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Remember November run good by Target-x17, November 30

My best month ever without winning a tournament. Really went hard at the start for a really degen charity even on two plus two. Team event we didnt win but I won the volumn comp something like 2000 180's in 10 days won free coaching but just donated it. Lost a bit in tourneys lately killing my luckbox unsustainable winrates but Id rather make a steady 6 grand every month in sit n gos then win the big 8 or 11$rebuy everymonth its alot more fulfilling. Really needed a solid month after playing to much shitty low win rate games last month to get me in range to get supernova this year which I can now do in about 9 sessions and have plenty of free time for the holidays. Sorry for the terrible wall of text I have a broken laptop with no enter key and malfunctioning mouse (its awsome to 30-40 table with a touchpad) I plan to build a solid pc for grinding with the help of my cousins nerdy bf this christmas. Mindset is an interesting thing I assume ive had a great one for awile but I dont feel I got there untill I was used to losing 1k a day. I used to think I would still tilt if I had a -2k day but now im not so sure. Im truly at a decision by decision basis where as I only get mad for a -ev decision over how much i lose a day. Think It might have been the mushrooms I did at the start of the month. I dont do to many drugs but Id recommend them to anyone at least once.

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November results by player999, November 30

First 3 weeks:
+ Show Spoiler +

Last week:
+ Show Spoiler +

good shit

goal for december is regaining my #4 spot that I lost during my absence

piece of cake

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November 2012 results by Joe, November 30

In November I played mostly zoom 6 max and normal 6 max, with a bit of headsup too.

I started the month very good, but then hit a small downswing (I swing very little recently) and my play got worse too. I did a bit of analysing and mostly re-thought my game plan on flop, started playing solid again and recovered for a smallish winning month in the end.

(EV should be some $500 or so more because HM1 imports run-it-twice incorrectly.)

As for volume, hand-wise its ok, but hour-wise I was kind of lazy again. Only managed to put in 91 hours, which is about 30 hours less than what I think my average should be.

Finally started taking some shots at 2/4 PLO. With some table selecting the 2/4 tables are actually pretty good, so I hope I will be playing more and more 2/4 in the near future.

Looking forward to the next month as I feel like my game improved by quite a bit in the last 10 days or so and just want to prove it to myself it is not just a feeling. And also because I am probably going travelling with my gf to Cuba or somewhere with summer weather


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Low cost 27inch by r0mx0, November 29

Hey people

I d like to buy a new monitor.I have 24 inch 1920x1080 now but since i saw videos of 27 and 30 inch monitors i just want higher resolution.
I found this one on ebay
for 380$.

Anyone have experience with these low cost monitors please?

There are several companies selling them like shymian, crossover and but there is only 1 year warranty.

Thanks and GL

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november by Stroggoz, November 29

solid month, put in a lot of volume but didn't play that great, didn't really improve and made some spewy folds and calls. I started 8 tabling zoom and and also 8 tabled HU yesterday against two people at the same time, lols. praciticing for SNE next year.

Funnily enough i've been losing a ton at zoom and 5/10 shots, but winning a ton at heads up.

Big losing day today :O

And for the month

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Do You Remember When?? by Joeingram1, November 29

I like this title because I was sitting here the past few weeks and I couldn't remember when I actually won playing PLO. I would start my session by getting on a bunch of tables running, play most anyone heads up to start games and look at results at end of sessions and kept seeing losing. Would wonder what is going on, what happened. This kept up for about a month and here I am frantically checking my bank accounts, watching the countdown to busto happen, questioning life, question my existance in life, looking up work visa information for Australia, seeing how much I could make per month if I started personal training, looking into being male internet cam model, debating doing copious amounts of drugs. Eventually I decided I needed a break and took a few days off. I found myself on my computer a few days later and decided I would play super small stakes just to play, was maybe 8 tabling and lost 3 buy-ins but didn't feel tilt or too bad.

