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Super Man Dat Hoe!!!
  JonnyCosMo, Nov 17 2007

Soulja Boy Off In This Hoe
Watch Me Crank It
Watch Me Roll
Watch Me Crank Dat Soulja Boy
Then Super Man Dat Hoe!!!!!

***2 votes

Comments (8)

NL200 Idiot Regulars
  JonnyCosMo, Nov 11 2007

I'm going to rant. If you don't want to hear a rant don't read. When I refer to "Idiot Regulars", I'm not talking about this guy that I took a bunch of money from in this hand:

Villan in this hand is playing 79/5/3 (almost never folding preflop)
Submitted by : JonnyCosMo

POKERSTARS GAME #13168075022: HOLD'EM NO LIMIT ($1/$2) - 2007/11/11 - 00:32:36 (ET)
Table 'Bathseba II' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: happyclammy ($195 in chips)
Seat 2: JonnyCosMo ($303.10 in chips)
Seat 3: littlepickel ($208 in chips)
Seat 4: ciji ($858.60 in chips)
Seat 5: needfood ($411.40 in chips)
Seat 6: slickster998 ($200 in chips)
needfood: posts small blind $1
slickster998: posts big blind $2

Dealt to JonnyCosMo JhJs
happyclammy: folds
JonnyCosMo : raises $6 to $8
littlepickel: raises $16 to $24
ciji: calls $24
needfood: folds
slickster998: folds
JonnyCosMo : raises $51 to $75
littlepickel: folds
ciji: calls $51

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $177.00)

JonnyCosMo : checks
ciji: bets $80
JonnyCosMo : calls $80

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $337.00)

JonnyCosMo : checks
ciji: checks

River (Pot : $337.00)

JonnyCosMo : bets $148.10 and is all-in
ciji: calls $148.10

JonnyCosMo : shows JhJs (four of a kind, Jacks)
ciji: mucks hand
JonnyCosMo collected $630.20 from pot

Total pot $633.20 | Rake $3
Board  3s2dJdJc4c
Seat 1: happyclammy folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: JonnyCosMo showed JhJs and won ($630.20) with four of a kind, Jacks
Seat 3: littlepickel folded before Flop
Seat 4: ciji (button) mucked AdKh
Seat 5: needfood (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: slickster998 (big blind) folded before Flop

Sweet, we all see we have a mega-fish at our table who still has a ton of money in his stack. THE LAST THING YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO DO IS BERATE THIS POOR GUY FOR STACKING AK HIGH. DO YOU STUPID FUCKS NOT LIKE MONEY? DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD TO PUT THIS GUY DOWN BECAUSE HE SUCKS AT POKER? DO YOU REALLY WANT HIM TO LEAVE THE TABLE??? DO YOU EVER BENEFIT FROM THAT IN ANYWAY!?! Honestly, not only are some of the NL200 regulars bad, they are the biggest fucking retards ever. Wow...

*****1 votes

Comments (13)

EDIT: FrinkX takes the cake
  JonnyCosMo, Nov 08 2007

Don't read my last post, it' is irrelevant at this point. Check this out:

EDIT: No more graph! Wah wah

FrinkX at 2/4 today on sick sick sick sick sick life tilt. That is some respectable tilting. Takes hard work to do something like this. Wowowow. FrinkX <33333

*****1 votes

Comments (13)

Never Run So Bad In a Single Session...
  JonnyCosMo, Nov 08 2007

I've been having a great month so far, and this post isn't really complaining... actually it is kind of a brag to be honest with you. At the start of the month, a pretty well known 1/2 regular (which I won't name caz it might be embarassing for him) I was talking to told me it was impossible for anyone to make more than 10k in a single month at NL200, so I told him I've done it on multiple months pretty easily. He called me a liar, so I told him that I would take a prop bet on it this month. He insta-called it, but I also told him he would need to lay me odds since I only planned on playing like 30-40k hands this month (busy with school for the most part). He gave me 4 to 1 and the bet has been on since then.

