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Buffalo Poker Classic by NeillyJQ, November 05

3rd place.


I got 5700.

Paid off my a debt to my father for 1618.
Paid off my rent for this month and next month.
Paid off a debt to my step mother for 916.

Kept a lil over 2k, going to chop mtt's with my dad and he will buy up to 70% in any 1k, or stake me with the same deal as the past if I want to freeroll it most likely as he'd always want to make more as well.

long grueling mtt - great learning experience - many pros came out, good strong field, happy to get what i got, going to grind another week of online cash before going to the live cash arena, maybe 2-3 more weeks online before casino. its no rush, but will be playing a lot of live days cg's and mtt's. just 1/2 (bring 300 - 2 150 bi's in a 1/2 game is fine for most 8 hour days, usually never have to rebuy in a 1/2 game)

So ya thats what happened whats going on it really sucks, 2nd was 28k and that woulda really fucking helped my life a ton and paid off a ton of debts..

oh well, close to busto, on the way to robusto i hope, been back on my own dime broke for a couple weeks, now im rollin again, just took me going to a good mtt.

waiting on finding a car thats decent as well which is a lil stressful in the cash situation but i've been here before, am invited to a ton of great games in buffalo salamanca and altoona, and know of all the mtt's going on within a 100 mile radius pretty much.

Just grind er away and hopefully be at my higher self, and best player that I can be come next wsop etc;

one step at a time from here.

gl lp,

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Anti-depressants by mnj, November 05

Why do so many anti-depressants have suicide as a side effect?

These are directly opposing results and was curious if there were any medical/psycho-neurology majorish people who could describe to me why the same mechanism that decreases depression can also lead to suicide

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buffalo poker classic update by NeillyJQ, November 04


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Day 1 Buffalo Poker Classic by NeillyJQ, November 04


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Live 1/2. The bane of my existance by ynot, November 03

This game is suppose to be easy. I don't know why I have such a hard time beating it at my local casinos. I feel like I clearly have an advantage over almost anyone. There are times when I get put into a tough position and am not sure what to do but I feel like the game is supposed to be easier than this. The game formula to beat 1/2 seems simple enough:

1.) Value bet, value bet, value bet. This seems to be the key fundamental to the game. Most individuals who play do not know how to let go of sub par hands. They will call down with any draw and bet their whole stack on top pair top kicker. Seems easy enough, at 1/2, when you have the strong hands, value bet. You will get paid off.

2.) Don't bluff too often. Reason is simple, people at the table don't know when to let go of sub par hands making it very hard to bluff someone who doesn't know how to fold. If you against someone you think is capable of a fold in a certain position, then go ahead but more often then not, it's abc poker.

3.) Be in position! This is almost more important than value betting. In most cases at 1/2 you have extreme implied odds. People will stack off with marginal hands and will chase any bet amount to hit their gut shot, flush, or open ended straight. Best thing, be in position to these situations. When you have a nice hand, it's the perfect spot for a nice re-raise. Weaker players will give off a lot of information by basically, not doing anything. A lot of 1/2'ers like to check an awful lot leaving a lot of dead money in the pot. The game is just so much easier to make decisions in when you are in position.

4.) Don't slow play. You usually are not up against someone who can diagnose a hand properly and understand what a strong check-raise means. It's a pretty basic concept with 1/2. When you flop the nuts, or a strong hand. Value bet it. you will get called more often then not. (villain depending)

5.) Play ABC poker. There is no point in trying anything fancy or sneaky because the average villain won't even recognize it, making it feel a little pointless. Just be patient, wait for position and play to the villain. People at this game do not generally change their play style according to the type of table so just understand the type of villains and play accordingly.

These basic 5 ideas are very generic and don't hold a lot of substance but ask anyone on how they beat 1/2 and this will be in the ball park for what they say. I have been looking over forums here and there trying to see anyone else has brought a different concept to beating 1/2 and haven't found much. In fact, I have found more sources indicating the same beliefs as me. This was a comment by someone that hit home for me.

