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May 27 - EV software
  Sheitan, May 27 2007

1834 hands 8 tabling, ran hot and almost never slowplay hands, less benefits, all gone in 2 hands: 1 where im favorite 80% for more than 1 BIs and the other one where my flush hits on turn and run into deep stack donkey's flopped boat. Standard, managed to only lose 0.5 bis...

I tried that ev soft to see if im really unlucky or if i just play bad here's the graph:

Interesting hand:

History on villain is he's a total donk minraising shit oop but manage to suck his way out all the freaking time, so when my flush hits im pretty sure he's holding trips, didn't give the low stake credit for anything so i shove and lose. Any toughts ? or is it ok to go broke here ?

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May 26 - sick of aces and kings
  Sheitan, May 26 2007

Put up a nice sessions, went up 7 Bis and finished -1 Bi getting fucked over and over and over by pocket kings and aces. This is so sick. 3,148 hands 8 tabling, was running hot for hours then got pocket aces and kings and manages to lose 8 mother fucking bis to set, suck outs and coolers from outter space. W.T.F ?

This is so sick ... i think im gonna go all-in PF all the mother fucking time with these, seriously this is so fucking sick. Got like 2-3 pocket aces at end of my session, cracked. Got Kings, they got cracked also. What in the world ? tell me about variance, these mother fucking hands fucked my long session in a matter of minutes, im so fucking pissed god damn mother fucking lskdnfjksdnfjksndfksjnfkjasnf;ansdkfsajlkfnsdfljknsadfnlsaldkjfnljasdfn.

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May 25 - Raping at 1.78 bb/100 hands
  Sheitan, May 25 2007

Wow i just raped the tables, put up a nice session 2,091 hands 8 tabling, went 2 BIs up then 1 BI down, so my session ends with the AMAZING rate of 1.78 bb/100 hands !!!! ZOMG PEW PEW ownage, i mean seriously i should jump directly to NL5000. Interesting hand: - I thought i was sooo beat here to JJ, already reloaded before calling.
Graph for today:

Besides poker life's goot, my brotha got a son and i bought a house with my wife and plan to change my car. Seen some of the vids posted by Cosmo and was amused to see a lil french guy win that tournament, that guy called "lilou" has some mother fucking crazy skillz, he won't obey to the gravity laws.

Oh and some interesting materials for you guys, i'd for sure turn muslim and blow myself if something like this waits for me after death. Dunno looks like heaven for me.

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24 May - 8 tabling
  Sheitan, May 24 2007

Yesterday i tilted hardcore during my session, decided to go up a limit even if i don't have the proper BR to do so "Just to get my money back", lost 3 more BIs in 1 hand:

I think i played it good tho, i represented AK and since i built a very tight image at the table, nobody except a calling station would have called a shove in this spot. His call is horrible, i put him exactly on what he is but i was very suprised by his call knowing i raised PF. It ended a very nice session, i was swearing like crazy for like 1H after that, my wife asked me why i was so upset about a game, Rofl.

Today i planned to play 8 tables and very tight to see how it works, im still experimenting and looking for how to beat my limit (NL10). Session was good, managed to make 4 BIs playing very solid and left when i entered cooler city (copyright daut). Won the biggest pot ever in 7k hands:

At the end, i get owned by deck and decide to leave since i start tilting hardcore (again), but this time i was smart enough to quit and cut the loss. Here are some nice hands: - Put him on KXs, could have folded on river tho. - standart

Too lazy to find the couple others.Still struggling to break even this month, im like y=cos(x)-1 so far. i would luv to go y=e(x) tho.

