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Compassion by tloapc, December 30

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Wat by byrnesam, December 30

1: AVGN: Im sure most people have seen the Angry Video Game Nerd at some point in time, but if you havent and grew up with console gaming then you will like his stuff. His collection and knowledge of the old consoles is insane.

This is one of my favorites, because i remember seeing a lot of the stuff advertised. Its really a great insight into console gaming history, and how crazy the industry was when we were growing up.

2: So after mental christmas work schedule, i bought a bass guitar:

similar to that, in a pack with a little amp. So far im really enjoying it. Ive been using youtube and web material to learn some scales and riffs. I started trying to learn with fingers, but i think im going to continue playing with a pick.

3: Bought a phone with Android 2.3 - my last phone was a few years old and a bit beat. There was a special on at work so it was about 1/4 off. So i decided to get my first android phone. Any recomendations are welcome, I seemed to have a few problems with getting movies to play on the micro SD, but i downloaded MX Video Player, which seems to be doing the job, apart from playing The Simpsons.

Its primary purpose will be distracting me from work.

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Stars and Skrill, WTF? by Jun, December 30

It has been a while since i withdrew, and actually since i've played because my exams are coming up. This week i got 2nd in the big 11 for 6500. Since i dont plan on playing due to exams, and after that my internship (all together 7 months) I withdrew most of it. So i get this mail from stars security saying i got to scan in my id, drivers license and a copy of a bill. No problem, I do this. I transfer this money to Moneybookers. I get a mail from them saying they will send me a letter to confirm my emailadres. Now all of the sudden i get another mail from moneybookers, in addition to the letter theyve sent me, i got to send my id, drivers license and a bill again.

What is this bullcrap? Anyone had this b4? I have withdrew some money before on MB, not that much but I remember when I played on Fulltilt i cashed out 9.5K once thru moneybookers(other account) and i didnt have to do all of this crap.

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stuff by Stroggoz, December 30

I got a new place, living with silver from lp with a goal to make monies for a few months. We are thinking of adopting the idea of penalty stunts from the tv show 2 months 2 million next year, any suggestions for embarrassing penalty stunts are welcome.

poker has been going averagely this half of the year. had a 20kish downswing in july and have almost completely recovered from it, but have still lost about 12k at 2/4 since my 20k downswing. i've just been taking shots over and over again at 2/4

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! by BILAT_POWER!!!, December 30


Talk,Text, Triple-Barrel Bluff: The Emergence of Mobile Poker.

It's the question every grinder has been asking:

“I know I can play online poker pretty much 24/7, but when my girl/boyfriend is getting ready to go out for a movie together, and I've got 25 minutes to sneak in a couple of hands, how can I do it without having to wait for my computer to load?”

Well, my fellow degenerates, good news. A number of poker sites have listened and have produced their software specifically for the use of Smartphones (primarily Android and iOS, including the iPad.)

Mobile poker, was an inevitable step, gaming and portability had already proven to be a major hit with the general public, the Game Boy is the third-largest selling console in history, even above the PS3 and Xbox 360, with over 118 million units sold, showing the interest for gaming entertainment to be able to be taken on the public's travels. More recently, the use of smartphones and online gambling has been becoming engrained within the gambling community. Back in 2005, it was believed gambling on mobiles would reach more than $19.3bn, now, it's believed this could rise to $48bn by 2015

An attempt at mobile poker had begun much sooner than online players would expect, however. 2005 was also the year that PokerRoom, a site from the Ongame network before the site was bought by Bwin Party Digital Entertainment, was known for it's innovative ideas, including the first mobile poker room. However, it never took off, and Pokerroom was shut down in 2009 by Bwin, due to increased competition. There were some setbacks to mobile poker at that time, mobile phones at that point were awkward to use for poker play, with the keypad controls so fiddly, it would cause players to make mistakes with their betting actions, costing them money. Phone screens were too small and too low a resolution and pixel count to produce a visually appealing interface, most mobiles were still using WAP technology to access the Internet, which was too slow and unreliable for a fast flowing poker game, and mobiles at the time had different operating systems, depending on the manufacturer that produced it. A separate program had to be created for a Nokia phone, then for a Samsung phone, and so on.