"there is a lot of good info in this thread and if u stick to most of the tips you ll be in good shape. imo there a couple of tips that have worked really well for me, get use to 2-5 hours of dead cards, don t lower ur playing style to match the other players. don t fall in love w/ tp tk when the bets and calls SCREAM flush/str8 draws, or 2 pair etc... play pos when the situation is +EV, don t let the reg s see u make the same 3xbb raise on the btn etc..... most importantly do not play the way the table is playing (loose, gambiling) just TAG it up and it will fattin up ur BR. but trust me when i say do not lower ur open/calling range because the 3 villians have been winning huge pots w/ weak holdings all night long. fwiw" -BlueBoy44 (

This statement was something that I have encountered an awful lot. There are times when I feel like opening up my range just to be able to play with the loose players post flop where I feel I could instill a bit of better play vs them. But I am often wrong in making this choice and haven't found it pay off as a right decision. Play tight, understand your going to be card dead for some time.

I would say the most frustrating this is finding a strong hand and having to let it go after being card dead for hours. Here is an example from the other day.

Hero (275$) Button with two red Kings.

2 limps in early position, 2 limps in late position from villains 1 and 2. Villain 1 new loose player at the table with about 600$ and Villain 2 with about 100$ on a downswing from losing most of his buy in to villain 1.

I do not allow limps and with villain 1 being quite the limp caller playing almost every hand I decided to raise a bit more than normal. My image if it even mattered, was fairly tight. I haven't gotten out of hand playing pretty safe folding a couple hands to villain one when I felt I was beat and with villain 1 showing to confirm my correct decision, I am playing so-so.

I bet 25$. A bit much but I was sure villain 1 would call. However, all four players call.. wtf.

Flop: 2,7,7 rainbow. Two checks from early position and villain 1 leads for 25$. Villain 2 instantly shoves his remaining stack. I wasn't sure what to make of this. Villain 1 has been leading into the initial raiser when he has strong hands and with a shove from the small stack the decision was to shove or call. I didn't feel like folding here. I have went a couple hours without even seeing a marginal hand and I am a newby and didn't want to let this one go. I should have flatted but I decided to min re-raise villain 2's shove. Two player in early position fold and villain 1 flats. Turn is Jc. Making the board a complete rainbow and villain 1 leads out with my remaining stack. I call to see villain show 6,7. Villain 2 had 10,10. River was blank and I lose.

Story of my life.

All in all I just wanted to share this and show some frustration. I need a higher level of discipline and really need to start playing by the examples I see the villains show me.

Anyways, this was my rant. I hope everyone is having a great day and since I don't feel like typing anymore and want to watch MLG Dallas. Have a good night! :DD

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InTrade - Does anyone use this? by k2o4, November 03

Looks cool, like kinda prop bet mania. Bet on predictions of fixed events.

Does anyone use this already? Is it legit?

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Supernova 1MM Gtd 45 min left by Fujikura, November 03

Just reminding everyone. 592891509 is the tournament ID. GL!

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Nepal trip (pic heavy) by Stroggoz, November 03

Not much poker results for october, played about 15k hands and broke even. havn't proof read this because i can't be fucked. I wrote this over a few hours and it's recollection of most memorable parts of the trip with some pics to go with it.

During the first half of 2012 i was grinding poker in a flat with silver on lp, with our lease ending in july i didn't really know what to do with my life after that. Around about the time my lease was ending my Dad, who is a bit of a mountaineer asked me if i wanted to come to Nepal with him on a 24 day trek. Given my apathetic nature i thought to myself: YOLO and it's only a month out of my life.

So after several training trips on New Zealand mountains, getting to know how to use ice axes and crampons and getting my fitness levels up, we depart for Kathmandu. Our objective is to trek around the Himalayas until we get to Mera peak. A technically easy mountain to climb but at a high altitude of 6400m, after that we would walk through more valleys and cross amphu lapcha, a 200m wall where we can walk up one side and belay down the other. More technically difficult than climbing mera peak, but at a lower altitude of 5800m. Then the rest of the trip would be an easy walk back down from the mountains.

