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Macau Tips by tutz, April 20

Gonna be heading to Macau in a few hours for a short fun trip. Any tips on what to do, best clubs, casinos, restaurants?

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I need to delete this blog for now by whamm!, April 20

Hello my dear,

Can we become friends? I am miss Gabriella by name, a young fair and romantic girl,nice looking and easy going, I became interested in you after i found your profile in this website while browsing , I am proposing you for a long-term relationship,reply me here ( ) if you are interested. I will disclose my photos and other details about me in my next mail as soon as i hear from you.


lol wtf srsly

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Day 7 by NeillyJQ, April 18

Respect is earned, not given.

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[Q] Wireless connections by gawdawaful, April 18

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Two Car Living? by thewh00sel, April 18

Well, I sort of came to a compromise with Mrs. wh00sel on the one-car situation. She wanted a second car, but agreed to have two affordable cars instead of two expensive ones. So I saw the opportunity to replace her SUV with an economical 5-speed that fits more than enough cargo for our family.

Phase One
Enter: 2009 Honda Fit
Price: 13,000 (14.5 after taxes/registration)
The problem was that she didn't know how to drive a manual. This car, though is probably the easiest manual I've ever driven. First gear may as well be "D" on an auto, because you have to try pretty hard or be on a pretty steep hill to risk a stall-out, even for a noob. After about an hour of total practice, spread across a few days I'd say she is proficient enough to commute with it, although she still wants more practice before committing to using it as her daily driver. I presume that in a week's time she will be driving it daily without issue.

For you car enthusiasts out there, it's actually pretty fun at the limit too. Although the 2009 isn't as raw as the 2008 and earlier models, on-ramps can still be a pleasurable experience in this econobox.

Phase Two
Ditch the SUV
Self-explanatory, but if I can get it done in the next month before another payment is due on it this will just be a delayed-trade-in for the Fit with no out-of-pocket expenses, and actually a small short-term profit since the SUV is worth more than we owe. Another benefit is that if the car sells before I have to register the new one (30 days) then I get the remaining prorated value of the registration of the SUV to go toward the new registration.

Phase Three

Phase Four
If we get a second car as planned before the summer then it will probably be some 3-4k beater that gets the job done in emergencies and we can throw down cash for, although I would still rather just have one vehicle, we'll see what happens. As far as actual profit gained by switching to the Fit for our primary vehicle, we will save whatever the difference is in profit from the Santa Fe's sale, plus about 30% (conservative estimate) in gas. Given that we spend about $400 in gas per month, that amounts to $1440 in yearly savings from the switch, not to mention a more reliable car with lower cost of ownership. I also recently got a credit card that gives 5% back on gas so that should make me 150-200 per year in free money.

Next down student loans before interest starts in about a year. Next write-up will be about how much we owe on those (I really don't know bc Mrs. Wh00sel handles those, I would guess around 40k *puke* when all is said and done) and if it's worth it to start firing money at it now, or build the roll, so I'll break that shit down soon. I know you're excited, but don't break your F5 key off waiting!


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the akinator by bigredhoss, April 17

apparently this is old but i just found out about it today and i think it's pretty sweet: if you haven't seen it, it's basically a genie who reads your mind... i've been playing for the last hour, only stumped him once.

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SCOOP ACTION! by tutz, April 17


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SCOOP % by player999, April 17

*** SOLD OUT *** --- will ask for it to be sent until may 1st, so I can give room for the waiting list in case someone gives up

*total shares was 120 of $250 each making 30k total, since tutz pointed out that I did the schedule basing on Pokerstars' first release, so I had a few of the tourneys wrong on my initial schedule

+ Show Spoiler +

GL to us, lets bring the golden watch this time!



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sc2 mlg by mnj, April 17

jk nm

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Blogging again, forreal this time? by WilsWils, April 16

Sup LP!

Reading through my last 3 blog posts are about as embarrassing as it gets. I'm preeeetty sure I wasn't in a good place at the time lol, man those cry baby posts were the worst. I want to say a quick thanks to those who sent me nice / confidence building PM's during that time, it was pretty awesome of you guys!

So anyway, life has changed quite a bit here for me. I went to vegas, did well, but never really played online. I ended up dumping about what was left of the majority of my leftover poker BR (something like ~7k) into student loans, and leaving myself about to grind a BR again @ nl100. It's going pretty decently, and now that I'm basically done school (just finals left) a blog will help motivate me to keep playing / posting updates - I'll be trying to do weekly updates, while playing a decent amount of hands.

Let's see how this goes?



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Live MTT update by Drakk, April 16

Hello again LP,
I got there friday night, spent the night in the casino's hotel. To my surprise, they gave me a bed with 2x double bed, which was nice! I don't remember the last time I've slept in an hotel, so the luxurious huge shower and bath were really nice, so I had to take my first bath in about 10 or so years lol.