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Someone set us up the bomb
  Sheitan, May 21 2007

Since i bought PT, im struggling to break even. This graph is hideous:

I know that sounds pretty standart, but i think im cards dead and the only time i'll get a good hand, no action or some donk suck me out on river. I just can't make profit so far, i even lost money (im still up thx to milestone + donkament). Im playing very tight and since i can't get any action i try to trap people and it blows up in my face like this one:

Dunno, i need to play more hands to see if this is a regular downsing or if something is really bad in my play. I'll keep playing what i think is solid poker and once i reach 60k hands i'll know if my game is shit or if it's just variance. But to tell the truth it's really really frustrating so far, im trying not to tilt like crazy but it's fucking tough, i quit playing after 2-3 bad beats, try to play 1H later after watching a movie, going out, playing a dota game, i come back open 5 tables then get 2-3 coolers/suck outs and im out doing something else, come back get kicked in the balls, call some friends/read a book, then come back to poker and get spit in the face.

Oh and i think i just identified a major leak in my game:

I usually limp in and fold it when i don't hit a set, except if it HU and i board is low of course... Looks like i'm either unlucky with them OR i need to adjust my play, maybe stop slowplay them when i hit ? just make regular bets each streets ? I know nobody gives a shit but it helps me think about it... - didn't see that one coming, maybe i need to bet 2/3 like usual. - standart ? Think i got sucked out, nothing i could do here. - just lol ? - no more slowplay from now, i'll fire on every street and make them pay if they want to draw their hands. Lesson learnt.

Ok for the rest, it's just limpin and foldin when not hitting, when i hit i get 0 action. I can't fucking fold these hands PF, that would not make sense right ? so i think iam being unlucky with these for the moment, the only leak i see is me getting outdrawn because i slowplay those like a tard. Any suggestions welcome.

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ridin dirty
  Sheitan, May 18 2007

Finally made it ! I feel so happy due to a very nice session today. Got off work sooner cuz it was very quiet and slept for like 1H30, When i woke up i destroyed the low stakes. Hum, not destroying like you do guys but in my mind i was DA machine. Caught many fishes bluffing for almost a BI and bust them on river with like second pair and them having nothing.

So i break even from now, with the winning in that donkament and being dealt in a milestone hand im up 205 bucks in 3 days, wich means 20 BIs wich is really nice for me. I really enjoy playing poker and i don't even tilt anymore when my aces or kings get cracked by POKERACEDUDELOL All In PF him holding 72o. In fact i realized i don't give a shit, i realized if i would give a shit then my game will be affected and i'll make more mistakes, so LET IT BE.

Here is a graph of the last 3 days:

And i got my biggest pot to date with a rivered full house, wich is the first time it happens to me, im used to get rivered but not river people WTF. - I like teh river weeeee!

Anyway i think im gonna play much more poker than expected as i really enjoy playing the game right now. Take it ez LPers.

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Milestone Hand and 30k hands per month
  Sheitan, May 16 2007

Ok i needed a target, it will be 30K hands per month for cash games (+2,3 donkaments each day). I think it's easily reachable, not putting aside other activities. Bought PT yesterday so i can monitor how i am doing everyday, that program is fucking awesome and doesn't lie to you like all poker players do about themselves, if you suck you suck. Period. Sometimes im surprised cuz i think i put up a good session and when i look at PT, i realize it was shit (playing too passivly, calling too much etc ...).

SOooo, today was a pretty bad session as you can see:

Deck was colder than a canadian chick's ass. The only time i got something playable was 2 pairs in 1k hands, got some action with a fish and he hit top 2 pairs on river, gg me. So i was bored out of my mind folding hands for about 1 hour and a half and decided to quit. When i was about to leave all my tables, one of them would freeze, the others were ok and i was like wtf ? Then massive people joined the table and started spamming shit, i realized it was the milestone thing event and went AI PF with A2o, lost to K7o and got credited 100 bucks. +10BI earned in that shitty session was fine IMHO, gonna play some donkaments tonite and see what happens.

Here is the hand:

Cheers Lpers.

