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MSN /Skype account locked? by TalentedTom, May 29

I got this e-mail from microsoft:

We recently received a request to recover your Microsoft account Unfortunately, we were unable to verify your ownership of this account using the information you provided. Microsoft takes the security and privacy of your personal information very seriously, and we are committed to protecting the personal information of customers. We have taken the additional step of blocking your account until we can verify you as the account owner. This will prevent any further use of the account, and protect you from any possible malicious activity.

Please submit a new account verification form
At this point, your best option is to submit a new form with as much accurate information as you can gather. The more information you can include in the form, the better the chance you’ll have of regaining access to your account. We’ve included a few tips below to help you fill out the form as completely as possible.

> Submit a new form

Helpful tips for filling out another form:

Answer as many questions as you can.
Use the information you provided when you created the account, or last updated it.
Submit the form from a computer you frequently use.
You will be asked to list recently used email addresses and the subject lines from recent emails. Ask for help from family members, friends, or business contacts to confirm their email addresses and tell you the subject lines of the last three emails they sent you.
Make sure to use the correct domain for your account, such as,, or Keep in mind that your email address may be country specific. For example, if you created your account in Sweden, your domain would be “” rather than “”.


> Submit a new form

Thank you,

Microsoft Support Team

Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

So I submit the form and I get this same e-mail claiming that the information provided in the form was not enough to recover my account. I've been using a VPN recently to watch basketball games that are not available to Canadians, I suspect its my different IP's several min apart that made them suspicious. That being said this is a ridiculous persuasion. Not sure what I am supposed to do here, I was checking google and apparently there are a few other people with a similar issue, but no resolve Microsoft support is awful from what I've been reading. The only reason I care is because I have a lot of contacts associated with this e-mail that I otherwise am unsure how to contact*

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Video making? by DustySwedeDude, May 29

Had a horrible month. Ran like crap (I'm about 30k under ev on stars) and had some long HU matches on eurosites that did not work out at all. Still somehow up a lot for the year and well ahead of scheduled in that regard, but I'll really need to step up the volume if I'm supposed to feel good about my poker playing this year. June might be a fun month though. I'll play the Unibet Open in Portugal ( Feel free to come say hi if you happen to see me at it.

After that I'll try to get a decent summer grind going. Thinking of going for some 12-tabling mid stakes action and see if I can get a decent winrate for maybe 150k hands or something like that over the summer just to pad the bankroll and get some confidence back. Given my propensity for not keeping to that kind of plans I assume I'll still take some 10/20 shots in good games but I really should keep away from 25/50. Variance is just huge and it's simply getting to the point where it's not a good decision to sit there even if I feel I have a decent edge, at least not until I'm somewhat reasonably rolled for it.

As per usual when I run bad I'm thinking I should start making videos again. This is my stats for the last year or so (my db crashed around this time last year, so since then). I removed a few 100 hands on 25/50 and 50/100 just to make it slightly harder to figure out my nick name. I've also not included the eurosite stats since that shoves me running about 60k€ over equity and I obviously don't want to be seen as just a luckbox donk. Despite the EV-stats and whatever I also feel I've probably been running hot over this sample in 4-bet pots and stuff because I really don't think my true winrate at 5/10 is over 10... (also lol@sample)

Anyone know of any site looking for PLO video makers? I almost feel like making a honest day's work.

In other news we'll probably get the results from the X-rays of my girl's back in a couple of days, at least I hope so. Stuff was actually fairly cheap, even if we had to travel for 300km or whatever to take them. I looked rather terrible when we got there having decided that showering was something I could do at the hotel later and wearing rather old and comfy clothes. My girlfriend wore a Burberry trench coat but it's at least somewhat discreet and since she's not herself early in the mornings and definitely not after a long drive early in the morning I kind of assume we both looked like we might not make a ton of money. When the X-rays was done I asked the girl in the reception if I should pay at once or if I was supposed to send the money somewhere and I also asked how much it'd cost. She told me I should pay later but got weird about it when I asked how much it was and I told her that no, we did not have any insurance of this and yes, I knew I had to pay it all. She almost looked scared when she told me it was 2600 SEK (~350 USD). She then repeatedly asked us if we were ok with that and if we knew that it'd be that much. The day before I made ~15k US or so. I found that somewhat funny.

