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Roll building no bueno by Stim_Abuser, September 13

So I put a lil money online recently to try and build up a roll and for some entertainment post black friday.

Was going pretty well. Then I moved up to NL50 at 1k.

The being being way under EV isn't even the extent of the run bad. Running really terrible in a lot of spots. Had KK vs AA about 7 times and 0 AA vs KK. A bunch of AK vs KK in really good spots where I'm just coolered. Board running out really awful. Getting two paired on the turn in 3bet pots. A lot of stuff that doesn't show up in all in EV.

Still up 500ish after RB and everything. Don't really feel like regrinding nl25 so probably just gonna cash out and stick to just playing live where I've been doing pretty decent at 2/5

Meh such is poker.

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WCOOP by player999, September 13

Because of the 2nd chance events I wanna spend 2 or 3k more in buy ins, just fyi, I think everybody is cool with that right?

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Survey help plz <3 by Zupa, September 13

I would like to ask you a few questions about United Nations and Poland in this organization. It's for my masters so it's very important for me. Also I would like to say sorry for my english, because it's not perfect but I hope you will be able to understand and answer my questions without any problem.

By the way I'm from Polish community


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Scary Moment on the Baseball Field today by El_Tanque, September 12

During our innersquad today, one of our catchers (Juan) tried to stretch a single into a double. The throw from right field to third was cut off by the shortstop and thrown to second. When Juan slid in head first he jammed his head/neck into the 2nd baseman's knee and was instantly knocked out. He remained unconscious for roughly 5 minutes and was having a difficult time trying to breath. The paramedics were called and before they arrived, he had a seizure. He was taken away via ambulance. He was taken to the local hospital in town and released roughly 4 hours later.
After seeing his motionless body nearly failing to breath, we're lucky he walked away with only a concussion and fractured thumb...
That is without a doubt the scariest moment I've ever seen IRL. My thoughts and prayers to Juan's speedy recovery.
He is making a transition from middle infielder to catcher, and just the first 7 games we've played this off-season, kid has a CANON on his arm. Extremely quick feet and a great bat to boot. Hopefully he can move past this and get drafted this year.

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Moving sites ?!?! by nFo, September 12

So I just used my FPP to buy-in to the big 11$ and finished 130ish, making about a hundred, my BR is now at 425 and I'm faced with what my next move should be.

I could keep on grinding stars and drop to gold star or maybe maybe platinum if I start playing 25NL soon enough and stay there or I could cash out, pay 75$ out of my own pocket and use the 500$ to sign up on party poker and grind out the 500$ sign up bonus. (And get free books) After that I'd either stay, move back to PS or move to another sign up bonus.

1. Are the sign up bonuses worth it?
2. Is there any difference in the skill level party poker vs pokerstars?
3. Any better sites I should move to? With rakeback or something cuz I know party is like stars and rakeback for those who arent at high levels of VIP is pretty bad.
4. Anything to add?

Apart from that school started, I have 3 classes only as I don't want to keep on going with Actuarial studies and I don't know what to do right now. My Japanese class seems pretty fun, too bad there was no Korean.

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Welcome by llapa, September 12

Well thank you.

I have been eaves dropping here quite a lot. Maybe for a year or so. Finally decided to register. Mostly because I want to feel like I'm a part of this wonderfully warm and welcoming community. Anyways. During the day I'm a normal guy, studying law. During the evening I semi-grind 7$ turbo/normal(6-max) sngs on stars with the sole purpose of making a few extra bucks each month. Last week's graph:

+ Show Spoiler +

This week's goal: VOLUME, I guess.

