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Sunday Stake Report
  Gadget, Dec 13 2009

Today sucked. I started off running really well and getting 30k stacks in 3 tournies. Unfortunately I cooled off very quickly. I was one of the big stacks in the $75 6 max only to lose back to back flips and be out with a min cash. I couldn't get anything going in the 750k or the mulligan. I basically played a 10bb stack for 3 hours in both of them and ran QQ into AA in the 750k and squeezed A7s all in with 15bb and ran into AQ in the mulligan. Sorry for the poor performance guys, hopefully last time will make up for it.

$345 in total cashes, KO's and refund. I'll send it tomorrow around noon.

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Confirmed Stakers
  Gadget, Dec 11 2009

Ket - $210 - 15%
acdawg - $15 - 1%
exaltedsky - $210 - 15%
hellokitery - $210 - 15%

2vi3t_boy4 - $210 - 15%

Currently sold out unless the reserve doesn't come through. thanks everyone.

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Sunday Stake Package
  Gadget, Dec 10 2009

Sunday Dec 13
11:00 17.5K GTD $75
12:00 19.5K GTD $109
13:00 20.5K GTD 6-Max $75
13:30 22K GTD 1r1a $55 ($155)
14:00 Sunday Brawl $256
15:00 150K GTD $163
16:00 24K GTD $75
18:00 750K GTD $216
18:35 25K GTD Super Turbo $59
19:00 Sunday Mulligan $216
Total = $1400

1% = $15 (7% markup)
5% = $72 (3% markup)
10% = $140 (no markup)

Account: TheRelapse
I can only accept money on FTP

***This image is about a week old***

I ran a stake last sunday and returned 3:1 to my stakers. I would like to sell about 50% and would ask that anyone who staked me last week to please reply to this and confirm that I am to be trusted. Thanks.

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Comments (9)

  Gadget, Dec 07 2009


22nd in 750k, AK vs JJ.

Over 3k in cashes. I'll figure everything out and ship the money tomorrow morning if thats ok. It should be about 3x what you sent me.

I ran pretty badly in every tournament today except the 750k. I didn't run great in the 750k either, I got up to 15k basically without a showdown and then won like 5 60/40's and 70/30's in a row. More than anything todays tournaments proved to myself that I am fully capable of being a high stakes mtt pro. I'll probably be back next week with another stake offer. Thanks guys.


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Sunday HSMTT Schedule
  Gadget, Dec 05 2009

Hey guys, bumping this one last time. Would ideally like to sell another 15-20 percent if possible. Read the last 2 blog posts for more info. Thanks.

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Sunday HSMTT Schedule
  Gadget, Dec 05 2009


Received Payments:

SF_JDHunter - $10
acdawg712 - $10
SensesTied - $300
NoFoldemRUS - $100
vlseph - $50
IPubliusI - $20
Exaltedsky - $110
LTBuzzy89 - $50

See my last blogpost for more info.

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Sunday HSMTT Schedule
  Gadget, Dec 04 2009

I know most people dont like clicking links so heres cliff notes.

12:00 19.5K Guaranteed $109
13:00 20.5K Guaranteed $75
14:00 Sunday Brawl $256
14:30 24K Guaranteed $20r($100)
15:00 150K Guaranteed $163
16:00 24K Guaranteed $75
18:00 750K Guaranteed $216

Total = $994 = $1000

No mark-up aside from the $6 I rounded up from the total.
1% = $10
5% = $50
10% = $100

I'm looking to sell between 50% and 70%. I can only accept money on FTP, sorry for the inconvenience.

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10r Win
  Gadget, Nov 24 2009

I chopped for 3700 when it was heads up. I had 1.5m and he had 1m and he gave me chip chop plus $150. I would like some feedback on whether it was a good chop or not. He had 43k in total prizes with -12% roi on opr.

I dont know if its poker in general, full tilt, or just my mentality, but basically all of my good tournament results come 1 week or weekend out of a month and the rest of that month I dont get anywhere near an FT.

