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Done for the month; results by Siro, September 27

Been working on my game pretty hard the last few months and finally made myself play some higher stakes. It's nice to get some positive reinforcement for the hard work I've been putting in. Onwards and upwards!?

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Pretty insane! by jvilla777, September 27

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New Car... Need help choosing by Svenman87, September 27

Have a 45~50k budget

Looking for a sporty car that I can drive in the spring, summer, and fall... I'll keep my current car for winter driving and see how it goes. Something I can say 30 years from now, "Back in the day I had a ________. Man what I wouldn't do for those wheels back." or something else silly along those lines

What I'm looking at
Nissan 2013 370Z Coup - $31,820 - $43,074
- The reason why I like it is it seems like a modest sports car but it can kick some ass if it needs to

2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class - $40,703 - $64,905
- It's a Mercedes, and I do love me some Mercedes :3

2013 Ford Mustang - $22,445 - $57,659
-Lots of options and trims which is intriguing to me, as well as dat 'muscle'

Other cars I'm looking at
-BMW 1 & 3 Series
-Porsche Boxster & Cayman (just a bit out of my original price range but can stretch)

I've been reading a ton of reviews and gone on a few test drives, and $ for $ I am really liking the 370Z but I'd appreciate any input on all the cars listed, as well as others you think I should look at.

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HotS beta by failsafe, September 27

sup anyone ship me a swarm heart key?? ty, need free cuz poor. also i will rep lp at vegas

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where is tom? by mnj, September 27

How did he miss this?

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stars4paypal by k4ir0s, September 26


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Septemberr by Stroggoz, September 26

pretty solid month, i got rid of the deep games and started playing zoom. Took some 5/10 shots as well, but that didn't go too well. so i just went back to zoom nl500 and enjoyed not having to table select. next month i will have close to zero hands played as i'm going to Nepal and doing some trekking up the mountains.

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13miles/22km half-marathon by F4Zi, September 26

I'm raising money for Starlight by taking part in 2012 Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon. Please sponsor me at
I am trying to reach at least £500 and hopefully close to £1000. Only 11 days to go!!

Please help... the money will go to granting once in a lifetime wishes to children who are seriously or terminally ill.

Thank you!

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Thoughts by RiKD, September 25


You ever really vibin' w/ some cat and havin a good time? You wanna end the interaction w/ a nice "Hey man, I really enjoyed lunch. I'm really diggin your style. We should do this again some time. Until we meet again" and win the day w/ mutually exceptional hand shake?

Then he is sitting down or something and has to reach back kind of uncomfortably and the handshake is a little strange but you get it somewhat right but somewhat wrong but you are like oh shit man we fucked up the storybook ending handshake but I hope it's ok? Hopefully, we take care of business next time?

Good Sex and Transcendence:

Would I be writing this blog post or giving 2 shits about the above if I was breast fuckin some Kate Upton lookalike with moxy to match the mams? Tenacity to match the tits? Pizazz to match the premium pair?

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hipster music - i like this shit by whamm!, September 25

recommend others you know of. cant seem to outgrow music like this. im even hip to dubstep lol.


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Sunday n Monday by NeillyJQ, September 25


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help hm2 by Highcard, September 24

I attempted backing up hm2(6gig database) and since then my monitor went into sleep mode and I haven't been able to do anything with the comp since.

over 1 hour now.

Is the backup actually running and turns off all functions or what? My comp is still on and the HD light is blinking

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Moving back to Cali by NotSorry, September 24

Moving back to Cali in November to resume training with Team Quest full time and take my shot at going pro.

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RAILED by spets1, September 24

So anywhooooooo I got a job again. At the same company! But Im gettin a raise not too big
btw for those who dont know i havnt been working sine november 2011, 6 months ive been away in asia travelling, phils etc. Been back 3 months in sydney and finally able to get a job..... back at my old company- its a railway company(hence the title of this blog). But now its a better job, different project- i will be site engineer instead of office which was super boring. Lets hope this site works is fun. And also its signalling, which will pay heaaaaaaps once ive got few years experience.