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update, new setup :) by longple, September 12

bought myself a new grinddesk + 30'' monitor.

its huuuuge and 2560x1600 is sick nice, no more overlapping ever again while grindin!
before just my 23''
after 23'' + 30'' + desk
also got myself a new couch, wich is sick nice, this room is now complete!

so how is everything otherwise? everything is great, last month was very nice pokerwise + i squeezed in a vacation to malta (island outside of italy) for 8 days together with a frind, visiting her brother+girlfrind who lives there fulltime nowadays. he had a really nice appartment with plenty of space for the 4 of us.

it was a nice trip, did some scubadiving for the first time in my life wich was ubernice. we also went to this sick place called st. peter's pool wich had this really cool cliffs / crystal clearwaterpool with caves under the cliffs, wich was nice jumping from ~5-8 meters maybe and a cool feeling with the big caves underneath.

other then that we just kinda chilled around in the sun/partying/ate supernice food.
imba rib-plate
just havin a chillnight at the appartment terass with some wine/cheese/crackers etc (me on pic, laazydrunkeyes ftw)
650gram t-bone!
prolly the sickest pizza ive ever had, it was reaaaally good

really nice trip overall, didnt play more then 40k hands that month, but still ended really nice

pokerwise in september has been interesting, started + 40k$ after the first week, had 14k$ on stars even after messing around with 1000$ there, but i busted it all on 10/20$ later in a session from hell, where i lost 14k$ on stars and another 20k$ on other sites. was brutal

just came home from stockholm, and some livepoker, wich also was bad, lost about 10k$ in really great games so kinda evened out the good start of the month, and im about breakeven for the month atm, but its 3 weeks to go, and with my new grindsetup i intend to put in alot of volume september/october


in the end of october me and 2 other swedish highstakes friends are moveing to bali (indonesia, asia) over the winter, and im really looking forward to it.

we probably will stay there for about 2-5 months depending on how everything feels etc maybe move on to malaysia or macao for awhile after some time.

so im gonna grind like crazy before that, its gonna be superfun. my first "longterm" trip outside of sweden, so im excited

take care and gl guys!

and a special gl to the MTTbeast player999 and every1 includeing myself who have % in him in the upcomeing WCOOP tournaments <3 make me/us/yourself rich!

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awesome danish documentary by Daut, September 12

the country not the pastry

lots of documentaries being posted on the blogs so i thought id post one. i watched an amazing one the other day, it was about danish soldiers

In February 2009 a group of Danish soldiers accompanied by documentary filmmaker Janus Metz arrived at Armadillo, an army base in the southern Afghan province of Helmand. Metz and cameraman Lars Skree spent six months following the lives of young soldiers situated less than a kilometer away from Taliban positions. The outcome of their work is a gripping and highly authentic war drama that was justly awarded the Grand Prix de la Semaine de la Critique at this year's Cannes film festival. But it also provoked furious debate in Denmark concerning the controversial behavior of certain Danish soldiers during a shootout with Taliban fighters. The filmmakers repeatedly risked their lives shooting this tense, brilliantly edited, and visually sophisticated probe into the psychology of young men in the midst of a senseless war whose victims are primarily local villagers. Yet more disturbing than scenes in which Taliban bullets whiz past their cameras is the footage of the young soldiers as each tries, in his own way, to come to terms with putting his life constantly on the line.

heres a link to part 1:

really insane to think the cameraman was walking around during all of this. hes got fucking balls

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Moar Documentaries by whamm!, September 12

Wild whites of west Virginia - rednecks version of the Kardashians lol
by johnny knoxville

The corporation
obv on of the better conspiracy theory docus

"The Contagion" sucked ass - please save your time/money, i wont even try to explain why
Im downloading "eaters" by uwe boll (horror director) will update later if its good
Also watching "path to 9/11" after
Bought a 43inch Samsung Plasma so I'll be having fun watching movies and tv from now on

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Blackjack solved by Luna_Bluffgood, September 12

Played a golf tourney with this woman the other day. Somehow we ended up talking about gambling and stuff. She apparently plays Blackjack from time to time and has quite certainly figured out why she is always winning. luckily, she told me.

Apparently since she is always only playing 10€ at a time, while the other players are always betting 500€+ a hand, the "bankier" (her words not mine, I guess she ment croupier) will not go after her as much. That is why she always wins.

So there you have it. Ima go cash out my roll and head straight for the casino!

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ADD Part 2 by byrnesam, September 12

Went for my 2nd meeting today with the Psychologist.