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King Kong day
  Sheitan, May 15 2007

Played a short session today, got KK 4 times and lost 2,5 BI. Deck was horribly cold but managed to not tilt like crazy when it happened wich is enough to make me think i can handle bad beats now. Pretty standarts suck out, i would not even say anything and played good till end of session, i was even amused when it happened (is that a good sign ?).

I registered in a limit donkament by accident yesterday and placed 4th/315. It's so fucking long and boring, everybody draw their hands so it's like a huge lottery, u can make difference only by folding premium hands when you know u re beat, pot odds are always good so it's funny to draw out on people and watch them complaining about how bad you play, and you're a fish and blablabla. These guys don't even know what pot odds are, if they start with top pair and bet, you re supposed to fold even when you're offered 5:1.

Made it to the final table chips leader then got sucked out twice in a row, blinds were huge and i had to go all-in with some marginal hands, whatever, limit sucks, it's so fucking long, requires no skill and is boring as fuck.I'll look after that shit since it was a nice BR boost tho, if i can make more money faster...

well here are the funny hands played today: - Usually this is where u make money off fishies, except this time fish kicked me in the ballz. - He showed me JQ after i folded, that's what i put him on. - standart cooler, 2:1 favorite. - Had a read on villain and didn't give him credit for a flush, thought i was facing 2 pairs or a set.

Now good shit: - so obvious they are beat. Call a pot size bet when a flush is completed on river ? i couldn't even believe it.

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Almost busto !
  Sheitan, Apr 21 2007

Title says it all, always position on top 20 places but no places paid, donkeying my chips away for no apparent reasons or getting horribly sucked out.

I can grind NL10 then loose all my profit in 2,3 crucial hands, meh.All these little things stack up and the result is:

*drum roll*

BR = 130 bucks Weeeeeeeee !

From a healthy 600 where i can definitly place in sng, and performing good in cash games to a creepy 130 bucks. Whatever, im a realistic guy so i don't care much i need to change my plans my baby br is in danger now.

Anyway i had a question in FR games:

- Should i call a raise with a small pp ?

So far, it has been ev- to do so, i call a raise (lose like .50) and i hit trips 1 out of 7 times. so it means my call costs me 3.50 bucks. I never call raises from shortstacks. So now i hit my trips, i call on flop then c/r or bet on turn, usually deep stack goes away before i can make my 3.50 back. Sometimes he has a high pp and goes all-in, when i don't get sucked out i stack him and win 1 BI.

Now let's say villain can holds AK/AQ/AJ and misses the flop, i don't hit a set but i still win. I pushed a couple of times, they usually shove to scare me/or when they hold a higher pp. It ends by me getting stacked to AA/KK/QQ/JJ .

Any flaw in my reasoning ? I've been thinking a lot about this one but doesn't seem to find any answers.

So pp are ev+ to call when pf raise ?

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Why i keep being a donk ?
  Sheitan, Apr 19 2007

Dunno wtf is going on with my game, i play good for like 1H then i start the crazyness, throwing my money out of the window or going all-in with speculative hands. It's just like someone else takes my place and while he's spewing my hard earned money, im looking him from the INSIDE.

I fucking need an exorcist or sumething WTF im so pissed right now, i ve been dropping 7 buy ins in about 2 days. My BR is in danger, no doubt about it i need to stop playing like shit or the end is near...

Amusing part is that im not even tilting, i m like chip leader at the final table then a good hand come, and i play it the worst possible way against a deep stack and put myself on danger. 2,3 or 4 overcards no matter what i fucking shove after c/r him WTF he FUCKING CALLED MY RAISE YOU RE BEAT FAGGOT JUST FOLD U FUCKING SOB.

This is like the 10th MTT sng that im playing where i get kicked on the top 20 positions while im deep stacked. Dunno wtf is wrong with me. I need to work hard on that now or i can say goodbye to my BR.

I'll keep doing some cash games max 6 and if i can't fix that major leak i'll have to go down to full ring for grinding back my BR.Oh man, you guys say Poker is ez, i say it's tough, at least for me !

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