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My$52PayPal>$50Stars/FTP by taco, May 20

I have absolutely no use for $ on PayPal since I do not use eBay or anything and there is a $5 withdrawal fee to credit cards so yeah.

My $52 PP for your Stars/FTP, PM if you are at all interested.


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Started rapping.. by Maz, May 20

So I started rapping. What do you think?


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Tips for micro stakes HU sng's by Trav94, May 19

So I've been playing the $1.50 hyper hu sng's on stars recently. Been making steadily making a small profit over about 30 of them. I'm just wondering if anyone could give me some tips and advice for playing the micro stakes hyper hu sng's. Also I think the rake is kind of high? So I should be looking to move up asap no?

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We Are All In This Together by RiKD, May 19

This existence called existence.


At the end of the day all we humans really have is each other.


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brain hacking by jchysk, May 17


As someone who works 80+ hours a week regularly where there's a direct correlation to progress and success based on the level at which I'm able to maintain concentration and get things done I'm looking to optimize brain use.


-Exercise a few times a week and on all days when not taking any other substances
-Caffeine no more than once every 3 days (the half-life is about 5.5 hours, and not looking for any dependence or withdrawal symptoms)
-Modafinil no more than once every 3 days (the half-life is 12 hours, but no dependence, just looking for full effect when taking it so want a full day without it in my system)
-Nicotine. Psychologically I feel like it's better to just limit usage to one day every few to ward off addiction, but because the half-life (2 hours) is so short and it could be taken multiple times that day it could still be troublesome. This is the one I'm most worried about because of addictive properties and withdrawal symptops when addicted. If the negatives outweigh the positive or I do get addicted, I'll have to cut it out.
-A nootropic supplement every day (currently Focus Formula)

So over first two weeks it would look like
Day 1: 30 minutes aerobic exercise; 80-100mg caffeine
Day 2: 150mg modafinil
Day 3: 30 minutes aerobic exercise; 2mg nicotine
Day 4: 80-100mg caffeine
Day 5: 30 minutes aerobic exercise; 150 mg modafinil
Day 6: 2mg nicotine
Day 7: 30 minutes aerobic exercise
Day 8: 80-100mg caffeine
Day 9: 30 minutes aerobic exercise; 150 mg modafinil
Day 10: 2mg nicotine
Day 11: 30 minutes aerobic exercise; 80-100mg caffeine
Day 12: 150 mg modafinil
Day 13: 30 minutes aerobic exercise; 2mg nicotine
Day 14: 80-100mg caffeine
Day 15: 30 minutes aerobic exercise


I've been doing something very similar to what I'm proposing above for the past few weeks, so I do have a little data to go off of.

I'll keep track of everything that's easily trackable each day along with any notes I have. I have a few EEG headsets, so I'll try to capture a bunch of my brain data as well to hopefully find a bit more substantial evidence that certain drugs have higher correlations with sustained concentration.

I also keep track of my sleep and have over a year's worth of data to compare to so I can see if there are any changes there.
I eat 4-5 meals a day and will try to keep track of that as well.

I welcome any constructive feedback or other peoples' results having done similar experiments.

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NexuStang by NewbSaibot, May 16

Video showing off my upgraded Google Nexus 7 system in my car. I actually did this like a year ago but have just been too lazy to record new footage lol.

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Just another update by iop, May 16

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Kai hatchet dude now wanted by Mortensen8, May 16

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Five G's. Dangerous? by Floofy, May 16

Hello guys.

Last week, after a few days with my gf who basically want sex all the time, my penis became so tired i wasn't able to please her anymore. So i looked a bit on the internet for ways to have more vigor down there, and found this:

I've been trying it for 2 days.... and i think i already see results, and the whole thread is full of people saying it works.

Now my concern is, can this be dangerous?

Note: this is not just for people with erectile dysfonction, seems like it improves erection quality for everyone.

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SCOOP Action by MiPwnYa, May 16

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Same ship, different day by Luckb0xx, May 16

Well almost..
After taking down the 3€ storm like 10days ago I final tabled it again my next session 2 days later but ended up 6th iirc so it wasnt worth posting about it..

