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Happy new year! Live 1-2 hand (LOLRITE?) by Carthac, January 01

Happy new year everybody. I'm not really a big drinker, so for my celebration last night, I decided to play some live 1-2. Did well, but got caught up on a hand and I was hoping you guys could help me out

Villain: 22-25yo Asian kid, somewhat knowledgeable of poker, has shown to randomly spaz in pots before and stack off somewhat light.

I have a stack of about 430 at the time. Villain in question has me covered with around 500. I am dealt KdKh UTG, raise to 7BB(people were calling off big bets preflop) 1 caller in the cutoff, and villain calls in the SB.

Flop comes 10c - 3d - Jc

Asian kid checks, I bet about 25 and both players call

Turn comes 5s

Asian kid checks, I bet 50, one fold and after a little thinking, Asian kid calls

River comes Ah

After tanking for a little bit, the villain in question leads out for $150.

In this spot, what would you guys have done? Of course there is a ton of missed draws, and I have two king blockers to KQ, but in my eyes my hand essentially turned into a bluff catcher with that bet. He has shown bluffs before, but they were not frequent. Villain was definitely able to make this play, but I kept thinking with the ace that hit, he possibly could of had A high flush draw and doesnt understand his bet when he made it. I was thinking it is a good call online, but live there are so many wacky hands people can come up with that it might not be a +ev call.

What do you guys think?

Once again happy new year everybody!

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NEW YEARS TOAST by thewh00sel, January 01

2011 was a stinker, but I'm in an OK spot to have a good 2012 considering how bad the last two years were. Gonna try and update my blog more often this year. GL LP.

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2012 !!! by player999, January 01

Hopefully a great year, for me and for you guys.

I just wanna keep up these first 5 hours:

except for the part where I lose $$$

GL all on and off the tables.

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Leno with guests(Ron Paul & Joe Rogan!) by whamm!, January 01

In as much as I dislike Jay Leno since the NBC Conan thing, I can't help but share this recent episode which stars two of my favorite people

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Hey 2012! by locoo, January 01

First of all hope everyone had a blast and aren't too hangover, wish you all success in 2012!

Second I'm restarting my old blog, sorry it's in spanish but for those who can read mexicano

I'm going for SNE this year(my real goal is somewhere between 1.5 and 2M VPPs).

Also gonna try and hit every LAPT this year, those are amazing value, still not sure if I wanna sell action or not but if you have some interesting offer feel free to contact me!

That would be all, GL and HF!

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BOOOM SUPERNOVA ELITE FINISHED!! by Joeingram1, December 31

20 hour session to finish it off, live stream was going wild

full month recap to come

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ELG sites by curtinsea, December 31

anyone play on everleaf sites? After WA state players were barred from first Pokerstars and then Full Tilt, I found myself on LuvinPoker. Not the best software in the world, but still enjoyable all things considered.

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2011 by LemOn[5thF], December 31

Failed to make it as a pro since July 2011 (well who would try it at NL25 -NL50,only a mad man, but I feel great for trying).

EDIT: mad man in the UK in the Capital of Scotland where overheads like rent are extreme when compared to my country of origin ( small city in The Czech Republic) or Russia not even mentioning Africa. I have a very happy NL50 Russian pro in my poker group

Applied for 10 jobs last 2 days from a cook in a local pub, overseas financial adviser to english teacher in China.I will do anything really just to get some moneys and grind pokers on the side.

It all got fucked up when I took on the ghost writing jobs and wrote most of my gf's postgraduate dissertation, since then I got burnt out and my epic regime never took off again to the state it was when I started playing poker full-time. It was some 2 month derail with overnight dull work on financial forecasting and female luxury goods, and the past 2-3 months after that have been really bad volume vise and regime wise..

Now the very same girlfriend that I basically finished 40%+ of her postgraduate year for 'wants a break', mentioned a year long one ,sleeps at her friend's and went partying with her friend tonight. When I mentioned break up she freaks out and asks what kind of love it is I have for her lol females.

Oh well, life is life and I <3 poker for forcing me to not give a fuck and not look into the past.

Also, RIP my grandfather, I went for the funeral to The Czech republic on Dec 11th and came back 3 days ago. It really sucks when I live abroad and haven't seen him at all in one year, it got to me quite bad. It's not easy talking to your elderly relatives over the phone when all you hear is how bad they are coping, I was a bit of a coward for not calling my grandpa and grandma because I knew they are ill and will hear the active people as I know them only tell me about their struggle. Don't ignore your family I tells you.

All in all, 2011 was a good year. I graduated successfully, did what I had to before moving on - fail at micros, finished my gf's degree and was with my family over Christmas for the first time in five years.