After this session I started actually thinking to myself, how did I crush for 5 months straight to start the year? How did I come back online and have a 210k month and then just can't win day in and out? The answer is obvious in theory, many have even told me since. PLAY LESS FUCKING TABLES to start but as anyone who mass multi tables now, there is just some mind fuck that happens where you think you need to be playing as many tables as possible. You need MORE fish, MORE money to make, MORE MORE MORE. Instead of focusing on the tables open, you are actively seeking out MORE bad players to play vs. Finally when thinking more about it I finally convinced myself to just calm the fuck down. You don't always need more. Its like dating women, you have sex with one and now you want more sex with more women and fall into a cycle where your always on the hunt and never actually focusing on what you have at the current time but looking forward to who is next. Pretty off topic but I could relate the idea of that to poker. I wrote down how I thought I was winning so much to start the year and wrote down why I thought I was losing so much now. Nothing from either list matched up . I realized playing in great games and being amazing at exploiting fish's weaknesses doesn't translate to mass tabling vs regs and playing good players heads up. Add in massive tilting during this and as shown its a recipe for disaster. When you tilt in position again someone with a terrible winrate, it never really ends up being THAT bad. You can make a questionable all in pre and often they end up with an even worse questionable all in pre against you. When playing vs regs though, there questionable range ends up being double suited AKxx and QQxx and any KKxx. When you get it on the flop vs fish with a bad flush draw and bottom pair, they show up with an over pair/no redraw or Top/Bottom pair and you end up usually having good equity when in reality you made a terrible play. Against regs when you make these same tilting plays though your always crushed. I mean in theory this is obvious but I have never really heard or read it ever put like that before.

I guess the basic idea I am saying is that I need to go completely away from what is not working and go back to what was working. I started writing down all my old strategies I used to game select and coming up with better ranges to play against certain types of weaker players in different situations. On the surface the idea is play less tables, bumhunt weaker players, win money. I think alot approach it like that and win but I probably went into it 10 times deeper during my peak of really thinking about it. As I started to win more money though I became lazy and went away from improving my ideas and strategies and went back to an abc approach at it. These last few days I have dove back into thinking about everything from all angles. Basically it is play 1-4 tables, depending on those tables and amount of action going on (ie: double jesus with alot of betting/hands getting to showdown instead of jesus seat with 4 other tigheter regs with not much postflop to follow) can add 2 more tables. Once that 4-6 cap is hit completely focusing on games being played instead of checking the lobby every couple seconds for new games or wait lists or anything of that nature. This is fine do to while I have been playing 1/2 up to 3/6 but I do realize once I start moving back up stakes that I will have to keep lobby open and pay some attention. With less tables to follow though that shouldn't be an issue. Actually taking notes and paying attention to what is happening during hands and when they get to showdown (ie: fish makes pot bet on river, note his hand and watch for similar spot in future to either solidify that note or exploit that) When I'm mass tabling I probably look over less then 5 hands in a weeks time, that idea to me thinking about it now is fucking insanely terribad. Everytime my note taking or paying attention to what is happening pays off I get very excited lol.

When I started writing this I was in a writing zone, then I went on my patio somewhere during the last paragraph and kinda lost it, I was just sitting here on my computer after finished last session and was like fuck man I am such an idiot for going back to my old terrible habits of mass tabling/spewing away thousands. I need to write this down now and not forget it again. I probably have so much more on my mind about all this and hopefully write more about it soon

I'm going to continue to stick to mid stakes for now and at some point add in 5/10 and maybe 10/20 again. I'm still rolled to play up to 50/100 (definition of rolled meaning I could lose a few BI there and drop down to rebuild comfortably) but that desire to lose massive pots isn't there for me right now. After regaining my confidence and winning this might change but until then there is still heaps of money to be made at mid stakes.

Here is my graph since going back to old process. As you can see I didn't full commit at first and after I won a bit decided I could 12+ table again and win and was hit with a your a fucking clown, don't do that again pretty quick. But so far so good

I've been starting to enjoy myself more living here in Sydney. Have a few music fests coming up here and went with my girlriend to Stereosonic last weekend. Had a great time there and really enjoyed seeing Tiesto. Thinking back on it though, I would have enjoyed anyone tremendously at that point in time of the night but it was fun. Had a chance to wear my spirit hood out for the first time in Australia

This is the spirit hood in all its glory

thanks for readingggg

please post more hands longpie and andrewsong!!