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moving to las vegas by TTomass, May 29

Im at the strip club basement in PA and I meet this woman and I buy 2 strippers at once. One of them starts putting her face on my dick and balls and says this is how to treat a man. But I like the other woman better, her name is candy. She has an unreal ass. At the same time she has all these red dots on her face, I think its herpes and am somewhat scared. I dont want herpes. She gives me her card and says she gives massages. Next day I text her for massage and ask if she gives happy endings. She calls me and angrily tells me that, "You know you are wrong". Now im completely confused, shes a stripper and gives massages but no happy endings. What kind of sleezy ass woman is this? I moving to las vegas because there are happy endings.

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do gloryholes actually exist? by mnj, May 29

I can understand why guys would all want to go....

but really? there are girls who just enjoy giving head/hand jobs????

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May/PLO/move to vancouver by MARSHALL28, May 28

So I've been focusing heavily lately on improving my PLO game. I've attempted to get a little better here and there in the past but this time I'm really putting everything I've got into it this time around. I figured you guys would be interested in my studying regimen and how I go about trying to reach my goals.

Essentially my plan is to (finally) move out of the US after this summer to be able to play on stars. If the games are good enough on I shouldn't have to move, so just hoping that turns into something.

The first thing I did was get in contact with the strongest player I could find who is currently coaching. That was Brian Hastings. I've always found that I improved the most after taking the time to learn from some very smart players. Most notably on that list ATM would be Aaron Jones and Scott Augustine. Without those two guys I might still be struggling to beat mid stakes 6max. So anyways I paid Brian 10k for 20 hours, which we are supposed to start relatively soon.

The next thing I did was sign up a membership with If you are a PLO player it's pretty crucial to have a membership there.

These are things anybody could and should do, the rest has to do with the best way you learn personally. I know a lot of guys who are able to mass multi table and get in tons and tons of hands and end up just learning by getting in lots of volume. I'm not one of those people, I'd guess most guys aren't like that. The thing is, if I play tens of thousands of hands in a short span of time I'm not able to think about individual hands so much or have enough time in game to actually consider all my options. I do a lot of my learning while in the middle of a hand just by sitting there and thinking about it, so what I want to do is never play more than 4 tables and keep all my sessions relatively short (about 1 hour, never more than 2). So the time I spend is basically divied up like this:

play 1 hour session-->
take ten minute break-->
review session-->
watch 1 video-->
take ten minute break-->
spend 30 minutes posting/reading whatever forums I can find-->
then repeat it all over again.

I've been doing this about 8 hours a day, 4-5 days a week for the last 3 weeks. I've already improved quite a significant amount. At first I would feel really lost trying to post on the forums not sure what to do in a lot of spots, whenever I'm really unclear as to what to do I try to think what questions I need answered in order to figure out what the correct response would be. This is where I struggle a lot, but once I figure out what those questions I need to be asking are, that's where I find I am able to fix a lot of my sticking points and spots I'm leaking money. I think one of the biggest things I was doing wrong for a while was undervaluing my hands in 4bet pots and another big issue was my bet sizing in 3 and 4bet pots. You have to know what you're doing wrong before you can fix it, if you never figure that out you aren't going to really get anywhere. Kinda obvious I know.

Anyways, PLO hasn't been going particularly well for me this month, think I'm down something like 14-15k, good thing NL is still going well as I'm up around 35k from that putting me at +~20k for May which is a solid result. I definitely won't be quitting NL anytime soon as it's my biggest money maker and I don't even think there's more than 100 guys who have an edge on me anymore at this point. Gonna keep plugging away at PLO in the hopes that I am good enough to grind 10/20-25/50 plo when I move to Vancouver at the end of the summer.

If any of you guys are gonna be in Vanouver around Sept/Oct/Nov let me know.

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WSOP 5k action by thewh00sel, May 28

Selling some action in the 5k wsop tomorrow @ 1.2. 5% for 300, selling up to 40%. PM me if interested. Can accept cash in Vegas or PayPal or Bitcoin.

Edit: 37% sold 3% still available

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Trying to start online again (US), suggestion? by NoobSaibot, May 28

Hi everyone. Been a lurker here at liquidpoker for a few years now and looking to start playing online again. I am a US player that was active on FTP playing NL25/NL50 before Black Friday. After Black Friday, I took a break and then took up Hero Poker as strictly a hobby playing NL10 for a couple months until they closed. Since then, I've graduated college and have a solid job. What are the best sites to play at for US residents? My main concern would be ease of withdrawing money and bonuses/promotions rather than the poker client itself.