She asked me first some questions about alcohol and drug use and stuff. Im not really sure what the angle was, I think people who are hyperactive-ADD tend to medicate with substance abuse. She said that people with ADD get really bad anxiety when they smoke weed but ive never had that, just hungry and sleepy. Some questions about drinking. It was really wierd having to tell someone how much you drink coz it always feels like too much too often.

Then we talked some more about my family and my relationships. People with ADD tend to have black/white thinking and tend to be quite pedantic about stuff. Which was funny because i had an argument the other day with my dad because he suggested I went to a culinary school to learn some cooking skills and i interpreted that as becoming a chef which started the whole argument.

She also showed me a graph which looked like this:

So normal people usually fall into a category where something is quite interesting or quite boring. ADD people find loads of stuff boring and a little bit of stuff intersting. They have a hard time moving something to a "normal" level. For example, you could be extremely messy and learn to be tidy, but ADD people would go from being really messy to being overly tidy and obsessive about tidyness.

When i was at school i was always told id find something i enjoyed or fall into something eventually. Its now i start to see there must be a problem because i havent fallen into anything for very long and theres no way people have an interest in marketing or communications or networking at the level i would need to finish a degree in it.

We also talked about routines, which are a ADD persons best friend. Ive been in a routine a couple of times in recent years, like when i was in Thailand i had a routine of getting up at about 7am, playing poker for 3 or 4 hours, going to the gym for 1 hour, going shopping, then back home to watch TV and relax for the rest of the day. I was really happy when i was in this routine.

Problems come when other things arise. People with ADD have problems if things dont go exactly as they planned and will get really disappointed with it, also over quite trivial things. For example if you organise a party but people dont turn up when you expect them to, you tend to dwell on it.

So theres a lot of stuff about how we interact with others which was interesting. Also things about intrusions and extrusions, patchy memory leading to relationship problems, like being asked to do something and not doing it correctly because you patched together what you heard incorrectly. Ive always been quite aware of my inability to listen to people. I even find myself consciously thinking about giving off the right social reactions when talking and have no idea whats actually being said.

There were times at work when id have a meeting with my boss where he would want me to perform some quite important task, he would talk through the whole thing and i would get back to my desk and realize i had no idea what i had been told to do.

So some time in the next week ill get a call from the Psychiatrist now, who i will see for a session and if they decide to theyll prescribe me some medication. If i do ill probably start of trying to read a book, a rather ordinary task that I have never completed (a book, cover to cover)

There are also some art projects that I started and lost interest in that are sitting in my closet that I would like to finish. So these will be the test as to whether or not they do anything.

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Marijuana & Cancer by D_smart_S, September 12

Just stumbled upon this documentary on the subject:

It shows basically everything that can be said and summarizes it pretty well even in the first 15 minutes (part 1).
It features more than 10 doctors, gives examples, shows diagrams, compares it other drugs and substances and even goes to further lengths by showing the molecular process going on under the influence of marijuana.

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Don't post blogs on mondays by spets1, September 12

it dont get any views man...

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Why I took on this role as 'CEO' by HeroPoker-CEO, September 12

This blog will be a bit personal but in light of the constant changing environment and general player's confidence, I wanted to share this with our players. The only intent here is to give some insight into my intent as Hero Poker's CEO. It is more of a personal story than anything else, so please just take it for what it is.

“Being the CEO”
First off, the irony of the title of 'CEO' doesn’t escape me in its meaninglessness, but I chose it because it does represent succinctly my over all position in the firm. I think the proper term would be president (which nowadays seems quite dated) or managing director (which I prefer as we are incorporated and have a board). But for the purposes of posting, CEO is short and sweet and to the point, but again, the irony isn't lost on me that the title of CEO is normally applied to either a public company or a private company which is large enough in size to have other executive directors than you require a 'chief' one. I mention this because it is an easy target for criticism when applied to a new company (rightly so); especially when most statements that I do put out should be done by the IR department or the PR staff. But again, I have made a conscious decision to post and make statements myself in line with our company's position.

I think at this point most of Hero's players know my professional background as a former regional marketing director for Stars and a former senior management consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers (major accounting/advisory firm), but I do not think I've really shared my intent in taking on this role as the managing head of Hero Poker.

