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Buying Merge Money by exalted, July 12

Would like to put my USA bank funds to good use! I will give you Paypal for your Merge at .86, you send first.

I am reputable and am active both on LP and as a player on Merge. PM if interested!

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Anyone from Iceland? by nolan, July 12

Hey there,

I recall a few LP'ers from Iceland from back in the day. If anyone from Iceland is around and could PM me or leave a comment I'd appreciate it. Planning a holiday and was just looking for some quick advice if possible!



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Day 67 by NeillyJQ, July 12

Hey LP,


Life Stuff

Got moved into my place today, very comfortable furnished place, gonna get back OTG today, using my mobile hotspot til I get dsl installed up here or w/e

Turned a really nice chair into a super awesome grind chair, gonna see how comfy that is for a few days b4 deciding if I'm gonna buy another computer chair. Just tend to move so much and get like 50% back on them if anything, gets annoying -_-

Going to pick and choose the good mtts on hero and lock today;

Very happy being back home, enjoying life, now have a place to grind full-time, had a deal w/ my backer when I won 20k he'd loan me 3k for a car, so I am getting a car in a week or so. Idk how decent of a ride I can get for about 2600 before taxes etc, hopefully something thats not terrible.

Going to travel the live MTT circuit in the northeast USA and take a few random trips out to LV (venetian deepstack month comin up again, might go there) - Plan on being here 1-12 months or mb forever who knows, think 1-2 more traveling online poker trips would be good itlr though, lets see how things go first though;

Aussie Trip? !

Talked to mah boss man, told him if he can get 3 other very good tournament players "Rent Out a Sick house for us for 3 months and let us monsters turn into millionares" - Hes in Aussie,talking bout getting 3 other sick aussie mtters that he backs (he has a ton of l33t players) - imo these experiences are like hyperbolic time chanbers, i've done it a few times in the past, and each time, the time goes super fcking fast and u learn so fcking much and always come out so much better of a player its ridiculous. This time, lookin to do this with 3 other pure MTTers.

He promtly said "ill think about it which was swaying to a pretty fast call"

I told him anytime before 2013, really enjoying hero lock and usa life right now,but im sure in a few months i'll get itchy to go do something again, that should be tits and mb just mb can take me to lvl and beyondddddd (earth fire wind etc!)

US MTT grind/schedule

so ya gonna check out the lobbies, think I start at 3 here, but maybe enough good MTT's to start at 1.

Schedules really unbalanced on the sites, literally nothing inmorning (hard keeping 4-6 (ok) mtts up ($5+) then midday hits and u get 10 mtts popping up per hour

Still love it though, just lets us sleep in
So thats whats goin on with me;

MU was 31k upon arrival (was getting 2/1 loans forever)
2/1 fixed now and its going down really freakin fast with some solid results on hero and lock
Currently at 11k MU - 1 solid bink away or a nice week one time

I moved into new place n getting a whip to travel the live mtt circuit as much as possible (up to 1ks, mostly 100-500s tho, I'll join ne of em)

Thinking of the best work schedule, seems when I take days off its way more +EV and balances my life a lot more, thinking 4 sick 13-19 hour sessions a week instead of 6 15 hr sessions...lmk wut you think;

When I clear mu and get the rest of mah debt paid I'm takin a trip to asia for like 3 months 2 life -_- been outa Taiwan sooo long, just no other livin like Taipei livin imo


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One... I mean THREE times! by NewbSaibot, July 11