More recently however, phones have advanced in technology, with dual-core processors for more power, high-quality displays with touch-screens, allowing for a better interface and a method to play poker in a similar fashion to what you would on a computer, two more-or-less standardised format of operating systems for smartphones, and two new connections to the internet with 3G, which could come with unlimited subscriptions on mobile price plans, or the ability to connect to a Wifi network for even faster bandwidth, allowing for mobile poker to be re-born.

PokerStars recently launched it's first mobile client in the Italian market. A sign of things to come?

In 2010, while Full Tilt Poker was once again not the first poker site to come onto the scene, it did manage to become the best, with a mobile poker room designed for their new poker game “Rush Poker”, called “Rush Poker Mobile ”. It was a format that seemed to be made for mobile poker, allowing the player pool to instantly play another hand the moment you folded the previous one, maximising the number of hands you could play in any time period. Despite this success, Full Tilt is currently in hiatus after seizure by the DOJ and that's left mobile poker market back up for grabs. Numerous poker sites such as RedKings, Switch Poker, Unibet, Speed Poker, and mFortune have already produced mobile-poker sites to establish themselves further in a now untapped market. Pokerstars have produced a mobile-poker platform for their domain, as a means of testing the platform out, and even Bwin have returned to take another stab at it.

So what does this mean for online poker? How will this be an influence to an already quite saturated market and benefit all those in it? The obvious benefit will be that you can play 24/7, anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection to your smartphone or iPad. This could potentially mean a higher average player count throughout the day, a benefit for the poker sites with a higher revenue in rake. This should be seen by the poker players at that site through better promotions, bonuses, point rewards etc from the site. For the more serious player, this could mean better, softer games available for longer, as those who like to play one table at a time (i.e. the fish) can play whenever they want.

Will this mean we'll see an influx of new players? There are considerations as to why this could happen. With smartphone users coming closer to 50% in the UK, and with most smartphones on contracts with free internet bandwidth, the cost of playing poker online is going to crash down for many who find computers and broadband too expensive. It also becomes a useful application for those who travel regularly around the UK, to have a machine that can link to poker on them at all times. The easier method of just downloading an app onto their smartphone could bring back those who once played but now have dormant accounts. This doesn't take into account that poker is still a niche market and there are still a large audience that can be tempted into giving it a go with the right advertising and by having the more recognisable players on T.V promoting the sites.

If the fact that software developers have already produced poker-tracking software similar to Poker Tracker and Hold'em Manager for mobiles is anything to go by, mobile poker is beginning to boom, and for good reason. Mobile poker is fast becoming big business in the UK and Europe, add to that the USA currently out of the online poker scene, and with Asia still up for grabs to poker sites in the future, mobile poker exploding in later years, seems inevitable.


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GG 2011 Happy 2012 by PplusAD, December 30

2011 was okayish

++ got a new Girlfriend in May and we get along very well so far. <3 <3 <3

++ got rid of insane ex GF which almost ruined my life completely

++ stopped smoking cigarettes (Well after being a casual smoker (~ 4 cigarettes a day) for 11 years i finally managed to stopp that shit in 2011. From March to December 2011 i only smoked a total of ~ 15 cigarettes spread over 3 days ... besides that i was completely smoke free since March 2011.

o didnt play much poker in 2011
I improved my knowledge of the game a lot by reading all kinda theory stuff but besides march 2011 where i made ~ 1K USD grinding 30K hands i didnt feel like playing poker for most of the year.
strangley after the best month i had in quite some time i didnt feel any drive to continue playing.

played a bit every here and there .. lost like ~200$ after march till i decided to give myself another shot at poker in September
this time i tried HU SNgs but it didnt go too well ... after a whole month of grind i ended ~ + 200€ which was a joke compared to how much effort i did put in
only good thing was i binked 440$ at a Sunday Storm
after that dissapointing month i did another break till Late December.

