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Mindfulness by Highcard, June 09

This life we live is not a game. Yet, play life best and you may live what life truly means to be--free. Unshackling of world Deity -man's best friend- is found within. Truth is blind, and so are we, we the people who see to believe; Yet, believe in what we have never seen. Piecemeal thoughts of grandeur being, but never a world being at peace. The world is our heaven sought and we the angels, enabling angelic deeds. Mindfulness of each moment, of the cascading momentum of living, is salvation. Those minds waiting for tomorrow will be waiting forever.

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Portugal by DustySwedeDude, June 09

This country is somewhat weird. It's much poorer then I expected and even though what I'm staying in is some kind of "rich people's retreat" as far as I can tell the locals seems to be in fairly rough shape and even though everyone is nice it reminds me a lot of Bulgaria a few years ago rather then a country in west Europe. I'm having a good time but I have this nagging feeling that something is not right here, but on the other hand my "reads" has been of lately. Example: Did not see the red wedding coming. Not even when they started playing "Rains of Castamere", mostly because I did not recognize it.

Anyway, me and my girlfriend has been eating at this seafood place. It's been great service, good food and everyone was friendly. It's kind of off season so there are not many customers so we talked a bit about this and that with the staff, they did let out some fantastic quotes:

1. "You can't be out in the sun, you're so white" while comparing the skin colour of my arm with a portugese arm.

2. "You should not carry that much money around, they will stab you" and then some other dude broke in "we're not joking, we would not stab you but they will in Setubul. It's a poor country". This is about a few hundred euros.

They also tell us that minimum wage in Portugal is 400 euros per month and that the country is getting worse all the time. I felt a bit sad about that, because well, it's fairly bloody sad.

Anyway, after having eaten there for a few times we took our friends to the place and this time they messed up some orders, things were slower and I got kind of confused because while some of the staff were the same we also got some new ones that looked kind of out of place. I made sure they did not have crossbows and then we started eatig. My girlfriend suddenly taps my arm and say something like "look, she's crying" and I look up to see that the "They will stab you"-chick is, in fact, crying behind a pillar in the middle of the room only to wipe the tears away, put on a smile and start serving people. It's busy so while I did want to know what was up I couldn't find a practical way to ask someone so after a while we leave.

Later in the evening Unibet has some party at the casino and while I stand in the bar the crying girl taps me on the shoulder and says hi and says that she got fired for talking too much with the customers. I get a bit upset but we invite her to hang out with us at the party and says hi to her boyfriend. Somehow I also say high to half of Portugal because apparently they're a big group of people there. I do however still feel that I want to do something nice, since it has to be fairly hard for someone to lose her job during the circumstances. Since I have a lot of cash on me in case anyone starts a PLO-table and since my "pre-party" was mostly winning a couple of buy ins online (and I figured that a buy in is probably more then a waitress here makes in a month, possibly two or tree months) I figured I could give here some money. The marginal utility of the money is probably higher for her, etc. Giving money to random people just because you feel bad for them is somewhat weird I guess, but in the end I decided that:

"I have some money, I can do whatever the crap I want with them, I want to give some to this waitress because I'd feel better if I knew that she'd manage a bit better until she can get a new job" was decent enough logic so I grabbed a bunch of 50€-bills, gave her them and told her to not get stabbed and don't tell anyone. I think it was about 400€. She got very happy and started buying my girlfriend drinks.

The I got to hang out with some old school prima-regs from the days when I used to play high stakes NL with them and some Danish guy started telling my girlfriend he loved her. That was funny.

I also think I managed a little communication error. Some Portuguese guy said something to me and I asked him to say it in English and then I said "I don't know Portuguese, but I really should because I like BJJ". I think he only heard "Brazilian" though, because later he introduced me to some girl and I'm not sure if he said "this is *name*, she's Brazilian" or "she has a Brazilian"... Either way I decided to call it a night, but before we left the casino my girlfriend wanted a picture with some old lady who had been owning up the dance floor all night. We got to talking to her too, apparently she just did whatever she felt like her last time on earth since she had been diagnosed with some kind of serious cancer. She was a very cool lady and I'm glad I met her.

Overall I've had a fun trip. If a little weird.

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humanitys greatest achievement? by spets1, June 09

So anyway me and friends went camping where we got a little high on hallucinogens and had a deep as fuck conversations. We started talking about humanity and what we have achieved. As far as im concerned we are still a bunch of monkeys that learnt farming and using some tools, while my friends were convinced that our brain is actually not from earth and probably alien to this planet - so we are far greater beings than other animals cos they are so dumb compared to us.