Back on the job hunt, working for banks sucks lol. I used to work for a small company of 40 people which I loved, but the recession hit them too hard and as a result I suffered a 30% paycut for 4 years. I eventually had to quit and move on. I then got a gig at a local university, which was super cool at first, but quickly got boring with nothing to do, to the point they started asking me to help out with unrelated shit like assisting in the library and stuff. I have a lot of pride and felt insulted they would ask me to do something so trivial, so I quit and got another job at a local bank. At first it was great. Good benefits, good hours, good location, etc. But then 2 of our team members quit and the amount of work thrusted upon us has become insurmountable. I asked for a raise and they basically gave me the whole "we'll think about it hehe" routine. Other employee's have told me it is standard practice here for them to call your bluff 100% of the time, so you really have to put in your 2 weeks notice before they'll even consider your request. So I nailed an interview last week and they called me back for another one next week. Pretty sure I've got this one in the bag unless I get outclassed by an even better candidate, or they're simply not willing to meet my pay demands. But I'm to the point where I'd take a small pay cut just to get out of my current situation because I hate my job so much (I'm a computer technician by the way), and this job is literally 2 blocks from where I live so I could walk/bike to work every day. Aside from recovering my pay cut through gas savings, the luxury of working so close to home, and the relaxed environment of this company make up for most of the deficiencies in pay in my opinion.

So I'd ask to run good one time, but since I've recently ran gun twice already, I guess I'll ask for "THREE TIMES!!!11 (queue Hevad's voice)".

One area I'm definitely not running good in, and thats PLO lol. I dont know the first thing about this game, but it's still been fun trying to learn it. I think I've cut my loss rate from -50BB/100 to -15BB/100. Still trying to learn preflop fundamentals, namely which hand ranges I should be playing. I'll be tightening up to TT+/NFD's from now on. Connecting cards will still be counted but I guess I'll disregard their suit, since my goal is to only play for nut flush draws when I have one. I'm getting better at folding 2 pair and bottom set, at least to consecutive pot bets. Looking forward to MiPwnYa's PLO vid. I have avoided studying the game but I think I'm ready to get a little help here and there without completely following someone elses script.

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Finally!! by jvilla777, July 11

Finally finished moving to my new unit, 2 min walk from the beach and finally got the internet hooked up after a week of waiting, but today ill grind on LOCK.

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Greece (pics), June + July results, Music etc. by Gumster, July 11

So a lot has happened since my last blogpost. Lets start with poker results June n July, then round of with some happier vacation and personal shit.


(June) I barely met any of my poker goals, I only played 25k hands and only made 4500SEK (~€470) profit. Luckily, I went to the casino a couple of times (4-5 sessions I think) in Stockholm and made 8500 SEK there, so pokerwise my month ended up being pretty sweet. Pic or didnt happen etc:

(July) Soooooooooooo how about July? Well, 2 things. 1. FUCK. 2. JULY. Playing pretty good, and the volume is decent as well. The beats just won't stop coming. The problem is that I really need to be saving up money atm, and it sucks having to play with any kind of pressure. But fuck it, I'll be fine, cuz I'm good at this game and I just need to play more. Pics or fuck me:

As you can see I've been playing some 2/4SEK which is a piece of cake for me tbh. I'll be a winner there in no time. Just gotta run goot.


I went to Greece (an island called Crete) and it was also sweet. I was mostly with my gf, but her mother and little brother were there as well so we kinda lived off them some which was nice. The greeks are REALLY nice and helpful and in all the trip was a delight. Though some assholes broke in to our car which kinda sucked. Actually it REALLY sucked for everybody but me who only lost a pair of shoes (they were sweet shoes tbh ). We were about to find another hotell and we had rented a car in which we stored all our stuff. So we go down to the beach (parked the car not far from there) and when we get back they simply broke the lock (looked like anyone could do it... which makes me think the ppl who rented us the car should somewhat be held responsible? oh well...).In all we lost 2 iphones, a laptop, like €1000 in cash and lots of clothes. And my shoes . It's bad PR for Greece if I let this be the end of my trip report, so here are some awesome picture of us scuba diving which was fantastic:

My GF's mother and her instructor

Me (STRONK!!!!) and my instructor

Me, again

My GF's Mom, Little brother, GF, Me

Me, yet again, this time chillen unda da wata

Last thing about greece: GO THERE. Awesome weather, beautiful women, lots of nature and cultural shit to see. Plus they really need it now with the crisis, which means you can bargain on a lot of stuff (I love bartering, if I was a fallout 2 character I'd have fucking 200% baby).