“The Poker Challenge”
In many ways I did hint at it with my very first blog post, 'a poker CEO's challenge: to make a top 5 site in 3 years' or so. It was basically a take on the common poker player blog theme of 'building a bank roll from $10 to 10k or my challenge to go pro in x number of years'. This came out well before 'Black Friday' and both pre and post BF, the task hasn't become any easier or less complex.

I think that it is not possible to build a 10k bankroll from $10 anymore, maybe this was possible 5 years ago, but nowadays, in the game of NLH, players are extremely well educated; especially at the micro stakes where they play nitty abc poker to hone their focus and disciplined. In very much the same way, thinking to establish a new poker site within the last two years or so, would be considered by anyone informed on the subject, an impossible task. Maybe 10 years ago anyone could have taken a shot at it with a minimal level of capital, business network and poker knowledge and had some profitable months. But now, even if you were extremely well funded and had a great management staff, you'd still find it to be a daunting task; so much so that the investment and return wouldn't be worth the risk.

“I Actually Really Love Business”
When I first started my professional career it was as a Korean gov't international analyst for technology which lead into being a negotiator for technology joint ventures/agreements for both development, transfer and commercialization. I enjoyed the job and my biggest achievement was setting up the first long standing R&D cooperative research agreement between Korea and the EU, which has since grown into a permanent relationship. Great job, international travel, gov't agent, great reputation and so on, but I didn't like working with political constraints. Meaning that sometimes the best decision wasn't done because of political considerations - that even if the technological assessment recommended one option, that option may not have been chosen because it was not in line with the political agenda of the gov't, which is nothing exceptional or new, but it didn't sit well with me.

When I had a chance, I applied for a private firm, PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) and I did feel under qualified, even with my academic background and experience. PwC is mainly known as a global accounting giant, the biggest of the big 4 (E&Y, KPMG, Deloitte & PwC) and I applied for the consulting/advisory division. I luckily got in and remember the entire 1 month interview process as clearly as it was yesterday. The one defining question that stood out was when one of the senior partners questioned me, with a sneer, on why did PwC need a business negotiator and one with gov't experience when they were looking for hard nose consultants with pure academic/experience pedigree. And I said, 'if you want another consultant, then I'm not you're man, if you want me someone to add something to this firm, and bring in new contracts and business, then I'm it, otherwise don't waste your time'. I'm sure it was 90% bravo at the time, but I meant it, and I got the position. As far as corporate ambitions, it was pretty much a dream come true because I finally got the opportunity to really engage in what I thought I was talented in and that was business strategy.

“How I got into Poker”
Earlier to this period, most of my close younger friends from my Starcraft days had started to play poker. I was involved with Starcraft, not as a player, but an organizer with the World Cyber Games back in 2000 and 2001. In early 2004, one of my roommates, Elky, asked me to help him get sponsorship with Stars. Up to this point there was only Moneymaker, Isabelle, Lee Jones and I think they had just signed on Greg. So I agreed to help Elky only because he really wanted it and I was basically the only professional business person he knew at the time, but it wasn't like I knew anything about player sponsorships. But I had a gov't trip to Frankfurt at the time and then took a flight to France to attend the first EPT Deauville and the rest is history on Elky's part.

I still remember when Elky was just starting to play and he was trying to teach me and remember opening up 2 tables on PS to learn with my $20 transferred bankroll and Elky looks at me and says, 'no no no' and opens up 2 more tables and says start from there. Well, I was just an average gamer, so I'd play all night, get up to $30 on a couple of the tables, start shoving all-in cause I had a mighty stack and lose it all then grind it back up to even by 7am then go to work just exhausted. Calculating my hourly at $0.30 an hour, I realized that I should stick to my gov't day job early on. But I digress.

“Doing What I Do Best: Business Strategy”
When you're a management consultant at a pure management consultant firm, you usually only work for a couple of years then move on to a senior executive position in one of the firms you've been consulting for (getting scouted). Very rarely do you stay on, simply because the work load is just non-stop. Most people have a misconception that consultants are called in to fix problems, that really isn't the case. They are called in when a company is in a period of growth or new business (thus the company can justify the cost of the consultants). When a company is going under, they call in the accountants and bankers to get an idea of what is the true value of the assets and liabilities in how to distribute them and shut things down with the least amount of cost. An accounting firm, however, is structured more like a law firm partnership, so going for partner is really a good option as the higher up you go, the less day to day operational work you do and your pay gets increased quite dramatically.