deposited 60€ on Pokerstars ~ 10 days ago and started to play 6max
did go well untill today where i went on monkey tilt.
cashed out 146€ after spewing away 100$ in pf all in on NL100 HU T_T (that i enterd because i was breakeven on Nl10€ the last 2 days despite putting in solid hours and playing good)

I guess in whole 2011 i played around 60K hands and made 1,5K profits.
besides the fact that i never really was any good at poker i think i finally accepted that i am just not meant to be a poker player.
I will play every now and then whenever i feel like playing.
But i doubt 2012 would be so much different than 2011 in terms of poker

- - MMA

My MMA 2011 was a complete desaster
I was planning to do 3-4 fights 2011 and getting some sponsorship comming off from winning some smaller shows in Germany the
FAC SHow where i went 3-0 (Descison , 1stround KO, 1st round TKO)and FFA new Talents show 2011 by knocking out a Judo blackbelt in the first round i had pretty high expectations for 2011.

Year could not have been worse !

I only made 1 fight since i got sick or injured in every one of the 3 other prefight training camps ... (WTF)
The one fight i made was a desaster , too ..
it only lasted a few seconds and then i got cut over the inside of my eye and the ref stopped it ...
for anyone who is interested ... allthough its not worth watching it

So well good thing is its not possible to get any worse in 2012

GL all

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Need MB money by Stroggoz, December 29

edit-not needed anymore

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941k VPP by Joeingram1, December 29

last few weeks have been disaster man fuck lol almost there

made another video blog during todays session, made one for yesterday also thats on youtube page

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The Girl with The Dragon Tatoo by LikeASet, December 28

Cool movie, never felt so attracted to a gothic looking girl with piercings on her face and.....

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bullets ricochet confirm/deny by bigredhoss, December 28

hi guys,

i'm getting towards the end of season 2 of Burn Notice right now and i have a question:

there's a scene where the hero michael westin is in a car chase shootout and he says that when you're in a firefight on the road that you can fire shots at the pavement underneath the car and they will ricochet up through the under-carriage thru the floorboard of the car (this is assuming the other car is trailing behind you), is this accurate?

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Creativity, "hard" subjects by Night2o1, December 28

Art is the natural realm of creativity. It is there that creative people should focus their energy. Art is where creativity is relevant. At least, that is a view that many express. In reality creativity is everywhere. Logic, science and reasoning are viewed as non-creative; there are rules to follow after all. But perhaps a better view is that there are "rules" to be understood. In this frame it becomes clear that the advance of science and mathematical concepts, and the daily implementation of them to real-world problem, doesn't come about by the following of rules. Just because the result must satisfy certain conditions doesn't mean the methods and result itself aren't creative, or incorporate benefit from creative solutions.

As a result of the stereotyping of creativity, it is often treated as the opposite of "hard" sciences and the maths. A young, intelligent, creative person may not pick up math immediately but excel in their art class. So they are encouraged to focus on "what they're good at". Math, the structure & rules of problem solving, numbers beyond 10. These are all very new concepts when a child first enters school. At age five, which is when Americans enter kindergarten, they've already spent over four years playing with blocks. Developing a feel for color. Drawing, painting, none of these are new to them. By the end of elementary school with nearly a decade of art experience and less than five of math, superior performance in the former results in the judgement of respective ability!

A smart kid, whether directly told or not, may get the vibe that they aren't a "math person". Math or other "tough" subjects are downplayed in importance. Every parent wants to see their child succeed and to minimize any apparent suffering, so this process happens naturally (let alone if they are directly told they're "bad" at something) if the parent isn't specifically aware of it. Children, and keep in mind that being intelligent doesn't mean to possess wisdom, are malleable. They are sensitive to adult's expectations of them and will endeavor to fulfill them.. How should they know that focusing all of their energy on art at the detriment of more rigorous subjects will cause them to be at a disadvantage when it comes to surviving and flourishing in adult life?