We arrive in Kathmandu, a dusty, dirty city where there are seem to be no road rules. The infastructure of the entire city seemed pretty disorganized actually, with internet/electrical wires bundled up above ground, little supply of drinking water, one lane streets with people, bikes and cars trying to squeeze down all at the same time.

After getting to a hotel we meet up with the sherpa guide who will be coming with us on the trip, a funny 34 year old guy who's name is peme sherpa. He goes through our gear and checks we have everything needed to survive in the mountains.

The next day we fly to lukla(2800m). On the flight i look out of the window and it seems that in every flat part of the land there is a house built with farmland, over 80% of nepals population is in rural areas. lukla is a village in the mountains with the most dangerous airport in the world. The air strip is carved into the mountainside, with a 200m drop off the edge of it, and it's also only about 200m long with a stone wall at the end of it. Since the air strip is so short, it is angled upwards to slow the plane down when it lands. The airport is very busy, with planes leaving within seconds of another one arriving. It's the gateway to most of the trekking done in the Himalayas.
We also meet up with the rest of our sherpas that we travel with us. Now with us is peme , our guide, Dende our cook and kaji our porter.
in the sherpa heirachy you start off as a porter, carrying huge loads of 30kg+. Some of the porters we saw seemed like 13-14 year old girls, some were old women. Our porter kaji carried about 30kg, our cook carried about 10kg and our guide/leader who had climbed everest 3 times only carried about 7kg. The more prestige you have, the less you have to carry.

pics of lukla airport, landing and taking off. and the streets of lukla. Standard porter load even for little girls.

in the first several days of the trip we travel between 2500-3500m altitude, i don't feel the effects of altitude on me yet. We stay in tea houses with welcoming, warm hearted sherpas. learning sherpa language as well as nepali langauge. we walk across an array of valleys that are connected with trains of mule and yak hybrids. Smiling sherpa children run out of their houses to greet us 'namaste', pressing the palms of their hands together as we walk past.
After 4 days or so we see mera peak for the first time, but we don't go towards it yet. instead we cross the valley and take a detour. This detour will take us over a 4500m high pass, getting us used to thinner air and acclimatizing my body. once we cross the valley we are in a much more isolated, less touristy civilisation. I take what might be my last shower for the trip. We sit around the fireplace in the sherpa houses, it's high enough for me to feel the cold now. I start to wonder how/why people have come to live up here in such harsh places. In this part of the trip there was only a few foods we could eat, no fruit can grow in these places. We have dal bhat and potatoes. Dal bhat is rice with lentals, but apparently the lentals are so expensive that it's just 99% water.

Our first sighting of Mera peak. pics of porters drinking tea after a hard days work. One of the sherpa children living at 3600m. Our accodomodation with a 4500m high U shaped pass in the background.

Then we cross the 4500m pass, up from a town that is 3600m altitude. I start to notice it's harder to breath and walk. Our porter kaji starts to catch up with us and can almost keep up with us. he is used to the thin air, but i start to breath for every step i take.
The next day on the way down from the pass i start to feel pain in chest whenever i breath. it becomes worse and the sherpas carry my bag for me. I breath harder and harder and by the time we reach the town we are staying at i have to stop and it takes me 10 minutes to recover my breath. There are no doctors around so we wait to see if it gets better or worse before deciding if we should have a rest day or not. We have connected back onto the main track now and the villages are bigger with lots of other expeditions going towards mera peak.
over the next couple days it's an easy walk up the valley and i recover from my breathing problem. We decide it's best that i have a rest day at as high of an altitude as possible. The longer i stay at higher altitudes the easier it becomes to cope with it. And i don't have any altitude sickness at all so far.
We reach Khare(4900m). I'm taking 1 step per breath already and we havn't even reached the snowline yet. We use the rest day to explore the surrounding area and take pictures. I look at the west face of Mera peak, it's amazing. A huge square slab of rock, covered in glistening glaciers, rock and blue ice. And we see people, like tiny little ants walking down from the mountain. In khare we meet people who've attempted the summit. Some of them made it, some of them say it became too cold when people in their group stopped for a rest, so had to turn back. Based on this i start to formulate a strategy of how im going to get to the top. I decide im going to walk up very slowly without rests. peme decides we will walk from khare to mera la(base camp) for 1 night. Then to high camp. Then we will get up at 2am at high camp and attempt the summit in the night. Walking during the night is essential as the sun will burn your face off quickly in glacial snow at high altitudes. And it also allows us to avoid other expeditions, who will slow us down in the areas where rope is needed and risk us getting frost bite.