I think I always had a corporate chip on my shoulder, even after I got into PwC, because I had this ego about my own 'talent' in business strategy and truth be told, I don't think I had the courage to really go for the specialized premier management consultant firms such as McKinsey or Bain. Management consultancy is very much a professional 'trade', in that, each firm has their own set of processes in how they approach a project. For PwC, as mainly an accountancy firm, there was much more of a conservative approach by focusing on benchmarking and bring a client company to the best practices of the industry. So basically trying to bring companies up to speed and reduced inefficiencies, whereas in the premier management firms, they would suggest strategies whereby the firm could gain market position or enter into new markets.
I think every management consultant will say that most of us were all hacks; sure everyone was very quick thinking with a high degree of analytic ability, but much of what we proposed was adapted from a previous proposal from a different client, which had been revised about 5 times over or more. But that didn't mean that there was a real need to adapt strategies to what was going on now.

“Business Strategy is Warfare”
I don't think many people who do business even understand what is 'business strategy', people think they do, but really have no clue. I would think this is one of the first points that differentiate someone who is professionally train or not. The easiest analogy that I've always given to interns to illustrate the difference is the conflict you always see in Vietnam war movies: the conflict between the battle harden Sergeant (operations) who is one his 4th tour of duty and the newbie Lieutenant (Strategy) who just graduated from West Point and doesn't have enough sense to keep his helmet on all the time. Yes, the Sergeant knows how to survive, win the fight, shoot better, keep morale up, without the Sergeant, the entire platoon wouldn't last a week. But even if the Sergeant’s platoon wins every fight, they may never come any closer to winning the war.
For most businesses, having a great Sergeant (operations) is 95% of the time enough, but when the situation is very complex, then you need a strategy. Thus the Lieutenant is able to coordinate (in theory) his platoon to strike at key points that have an overall affect on enemy communications, momentum and choke points, he has not only the big picture view, but definite plan which still is in place even if the platoon loses battles or position. The strategy is something that occurs on multiple levels and is not just about the enemy in front of the platoon, but targets the enemy's ability to fight (operate) which is never affected by simply just winning a battle, but winning the key battles that further the strategic objective (of course these things both happen in conjunction and strategy is also necessary to increase own's operational efficiency).

“Time in Stars”
When I took on the senior business development role in Stars back in 2007, we had the objective to enter into and create the market in Asia. At that time Stars had zero brand recognition among local markets, when I mean zero I mean zero, because poker itself wasn't big at all back then. The first year of the APPT saw most players come from overseas or expats who lived in Asia participating. In the first 2 years at working at Stars I took a total of 3 days off where I didn't do any work whatsoever. The strategic objective of what we wanted to do was close to impossible in its scope and I knew this when I was brought on to the team. Of course I didn't say so.

It is a funny thing that only Asians who live outside of Asia refer to themselves as Asian. You never hear the Japanese, Korean or Chinese person say, in Asia, that they are Asian. No we are Japanese, Korean and Chinese. There really is no 'Asian' market, because the markets really are completely separate from one another. I won't get into the strategy of what we did at Stars other than we did accomplish the goal/scope and in these markets. In these markets, there is no try, either you succeed or you fail, there is no surviving in these markets and we did succeed and I did make ultimately make the winning strategy. Working for Stars and with the people was 100% the highlight of my professional career in terms of achievement at that point, no matter the hours or effort or travel. I really have only positives to say about Stars and it was great working for them and having the executive support and opportunity to really do something at that level.