There were more fucked up conversations but yeah. What the fuck have we achieved that makes us great?

Poll: humanitys greatest achievement
(Vote): weapons - boom boom you dead
(Vote): technology - talk to anyone on the planet
(Vote): control over billions of people - haha slaves
(Vote): sliced bread - mmmm tasty
(Vote): farming - fuck yeah free food
(Vote): this blog :D
(Vote): we suck - ants would win word domination

+ Show Spoiler +

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25 paypal for 20 stars please by ilbh, June 08

25 my paypal for 20 stars? I send the money first

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Zoom nits by Trav94, June 06

So this past week I've been 4 tabling Zoom 2NL. Is it just me or is everyone who plays zoom either the biggest fish/calling station or the biggest nit. I'm 18bb/100 over 15k hands this week... It either feels like I can cbet these guys to death and steal the blinds, or they call me down with 2nd pair or tptk on a drawy board every time. Do people just nit up because it's so easy to fold and wait for big hands like AK,QQ+?

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Everything i know i learned from LP by Sunny876, June 05

Thx player999 for inspiration to play HUSNGs which is my main game now.
Thx PuertoRican for showing me about MMA on which i probably start betting soon.
Thx spets1 for lovely pictures.
Thx all LP for interesting reads and enterteiment!
Poll: Bicycles?
(Vote): 1
(Vote): 2
(Vote): 3
(Vote): 4

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Random Update by mnj, June 04

I haven't really blogged about serious things in a while but I would like to make a post today. Not that this post is particularly serious.

I started my internship in Jacksonville, FL in Risk Management. After trying my hand in live poker during the aftermath of what was left after black friday I decided to go back to school. Although I made much more money playing Live than I did online (not that my live earnings are that much either), it was too difficult to continue to play poker and even more importantly, impossible to grow as a human being.

Poker was a bean stalk that reached the heavens. You start at the ground and play for pennies. But you climb and climb, higher and higher. I saved all my money in order to move up stakes. All in order to climb this bean stalk. This illusion of one day playing 5/10+ making 400+/hr. I'm happy for those who have. I'm sure it takes an immense amount of time and hard mental work in order to reach such a level of mastery. But for me, I don't think it's in me to reach such stakes.

I always felt somewhat guilty but even more angry when I would win money from old senile seniors, and ex-veterans. Angry that they suffer. That they throw all their money away. But I suppose that's the extent of my goodwill because I sure as hell am not going to give any of it back. To win is to be superior (most likely genetically and independent of freewill). And to lose is to be inferior (most likely genetically and independent of free will). Where is the fun in that statement? Where is the ego? Do you ever feel superior when you kick a child's ass? I suppose it's easy to rationalize and the more complex the rationalization the further the issue is, and the easier you're able to do somewhat morally dubious things.

Anyway this is not a message against poker. It's not my intention to bash or relegate poker.

Stated earlier, I started my internship for the summer. I make a modest amount at $15/hr in a rather large firm. But I plan to spend all my money. I've already signed up for MMA focusing on the grappling/wrestling aspect (I don't really watch MMA or know that many terms) as well as French classes.

Although sometimes work sucks and the hours are long, I'm surrounded by brilliant, motivated people. But best of all, every hour I put in provides a service that 99% of America uses (if you use a debit/credit card, or have a bank, or have an account).

I don't know when Capitalism got such a bad rap. I'm sure someone leftish, used it inaccurately yet purposefully in order to stir a mob. Capitalism is a beautiful thing. For me to make a single dollar, I have to provide so much random value to the firm and it's thousands of clients. I think ppl hate corporate-government corruption. Promised jobs, laws against new and good products. Protecting corn, oil, and pharmaceuticals from having to continue to stay innovative and efficient. They want to become monopolies. Which of course is the opposite of free markets. And against the cornerstone of Capitalism.

Something I wanted to say earlier. My greatest rationalization. I'm sure we all think this.

I didn't invent the game. I just play it.

My boss said that, with a sad face when I asked him about his Romney sticker.

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New-zealand by waga, June 04

Hi there.
I'm thinking to move to New-zealand with my gf.
We're living in Malta for 3 years now and it's quite boring after a while.