So I'll be pretty humble for this next part... I'm pretty much killing the NL200 games on Stars. Everything was going awesome until today. Basically all hell broke loose for my long session and I ended up getting raped. And by raped, I had a 4k+ hand session where I only made $500. So here are a few hands from today: - Standard, I flop a set, I get it in vs top pair. I get board goes runner runner to shit on me. Sweet. - 3 bet the same monkey, he flops a set. I turn top pair top kicker and have to go with it. - Get dealt a set-up vs the super nit greg1osu. Get it in and he gets there with a 2 outer. - Get dealt another set-up, turn poops on my head and I double up this guy. - Get dealt another set-up, turn poops on my head and I double up the short stack.

Oh btw, if you haven't already noticed, look at the table names for all those past hands. They are all at the same table LMAO! Ok continuing with my story: - QQ vs 60/20/4 super aggro donk. He turns a flush... what can I do? - 3 bet ATs for value, flop an ace, I figure he has a pp and I get no action so I check flop. He turns a set. I don't really like my hand on turn, until the river gives me 2 pair so I stack - Loose passive call station owns me in this hand... KK no good - Monkey 4 bets shoves AJo in blind vs blind. Monkey gets there. - Get dealt a set-up vs a shortie... oh it doesn't hold again. - I don't know... sweet play sir. - FINALLY someone gets it in vs me good!!!

Ok enough of the bad hands, here are some of the funny hands from the session: - I think he has QQ 80% of the time preflop when he calls. QQ 90% of the time when he checks behind turn. QQ like 100% after he checks turn behind. So value bet all day ship it. - ROAR! Set over set, I run good!!! - And he says after the hand he thought I had AK too. LOL!!! - Guy goes on sick life tilt after he sees my hand. Claims that I'm a total moron at life and that I should kill myself etc... - Apparently I'm a donkey in this hand too. He says I'm an idiot for checking turn. I say he's an idiot for calling preflop. Whos the bigger idiot?

So here is the EV graph for the day:

Felt a lot more brutal than it actually looks on the graph. I basically couldn't win shit for the last half of the session. Whatever though, still a good month. This better not continue.

*****1 votes

Comments (6)

New Love in My Life...
  JonnyCosMo, Nov 07 2007

Yea that's right, I'm in love. I've known about her for years, but we were only formally introduced just recently (like a couple months ago). At first, our relationship didn't start out so good. Definitely a little rocky at the start. But the more we started to be around each other, the more my love for her grew. Now I can't go a day without her, she is my everything, my light at the end of the tunnel. She is beautiful in every way. At night, when we are alone, she likes it rough and dirty. And yes, I give it to her like she wants it. I give it gooooooood.

... She is heads-up poker. And I rock her world.

Recently I've been playing a ton of heads-up on FTP and Pokerstars. Started out at NL200, and have worked my way to NL400. I love it. It's amazing. The most beautiful thing about it is there just isn't enough information out there about how to play a proper heads-up game. And even the information that is out really won't help players too much since the situations you get into in heads-up are much more player dependent, so there really is few universal truths to the game. On top of that, most people at the middle stakes just haven't played enough of it. Stars only recently came out with heads-up tables for the low levels (and they have them capped at 10 tables max), and FTP didn't have them before this year, and they really aren't that popular compared to 6-max or full ring. With that said, there is a ton of dead money in heads-up games. People make the wrong adjustments, misjudge your aggression, and basically make a ton of basic errors then somehow justify it as "coolers" because they are heads-up. It's pretty laughable. Best of all, you run into the biggest shit talkers in the world when you play heads-up. People think they are god, and will berate you for every mistake they think you are making. If you ever want a good demonstration of natural human stupidity, play more heads-up poker.

That's my 2 cents for the day. <3

*****1 votes

Comments (9)

Halloween Week 2007
  JonnyCosMo, Nov 04 2007

Halloween was pretty awesome down here for the most part (probably because it was before my car got broken into), I ment to do this blog post earlier, but I felt I had to share the busto car and stolen laptop asap. Anyways, last saturday Myth and FrinkX left early in the morning and I spent most of the day trying to figure out what I should be for Halloween. Normally I would come as an asian tourist (Put on my hawaiian shirt, wear super short shorts, have a fanny pack on my hip, road map in my back pocket, and a big camera around my neck), but I felt I needed to change it up this year and get a little more creative. Meet my friend Mike:

Mike is the guy next to me

I've known Mike for years (went to the same high school together, same on same swim team, etc...). Recently he's become totally obsessed with going to the gym. He basically puts off hanging out with me now because he has to make time to work out. Total flake (Even worse than me, and I'm a pretty bad flake)! So this year I decided to give him a little more motivation to come out and party with us... I was going to be him! Found a muscle shirt (literally a shirt with muscles on it) nunchucks (since my friend Mike does Jujitsu since he wants to become a bouncer at some bar) and put a skin tight shirt over the muscle shirt (yes it got a little warm). The end result:

Maybe not the most impressive Halloween costume ever... but I tried

Nunchuck abuse ftw~

Nunchucks > Gun Woodie

So we did a ton of pre drinking on saturday before heading to the Tavern in PB, which is such an awesome bar. The entire PB strip was totally packed, with every bar having a 1+ hour long lines. No worries, my friends know the bouncers to like every bar so we got insta-shipped into Tavern, no wait, so ez. Woke up with a terrible hang over on Sunday.

On Halloween I dressed up as the same thing and the plan was to head to Typhoon on the PB strip. Halloween was just insane on the strip, and even though we knew the bouncer at Typhoon he made us wait in the VIP line (which took like 15 mins). Lame, I don't wait, it's -EV yo~ Anyways while I was waiting in line with my friend a young guy comes up to me and is like "JonnyCosMo?"... I'm like "lol what? Yeah that's me", it was non other than traxamillion from Wow talk about random. So we talked for like a minute, we were both pretty smashed at the time, and he left to some other bar but it was nice to see a fellow LPer in SD. Inside Typhoon it was pretty crazy for the most part, saw some pretty crazy costumes, the sweetest part was that I spent $5 the entire night yet I got 6 drinks inside the bar? Ship the rakeback please. Anyways, for more random pics just add me on facebook: Jonathan McGowan @ UCDavis (no I don't go to UCD, but I don't know how to change my network)

*****1 votes

Comments (6)

BEAT: Car Broken Into + Laptop Stolen
  JonnyCosMo, Nov 04 2007

I'm on sick life tilt right now... so tonight I was going to go out to Mission Beach and drink it up with my friends. So I walk down to the private parking garage where my car is at and see this:



WHAT THE FUCK!?! So immediately when I saw it I knew exactly what was going to be missing... my $1200 laptop, and so I check the backseat where I left it and I see this:


Not really that upset about my laptop since I was going to give it to my sister and get a new Dell in a month anyways, but I'm like super heated about my car since I just got it 2 weeks ago (biggest poker purchase so far) and so naturally my car is like my baby. Fuck the faggot that did this OMG...

Called the police after I saw this, they took down a police report on it, but no one came out to look at my car so I'm kinda confused about that. Tomorrow someone from the investigation department is suppose to call me to sort this shit out. First thing I do when I wake up tomorrow is walk straight down to the front office of the Promenades and bitch them out about the security of their gated parking community. Like seriously what the fuck... you only have access to our parking area if you have a key to the gate. Thank god for my friend coming over and making me cookie dough to munch on, otherwise I'd be on NL200 spewing like a monkey right now.

*****1 votes

Comments (28)

SD Fire Week / Myth = Superhero
  JonnyCosMo, Nov 01 2007

This week has been pretty awesome for a number of reasons. It first started with FrinkX and [vital]Myth coming over here to visit for the weekend since they were planning on finding a place down in San Diego to live.

FrinkX on left, [vital]Myth on right

Myth played a home game with my and my roommate and pretty much ran like god (standard) and luck sacked his way to a couple hundred. You can read about it in my previous blog post (that he put up). So anyways, Thursday night (since we didn't have school all last week due to the San Diego fires) we went out to my friend's baller beach house to pre-party before going to the Sandbar.

My good friend Tim on the left, and intoxicated JonnyCosMo on the right

Secret to getting smashed: Don't drink a lot of one type of alcohol, you must switch it up and drink many kinds!!! There were like 20 people over at my friend's beach house and so the neighbors weren't too happy with us when we finally left to go to the bars at 11:00.