The sickest part of my tourny results is that I'm getting 1st place in over 75% of FT's that I make with 600+ entrants. I think part of this has to do with never having another good player at my FT's. I am always mind boggled when i get to an FT and the big stack open limps utg and folds to a 5bb shove. Im obviously happy to see a terrible player at my FT, but I cant imagine how good he was running to make it that far.

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Run Good/Bad Theory
  Gadget, Nov 15 2009

I don't get into math barely at all when playing poker. I know all the basics, but I'm not one of those guys that calculates standard deviation of bad runs and things like that. In fact I usually just skip over any mathematical equations or references while browsing poker forums. So I have been running terribly for 2 weeks and it got me to thinking, someone tell me if my thinking is correct.

If I run terrible for a week, lets say I am the most unlucky poker player in the world for a week (I'm not saying I am, just for this example). Then for the rest of my life there is no guarantee that it will ever even out. All that is guaranteed is that I should run at EV for the rest of my life after that point on average, not factoring the previous week into that average.

I'm wondering this because in my head I tell myself, just get through this bad run and you will eventually be rewarded with a good run when in reality I dont think that is true at all. The past doesnt affect anything and from the present I am in fact never going to be rewarded for running sickeningly bad for 2 weeks while still playing pretty good poker.

Also, I have a 19" HP laptop with a nvidia 8500 go vid card. will it be able to run a 24 inch monitor at max res?

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A New Start: Part 32
  Gadget, Nov 04 2009

*Computer question at bottom, if you get bored please read/answer that if you can*

I want to attempt to make weekly updates in this blog every week until atleast the end of this year. This is very hard for me because I am a very lazy person, I have tried keeping a blog numerous times and have always failed. A new start calls for a reintroduction.

About Me:
I'm 21 - 6'3" - 205 lbs
I was born in Detroit and currently live in a suburb.
I have played basketball since I was a kid, I currently play division 2 college basketball.
I live and die with Michigan football. (More dying than living recently)
My favorite musician currently is "Blu" of all time is "Scarface".

My favorite athlete of all time is Jason Williams. (They dont make this play with an english broadcast apparently)

Most money I have won in a day - 11k

Most money I have lost in a day - 2k
I have been dating my girlfriend for 3 years and I know I will spend my life with her.
My parents don't know I make money playing poker. (They know I play they just think its for play money i guess)

Ok, now on to poker. If you read my blog in the past year you will see that I had a goal to make enough play money to sell for real money, and then turn that money into 10k in 1 calendar year. This started around September of 2008 and I accomplished the goal in about 8 months. My peak br was about 16k and my current br is about 7k. I switched from cash to tournaments/sng's at about the 3k mark and have never looked back. That was pretty much the best poker decision I have ever made. I realize it is a less skilled approach but I think the edge is very comparable to one of a good cash game player due to the greater concentration of weaker players in my opinion. Lately I have been multi tabling the $75 and $26 45 man sngs on full tilt, about 16 tables, with pretty good results. 10% roi over 200 sngs in the last week.

New Goal:
My new goal will be to turn my br from 7k to 20k by January 1, 2010. I will be updating atleast 1 time a week or maybe more. I am going to strictly play the 45 man sngs except on sundays I will play the 750k GTD and the Brawl and the 200k GTD alond with the usual 45 mans. I'm banned on Pokerstars in case you didnt read my last entry. If anyone would be interested in staking me in those I would be happy to sell 50% except in the 200k.

Computer Question:
I'm looking to buy a new monitor. 23" 2048x1052 resolution or something close to that. Will my HP laptop DV9500 with an NVIDIA GEFORCE 8400M GS video card be able to run the monitor at max resolution? what cords/software will I need to use a 2nd monitor? My laptop resolution is 1600x1200 if that helps/matter.

I'm kind of nervous posting a picture of me because I think someone who reads these forums might somehow know me or something. Kind of weird I know.

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