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Help me to scam the scammer by CM, May 28

Hello guys, i need your help.

PIVgaming also known as Poker In Venice/ is trying to scam many people.
I am one of them. They refuse to transfer withdrawals for more than a month.
The latest news is: They will want to rake 75% of the money in your account before you can withdrawal,
this also smell like a scam. More info you can see on this threads:,
I think the only way i can safe my money is to chip dump it to some med/high stake hu player, who play in cake or merge.
I am going to give 25% of the money to player who is wiling to help me.
I will be eternally grateful to the people who help me.

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Explain FPP/VPP system by Spitfiree, May 28

Decided to at last after many years actually move to pokerstars ( yeah i've never deposited there only played like 2-3 sunday millys + a dozen of small tournaments before) however I really dont understand the FPP/VPP system and how their "rakeback" works. Can anyone give me some graph or something like that which explains it

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When in doubt... by RiKD, May 27

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Looking for Stake by uiCk, May 27

i'm looking for someone to stake me for some small buy-in tourneys. I'm looking at the 2+2 stake forum, since it seems most logical place to be looking.
But i much rather work with people within (or through) the LP community.

Here's my OPR
Been using HM only since beginning of the year. This year, has basically been the first year where i put some more serious work, volume wise, and want to keep the pace going for 2013.

Had a few nice wins in April, which got me a BR going. Problem with that is that i ended up cashing out a too large amount, with few cash games spews and playing higher buyins tourneys got me busto in less then 2 months. i like MTT's, i like playing for 10h+, and wanna go right back to it.

Never done this before, so any suggestions and comments, LP style, would be appreciated.

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Food/Nutrition For Poker? by SemPeR, May 27

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SCOOP ME-L Stake by SolarM, May 26

Okay guys, I just got home late from work and I really wanna play this now, even though it's late registration.
Anybody wants to buy 70% of the 109$ (76,3$) quickly? I know this probably won't work cause nobody knows me, but it might work with 1:1 markup? It's probably an EV+ event, even for me I guess... So here some stats from last 2 weeks 3,50$ HU sng

Send to SolarMusic on Stars if you like


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kickstarter - CHUG by Svenman87, May 25

Zane Lamprey - host of Three Sheets and Drinking Made Easy

Ended up tossing 175 at the project - because if you watch one episode you'll see why this should be backed.

It will be more like Three Sheets which is the better of the two shows (imo)

Anyways there ya go - I think you should check out his past stuff (drinking made easy as well as three sheets), play the drinking game ot the shows, and finally sponsor his next project "CHUG"

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Scout? by Mortensen8, May 24

  The poker-playing millionaire also dropped a clean $517,000 on a diamond and gold necklace - presumably for his blonde bombshell wife, actress Anna Vishnevskaya - at the auction, which raised $32.3 million overall.

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facebook pokers by ugly, May 24

has anyone here played facebook poker? I hear you can play for actual money which would be absolutely awesome since living in America makes it kinda difficult 2 play

questions I have about facebook poker

is there public games? or can you only play with people that you're friends with
whats the amount of money you can play for?
can you actually cash out?is there rake? Who runs this? Facebook?

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$100 stars 4PP or Amazon by albonycee, May 24

Need $100 on stars
have $105 paypal or amazon.
It would be nice if someone could help.

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fuck emily ratojowski by mnj, May 23

Shlohmo - Bo Peep (Do U Right) ft. Jeremih (Music Video) from GreenWeedz on Vimeo.

NSFW obviously

god damn

could actually trade my kidney for a year with one of them if you caught me in the wrong state of mind

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MLS Team = Man City + Yankees by Svenman87, May 22

I think it'll be HUGE for Soccer in the states here.

Also the fact that Beckham wants to purchase a team.

Living in MN it's also very interesting since the new Vikings Football stadium is being built and the owner of the vikings has exclusive rights to an MLS expansion team. (which I hope they buy MN United FC and not start a brand new team)

Anyways I think this is HUGEEEEEEE and also very awesome. What're your thoughts?

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just some pics by spets1, May 21

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