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offering coaching up to nl200 SH ,FR BSS and MSS by Darki, August 24

hi , im offering coach up to nl200 i already have 3 spanish speaking students and im looking for 3 more.

im offering coaching for NL200 and below because those are the limits that i have huge sample sizes with good winrates(a million hands in both nl100 and nl200)

here are my numbers :

and my last 900k hands on stars

also i can provide good references from my current students just pm me if you want them.

the rates are :

60$ x hour and 15 minutes for NL50 and below
80$ x hour and 15 minutes for NL100
135$ x hour and 15 minutes for NL200

the rates includes free hh's reviews and answering all your doubts from any topic you want

im very professional with my students i guarantee i will give you guys all my knowledge in a very easy to understand way you will be amazed how committed im with my students i really want them to improve btw i teach big stack strategy and multistack strategy for both FR and 6max.

if you are interested pm me good luck to everyone.

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5 buy-ins from break even! by Rinny, August 23

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cheap laptop? by bigredhoss, August 23

looking for some advice on what to get for a laptop, preferably something under $1k. it's mostly for school, i won't need it for gaming or anything. just something that's easy to carry around, has a good/functional keyboard, and won't be annoyingly slow with a few tabs open. i was thinking one of the 13" ultrabooks, macbook is a bit more than i want to spend though.

i've read some reviews on a couple sites but still feel like a fish, so any suggestions are appreciated.

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When to move up to NL25 by Cro)Deadman, August 23

currently playing NL10, got 600$, my style is a bit Lagish and I don't like being hit by variance so at what amount to move up, 700 or more?


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Swedes, stake opportunity! by Gumster, August 23

Done and done.

Tack för intresset

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Cuba? by ReDDcaFFe, August 23

Anyone from Cuba?I might be interested in going there.
I need some info so if you have some please share.

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So hot it Burns by spets1, August 22

new theory
so anyway everyone these days is scared of running out of resources under ground etc. its bad that we mine oil/gas/coal cos its bad for environment, co2, global warming, blah blah blah.
All that crap.

My new theory is that earth has come up with a way to save itself. Anyway, its thousands and millions of years that the oil/coal/gas takes to form underground. It's a one way road. What gets trapped under the earth doesnt come out.

So basically the earth becomes a bomb. Time-bomb. It's all good on top with trees n shit, oxygen, birds singing, people fuckin. But the Oil/gas/coal are trapped under the surface. Until some shit happens. Like an asteroid or tectonic plates movement or pole shift. Anyway this all “explosive” stuff gets unearthed. Right into the oxygen, and then KABOOM. It all lights on fire, explodes the fires basically last for years. This creates heaps of smoke, blocks the sun and ice ages starT! GG. Back to neanderthal living ways.

So the shit we doing now. Getting all the oil/gas/coal out is good so we can save ourselves and dont explode. Otherwise sooner or later some catalyst is gonna light it all up and humanity goes up in smokes. This is what happened to dinosaurs btw. They didnt use up the coal. Well too bad motherfuckers. Asteroid hits, all shit is on fire, possums win. Dinos are gone.

TLDR. BP pay me million bucks to develop this theory further thx.

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$12 Paypal for $10 Stars by fenner, August 21

edit: nvm, sorted

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halloween costume (drunk blog#?) by Svenman87, August 21

What do you guys think of my halloween costume?

pretty sure I'm going to wear it until it breaks - maybe this year I'll put deadmau5 ears on it. the equalizer shirt and rave gloves would go well with it fa sho

side note - i played some CS:GO drinking games with a few buddies, don't recommend it....

1.) since when does like 10 shots get me this drunk?
2.) CS:GO is random as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck - colt sucks, ak kinda sucks.... pump shotty best close range/mid range gun - awp still best far distance gun. encourages strafing and spray and pray - slightly annoying.
3.) Me > Asians at CS:GO

Also - want to play CS:GO? what's your steam info and lets play some drinking games motha fucka

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won 38k by tutz, August 21

just won the Brasilia Poker Fest, a local poker tournment in brasilia (capital of brazil) for R$38k (~19k usd).

246 entrants, buy-in R$1k (~500 usd).

ps: yes, I'm back to brazil

link with pics:

ship it.

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weekend grind by NeillyJQ, August 20


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betonline poker (US site) by LikeASet, August 19

any opinions? reviews? just wondering.