Yesterday it gave me a tough beat in the very same tourney (16 ppl left i think)..
+ Show Spoiler +

But I managed to fight back up and ended up dealing 4handed with 2 equal big stacks (1 of them being me) and 2 equal smallstacks!


Final Hand:
+ Show Spoiler +

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Weird month by DustySwedeDude, May 16

I like this month a bit. It's not by any means a good month as far as incomes goes. I've lost about 20k, running about 20k under ev in various PLO games. Been taking some fairly serious high stakes shots playing up to 50/100 (but just a few hands) but most of the volume is at 10/20. Been running as at 10/20 and 5/10 and fairly good at 25/50. Had a bunch of bloody stupid hands, including:

Submitted by : DustySwedeDude

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars
$1000.00 USD PL Omaha - Wednesday, May 15, 04:32:24 ET 2013
Table Artemis V Real Money
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $6150.28 USD - VPIP: 64, PFR: 36, 3B: 30, AF: 1.9, Hands: 217
Seat 2: Player2 $2439.00 USD - VPIP: 26, PFR: 19, 3B: 9, AF: 3.2, Hands: 1796
Seat 3: Player3 $3701.18 USD - VPIP: 26, PFR: 20, 3B: 11, AF: 2.8, Hands: 591
Seat 4: Hero $8741.00 USD - VPIP: 31, PFR: 24, 3B: 9, AF: 3.3, Hands: 352203
Seat 5: Player5 $2685.00 USD - VPIP: 30, PFR: 23, 3B: 12, AF: 2.7, Hands: 2029
Seat 6: Player6 $5887.00 USD - VPIP: 36, PFR: 24, 3B: 14, AF: 3.2, Hands: 5194
Player2 posts small blind [$5.00 USD].
Player3 posts big blind [$10.00 USD].
Player1 posts ante of [$2.00 USD].
Player2 posts ante of [$2.00 USD].
Player3 posts ante of [$2.00 USD].
Hero posts ante of [$2.00 USD].
Player5 posts ante of [$2.00 USD].
Player6 posts ante of [$2.00 USD].

Dealt to Hero [TdJcAcKc ]
Hero raises [$20.00 USD]
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises [$80.00 USD]
Player2 folds
Player3 raises [$267.00 USD]
Hero calls [$257.00 USD]
Player1 calls [$197.00 USD]

Flop (Pot : $826.00)

Player3 checks
Hero bets [$510.00 USD]
Player1 calls [$510.00 USD]
Player3 calls [$510.00 USD]

Turn (Pot : $2,356.00)

Player3 bets [$2375.00 USD]
Hero raises [$4750.00 USD]
Player1 folds
Player3 calls [$537.18 USD]
Hero wins $1837.82 USD

River (Pot : $8,180.36)

Player3 shows 9cAdTsJs
Hero shows TdJcAcKc
Player3 wins $4099.68 USD from main pot
Player3 wins $4099.68 USD from main pot

God, high stakes is so much fun.

On the other hand I've gotten a few things done and I've bought a car. A Subaru Legacy from 2009, which ran me a bit over 20k. It's kinda of pretty and I think it'll end up being a fairly cheap car considering the has a very good reputation of never, ever breaking down and the fuel economy is great. Now I only need to remember how to drive, lol.

I'll probably play the scoop PLO HU thingy this afternoon if I feel like it and unless I make a serious splash in that I'll probably go back down a bit and regrind some confidence. Thinking
of 8-tabling zoom for a few weeks just to get a lot of hands in since I've really been slacking in that regard so far this year. Also it's very low stress, which is nice.

Also, summer is finally showing it's face in Sweden. That makes me happy, it's been long overdue.

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is into2ndwin still around here? by player999, May 15


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Google IO by Highcard, May 15

the entire video if you missed it.

some 1 hour rundown of the show

Pretty fucking pumped. I used to go bananas everytime Apple would have a show, release a new ipod and somehow make me have a deep feeling they were ahead of the world. Not anymore.