Anyway I play poker for a living and my gf is working.
If I read correctly , if my gf get a working visa I should be able to get one too , is it true ? (I'm french if it matters)
What about the taxes ? I think there is none for gambling.
Would you you recommend moving to NZ ? pro/cons?
Which place would you recommend ? (keep in mind my gf need to find a job in IT)

It's just an idea for now , but the more I'm looking for info about NZ , the more I want to move here

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55 paypal for 50 stars help by donjuako, June 04

can someone transfer me 50 on starts for my 55 paypal?

thanks Ill send first to a reputable member

thankyou cleaner done deal

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[BR] como depositar? by ilbh, June 04

quando tento depositar no entropay ou neteller usando cartao visa da santander ou mastercard itau dá um erro, fala que meu cartao foi bloqueado, mas na operadora nem chega relato da tentativa do uso.

procurei na internet e vi que outras pessoas tb tem o mesmo problema, mas sem solucao.

entao, como depositar usando cartao? boleto nao serve...

alguem ai tem alguma dica?

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Love this song by Luna_Bluffgood, June 03

starting at 1:10 this might be my favorite part of a song ever.

any pointers for other dubstep to get in to?
Atm I like Knife party, bassnectar, skrillex, Doctor P, Skream

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May by ToT)MidiaN(, June 03

May was an awful month. Many things went wrong in real life and poker suffered both in terms of volume and results because of that. About a fifth of the entire month's volume occurred during 2 days where I was on major life tilt. I still made money in cash, but lost money overall due to more run bad at MTTs. One of my aims for May was to put in some work on my MTT game and short stacked play and I did do quite a bit of work off the table. Bought Holdem Resources Calculator and played around a lot with Nash Equilibrium ranges for 5bb+ante, 10bb+ante and 15bb+ante stack sizes and I definitely have a much better idea of how to go about playing those stack sizes now. A shame I lose almost every flip though; as you can see from the screenshot below I ran almost 4bb/100 below expectation in EV in MTTs. I know most people don't measure tournament results like that but it just shows how far below Chip EV I was.

This month my aim is to buy a new car , get in tad more volume (As always) and have better results. The car I'm currently looking at is an E92 BMW M3, there are 2 that I'm viewing this week, just hoping one of them is up to scratch and I can get a good deal on my part exchange. I actually put a deposit down on an M3 last month, but it was stolen from the forecourt the day before I was meant to pick it up which pretty much sums up how bad I ran in every respect in May. Maybe it will turn out for the best and I'll find a better example of that car this month. I hope so anyway!



VPPs: 28,704.13
Cash: +$1,453.42
MTTs: -$2,900.54
Overall: -$1,447.12 (Before bonuses and fpps)

Hopefully June will be better.

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Need moneybookers, will pay at stars. by BILAT_POWER!!!, June 02

Hi guys. I need a little help. I need 365 at moneybookers. I will pay at pokerstars. I will make a deal only with someone reputable and I am willing to send first.

You can ask whamm and spets who I am if you think I am a scammer.

Please pm me thanks.

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need paypal by k4ir0s, June 02


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i met kenny by Arirang, June 02

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Bet Raise Fold Poker Documentary by RiKD, June 01

Hi LP,

Just passing the word along about a kickstarter opportunity. Donate x, y, z to support a docu for us (+ the masses) by us. If you are in the market for some coaching, around Vegas June 12, just want some swag + copy of movie and/or are just a supporter of the project there are a variety of great offerings:

Cheers ¡Salud! Skål

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One timeeeee 'n stuff by napoleono, June 01

Okay, after all I finished 4th and it was only a 180 2.5$ SnG, but it was super fun. And one time worked several times. Also it gives a boost to my game, as lately I've been playing awful.

Work's pretty good - the "season" which we financial auditors have in the first 5 months of the year has officially ended so it's time to chill and focus on self-improving. Also these are the last 2 months before I'm getting married. #cantwaitthehoneymoon

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Math Help by SemPeR, June 01

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WSOP Package by djforever, May 30

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300k Hands deal, profitable? by monNieez, May 29

Well, i play microstakes randomly 50nl, have had played a lot of 25nl,16nl... And some reg online is offering me a coaching deal of 300k hands i have to play splitin profit 60/40 (60% on his favor).

Im currently playin on 50nl and i really want to move up, but i think this deal is too much because he will no give me any stake, im going to play with my bankroll.

What do you guys think?

U know where i can get some better deal?

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