The main thing is that its close to my house and only takes like 20 min drive to get there against the traffic. Not like 1 hr travels before which fucking drained me.

anywayz babes below.

any good?

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Super Memory by Silver_nz, September 24

I feel I should preface this with: "Nerding before birding"

So, after quitting poker (again) I'm looking to learn new skills in computer programming and language, and to support that I'm doing alot of study about memory, and memory techniques.
Flashcard software is allowing me to learn subjects really quickly, and retain the knowledge, and I want to talk about it.
Check it out:

The forgetting curve
We learn a new fact like "in mountaineering, the death zone refers to altitudes above 8000m" or "Japanese for vending machine is 'jidou han baishi'" Recall of a fact drops off sharply without repetition. So we make a flashcard for it, and repeat the exposure, then after the second viewing, recall drops off more slowly. and so on.

This pattern in human forgetting leads to the idea repeating the flashcard at just the right time. Too soon, and you have wasted a few valuable seconds on something you already recall, too late, and the memory pathway has eroded and it won't stick.
You might have heard that the best way to study your notes from a class is 2 hours after class, then 2 days after, then a week after that etc. This is how to get the material lodged in long term memory. doing a ton of repetitions at first learning won't make it stick in long term memory any better. Our minds need the space of time in between.

So this software called supermemo, basically keeps track of that time-spacing for each flashcard, and every evening I spend ~20minutes running through the repetitions it throws up. The flashcard question appears, I try to recall the answer as best I can, then I push 'show answer' and rate how easy it was to recall, from a rating of: bright, good, pass, fail, bad or null. This tells the program when to ask me about that flashcard again. It's actually quite entertaining to run through the days repetitions, because everything it throws up is just on the edge of recall, so its challenging. And if you are learning multiple subjects, you get alot of variation in questions. By letting the program manage what I cram, I gain alot of time to read new topics, adding key points to my supermemo library as new flashcards.

So basically this is super useful for learning anything, I'm currently using it to learn Japanese, SQL programming, Perl Programming, the mnemonic major system (might make another post about this) and some nice arguments I want to be able to remember from 'Fooled by Randomness'

Anyway, this is running a bit long, so let me end with a delicious quote from this article:
"The problem of forgetting might not torment us so much if we could only convince ourselves that remembering isn't important. Perhaps the things we learn — words, dates, formulas, historical and biographical details — don't really matter. Facts can be looked up. That's what the Internet is for. When it comes to learning, what really matters is how things fit together. We master the stories, the schemas, the frameworks, the paradigms.
The disadvantage of this comforting notion is that it's false. "The people who criticize memorization — how happy would they be to spell out every letter of every word they read?" asks Robert Bjork, chair of UCLA's psychology department and one of the most eminent memory researchers. After all, Bjork notes, children learn to read whole words through intense practice, and every time we enter a new field we become children again. "You can't escape memorization," he says. "There is an initial process of learning the names of things. That's a stage we all go through. It's all the more important to go through it rapidly." "

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god fukin damn it by Arirang, September 24

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Busted by Fayth, September 23

Sorry everyone, was down to 22bb, 3bet/called with AJ against some loose overaggro kid and ran into AQ

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WCOOP Recap by player999, September 23

It sucked, I played good I ran bad.

I shall play the rest of the BR out, if anyone wants to buy out this is the time, or else lets do it for basketball on the next sunday donkaments

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WCOOP ME by wobbly_au, September 23

401 out of 1533

29801 stack.

semi softish table i think~~ lotta nits.

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10k 8game rail/update by b97531, September 23

20k stack at 2nd break (coming 2nd). Very nice start - running hot. A bit annoyed that I've had 3 fish move away from my table but what can you do.

Do have 1 fish that's remained - one of my notes on him "min 4 bet called j7o for 50bb nlhe hu" :D

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