So I am here, feeling pretty positive, alone, on New Year's eve with my two friends I brought from my trip to CZE:

1L version

0.5L version

Graph since Late July 2011

+ about 10BI from Bodog without hud and tracking
+ 57% rb on eurosites RB, FPP sng's on Stars.
Life expenses, writing other people's papers and your GF's dissertation for free and dota are a bitch, it is possible indeed to make it at micros but it's very hard if not impossible to move up.

Plans for 2012: The world ends anyway I saw it in a movie...
Seriously though, I will sort it out with my (asian) GF or fly solo for a while, get a job and grind stress and cashout free. I'm not even sure in which country yet, although I got student debt in the UK which I'd like to get rid of before I move on to likely destinations like Czech Republic, China, or Thailand. It's too fucking depressing in here in Autumn-Winter.

EDIT: Oh and I also have a bet going on with my mum on who loses more KGs in 6 months, loser pays return plane ticket for the other one. If I lose I might as well shoot myself as she is over 50 and I a, a former high level sportsman

GL LP, I go drink my friends and hit the Edinburgh nightlife solo like a very drunk lonely hawk

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A new year by DustySwedeDude, December 31

For this first time in something like 4 years I did not manage to make 100k€. I wasn't even close. That sucks less then you'd think.

I came really close to make a ton of money a bunch of times. I lost KK vs 99 for ~half the chips in play in the main event of the Swedish online poker championships and busted for 3k€ instead of 100k+ in first place money (it's top heavy, heh). I had a few good months and then I had a bunch of bad ones.

I played far to little, I did not study the game enough and I took some bad decisions regarding bankroll management (tilt cashing out, playing to high on a tight roll etc) and overall I underperformed. One bad year does not equal a trend, and I've figured out what I did wrong and how to fix it.

What did I do wrong?

- I did not play enough.
- I did not study enough.
- I took bad decisions.

Motivation is hard to come by sometimes. However, a friend called me and offered me a position as a "team pro member" on their site and now I'm doing a ton of cool stuff to make the most of it. I'll coach 10-15 people starting in less then 2 weeks and I'm very motivated to make sure that they'll be happy with it. I'll make sure to watch a video a day, spend at least 3 hours each day playing or studying poker and I'll cut out crap from my life that I don't need. Everything I do should be focused on the following:

- Becoming a better Poker player and poker coach.
- Getting back in some kind of reasonable shape.
- Being a good boyfriend.
- Passing a few exams.
- Turn this "team pro"-thingy with into something really good.

I'm done with my law degree, but I'm taking some philosophy classes while waiting for my girl to get hers so that we can move away. I'm fairly sure I'll stop drinking and I'll make sure to eat healthier, I've really slacked in that department lately and it sucks.

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No guarantees on PS by Jun, December 31

Why are there no guarantee tournaments today on PS?

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Selling Action PCA Main Event by BrocheN, December 31

Hey whats up guys? BrocheN on stars here. I am selling 50% of my PCA main event action with no markup. Of the 50%, I have 21% left. Here is the link to my 2+2 posting:

PM me!

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StealCity yo that's fucked up by whamm!, December 30

Btw finished that "milkman" song yet? lol

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Damn StealCity by TalentedTom, December 30

Ruined what could have been a magical moment

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965k VPP, Last Session now on Webcam! by Joeingram1, December 30

Finally it is fucking time to get this over with, need 35k more VPP so about to start up epic last grind session here, will be live streaming it and can talk to whoever to help pass the time!!

Last video blog before starting

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Steal city u idiot by Carthac, December 30

Always ruining everything, this is why we can't have nice things

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1999 by Steal City, December 30

this newe years

imma party like 1999

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2014 by Balzamon, December 30

thats how many dollars i may win today if im really lucky!

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2013... by tutz, December 30

comes right after 2012

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2012: Grow up? by GoTuNk, December 30

So 2011 is about to be over, and I've been thinking a lot (as every year lols) on my future plans and what I want to achieve next year, and my main conclusion is I'm not living up to what I consider my potencial and that I have 2 clear straight paths ahead of me.

My company has been decently successfull and I'm really happy about winning the powerlifting nationals (u can read bellow); however it is true both success has been

Path 1:

I could continue doing what I'm doing now, and be like everyone else. Get drunk ocassionally (aka get wasted x4 a week) the entire summer, and drinking ocassionally trough the year. Keep going to university and passing classes barely with minimum study, and playing tons of starcraft cause I love it and I'm among the top foreigners now. Keep my company running and make like 20k trough the year before we have to spend like 15k in more equipment and profit 35k for the next 2 years.