pics of mera, peak 41.

After our rest day we walk to mera la, i wake up to rescue choppers and get diarrhea during the morning. Unpleasant when your sharing the worst toilet ever with 50 other people. But fuck it, keep on going anyway. After spending a night at mera la we walk to high camp(5750m). High camp is a pretty shitty place, literally. There is little space for us to put our tent, it's freezing cold, the air dehydrates me quickly. Every step i take is exhausting. After ten steps my throat becomes dry. that night i wrap my water bottle in what little warm clothing im not wearing. Im wearing 4 layers on my legs, 5 top layers. 2 balaclavas + sleeping bag and sleeping bag liner. The sherpas serve me some tea and are wearing jandles. That night i go to sleep excited in anticipation of summit day. While im just lying there, breathing hard i think about how im going to summit next day. It took 3.5 hours to walk from mera la to high camp, and it was a short distance and only a 400m climb. By the end of the walk i was going at 2 breaths per step. With a 700m climb ahead of us, it will take me 6+ hours to reach the summit.
We wake up at 2am, my piss bottle, sunscreen are frozen. My water bottle is about 4/5 frozen.

high camp, sherpas chopping for water with an ice axe.

it takes us about 1 hour just to get ready, putting climbing boots on without gloves is the worst part. Then at 3:30am we leave, there are 4 of us linked together with rope. Peme, me, my dad, and Dende. As soon as we begin to walk im already exhausted. It's just so hard to breath while going uphill. for the first hour we have good pace though. I turn to look behind me and see a sea of maybe 20-30 headtorches wandering in darkness, and stars above me. The snow is hard but not icey, it sounds like polystyrine when we step on it. Our sherpa leads us up a hill in darkness, it seems endless. All i'm thinking is this: breath, breath and lift right leg. Breath, breath and lift left leg. Wiggle your toes or they'll go numb. Wiggle your fingers. Breath. BREATH, dont stop.
This goes on for about an hour and a half, until we get to the top of this steep ascent and have to jump across a crevasse. Whenever Peme stops i tell him 'lets go' in sherpa language. i don't want to stop, and for him it's easy. He is well aclimitzed, and extremely fit.
The sun slowly rises, and we get to the bottom of the peak. All we need to do is walk up a steep bit for another 50m, then there is an ice wall about 10m high. Im so exhausted, it takes me 3 breaths for every step to walk up this 50m climb. Once we get to the top of it i rest on my back and try to recover my breath for the next few minutes. But Peme immediately busts out his ice axes, dual weilding them he gets up the ice wall very quickly and fixes the rope from the summit. Then it's my turn, my arm has gone numb as i forgot to wiggle it. I use the front points of my crampons to get up the ice cliff as my arm and hand is merely used to hold onto the ascender. It takes a long time to get up to the top, and once i do i feel euphoric and in awe. The most epic music fills my head during this moment. It quickly washes off and we look around, taking pictures. we can see 5/6 of the worlds highest mountains from the summit. We are the first group on the summit for the day at 7:35am, followed by a swiss man and 2 danish men, which was a group of 5 when we met them in Khare. We quickly walk back down the mountain to high camp in an hour, now racing against the sun as our sunscreen is still frozen. After that euphoric feeling i feel a sense of pride for about 2-3 hours, we meet the other expeditions as we are walking down, all congratulating us. Once we reach high camp i collapse into my tent, having done the most physically exhausting thing in my life. I caugh hard for about 30minutes straight then pass out withouting eating any food.
I come to with Peme telling me it's the afternoon already and we need to get off the mountain, now i have a massive headache and im hungry. I've only had a bowl of cornflakes that day and it;s the only thing i had to eat that day until we got completely off the mountain and down into a valley at 4800m. We rest there for another day.