The site is claimed to be #1 in terms of fastest cashouts in the U.S. (2-4 days)

just bored, diablo 3 is dead, sc2 is zzz, bro has my xbox.


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betonline poker (US site) by LikeASet, August 19

any opinions? reviews? just wondering.

The site is claimed to be #1 in terms of fastest cashouts in the U.S. (2-4 days)

just bored, diablo 3 is dead, sc2 is zzz, bro has my xbox.


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Bluefire rules by DustySwedeDude, August 17

So I have a credit card. I don't like buying shit on credit but it's golden and looks cool. And I got it for free since I had a lot of money in the bank (and still have some of it left! Yea! Go me!). The bank wanted me to do various crap with my money but everything they suggested seemed like it'd be a great freeroll for them and fairly crappy for me so that card was pretty much the only thing I got after having a meeting with my "Personal bank contact" or whatever the hell they call it. Anyway, I figured that a golden card should attract chicks. That was the plus side. The minus was that I was, and still is, in a committed relationship. Whatever, maybe I could get sex more often, right?

Anyway, turns out the damn thing is useful for something. My regular card did not work with bluefire poker so I just used this card to sign up since my man crush on Galfond could not be cooled down by anything less. So basically the only thing on my credit card bill each month was like 29 US or something for my bluefire subscription. Today I got another one and it struck me as odd that I still gave them money every month despite not really be able to remember that I ever renewed that thing.

So I sent an E-mail and asked them.

They replied that "oops, we've been taking zee monies for 4 months without giving you anything for it... Can't pay it all back due to anti fraud regulations and crap, do you want a free 6 month subscription?" I did want one. I'm happy with that deal. They replied really fast too so I just wanted to state that I like how they handle things. Also, now I can finally cancel my golden card and only use it to have something to flash in my valet.

Other then that poker is going ok. Unibet has turned on the ethernal doomswitch and I keep turning top2 + flushdraws 150bb deep vs bot set and losing every damn time. Up a ton on stars though, despite running below equity. I think something like 14k+ plus a bunch of points. Not bad for someone who played PLO50 a couple of months ago.

Did BJJ today. Felt tired as crap but pulled through due to "tired Dusty stubbornness". I'm probably the most boring grappler in the world when I'm tired. My gameplan when tired is something like:

If on my back: Go to rubberguard. Find out I'm not having shit for angles. Remember that I'm limber as fuck and go for (and mostly fail) omoplatas anyway.

If on top: Put lots of weight on top and hope it's uncomfortable. Wait until they fuck up. Go for, and mess up due to being slow as hell, armbars and try to get into full guard when they turn shit around. See "If on my back".

When I'm not half dead I'm not doing stupid rubber guard shit, but my top game sucks anyway. I seriously managed to miss enough armbars from month that I'm fairly sure I have a higher success rate just going for mounted gogoplatas, and that sure as hell ain't a solid "go-to-move". I have a hard time thinking I'll ever be more then a halfway decent grappler, but it's fun as hell.

One of the people I roll a lot with is a girl who's a 60kg purple belt. I'm about 100kg. I should probably weight like 85 if I was in good shape, but it's still a big weight difference. She still owns me for the most part due to her being really, really good. She lost the finals of the Swedish championships in submission grappling last year to some girl who went on to survive for something like 7 minutes against Kyra Gracie in adcc later that year. Anyway, she's in the hospital now due to running around at work with a pencil in her mouth(!). Dunno what the f happened but apparently they need to sedate her to fix her mouth or something, so that's kind of weird and I hope everything turns out well for her. While she looks like a monster she's actually really nice.

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Debut at poker by Sacr3D, August 17

I started poker back in 2009. I didn't have a lot of money so I kept depositing 50$ to try and grind it up all the way to major money. I didn't have the patience to do NL2 because I thought the money was too low. I eventually played a bit of SNGs and saw that I was winning more than 50% of them so I kept playing and made a few hundred of dollars.

At some point I played a SNG triple shootout tournament and won about 350$ which gave me lots of confidence and helped me out switch to cash games and do NL10. Again I somehow managed to grind until NL100 but thats where I started to lose. Problem is though I had major poker leaks especially since I had no job at the time and that 2000$ I made from poker was the only money I had. Made me tilt and I started ignoring my BR management and eventually went busto. I did learn a lot since I played like 300 000 hands in a year. The moral of the story was to not play poker when you don't have a freaking job.