The next morning, I went for an early swim in the pool, where i hurt myself pretty fucking badly. (i didnt follow player999's tip of "Don't do anything stupid")

Anyways, after fixing my face and bloodied fingers, I went to the registration for the MTT. Every table had a "celebrity" assigned to it. Ours was Michel Therrien.(ex-hockey coach for the Pens and the Canadiens) Levels were going pretty fast. We started with 200bb, and blinds would double every 30 minutes until lvl 4, where it got to something like 300/600/25, then 400/800/75.

I was winning my fair share of pots in the early game, but right before the dinner break, I played a hand like this:

500/100 blinds
I have 99
seat 1/2/3 fold, Michel Therrien limps, I raise 3x (I thought it was folded to me because he didnt play very many hands)
rest of the table folds, Therrien calls. I cover him, and theres a bounty on his head. 90~/150 players left.
Flop comes: QT8r
He checks, I bet 4k, he tell's me "good luck", and shoves 6.5k total. (I immediately thought... fuck i shouldnt have bet more than 3k)

I folded there, because i was 100% drawing, thinking i had 4 outs and it probably wasnt worth it even considering the added value of 500$ if i won the pot.

He got super surprised that I folded, and showed QT for top 2 pairs.

Well we then went to the dinner break, I was super short stack at this point, and just played the short stack for the rest of the tournament really.

My lowest point was having 2200 on my BB, at 800/1600/300 (numbers sound wrong but it was close enough to that) and won 32o vs AJo, with about 70 ppl left, top 20 paid.

I hung on there until I openshoved bvb 5bb with q4o, got called by kqo, and lost 13th, for 693$

O well, I had a good time on there, but the blinds went up so fast so quick. After 3 hours there was half the field gone.

TLDR: 13/150 for 700$

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Cancer Cure Documentary by D_smart_S, April 16

The following documentary talks about Antineoplastins and how they can have a very good cure rate in brain tumours which are one of the most fatal. These pills are synthesized aminoacids and other stuff and the guy who introduced them to the market has been put on trial by the FDA 6 times and found innocent all 6 times. The paradox is that the FDA has approved him already lol. The documentary is extremely well made and researched and they show moments of the court cases, interviews, the science involved, documented cases. They even show many of the patients giving testimonies in court. And even though there is a huge amount of documents and proof in this documentary, it's not a slow one, it's very well directed and a masterpiece. It really shows how corrupted FDA is and what the medical establishment is all about. After all, 50 billions profit per year from the cancer industry is too much to give away. If you want proof - watch it and tell me what you think. The beginning is very powerful. A father who had a babygirl with a braintumor put her on chemo and radiation and after that had to put gloves when changing her diapers because the urine was extremely toxic and radioactive. Then they found this guy's cure. Sick shit, watch it!

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Standard 400k upswing by Joeingram1, April 16

I have a long blog in my head that needs to be written including a bunch of hands I've recently played, got in a 6way all in pre for 91k pot at 50/1 yesterday (did not win). Followed that up with a 70k day today though and broke the 400k mark for the year. Seems standard enough.... Everytime I sit down to write something or make a video blog my mind goes blank and nothing comes out

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Day 6 by NeillyJQ, April 16

Live by the universal law.

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other places to watch sc2? by mnj, April 15


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other places to watch sc2? by mnj, April 15


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First shot at 5/10 live by basementkid, April 15

So my gf had to work all day saturday and I thought that it would be a great time to go up and play some poker. My local casino is about 45 minutes away sometimes less depending on the traffic. I usually play 3/5 nl here with a max buyin of $500 and a max bet of $500 due to washington state law, but when I arrived I saw 1 guy that I was pretty sure was a fish waiting to get into the 5/10 game. Since the game was about to start I said aww fuck it Ill try a buyin of 1k and give it a go. I was willing to lose this plus maybe another bullet.

The game started 7 handed. There was at least 1 "live pro" at the table and more like 1.5, the second guy being a person who supplements his income a lot from poker. The other guys all knew each other and talked like they played all the time so they were regs. I definitely didnt assume that they were all good just because they were regs so I took my time to figure it out.

