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offline Youtube by mnj, June 23

Hey guys,

I have been watching a lot of videos online, mainly through But I don't always have internet access. So I was wondering if you guys have any method to view youtube videos offline.

A few things to consider, I would like to be able to put in multiple URL's instead of tediously download individually (although this may be the only option). I would like to be able to view videos from multiple devices such as phone, tablet pc (once again if possible).

Thanks for all recommendations

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MTTs % by player999, June 22


Gonna sell 40-60% of these things for tomorrow
$3.3k in buy ins, will play the ones below and fill with a few others depending on rebuys

1.2:1, so:

10% = $396
5% = $198
1% = $39.60

ship to hneves182

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at this point alternative kid with undesirable boy by jayjoekuakua, June 22

--- Nuked ---

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playing with the border of feeling by jayjoekuakua, June 22

--- Nuked ---

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favorite hands by scriber, June 20

I would really like if there is "favorite hands" section , next to "my hands" , so you can save all the hands that you like. What do you guys think ?

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Coaching idea by DustySwedeDude, June 20

Edit: Ok, got one group full now, working on another one. Keep sending requests and I'll keep expanding. For some reason a bunch of people with very little PLO experience wanted the deal too so I'll probably end up making a cheaper option if 2-3 additional guys wants it. Like, some basic stuff for maybe 60 or something instead of 100.

EDIT: Everyone need skype and a decent head set. Make sure you can talk with decent quality. I'll also need a working(ish) E-mail for google docs or whatever it's called.

Ok, so I've gotten a couple of request for coaching.

I like the idea of coaching, but there is one big problem. My hourly playing cash is reasonably high, although I'm not exactly sure how high and I have limited time. Thus I need to make a decent amount of money from coaching for it to be worth it, but at the same time I'd feel dirty trying to take 300US/hour or something.

The obvious solution is to be more effective which means coaching a bunch of people at the same time. I'm sure everyone who would want coaching from me would get a decent amount of value from that and if I get 100 USD per person for like 2 hours it's still a decent hourly. If I then can reuse that lesson with other people later I'll save time and up the hourly.

I'm also slightly intrigued by the idea of getting it going as a small scale business. It looks much better if I ever want to get a real job and it'd be easier to say that I have my own company rather then go "I play poker on the internetz, lolz" whenever someone asks what I do for a living.

I have the first lesson in my head, it'll be called "Stuff I think is important" and be about a bunch of concept I'm fairly sure I'm getting more right then most other people. It'll probably be around 90-120 minutes. I posted some stats a while back if that's something anyone is interested in but for the most part I'll just assume that everyone who reads this and would want coaching from me knows who I am.

Cost will be 100 USD for the session. First 5-6 guys who apply will get in for the test run. I'll do it with people I know or who has +300 posts before other people.

I'm not going to check my LP-inbox over midsummer so it might take a few days before I get back to anyone after today. Feel free to ask questions.

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5NL 3betting by Trav94, June 18

So I moved up to 5NL today. I noticed that people 3bet a lot more, at least in zoom. I'm still stuck in the 2NL mentality of only 3betting AK, TT + because there's no point in 3betting weaker hands as nobody folds. Like I said, people seem to 3bet more, and also seem somewhat capable of making folds when they are 3bet.

What's a general, good 3betting range to use at Zoom 5NL? Also I assume light 4betting has also become viable.

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First Live Experience by TheLink, June 18

Played 1/2 at a private game which is way higher than the online micro's I'm used to. I have played small Sit'n'go style games with friends in the past but this was the first time at "real" stakes.

To spoil the ending, I finished down a buyin, the friend I went with up 2, and confirmed that live players are indeed generally really bad. Even the good ones are weird. Anyway I had my friend on the left and basically the only player that looked good to his left. This put me in a miserable spot but hey, seemed like pretty bad etiquette to try and jostle for seats.

Also what is this live players obsession with straddling? Was nice accepting free money but playing with effective 40-50BB really fucked with my head. I'll adapt to this better next time and just make giant 12x or 14x raises over the limpers for easy flop shoves.

Anyway was a ton of fun and everyone at the table was really cool. 6 Hours went by much easier than an online grinding session. It's also insane just tipping the dealer and not paying casino rake. Def going back but it's just been bothering me whether I actually show profit with like 2-3 people better than me, some bad regs and some traditional fish. I hate being the fish and live bankrolls are hard.

I'm not the kind of guy to leave on naked women but I do want to leave this. Science Fiction can go fuck itself, Earth is so much cooler.

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yeezus by TheHuHu3, June 17

I just talked to Jesus... He said, "What's up, yeezus?"


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Speeding Ticket effffffffffffffffffffff by mnj, June 15

Speeding Ticket, 79 mph in a 65 mph zone, $204 fine. Does anyone have any experience reducing fines?

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LAPT Lima by SPEWTARD, June 15

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I'm a weak person by DustySwedeDude, June 15

So I tried to quit a session to "lock up a win". Lex said that was a leak so I said; "ok, I'll play until both fishes leave". Damn fishes just won't quit. Up 26k, hungry, tilted despite being up 26k (Thank you YOSSUFACHMEND or whatever your name is...) and the fish just won't quit. It's 7am in Sweden. I give up. Time for food and sleep. I'm weak.

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Selling Cake$s by SemPeR, June 14

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zero g flight by Highcard, June 14

has anyone flown on the zero g planes?

$5k to go, which is cheaper than I thought. only 25x more expensive than the cn tower edgewalk

If you want to do it for free, submit an idea worth testing and nasa might fund it

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Ultimate poker sucks by liedarkhorse, June 13

there is like 50 people total on here, 0 tournaments running, at most can only get 3 sngs going. the cash games there are like 3 tables per stake

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gawwwd dayuumm by mnj, June 12

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Twerking by PuertoRican, June 12

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WSOP package by surebet, June 11


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888 xfer by SPEWTARD, June 11

hey guys, lookin to swap some 888 money for stars, ftp, mb or neteller.

its not a big amount, please msg if interested.

can send first to reputable members.


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NL2 by napoleono, June 10

So after having finished my exams and work re-entering the normal course, I thought of investing some more time in the game. It's been going pretty well, 4 tabling NL2 euro tables and after 5k hands I'm sitting at 23bb/100 (will post a graph later, when i get home). However, Im not feeling that great about my game. My winnings are mostly non-showdown ones, because of aggressive 3betting/4betting and aggressive post flop play - it's something around 90% to 10% showdown-winnings. And for like 1.3k-1.5k hands I've been only breaking even (been coolered twice pretty hard, one time in a 200bb pot running into aces with kings).

There are sooo many spots where I'm just having a really hard time deciding what to do. On one hand I like to play aggressive and thats where the winnings come from, but on the other hand, when I get to showdown, my winning% sucks balls. So don't really know what to do. I just fear that once I get to move up stakes, my play can be easily exploited.

Also there are so many hands that I would like to discuss and ask for advice, so if anyone want to help by a review session, I would be more than grateful. I'm really motivated this time to put in the effort and really succeed in moving up stakes and building a BR.

How do you know when to end a session? Moreover, how do you know when to end a losing session? Do you try to just breakeven once you manage to get back to the original level or you will accept a 1-2-3 BI loss without any problems? What about a winning session? Thing is my play is somewhat affected if I'm down a couple of BI's already and I'm less willing to take risks.

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