pics from the summit, everest, lohtze with its 3000m high vertical south face. My dad and me holding Peme's ice axes and Buddhist prayer flags, me climbing back down. After we climbed down to mera la, lower base camp.:

After our rest day we walk through a valley towards amphu lapcha: the last hard part of our trip before we have an easy walk past everest and lohtze's dramatic south face. ( a 3000m high wall of ice and rock, more impressive than anything in westeros tbh)
Unfortunately over the next day i lose my appetite, my breathing problem arises again and i have no energy. we still walk to a camp that's 1 day from amphu lapcha. I get diarrhea again during the night, shitting out what very little im eating, with peme and my dad telling me i have to eat to be able to walk tommoro. Skipping lunch and drinking half a bowl of soup for dinner. We meet a group that is planning to climb peak 41 and buruntse, they must be insane.
The next day i feel even worse. we walk towards amphu lapcha, very hungry and thirsty. It takes us hours, it hurts to breath and it's hard to breath. I must have strained some muscles i use to breath on mera peak quite badly. At some points i walk 30m on near flat ground, take a rest. Then walk another 30m and rest again. later on we see a constant stream of rescue choppers flying over our heads in the valley from buruntse.

walking through sand at 5000m, me feeling quite weak in this pic. Everest and Lohtze in the background as the rocky mountains. Baruntse as the snowy one to the right.

After a painstaking 6 hours we reach the base camp of amphu lapcha at 5500m. I have had no food today apart from breakfast and don't want to eat, but i have to.
Dende gives me some noodle soup, smelling it makes me hyperventilate, it's unbearable. But i have to climb 300m tommoro so i can cross amphu lapcha.
Dad tells me if i don't eat it i will have to walk back to Khare, a 3 day walk and i know he's right. I begin to cry as i attempt to eat it. I manage to finish the whole thing after a while, and instantly start feeling stomach pain but still somehow manage to sleep. Then i wake up again in pain after a couple hours, my dad is worried and doesn't want to take any chances. Our sherpa has a satelite phone on him but the battery has run flat. They run off and try to find another group that has a satelite phone to call in a rescue chopper Dende gives me some hot water, i drink about a litre of it and then throw it all up, then i throw up all the food i've had that day, and keep throwing up until there is nothing left. I feel much better after that, but the rescue chopper has already been called in to pick me up in the morning. That night my dad gives me a diamox pill when we are in the tent. I eat it and both of us forgetting that im sick, throw up immediately and he gives me a bottle in the dark for me to vomit in. Only after putting my mouth on the bottle do i realise what it's used for.


I stay awake that night for hours, very thirsty as we are at 50% oxygen of sea level. I have a water bottle beside me and it's maddening knowing that if i drink out of it i will vomit it. So i drink a few drops every hour and it goes down fine. In the morning I get flown back to Kathmandu in an awesomely daring helicopter ride, then change my clothes + have a shower for the first time in 2 weeks and begin my recovery.

The epic music in my head when i reached the summit of Mera

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I hear a cock by Mortensen8, November 03

I HEAR A COCK he is cuckuckculg pretty annyoing but we killed all the dominating ones and kept a peaceful one but he is still annoying word of advise before getting chickens the howling doesnt just happen once in the mornging he continues at least 20 times and then a little later again like a little shit then again at 12.00 or something it is a miracle that i havent sought vengeance on this poor cock.

User was temp-banned for this post.