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November by MARSHALL28, November 29

Another month is pretty much in the books now. Finished November +44,663.
Don't feel exactly satisfied though because I was up ~55k 2 weeks into the month. This has happened to me twice before where I get up big the first two weeks, roughly somewhere around 50k, then nothing seems to go right. I felt like I didn't run that well considering I lost 3 or 4 pots at 10/20 for 4k where I got 2 outed on the river then also couldn't seem to win any pots AIPF where I was a favorite. I dropped like 16k on the 15th of the month. I definitely didn't play well that session, but I was motivated to win it back. Took a 30 minute break, then spent the following 8 hours grinding trying to get back to even and finished +3k.

After that I was just kind of sour on continuing to put in much volume. I talked to a friend about it, he said I have complacency tilt. Can't exactly disagree. I've never had a month better than 55k but I've had multiple months where I am up that much 2 weeks into it. I'm not a greedy person though. I don't exactly need all that money. Sorta strange I actually feel broke right now especially considering I only spent 7k this month. Probably because it takes forever to get my money off these sites. Have like 40k in limbo right now that's neither in my bank or in my bankroll. So really haven't been playing the last two weeks.

One weird thing I've seemed to have been noticing lately is more and more people who are claiming the games are too difficult now and that it's incredibly hard to win. I really don't agree at all. My game has become even more robotic in the last few months than it has ever been before. I have all of the spots memorized. I haven't even been working away from the tables hardly at all. I just have set ranges for every spot and I play them all the same way. I don't even adjust for player tendencies and I've been consistently having 30k+ months for the last 4 months putting in roughly 15 hours a week. And I'm really not THAT good.

Been trying to find a new coach but can't really seem to find anyone who is both capable and willing to do so. I looked into some guys who were really successful at high stakes games 12-24 months ago, but many of them are struggling now and are not even playing as high as I am regularly. I tried asking Sauce and Ben86, neither said they were currently coaching. I heard something about Jungleman charging 1200/hr but that's a little more than I want to pay and I'm mostly looking for someone to work with me on my 6max game--don't even know if he plays 6max at all.

I'm heading back up to the bay area in two days to go catch a couple of Golden State Warriors games with a friend. 400 bucks got courtside seats so that's pretty cool. I expect I won't be playing much for the next couple of days at least. Anyways, promised myself I would no longer talk about personal issues in my blog. So I guess that's it for now.

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Epiphany by NotSorry, November 28

Since coming back to mma something had felt off, like I had forgotten how to ride a bike, and couldn't tap into my prior experience and training, just grinding through the motions waiting for that instinct to wake the fuck up. Well I finally got my epiphany, mid-round monday morning everything just clicked and instantly I felt like a completely different person. Not to say I crushed everyone else from that point on cause I still get worked hard, we got some insanely tough and skilled guys on the team, but fighting returned to being a natural state for me. I stopped over-thinking things and just let my instincts take over and just enjoying the moment, suddenly everything just slowed the fuck down big time, I could see and feel where and how people were moving and planning on moving rather than just praying my reaction timing were good enough. I could relax and breath freely knowing when I was safe which allowed me to nearly double my session times and cut out those annoying vomit breaks. Feeling more motivated than ever before and can't wait to get a fight lined up so I can share my joy with whoever is unlucky enough to step into that cage with me.

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best day cash by NeillyJQ, November 28


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Interesting Video by mnj, November 27

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5th anniversary by Gawuss, November 27

Today in Warsaw the weather was a bit on the rainy, dark side. On my way to school I got a text from a friend of mine who has got an amazing memory of pretty much every single thing that happened in his life. This time, because it is not the first time I got a reminder about some event's anniversary, he texted that exactly 5 years have passed since the first real Texas Holdem tournament was hosted at my highschool. 49 students bought-in, a couple of girls too. He even remembered the winner's final hand ! It was T2 and, unfortunately, it was not my destiny to win that heads-up battle and I took the 2nd place.

+ Show Spoiler +

I want to go back and relive that day over and over again


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NL5 Rake?!? by SolarM, November 27

So the Rake for my last 10k hands at NL5 Zoom was 6,5BB/100. That's brutal. Am I right to say, that it's hard to win any money at all there?

What about higher stakes? Anyone can share how much the rake is for higher games?

