixed it immediately. I ran like shit for the first 1k hands. Well, not complete shit, I managed to win two all ins, but after all of the coolers and playing well I was break even up until a bit over 1k hands. Ending a session running well is an amazing feeling :D.

My BR is the highest it's been yet, $186. I hit $180 twice before but allways shot down to around $165 right after and I've been around $170 for the past week. Granted I was at $165 in the end of January (I basically didn't play in February or March T_T).


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Fixing a lot of shit
  Venrae, Jan 30 2008

My new desktop pretty much sums it up.

***2 votes

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I Suck
  Venrae, Jan 06 2008

Gay session, maybe 1k hands ish who knows. Basically kept getting good hands that I refused to shut down on when a draw hits the river. I donked off a stack or two and lost a couple more stacks to more gay shit.

Basically I played bad, not horrible omg I suck at life bad but definitely no where near as good as I should be. That combined with running sub par is bad.

SIDE NOTE: I managed to not tilt off money by playing nl10 6 max because nl2 FR was pissing me off. ^_^

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Playing better
  Venrae, Jan 05 2008

I played quite a few hands today, 4k+ at least, split up into three sessions. One I tried my hand at 16 tabling since I was rolled for it but I was donking off too much money, so I moved back to 12 table and played really well. I ran about at expectation, a couple coolers and setups and suckouts but some hands held as well so it's all good.

Overall I'm up around $14 today and my BR has peaked at $150.75 ^_^

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Ran Sick Hot
  Venrae, Jan 03 2008

I ran so sick tonight. I started around 4pm and lost ~$5 to put my BR at ~$75. Then my computer fucked up again and I had to reinstall windows and shit which is just oh so much fun. After I got all my shit back up and running around 10pm I hit the tables again. I managed to run my ~$75 roll into $106 in five hours. I ran so sick hot it was crazy, that and fixing some big leaks really boosted my confidence and roll

I was sucked out on twice (as far as I can remember), including a gay KK v TT all in preflop where I spike a K on the flop and the douche sucks out to a flush

Other than that I can't believe how well I ran, I was hitting sets left and right and shit just HELD. It felt soooooo good.

I guess this hand pretty much sums up my night. - Best. Missclick. Ever.

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Solid Session
  Venrae, Dec 13 2007

I played about 3hours today and am up around $10 at nl2 FR. I was fourtabling (because I have a low br and can't afford to play more tables <.<) so however many hands 4 tables of FR over 3 hours is is what I got in today.

Sennpu is my hero. I added him on msn yesterday and he has helped me sooooooooo much <3

Anyway it was a pretty solid session. Some funny hands and a couple extremely gay hands. I actually ran pretty bad. I had a couple good hands but never really got the nuts to be called down to the river the few times I had them. I'm not saying I ran terribly but there were enough bad beats to say I didn't run good <.<

I had around 30 pp's and hit two of them for trips, Kings and 6's. I swear I had 7's at least 12 times, never hit.

THE HANDS: - GAYGAYGAYGAYGAY I lose to ANY PAIR after flopping the nuts. WTF - Seriously? - I FOLDED PREFLOP LOL hero call. - Dujas07: "I had to call, I was on tilt" -____- - I'm a donk T__T - MORE GAY WTF COME ON

<33333333 Sennpu

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I almost died...
  Venrae, Dec 03 2007

I was going to leave for work and it turns out it snowed about a foot last night (no joke and we hadn't seen a speck of snow since last winter). So I get my JEEP CHEROKEE cleaned off and PUT IT IN 4WD. I go to leave my driveway which is at like a 40 degree slope and usually ices over but I figured since it was plowed, I don't know, five minutes ago it'd be fine. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, as soon as I hit the slope I have no brakes at all. The kicker is the road my driveway is on is the main road into my town with a speedlimit of 40 mph. The best part is there are three cars coming (luckily all in the lane closest to me). So I floor it into the other lane's ditch and the other car does a 180 in it's lane. No one was hurt or even touched another car but holy shit that could have been bad.

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Blog #1 =\
  Venrae, Dec 02 2007

I've been lurking here for about a year. I've found the best way to improve on anything is to simply immerse yourself in the community, so here I am.

I've been attempting to play nl2 for almost a year, but so far I'm down one $50 roll. I took a break for a while and I've started playing again. I feel that I've improved a lot just from reading threads here. The one big hole in my game is when I miss a flop and my cbet is called. Other than that I haven't found any major leaks in my game (other than maybe playing my hand too obviously but at nl2 I don't think that's a major problem). I'm down about 3 buyins from simply running bad.

Here's the three hands I lost the most on.

First hand worth anything of the night:

The very next hand on the same table:

Next hand different table:

Earlier me fucking up AK AGAIN:

I stopped right after I lost to the quads twice in a row... I knew I was tilting and didn't feel like spewing anymore chips.

So here's to improving and hopefully moving up and playing better poker

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