I don't think most people can fathom the achievement of what Stars did in Asia with such diverse markets such as Macau, Taiwan & Japan and like I said, foreign companies in these markets either succeed or fail, and the percentage for failure obviously is very high with even companies such as Ebay or Walmart exiting some of these markets. So here I was, 2010, top of the food chain in Asia and among a lot of local industry insiders, they gave me the nickname, 'the golden goose', i.e. the fat Korean guy who came out of nowhere and set up poker in East Asia as if it were a walk in the park. Of course it wasn't a walk in the park as hard as I had worked, so did the staff and Stars did give a lot of unfaltering support and faith in the project as a whole. But, it had taken a toll on my marriage as I hadn't seen my wife for months at a time and my overall health, but I had basically achieved what I personally thought was impossible to begin with, establishing poker in East Asia. When I took stock of all this, I still felt as though I didn't really hit my potential. I didn't feel as though this was my last destination.

“One Life to Live”
I love business and specifically business strategy and with much soul searching I wanted to take one more step up and go for it. I've always felt, you have one life and you might as well live without regret. I wanted to explore a path that would still push me to my limits in this area. I could have stayed at Stars, but my value was really in Asia and to take a different role in the organization would have been a step down, so after a lot of thought, I resigned. I resigned without securing a new position, but I did have a nearly confirmed position in totally different field of private equity. But in retrospect, I was quite naive in that the field of private equity wasn't anything to do with my skill set of strategic management and I was basically told to take an investment banking role for at least 1 year then I'd be reconsidered. To which I'm sure a lot of people would still jump at the chance of it.
Well, the last thing I wanted to do was be an entry level investment banker for a year and I realized that it wasn't going to be a good fit any way. I wanted to really put myself to the ultimate test and that is to start a company in a highly competitive market. Obviously that was going to be poker, because of my background and because I had investors wanting me to do that as well when they found out I was 'out on the market'. That being said, I did also do research on an MMA promotion, but obviously this was the strongest field for me.

“I Live for this Job”
My job as head of Hero Poker is about 5 times harder than it was at Stars and I'm sure it is 5 times harder than if I had taken any other VP or senior director or even CEO position at another established gaming company. And I absolutely love it because it is stressful and complex. Some days I'm up for 24 hours straight, other days it’s an effort to get up because there is something I haven't quite figured out yet and I know it will be another full day of banging my head against a wall to sort out a solution. But every day I work is a day that I have no regrets.
I'm sure at this point I know nearly everything one needs to know about the poker industry from branding to set-up to promotions and I could go head to head with anyone on the subject and come out on top. But that really is besides the point. I love my job, I love the fact that we were not just the underdog but we weren't even worth considering by most of the industry when we launched. I appreciate each and every player that we have and I'm proud that Hero is even an option for them to play on.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have all the answers, and I work hard at preparing and figuring things out. I have my share of constant sleepless nights and waiting to see if my strategy holds firm, then reassessing, forcing myself not to react, but keep focused and on point. But I know that I'm doing something that nearly almost anyone else in my position would have not done and that is go for it and continue to live my life as a challenge. In much the same way, that is the Hero brand.

Hero is the Hero in poker who makes the right call (even if the results don't always play out in the short term) who learns and doesn't play above their bankroll, but also doesn't shy away to move up limits. A hero who goes in guns blazing isn't the hero, that is the dead bankrupt fish, and the hero isn't the nit that only knows how to play abc poker and doesn't take the game as a challenge, but rather as a chore. A Hero in poker is one that makes decisive and deliberate choices, they know why they made that choice and make the move with authority. In much the same way, a brand as just an image or cool idea, is just that, superficial, but I think what makes Hero stand out is that I am very much managing the company in the way of what we hope to represent as a company.

“Not the Easy Path Here”
We aren't taking the easiest or most obvious path but are taking the right path in our estimation of capabilities and resources, and yes, we are pushing it to the limits here. No doubt that being on these types of forums is a double edged sword, no doubt the obvious paths are the simplest and no doubt the time for launching a new poker site was over 5 years ago. But that doesn't mean it can't be done and done with heart by being out there.

“If I were a professional poker pro”
In much the same way a professional poker player is stating on their blog what makes them tick, what is their mentality and insight into why they have made the decisions they have made, this blog entry is very much in line with that.
I was quite deliberate with my wording and I'm not going to embarrass about using the word 'heart' as I am passionate about business, about this industry, our players and our future. In as much as you the player goes for it, I want our players to know that this 'CEO' is going for it as hard as you the player goes for every win, but on the business side.