This path will lead me to living like everyone else, getting a job for a starting salary of 2k in 2 more years and moving away from home in like 5 years or a bit earlier if my brothers wanna help me up (luckily they both doing very well and making tons of money, though I think they are expending more than they should because of their wives/kids)
I will keep looking average with a chubby belly cause I'll keep lifting and being the strongest guy I know, but won't be setting records nor having a 6-pack cause alcohol impairs recovery too much to allow it.

Path 2:

I could pick up poker again and just grind nl25/nl50 for a few extra bucks which will come in handy and evaluate if i'm enjoying/have the skills to start moving up again and working on my game (left it like in february this year after losing 70% of my br).

I could give up on alcohol, as the ammount of wasted money/time and side effects (getting fat and lifting less) is astounding, specially considering how much I usually drink. It's prolly not worth it getting some pussy (really sporadically aswell t.t) against having a perfect body, making a lot of money and having the potential to pick up hotter chicks in the future with said body/money (and the confidence that comes with it)

My company could sell a lot more if I/we respondend mails in time (we need a secretary soon hopefully ), took time to go sell to some gyms as they requested and stopped slacking and started the process of making a new import as there is some equipment (oly shoes/bumper plates) that are ridicously overpriced from the other provider (1 guy) and we could make a shitload of profit, even though we should be careful to not start a prize war.

So given all of the above I plan the follow:

Get wasted for new year and stop drinking for 3 and a half weeks in which I would complete smolov squat cycle first phase. This should bring my squat raw max from 150kg to 170kg (my belt/wraps max). Then re eval, prolly consuming moderate alcohol in the following 2 weeks which involve light training before the following 4 weeks of nightmare, on which I won't drink again. After it, this could bring my squat anywhere in the 200-230kg range. In the long rung, I should just stop drinking.

Pick up poker again and play moderately at nl25 while I keep playing starcraft cause I want to try winning some stuff starting after new year, but eventually start working on my poker game and ditching starcraft completely. That is, if I can be decent againt (beat nl100) and actually enjoy it. Remember in latin america 2k month is a lot of money .

Actually do what my company needs and stop not doing it because of lazyness.

So that's what I hope for 2012, seems a solid plan.

tldr: Stop drinking, pick up poker again, work on my company, break national records in powerlifting.

Edit: added Smolov Squat Cycle. Curenntly on the first week of the "indroductory phase"

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Some sad news + going back home. by longple, December 30

Everything packed, leaving for sweden alittle bit earlier then we planned, tomorrow, we payed for the apparment in phuket for january but me and my fellow (poker) travelingpartner got alot of homesickness + we got some very tragic news on chirstmas eve as we got back home to our room on ko lanta (paradise/weed island outside of phuket) and since then we just didnt feel the same about the trip.

About 5 swedish pokerplayers had tryed to contact us on xmas eve, and i called one of them up and e got the terrible news of that one of our traveling friends (swedish, maybe u heard about it on the news / on 2+2) whom we lived with for 3 weeks in bali was found dead on his hotelroom from a fire in the room.

We couldnt believe it, everything just stood still for a while and all i could think of was that we were jokeing on christmasmorning as we read the news in swedish newspaper "young man found dead on bali" and we were kinda laughing and saying "haha its probably "J" that sicko" or something along those lines....

Very intellectual, atletic, kind guy. Very successfull in everything basically, inclueding poker, achieved way more then myself pokerwise, and only at the age of 20. Pure talent

We were 4 ppl starting out together in bali, but the internet was so bad and me and my "main" traveling buddy felt the need to move to thailand (read older blog) to get better internet for grinding, while the other 2 were gonna stay for another 3-4 weeks or so and then join us for new years in koh pangang for the famous full moon party.

The 3rd person in the "group" joined up with us on dec 16 and stayed in our appartment for a couple of nights as he already had booked his flight to phuket, while "J" where staying on his own in bali for another week or so before joining up in thailand, and then this happends. On christmas.

So no fullmoonparty for any of us this year. The 3rd person who were very close with "J" insta booked his flight home, and we now feel kinda the same way. We were still planning on staying for another month, but the sadnews just made the homesickness to strong, we just wanna get back home. And i miss my friends and family so fkin much atm.

Sorry to bring this news to you all during these "happy" times of the year with new years comeing up and everything. But i wanted to write something about him.

All thoughts and love goes out to his closer friends and family.

Im not a believer, but if there is a heaven he sure deserves to go there.

Im happy i got the opportunity to get to know you

R.I.P - J <3

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