My friend cutting a slice of cake w/ plastic axe as requested by FrinkX

When we got to the bars, my friend's cousin couldn't get into the bar without her ID so Myth (being the superhero gentlemen that he is) took one for the team and decided to keep her company while we all went into the bar. After a few drinks in the bar, one of the girls who owns the house starts to panic as she realized she locked the keys to the house in the house. Eeek... worst part was, none of her roommates had a key on them either. The only extra key for the house was with my friend's boyfriend who went downtown for the night. Uggg, so we try calling him like ten times, and that turned out to be an epic fail. So we are like shit we are fucked. We stay at the Sandbar til 2:00am, as we leave me and my boy Tim show FrinkX the Pacific Ocean (since he's never seen the west coast before). So all the girls are trying to figure out how they are going to get inside their house, so during this time I call up Myth to ask him where he was. He picks up and tells me some sweet news: "I'm inside there house." Whaaa? So I'm like "How'd you get in?" and Myth responds "I'm a ninja. I have superhero ninja skillz. I'll tell you when you get back."

We got back to my friend's house where we found Myth chilling on the couch with my friend's cousin and a opened bottle of wine. He then proceeds to tell us the story of how they got in: Basically they came back to the house after we all went into the bar, and found that both the doors (front and back sliding window door) were locked. So Myth, starts looking around the house to see if there were any open windows... nope none. So then he looks up at the loft and sees that the sliding door is open. But now there is nothing around the house to climb or scale to get himself up to the loft. He realizes he's going to need a ladder... and where do people keep their ladders? In the garage obv! So they go to the garage thinking "Please be open ONE TIME DEALER!" and find that the garage is open... and right on the wall is a super long ladder! Poof, insta access to baller beach house. Way to go Myth! Such a superhero.

*****1 votes

Comments (10)

OWNED by Myth!
  JonnyCosMo, Oct 25 2007

Me, Myth, and my roommate MARSHALL28 just played a .5/1 home-game, three-handed. We all bought in for just $100 to start, but the super aggressive dynamics of the game got us pretty deep fairly quickly. I can't remember the exact stack sizes, but the following hand absolutely owned me. Myth has officially become the sickest hero who has EVER lived.

Myth limps on the button. Marshall completes in the small blind, I check in the big blind with 97o. The flop is 776 rainbow, ding! So Marshall leads for $3, I raise to $15, Myth cold-calls $15, and Marshall calls $12 more. The turn is an off-suit 5. Marshall checks, I lead for $35, Myth shoves for about $150 more, Marshall folds, and I quickly fold my hand face-up to his obvious monster.

So Myth shows 42o for the single sickest play in the history of the world. I ended up tilting off a lot of money later by playing like a huge donk in typical CosMo fashion. But then I bad-beat Marshall for a HUGE pot with the most retarded hand in the world, ship!!! So I somehow miraculously profited on the night, despite Myth absolutely DEMOLISHING me in every pot we played.


*****1 votes

Comments (21)

Worst Morning Ever?
  JonnyCosMo, Oct 10 2007

How bad do I run? Storytime:

I study for my Journalism and Media Studies current topics test til 3am last night. Wake up at 6:30am to find I have no coffee left at my place. So I get to school early at 7:30 in hopes to get a cup from Starbucks... and the line is out the door. No go. I proceed to the book store and to get scantron #2178, the scantron form I thought I needed for my test. Get to my class room (in a total zombie like state) and my TA tells me I needed scantron #2155 or something. Oops, but she says it's ok and that I can take the test on the scantron I got. So we have 50 minutes to take this test which is 40 questions true or false, open notes. Not so bad right? I forgot my notes on my bed... Sick life! So I get to the end of the test where it says I need to bubble in my student ID# on the scantron, but form #2178 doesn't have that part for me to fill out. So I ask my TA what to do, and she says I have to go to the book store to get form #2155. So I put the scantron that I already filled out in the back pocket of my backpack and ran to the book store. I pick up form #2155 and ran back to my class room (with 10 mins left to go in class) to transfer over my answers from #2177 --> #2155. I reach around to get my backpack... found that I forgot to zip up the back pocket. Guess what! No scantron! So my TA gives me the test back and is like well... hurry up and finish! Redo the entire test off of what I could remember I answered the first time in 10 mins then turned it in.

Worst day ever? /wrists

*****2 votes

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