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OK sorry guys please steak by Mortensen8, November 03

pls just i will do so fucking good i can totally fuck with 100 nlhe players i mind fuck them just stake me for double vision i am in the process of making a poker house in the faroes its gonna be sick watch out faroese team of modern vik gonna blow the fuck out of poker just watch

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OMG you normal pieces of shit wtf is wrong with y by Mortensen8, November 03

omg fuvk you piece of normal piece of shit fuck you

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Cancer donation by Sennpu, November 02

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Oct Results. Motivation/Concentration issues. etc by Jhyun88, November 02

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£27 arbitrage by Critterer, November 01

Edit: This did work, but i think they've blocked the vegas10/20 codes now. Worked for around 30hrs or something.

Nice quick bit of bonus whoring here.. cant go wrong either and quick! £27 up.

Make account at
Deposit £15 in your account
Click on My Account, got to Promotions
Type in Vegas20 – it will say accepted
Go to Sky Vegas and play Roulette
Put £5 on red, £5 on black and 50p on zero (must do)
Your £20 free bet will now be visible above your winnings at the top of the screen
Now put £10 on black, £10 on red and a quid on zero
Spin, take your winnings and close the window
Go back to My Account>Promotions
Type in Vegas10
Go to Sky Vegas and play Roulette
Put £2.50 on red, £2.50 on black, 50p on zero
Your £10 free bet will now be visible above your winnings at the top of the screen
Now put £5 on red, £5 on black and £1 on zero
Spin, take your winnings and close the window
You can now withdraw your funds!

Dunno how this works for non-uk residents but cant see why not, might wanna check on the vegas10/20 codes if they work for ur countries

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October Income and Expenses by thewh00sel, November 01

Time for another installment of Income & Expenses. This section is where I break down my income and list my expenses for each month along with a short analysis of how I think I can improve on them in the future.

Income: $17,536
From me: 14,978
From Spouse: 2,558

This month started off slowly. In fact, I was in negative territory or very close to break even until the 24th. That day was amazing though. I don't think I blogged about it, but back on Superbowl Sunday this year I played with one of those once in a lifetime fish. The kind of whale who buys in for the max (or more) and just constantly fires double the pot, makes it 20x to go as his default open and will stack off with ANY chance to win the pot. I'm not kidding, I saw the guy call a pot-sized shove for a 300bb pot on 445 rainbow with J3s with one of his suit on the board. He ended up ripping off a J on the turn and beating AK.

Anyways, it was a regular day at Bellagio, I was winning 1k already in the 5/10 game a few hours into my session. Three games were going on a Wednesday afternoon, which is above average for the middle of the week, but there were tournaments going at Bellagio so it wasn't completely unexpected. Then in strolls this ghost who I haven't seen since his last 12k donation to my bankroll in February at the Aria. He sat at the must move, and when he made his way into the main game, I threw my name on the transfer list to get into his game. It took about 45min but I eventually made it into the game. I was sitting with about $4k by the time I was moved to his game, and he had me covered with what looked like $15,000 in front of him. The Bellagio game is capped at a $1,500 buy-in, and he had a shit ton of cash behind his enormous pile of $10 chips so I was pretty sure he had snuck the cash onto the table, which was fine with me. I made top pair a few times against him and just like that I had 6k in front of me.

Then an interesting hand came up. He was in the BB and I was in the Hijack. I open to 40 with two Red Kings, two players call and he raises it up to 140, a fairly small raise compared to his normal amount. I 4bet to 400. Although the game had been seeing a lot of 3bets, 4bets weren't very common so I didn't want to go too big, to give him a chance to call or 5bet. He obliged by flicking in the call almost instantly. The flop came down Js 5s 5c. He checked and I bet 450, again giving him some rope. He quickly announced "I'm gonna raise it up a little bit," and swiftly counted out 14 $100 dollar bills and tossed them into the middle. I called. The turn was the Qd. He thought for a moment and bet 1700. At this point the pot has already grown to 7000 (after I match his 1700 on the turn) and I only had another 2500 behind that bet, so I elected to shove, thinking if he has as week as a gutshot, any flush draw, any Ace high, and pair, he will call. I still think that's the right decision but he quickly mucked saying something about having 27o. So with that pot my stack grew from 6k to about 10k without a showdown. He left soon after that when someone nitrolled him with AA on a low board and ticked him off, but I was happy and I ended up with my first 10k cashout in the Bellagio 5/10 that I can remember to put my month back on track.