Now we have Google pimping some ridiculous life changing software and user experiences that just show fast we are developing. Before it was ergonomic and small tech gear, now it is deep root life software.

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Full tilt claims by HooTie, May 15

Since this is my first blog post I will start out with a little bit about myself. I am from the USA and I have been playing poker for fun since the age of 16. I started playing online at 21 and I have a fulltilt account. I never really developed my game and have been pretty much a break even player. I mostly have played poker because I just enjoy the game for what it is. Obviously with black friday I have not been able to play or hone my skills unless I decide to go play 1/2 at either Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun. I have played sporadivally since Black Friday.

Now onto a question for the very learned players from the U.S. that have been dealing with this black friday issue. I have some funds tied up in fulltilt still and was searching to find information on how to file claims or if they have even started the claims process. Is there anyone that can tell me if is legitimate as they ask for quite a bit of my personal information. I figured some people here would know if this is a scam or not. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

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Trading? by LemOn[5thF], May 15

got a free 100 euro br offer on a trading site
Like poker bonuses I'd have to pass quizzes from lessons they provide and afterwards need to clear the money before withdrawing by trading x amount of times. Got some weirdly confusing varengold metatrader software too.

questions I have:
1) How much time do I have to spend to start making money
2) Is it worth having it as a hobby? Will the 100 euro be useful at all or is it too small of an amount to do anything. Maybe learn with it and then get capital once I get good?
3) any success stories here and how much money did you start with?

I'd invest max 1hr/day into it, seems fun as you read about companies and they have all these classes for free. Plus chicks must dig when you tell them "oh I just play the markets a bit honey" + doing well must look pretty good on cv

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Scoop/Daily big Rail by SoC, May 13

Meant to make this yesterday!

Shocking start - AK busto'd me out of 4 tournies and 2 stacks in the action hour!

Didn't get started in anything yesterday - First cash of the stake though in the 6max action hour!

350/2400 - In for an extra double rebuy though!

+ Show Spoiler +

Lovely hand after the bubble burst!

On a seperate note - I signed up to complete a charity challenge - 40mile bike ride/4hour hike/1hour canoe in 6weeks!
Any sponsorship would be massively appreciated - trying to raise £4000 between us Even a few dollar!

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PRO Hem for SS Omahem by W, May 13

Switching over to omahaha and need a tracking software. I have a HEM2 pro version which I'd be willing to trade for a Small Stakes version of Omaha Manager or the PT4 equivalent.

Since I'm a complete no-name here I'd obv. be willing to trade over mine first so there's no possibility of scam or anything.

Tyty have a good grind everyone.

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LOL@Swedish Health Care by DustySwedeDude, May 13

So my gf had a run in with the Swedish health care system and came home crying because the doctor told her that it was probably unnecessary to do anything about her back. Then he left without actually telling my gf that they where done. She been to four different physiotherapists, two different chiropractors and a naprapath, most of them asking why on earth no one has done X-rays on her back since it's obvious something is wrong. The last 1.5 years or so we've spent about 5 or 6k on physiotherapy and stuff like that.

At least at two occasions I've really wanted to hit someone in the face due to their complete lack of giving a damn. That's not to say that everyone's a moron, but it does seem like it's fairly random if you get someone who cares or someone who doesn't.

Today, when she came home crying, I had enough. I googled private health care and found some place that had the correct doctors using the logic that if they actually have to do something to get paid, it'll increase the probability that they'll do something. Some receptionist answers the phone and I tell her about the situation. She starts talking about how it's expensive and whatnot before I interrupt her and tell her that I made my first million SEK when I was 21 (which I'm not sure about, but it's close enough, might've been 20 or 22). Now we've got a doctor's appointment in two days. Private health care rules, should've done this at once and saved some money.

Hopefully it's an issue that's not serious, but if they find out that it's actually is something seriously wrong with her back I'll be tempted to see if I can get something done about the guy who refused to actually check it out. It'd be interesting to find out what a law degree, lots of money and ample spare time can do.

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Need $100 stars for my paypal by albonycee, May 12

see title

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