After about 30 minutes of feeling out the table there was 2 soft spots. 1 guy who was in for 2500 was a recreational guy that loved to suck out on people with gut shots etc, and another short stacker that only bought it for 500. I had raised about 3 times within 4 hands before this first big hand happened. I decided to mix it up and limp ak suited under the gun. It got folded around to the blinds completed and checked to the flop. V1 was the short stacker in the small blind and v2 was the big blind and he was a guy that seemed pretty solid but didnt like to be pushed around. He had played back at a few guys by check raising continuation and calling down with middle pair. Flop was K58 two hearts. V1 checks, V2 bets 35. I raise to $80 V1 calls and V2 makes it $180. Right here I almost thought about folding but I had under repped my hand super hard it just didnt look like ak. He could have a k here easily. He also could have a set, or even a hand like 58. Hero calls $180 and V1 calls also leaving only $300 behind for me. I was pretty sure at this point the guy had a hand like 67 or a flush draw. Turn is A. V1 checks V2 bets $300. The only hand that i am loosing to now is 55 and 88. It seemed like a tough spot because usually live players dont play a naked king this hard nor 58 even, just usually sets. I was super confused. I thought about it for a while and decided that I have some fold equity if he had a combo draw, because I was not going to fold for my last $500. I ended up shipping over the top. V1 called and V2 called. River was a J. V1 insta-mucked saying he missed and v2 said he had a king. I turned over my hand and he mucked. Thoughts? Should I have played it safe and just mucked the flop or the turn here.

I won another pretty good hand later where two guys called my 3 bet to $100 pre when I had KK. flop was q94 two clubs. I bet 180 and they both called. The turn was a 9 which didnt seem like it hit either of them the way the action was pre. I didnt have the king of clubs either. I led for $400 and V1 called and v2 mucked. V1 called for a club. The river was a the K of clubs. I thought for a minute and bet $500 which is the max bet and he reluctantly called saying i must have kings. Pretty good read but then why did he call? lol.

Final big hand of the night I had aces under the gun. I raised to $35. This guy who I had marked as a spot above, the guy who liked to call a lot with gutters and bad draws, min raises to 65. He loves this for some reason, the click back 3 bet. Everyone folds and its back to me and I know he wont fold for anything reasonable so I make it $160 to go. He knows that I am capable of running a bluff because I had to show down a hand 2 hands earlier that was KJ high after a guy called the river with an underpair to the board and had commented on it "nice try young man". Anyways the flop comes 447R. I bet $200 and he thinks and calls. The turn is a J bringing a possible flush draw. I picked up that he wasnt going to raise. He had a stack of 25's in his hand like he was ready to call. Maybe it is just something about live but it seemed like he didnt have jacks here. Maybe im crazy. I bet $400 and he counts it out and calls. The river comes a K. He immediately looks down at his chips to see how much he has. Seems like a bad sign. Kings in this spot would make some sense, but he is pretty aggressive so why didnt he raise the flop or the turn? Im still searching to find a hand that he would play this way and only 10's really came to mind. The other hand was kk that he was trying to get tricky with. I checked the river, know that I could have to bet fold if he raised. He announces same bet and bets $400. Only hands i lose to here are kk and jj. i dont think he has 7s ever but i guess its possible the way he played it. It just seemed a lot like 10's or 9's. But that means he put me on ak the whole way to call and then i hit a king it didnt seem to make sense. I ended up making the crying call because the pot was pretty big and he turned over ak and i raked the pot. Anyone have some advice on this hand? Seems like anywhere else the hand might be different but because of the max $500 bet in washington Its almost an auto call on the river. Its 400 to win almost $2000.

I ended the session up 3.3k which was an awesome score. The game changed a lot and looked like it was going to break when lots of the players moved over to the 5/10/25 PLO game. Its nice to reaffirm my trip to vegas wasnt a fluke and Im not just running good I seem to be playing decently well also.

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cheating at nlhe by mnj, April 15

Got back from Korea after some family issues, started playing live poker again. I was taking a shot at 5/10 and it was late like 4 am. As I went to go cash out, I overheard a few phrases from 2 regs like "splitting profits", "signaling". I don't have any concrete proof that they are cheating/colluding, but I was wondering what were some common ways for people to cheat at nlhe.

I've been thinking about it alot lately, and I dont think it's all that great to leverage 2 stacks to split 1 so even in a spot where you and your partner have say flush and straight draws, the opponent is getting 2:1 on his money with lets say TPTK and you are risking 2 for every 1 dollar, and then splitting it with your partner. Iono if it's still that profitable but I don't think it's all that great of a way to cheat.

But basically I was wondering if there were any common hustles I should be wary of.

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Day 5 by NeillyJQ, April 15

Sometimes to embarass yourself is the only true way to learn.

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New station by Mortensen8, April 14

damn smashed up my latop screen on tilt here you see my new grindstation. I know people said nice view and stuff last time but really here you see the real situation most of the time with the fog. This cute dog is getting damn annoying too I can't even est sn spple without it staring at me begging.
Anyway would like to sweat some micro plo guys would be flattered if interest even though im not qualified I hope i can spot something free of couse.
check out my attempt at anti tilt playlist>

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