Here's my October Stats.

To simplify the above screenshot I'll touch on the important stuff. I spent 148 hours at the casino (for cash games) and 139 hours actually playing cash. The difference (9 hours) is time I spent waiting for games to start/get my seat in games. This number is pretty in line with last month's number, as I spent about 30min per session of "buffer time" compared to 25 min per session last month. I'll continue to monitor this number going forward as I like knowing my true time spent at the casino along with time played. I also played 5 MTT's, which equates to 34 hours in addition to the 139 hours of cash. So in total I played 173 hours this month, and spent 182 hours at the casino/work, which I'm pretty proud of.

Expenses $7,824
Very high number this month. Hopefully when I break it down below I will see the answers to why the number was so large and whether it was necessary or not.

Home- 2,093
832- Mortgage Interest
544- Mortgage Escrow
401- Mortgage Principal
12- Fridge Filter
59- HOA
65- Space Heater (should reduce heating costs for the winter)
70- Landscaping (bought a plant I needed to replace that died and some stuff for the backyard)
60- Pest Control
50- Print ink (don't know if this is really household, but whatever, needed printer ink so there it is)

Auto & Transport- 1,939
174- Insurance (should get a refund for ~$30 from this as I changed carriers this month)
244- Gas
141- Minimum Car Payment
435- Minimum Car Payment
365- Additional Car Principal
580- Car Insurance (Switched to a new carrier and paid up front for the next 6 months, so this 580 represents 6 months of paying $96 per month down from 174)

Health and Fitness- 223
34- gym
189- health ins (Much cheaper now [= )

Food & Dining- 722
524- Groceries/wal-mart (Feels like we did "ok" this month at wal-mart, still looking to improve on it.)
100- Fast Food
35- dining out (setting a personal goal to go all of November without fast food or eating out at all, will let you know next month how we did)
25- Albertson's (beer)
38- Dolce Gusto Coffee (a non-necessity expense for our coffee machine. Delicious single-serve coffee)

Bills & Utilities- 826
230-nevada power (like I said in the last expense report, for some reason it seems like I always skip a month of paying electricity and then have to pay twice in one month. This was September's electric bill. Fairly low actually given that it was pretty warm in Sep)
15- water
327- Nevada Power (This number is higher than I thought it would be, maybe I'm off on which two bills were which bc we didnt turn the A/C or the heat on at all this month)
59- Cell Phone (Pretty proud of how low this number is. It will be lower in the future, but I did a write-up Here on our new cell phone plan and how it saves us over $100 per month.
68- Cable/Internet (This is a new lower number as well since we changed our service to be cheaper.)
41- Trash/Sewer (this is a quarterly bill)
8- Netflix
78- Gas

Shopping- 580
300 Clothing (meh, spent too much on this, but Alli was growing out of her clothes, and needed winter stuff. We also bought some winter clothes for ourselves too)
180 Home Decor (we didn't really need this but Mrs. wh00sel bought some candles and whatnot that she wanted)
180 Home Electronics (Bought a DOCSIS 3.0 modem which allows for faster download speeds with lower internet service. Also bought a remote control for my PS3 as we watch all of our tv on that now for the most part)

Entertainment- 19
Bought drinks for a high school friend who was in town for Halloween

Preschool/Daycare- 580
We now pay $160 per week to have our daughter in preschool 3 days per week. This change allows me to get in more hours each week, while also spending more time at home as a family. I was a little nervous at first as outsourcing parenting is something that scares me a little bit; but she was growing bored at home and needs the social interaction. From an EV standpoint, if my hourly is $70, I need to get in 9 hours extra per month to pay for the cost of daycare. I got over 180 hours in this month, so I think I clearly surpassed that mark. Also, I have been spending more time at home with my family so it's taken some stress out of our lives which is pretty much the point of the whole thing.