That's it. Here's some sweet ass tunes for your sorry asses! Cya around

Hip-hop, Kendrick Lamar feat Dr Dre:

Soul, Marvin Gaye:

Rock, Jimi Hendrix:

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Motivated by helping others? by LemOn[5thF], July 10

This never occured to me. . .Be it in poker, as a goalkeeper, admin,baker or in my academic career I always was motivated by things I do for myself... and it was never strong enough.

It's impossible to do in poker, no teams, you play against others, it's a zero sum game. . .

But it occured to me now. I am in direct sales. My manager is the best one I ever had. He's 32 and has been in the business for 12 odd years, he never stopped believing in me and no matter how shit my results are he always reminds me of the positives in me and really gets the best out of me. But he had a bad streak of luck, where his recruits were lazy, left early or his whole division of products got scrapped and he had to start from the bottom again completely.

He's got very refined monetary goals, where I just don't give a fuck because of poker thought me. . . money doesn't matter it's just a number, it's the happiness and self respect/self esteem that is the only commodity worth pursuing, I'm very detached from the real world value of it. But that left me without a strong motivator in a job where everyone is driven by money and everybody's goal is to have a 20 strong office and make $10k per week and so today when I got pissed with some of the veterans it hit me. . .if I can't find my own goals I just make one to selflessly help my manager to get where he wants to be. I will do my best in terms of my results and motivate the lazy fuckers in his team including myself because that's one thing I believe I am a bit better positioned to do that he is because he is always so nice to everyone.

Just imagine it . . . you work 100% to help the person that supported you in the bad times and put time and money into you and got you to where you are, and as a side effect you get both awesome money but also a truckload of motivation you just can't generate yourself for your own goals. It's that element I miss in poker a bit but that seems to be so obvious in a team environment with a person I respect that became my friend

What do you thing guys?

/drunken rant over

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Quick Q, Hotels in London by Balzamon, July 10

I may be dropping by London next week for a day or two (probably monday-wednesday). Any tips for any medium prized hotels i can stay at? I really just need a bed actually, dont have to be luxurious at all, but i want it to be pretty central and not complete trash.

Next week should be before the price bomb at the Olympic Games right?

Also tips on what i could do in London? (going alone, main plain is going to amsterdam with some friends but i dont feel like going straight home after that so thats why i wanna drop by London or something) Mainly going to check out Brittish Museum and stuff like that, i also wanted to eat at a Ramsey place sometime =)


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Fuck yeah. by TheHuHu3, July 10

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alien prob bet by tutz, July 09


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First Losing Session by collegesucks, July 09

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Day 66 - Sunday by NeillyJQ, July 09

Grinded hero and lock today - did really well and got 5th in the 530 for 5750 and 7th in the 109 25k for another 1k

had 45k in the lock 530 (was crushin) 4 hours in and they shut down the mtt most likely cuz it was very short of the overlay.

not a bad day at all

like havin both sites, thats for sure, hopefully I can finish off a 530 one day

todays hand kinda set up - but lil betsizing tell I shoulda picked up on and saved my stack, guy was batshit insane 38/35/20%3bet over large sample though, sb was a super nit - otb 20bb A8 v bb superlag 3better when im opening just about any two.....

wish i just folded though

Two chances to KO that super lag- one for a 1.2m cl at the ft (AK v QQ) with 2nd stack woulda been 250k and tons of 100k stacks

Just not meant to be tonite =[ Mb I should fold there to preserve ICM, idk I play for first and put him on like 70% bluffrange

next time!

not a bad day all in all,
maybe a major first sometime soon? I hope so.

Should have more hours grinded durin the week now,
3 days played - pretty solid so far


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Started live poker by dnagardi, July 08

well long time no blog

I havent really been playing poker consistently ever since FTP took my roll (live howard)

I was a slight winner at NL200 6max and after black friday I went to paradisepoker but I had to play NL50 coz I didnt have the bankroll for higher limits. I kinda lost motivation to regrind also the software tilted the shit out of me (no autorebuy?? you serial?). So I was playing there a few months, won a bit then stopped online poker.