I stopped playing since then but I went to Vegas this last month mainly for partying. Of course as any poker player here there's no way you wouldn't try to play poker there, So I did. It was my first time playing live poker and even though I lost 200$ at the Venetian (Didn't want to play more than that) I found it extremely fun. A lot also happened since 2009, I'm now wiser and have a good paying job. So I decided to give it a second shot at poker.

I deposited 200$ only and start grinding at NL10 and see what I can do. So far so good. I unfortunately don't have a lot of time to play so for now my BR is going up slowly. Here's my graph:

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WCOOP Stake! by player999, August 17

Starting my WCOOP 2012 stake. It's gonna be a make up system of 65% investor/35% player, the total is 100 shares of $400, the total of WCOOP buy ins is around $20.5k, WCOOP 2nd chance buy ins for around 7.8k and the rest of the stake money (total $40k) to be spent on regular scheduled tourneys (mainly $109s/$215s), decreasing the variance of the big WCOOP fields. Obviously I won't be able to play some of the planned tourneys, with the eventual missed tourney having its BI returned to the stake BR and spent on regular scheduled tourneys.

5% - $2000
2.5% - $1000
1% - $400
0.5% - $200

History: I have 38% ROI in MTTs according to sharkscope and solid HUsng results for almost 70k games. I have made similar stakes on SCOOP 2011 (+105% ROI ), WCOOP 2011 (+71% ROI ) and SCOOP 2012 (-71% ROI). I also have live MTT results, some tracked here (2 BSOP Event wins).

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LOCKPOKER FFUUUUUUUUUUUU by jvilla777, August 17

Lock poker cash outs.. thoughts?

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SCOOP Stake End by player999, August 17

So after a +105% ROI SCOOP 2011, and +70% ROI WCOOP 2011, my third stake comes to an end at -71% ROI. Even though I didn't have to, I did try to recover after the SCOOP end, willingly playing over 20k deep in make up, and did win a little.

I feel like I played a lot better than the other ones, despite the results, sadly MTTs are just about getting the big score, 20 deep runs are worth less than 1 1st place. I did get deep runs on every single Sunday Major (ironically except the 215 HU ), just couldn't take any of them down. Final results:

Finishing it right now since I will be unable to play in the next 2 weeks, and after that the WCOOP starts, and so I will be starting the WCOOP Stake. It will be in the same format as this one, I'll make a detailed post tomorrow, but quick details are below. Each $250 piece on this one ended up worth $72.45, everyone who had action can PM or post here the ID for it to be shipped, or you can reserve action for the WCOOP instead and send the difference. Here's hoping we run better this time around

WCOOP 2012
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Life, Job, House - Random Updates by Svenman87, August 15

Hey LP ^_^

Hope all is well

A few major changes coming up for me in the near future but first I'll update you on the house situation, ended up appraising for about 10k below what I offered, I didn't want to pay and the sellers didn't want to budge so the deal ended up falling through. Oh wellz, I ended up getting a place with my buddy close to downtown (minneapolis) that we'll rent for a year or so then re-evaluate the housing market (was slightly pissed at my realtor and how he handled the situation but oh wellz, will work with someone else next time that will want to work for their client not vice versa.)

Starting a new job within the bank at the beginning of next month, will be pretty sweet 2:30-11 is the hours I'll be working so it'll be pretty baller, work downtown, stay out downtown, get drunk downtown, sleep in and go to work with no problem...

Also recently started up my own business which is going very well so far, looking to hire a FT employee maybe in the coming months since I'll be tied up in the afternoons and evenings now with the new position. Hopefully in a few years I can really take off, but the extra income is always very... very nice xD

Anyways I hope all is well - oh also I'll be going to UFC on FX 5 in October - UFC coming to Minneapolis, going to get baller seats with a few buddies - so be on the lookout in a couple of months for some sick UFC pics.

Peace ^_^

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Epic Music. by nolan, August 14

Lately I've been on an epic music kick. I came across this song recently and I think it's fucking baller.

Does anyone listen to shit similar to this? Any links or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Gotta listen to the whole song to get the effect! The end is sickkk and the buildup is great.

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