Other- 790
300- Xmas presents
440- Cancel Verizon Contracts (After doing this, and switching to prepaid phone plans, in 3 months or so we will be into profit already from the switch. Also, starting next month our cash flow should be much improved already)

That's everything. I didn't manage to keep the expenses down this month, but since with daycare I immediately get to add additional hours to work, it is essentially free imo. In addition to that, $440 was spent canceling a contract, $580 of car insurance was paid upfront for the next 6 months, and $365 in additional car payments were not required expenses. Removing those from my other expenses drastically reduces the number. I am confident that November will be one of my lowest expense months to date, barring anything crazy happening.

With an income of $17,536 and expenses of $7,824, we had a savings rate this month of 55%

I am pretty happy with that number given all of the expenses I chose to take on this month in order to reduce future expenses and make my life more efficient.

Thanks for reading, hopefully there was something worthwhile in there if you read it all. If you couldn't be bothered to read it all, then you're probably not reading this either. CHEERIO!

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UFC & Politics by PuertoRican, November 01

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Flash goes to DALLAS(MLG SC2) by whamm!, November 01

Flash's record coming in:

Regular Season Stats

Overall: 39 - 9
TvZ: 11 - 1
TvT: 13-3
TvP: 15-5

vs. NA
2-0 Caliber
2-0 Qxc
2-0 Sheth
2-0 Hawk
1-1 Idra
2-0 Vibe
1-1 Major
2-0 Select
1-1 Illusion
2-0 KawaiiRice
2-0 Sasquatch
1-1 Huk

vs. EU
2-0 Thorzain
2-0 Socke
2-0 grubby
1-1 Sase
1-1 Naniwa
2-0 Ret

vs. KR
1-1 Puma
2-0 Alive
1-1 Alicia
2-0 Oz
1-1 Crank
2-0 MC

4-3 vs Effort
3-4 vs Soo

They said Flash would not be successful in SC2 because it's a different game. lol he's doing it in less than a year

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October Results (13k) + Live Update by PanoRaMa, November 01

While I don't do monthly updates for my live career I thought this would be a good point to stop and discuss some things.

Hours: 89
Profit: $13195

The Break-up and Run Good Anti-Curse - A couple years ago when I broke up with my gf at the time, I was devastated but had a pretty amazing month. This month started out with me and the girl I'd been seeing for about 8 months splitting up. It was a little emotionally strange for me, and I instantly hit a 9k downswing, but I kept at it and ended up crushing the DS in like a week flat and kept going. So history has shown me that getting rid of girls = run good mania!

Semi-related, another thing I'd been practicing a lot of is meditation, essentially just learning how to be a happier human being and getting rid of my stresses, worries, jealousies, etc. It for sure was a really good way for me to get over my breakup very quickly and focus on playing awesome poker as soon as possible. I met someone while playing Live who owns two meditation schools and I kindled one of his books and thought it was fascinating and helped me tremendously. It's Noah Levine - Heart of the Revolution if anyone cares. It's taught me a lot about why we feel things like anger/sadness/regret etc. and has put into very relatable terms how one can easily dissolve these feelings when they arise.

Lastly, I will be moving on from Poker around February of 2013. I'm moving to San Francisco where I will be learning to code and hopefully be getting a junior developer position at some tech startup somewhere. I'll of course be still on LP and all that, but when I move it will essentially mark one complete year as a live pro. I guess at that time if people are interested I can do a Ask Me Anything about live play, which is something I think I've gotten really good at (not just strategy but table persona and stuff like that too) since I started in February this year.

So I have about 3 months left of grinding 5/10 live poker - hoping to just have it be as smooth as possible. GL everyone!

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LOL steven seagal by jvilla777, October 31

this guy is just LOL


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Paranormal Witness by Mortensen8, October 31

Anyone else watched this? I've only seen 2 episodes so far but I think it's quite interesting. I definitely recommend the Dybbuk box episode.

Pls watch more than 10 min before commenting about its bullshit.

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