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$20 Photoshop Contest by player999, November 26

$20 on PS to the best photoshop of my friend's face in homosexual situations, use your creativity, feel free to add a celebrity or anything your mind comes up with. Only thing is it has to be pretty gay.

Use one of these:

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[London] Recruiters in financial services? by MadeInPolanD, November 26


my friend is looking for a position within financial services industry in London. He studied in London School of Economics. Anyone knows anyone who could help him find his dream job?

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MTTs Update by player999, November 26

another one of those sessions, 8 ITMs, deep in a lot of the majors, but no score, lost a lil bit

whatevs I'll get them next weekend

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hoep this is real by mnj, November 25

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From 7 figures to social life - a woobly's guide by Emi, November 25

Ok I have been lurking forever here, and today I won a lot in fishy live omaha 5 games (those games are so fun + easy) so I am in a good mood to make a little education for our local hero "wobbly_au".

I will teach you a guide about "social guide". Think of it as the newbie guide, FROM 7 FIGURES TO SOCIAL LIFE, same as we have for stacraft.
So wobbly listen because such education might not come everyday : When talking to anyone, you are playing against a RANGE of people. Some of them are dumb, other are smart, some are egoistic, others dont care etc.

So lets analyse your play against different common range :

- For the dumb people, you just look like a incredibly pedantic guy.
It is like coming to a black reggae party and shouting I AM GENETICALLY THE SUPERIOR RACE I WON SO MANY RACE SUPERIORITY CONTEST I AM THE RACIAL KING. And anyway, how good your "proof" of smartness is, they wont get it so eitehr will think you lie or just think you are an asshole.
In IRL you would be beaten to death. Just trashed on forum. Much better I agree. However from experience personalities from forum tends to reflect real life personalities, minoring eventual IRL shyness
So very bad play versus this range.

- Versus the smart guys range, those that won awards as well, ranked national in SC with few training, being generally talented in everything etc. you just sounds like someone that has self esteem issue and need to prove himself. The more you try to prove yourself, the more pathetic it get.

The only thing you show us is that you have not learn this basic social skill that even if you think you outsmart everybody, it is almost always better to not show it off. Even in interview or dating where YOU HAVE to show that you are smart the indirect way is much more efficient. Trying to sell it outright is overselling yourself.

So basically no matters how good your poker skills are, you sound like that dumb autistic guide that can paint the eiffel tower blindfolded but can not talk. Meaning your intellect seems to be limited to some specific aera

I suggest you spend some time optimising your ranges in differents situations.
Take a look a our others LP heroes, their social range are extremely well balanced and thus they end up being loved by everybody

Of course you might not even care about opinion. But that would be an obvious lie, since the mere fact that you spend many lines trying to justify yourself of your skill imply that you do care enough to try and earn some social whatever

No hate mate !

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From 7 figures to social life - a woobly's guide by Emi, November 25


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STFU and Train by NotSorry, November 24

It's easy to lose perspective in mma in terms of your own growth when you're surrounded by fellow fighters it often feels like you're hitting a plateau because your team as a whole is constantly growing at a relatively similar pace, and you're so used to each others' styles that you adjust your own sometimes without even realizing it. It can be real depressing and mess with your motivation. I've felt like this many times in and the past and more so recently coming back from a 6month break and falling behind that learning curve was hard to take in.

Since coming back I've been having a real tough time and even getting the worse end of sessions with guys I used to be able to take down and submit at will. Feeling a bit conflicted, on one hand I'm proud of them for their improvements and I enjoy the challenge being there for me to overcome, but at the same time I can't get over this feeling of self disappointment that I shouldn't be having difficulties at this stage and should be breezing through people who aren't long term or up and coming pro fighters. I want to fight and test myself against the best in the world but right now it just seems so far away. I know I'm over thinking things but it's kind of my thing. Oh wells, end pointless irrelevant post.



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The games are incredibly easy by Ket, November 24

We just experience them as being 'hard' because we all suck. Really bad. The avg reg that has made 7 figures lifetime is just not very good at all (myself included). Think about how good you have to be to get to the top x percentile in any other competitive pursuit and compare it with poker, it's a joke. Good news for motivated "good" (relative to all the other fools) pros!! Cheers

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