It is clear that people develop at different speeds both mentally and physically. This is most apparent in childhood and it is therefore most important that the young are not judged or sorted based on apparent strengths or weaknesses. Professional athletes fell tens or hundreds of times before learning to even walk; in math, algebra is the equivalent of that process. It is a foreign and abstract tool, often difficult to learn the intricacies of. Some struggle should be understood as part of the learning process much more than is currently recognized. A shift ought to take place in our schools and among the people, where it is kept in mind that at the root of all excellence is persistence -- a far more general and accessible skill.

tldr; education, early results don't necessarily indicate further achievement

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Poker USA? by alankenau19, December 28

Im currently an engineering student at Purdue University and I heard Illinois will accept online poker as well as Nevada and New York, something like that.. Do you guys know something about it?..

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Bye Bye Usa, it was nice knowing you by D_smart_S, December 28 - the full version of the text

When CFR says "Time to Attack Iran" , the red button has already been pushed. These are the guys who tell the president and the other monkeys what they MUST do. I advice you to start prepare, guys. This is not some idiot speaking. It's the fucking CFR saying on their fucking website that Iran is to be attacked. Time to drop the iPhone, turn off the TV and spare a thought or two on the implications of the situation. The bullet has been fired, it's your choice if you are going to move away from it or wait to be shot down and then start thinking what to do.

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PS Support Bet by tutz, December 26

I made a $50 bet with a friend that PS Support would answer me anything I asked them.
The result:


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6 Days left, 127k VPP to go till SNE by Joeingram1, December 26

6 more days to go!!! Here is last session of the day today that i just finished up, tried to play pretty conservitaeatete firs thalf of it and then went nuts last half of it trying new things, did a little video blog midway through session, someone in my 2p2 SNE prop bet thread was asking why i havent posted any graphs where I am running over EV lately and made a big deal about it so thats what I am talkinga bout in video, ALMOST DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 75ISH MORE HOURS TO GO!!

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Small Score! by tutz, December 26

Gives me a little confidence boost!

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Merry Xmas! by whamm!, December 25

Glad 2011 is almost over lol. I got high hopes for 2012 and I hope everyone runs better in the coming year.
GL LP, you are simply the best!

samurai x this august: (they will also do an anime remake early next year to prep people up for the live action one in Aug 2012)

From: Bot [ 3 posts | Profile | Buddy ]
Subject: You have been banned.
Date: 12/25/11 23:20
You have been banned by Harem.

Reason: bye

lol fags

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Help!!! MUST READ by Steal City, December 24


I'm in a terrible spot. My ATM card was eaten a long while ago. Luckily I was carring 5k on me. That money has come to an end and I have been waiting for my new ATM card to arrive for a ridiculously long time (month and a half/ they wont send it express). I am in Belgrade, Serbia at this time and it would suck to have to travel or to have to western union money in from someone. As a foreigner I haven't been able to open a bank account.

I have a friend (morph1 on LP) who lives about 2 hours away and he could help me but it would be amazing if anyone knew a guy who lives in Belgrade who would give me $ for PS and I would throw in some vig. If so please give me his contact, by PM or posting in this thread

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Roll on the line! by SoC, December 24

Whoops made a very merry christmas mistake.

Bought a 10euro Ticket with my 800FPP earned, decided to play the 10euro 6max MTT.

Try to register, doesn't say "use ticket" like normal?

I think oh well, I'ma play the 10euro on Monday anyway (their version of the storm)

So click buyin,only to discover it's a 100euro MTT instead

Now in a 6max 100euro MTT for my roll. 18 paid, 47 left. Need some rungood now!

Don't drink and play :D

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Sigma by GoTuNk, December 24

I am going to fucking kill you... no matter what

You first have to kill his fucking dog

Then you kill him

and then he turns into this fucking fox looking robot I can't kill

It either spits fire or random explosive balls when its eye get illuminated, and its impossible to tell which one is he doing. You need to position in different places at the stage to defend vs each one, so it ends up being a reflex thing, and its fucking tough. Coming from a b+/1200 fish bw player -.-.

So fuck you SIGMA, you are dying today.

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