We're not going to be the biggest site, but for our players, we will strive to be the best and one day being the 'premier boutique online poker site' will be more than just a marketing tag line. We're not there yet and there is so much left to do, but this blog post is just letting you know the 'why' and I think that it does matter.

David Jung

-Just wanted to share a personal insight on how I got to be the Hero Poker CEO, much like the same way a player would share how they became a poker player
-Lots of unnecessary side information on what I find important, namely business strategy, apologies if it is very basic obvious info.
-Again, written more of a personal blog entry but of course coming from the view of an poker industry exec

"There is nothing impossible to him who will try"
Alexander the Great

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RIP Spartacus (Andy Whitfield) by palak, September 11

  Very sad news to report tonight, as we've learned that Andy Whitfield, the star of Spartacus: Blood and Sand has died. Whitfield was 39.

Whitfield lost his battle with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma on Sunday in Sydney, Australia. The Associated Press reports that his wife, Vashti, issued a statement which reads, "On a beautiful sunny Sydney spring morning, surrounded by his family, in the arms of his loving wife, our beautiful young warrior Andy Whitfield lost his 18 month battle with lymphoma cancer. He passed peacefully surrounded by love. Thank you to all his fans whose love and support have help carry him to this point. He will be remembered as the inspiring, courageous and gentle man, father and husband he was."

Whitfield was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma after the first season of Spartacus, initially causing a delay in production on Season 2 – during which the prequel, Gods of the Arena, was filmed. During this time, Whitfield had responded well to treatment and his cancer had gone into remission and he was expected to return for the second season, Spartacus: Vengeance, and even promoted the series at San Diego Comic-Con in 2010.

Unfortunately, shortly after Comic-Con came the word that his cancer had returned, and he was forced to drop out of the series completely. He was replaced in Spartacus: Vengeance – which is debuting in 2012 -- by Liam McIntyre.

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best tourney score for me by PplusAD, September 11

Just binked the best Tourney score of my life so far

did sattelite via 2 tries 3.06$ 27mans into the Sunday Storm / 6.12$ entry 466.8$ win -> + 460$ net worth

busted 77 vs 88 pf on final Hand

Also made +59$ playing 7$ HU sngs today and ~ 3$ from sattelites and HU Tournament ...
so Net winnings today =
+ 522 $

last time i got this deep in a Tournemante was in December 2010 when i got 12th in the 3r ( bought in for 9$) and made ~ 420$ or something.

Well and for the h4ters -> just wanted to post about my biggest tourney score

If u dont like it i dont care
GL all

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you will never be able to flame me hard enough by Stroggoz, September 10

i am untrollable, you will never be able to insult me hard enough.

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Capital of Brazil by tutz_x, September 09

Yesterday I met an American tourist here in Brazil and he told me that until very recently he thought the capital of Brazil was Rio de Janeiro. He also told me that a lot of people in America think that Rio is the Capital of Brazil.

I think that is kinda sad, but since Brazil is gonna hold the FIFA WORLD CUP 2014 and the OLYMPIC GAMES 2016 I think a lot of people will learn a little more about Brazil.

I live in Brasilia, the real Capital of Brazil and I'm gonna leave you with a beautiful video about my city!

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WCOOP Event 22 by player999, September 09

Just bet against a live donk, 1k at 1:1, that its gonna have less than 10k entrants. LOL

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Cashout from PS by LsDDeaD, September 09

Hi.I'm rarely using my VISA, so yesterday when I had to make some payments there was about $10 left and I decided to have a little fun.Now It's $55 and I want to cash out but obv. you can cash out at least $100 via VISA.
So the trick is here - I can do it with a Direct Bank transfer but I wonder - in order to have VISA you need bank account attached to it anyways (that's the one I'm going to use) so is it alloweded to cash out using this bank account cause it makes no sense to me - when I try VISA I need at least $100 for the cashout, but when I'm using the bank account for that it OK or they won't procceed my transfer?

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