I must say life is so much more happier and balanced when u dont have to force yourself to put in the grind, you dont have that depressing feeling in the morning because of the buyins lost last night. I could properly concentrate on university and myself.
But hey, we need that fucking money and since poker is much more easier and profitable than the regular student job that I could get here in Hungary I started playing live poker.

first of all, its outrageous how bad these guys are. There are some tighter ones but they are still pretty much clueless. Lot of people are not even here to win money. The diversities of the personalities are fun to observe. Everything is just so different from online. So far i put in 30 hours and considering that we play 20 hands/hour I got about 220bb/100 which is sick. Now i got all kind of questions to you live players.

Could 200bb/100 be normal for 1$/2$ live or its just a huge upswing?

I've heard that a guy like me got banned from another room because he was a constant winner. Could that really happen? I mean should I just deliberately make stupid moves and loud scenes to assimilate into the fish?

How do you prepare your minds for all the bullshit chat that goes on for hours? It honestly numbs me. I feel if I were to listen to music it would look really disrespectful also I would miss a lot of info.

Well thats all that comes into my mind now, feel free to add anything considering live poker (your experiences when you started?)
I appriciate all your comments

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Music Recommendations? by LemOn[5thF], July 08

I like trance, hip hop (old school), etc. what albums would you recommend for me guys?

Btw, for a small update: love my new job, pretty much a surveyor for insulation/later going to turn into green deal advisor for grants for boilers/solar panels and home efficiency etc. New people are all around 20 which makes it more fun, and my managers are 30++ unlike my last office where mu MD was 26 -,-

My off on chick is gone now, I'm studying picking up girls psychology and communication to get a new one, it's all about the law of averages imo

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songs by julep, July 07

written a couple of songs

check them at

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My Puppy Died, RIP Constantine Speed by NotSorry, July 06

We only had him for a little over 3 weeks, he was totally super fucking awesome and so goddamn cute. We named him Constantine the Conqueror. When we got him he had worms, took him to the vet just for a check up, sure no big deal just go pick up 3 pills that will clean his system out. Holy shit I've never seen so many worms in my life the first day, only a few left on the 2nd treatment and when the 3rd treatment came out clean we all figured he was good to go. One minute he's happy and jumping around playing with the kids then he just fell over stopped breathing and his heart was racing like a crazy, a bit of blood started coming out of the side of his mouth and nose, so we raced him to the vet they gave him a few shots and he woke back up shortly, the vet told us he had a rare type of hook worm that the normal deworming pills don't clear up....ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, FUCKING DEWORMING PILLS THAT DON'T FUCKING WORK ON GETTING RID OF WORMS!!!! He died a few moments later only 11 weeks old. I still wake up craddling the spot on the bed where he used to sleep, I still look under my desk before rolling my chair in to make sure I don't run over his paws...I miss the little guy he had such an amazing personality that you couldn't possibly replace.

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Guy has balls by Oly, July 06

Very small ones.

My girlfriend just got a message from an unknown number. See results here:

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I was obsing a high stakes table and i saw this by Rinny, July 06

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does anyone here play on, i really wanna play their micro million but its so hard to fund to fund this site from canada, they want a european bank account detail and other european shit i dnt have.
so if any one play on fr and wud wana help me and we work out a deal, i send u 100euro on stars ans u send me 95 on fr, plz or if u want a better deal PM id consider. im kaab13 on stars


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Day 65 - Hero Day #2 by NeillyJQ, July 06

Another fun day at Hero, got up early and played a full schedule til the nighttime goodies, stopped reggin @ the highroller or w/e

got 4th in a 55rebuy, 2.6k UT was kinda sick
got 1st in 11rebuy for $1088
got 1st in the $109 second chance (5k start stack - can addon to 10k start for $209) for 2800

finished up 2800ish

heros pretty sweet

got money on lock today, gonna be great to be able to have full sessions going sooner, on hero poker it seems theres not many mtts going til like 3pm unless u run hot as hell in the mornin -_-

Going to be playing about 75% Hero/25% lock according to the MTT's - Hero just added a few great ones, def leading the pack for us in the US right now

ne ways - 2 tablin 4tw'z - won those both within 30 mins apart

feel good gonna get some sleep,

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